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COIT HUNDLEY .................... Edtor DEPARTMENT HEADS Jim McKinney, Sports Editor; Jeanne Withers, Co Ed Editor; Jane Oox, Society Editor. Ricbar Ed I STAFF WRITERS Edo Peggy Hendrickson, Betty Mercer, Betty Locke, Jean Eliott Timmons, Mary Boykin, Frank Sloan, Paul Posey, Bob bull. un i Blanche Gibbs, Dot Sawyer, Emily Wolfe, Bob G;;Qlnfeld.Use PAUL LEAGUE ................ Managing Editor Euphradian Society Gets Riled Over Gamecock Editorials The Euphradian literary society is rising. Hurrah! A front page story carries the details, as far as printable, of what happened at the meeting. No doubt, we will get plenty of read able copy out of then before they settle back into their pleasant mediocrity. The last 6amecock purge was sponsored by the Clariosophians who have been gentlemenly enough to remain out of this quarrel so far. Definite action by the Euphradian was de ferred until next meeting after a wonderful time was had by all at the expense of us. It seems that the boys object to the edito rial style and theory *of The Gamecock. They objected to this and that and so much that our head felt like a stepped on cream-puff be fore we heard the complete report. We have tried to explain before that ou1r theory of editorials is not the traditional one. In fact'it would not he acceptable on any news paper in the country. We did not intend it to be. We deliberatelv set out to be a little dif ferent and deliberately intel to keep on in the sane way. As far as we are concerned, the Euphradians may go to the place where the head guy is red and has a forked tail. 0 Maryland Boxing Coach Gives This Publication His Personal Approval lere's something said by Harvey Miller, Maryland boxing coach and former sports ed itor of the Washington Times-Herald, con cerning this publication. Miller nade the coinnient while in Coluin bia for the Southern Conference RBoxing tour nanent several weeks ago. Said Miller. "'he Gamecock is one of the best college papers I have ever seen. I like the metropolitan flavor of the make-up." Th1aL, :'unids good bUwe have never been north of the Mason-Dixon. We are merely fol lowing the style of last semester's editor (who shall be nameless here fore vermnore). "Gone With The Wind" Is Breezily Discussed By Somebody Else. Heprinted in the Letters to thec Editor col umiin is a reviewv of tihe p)ictulre version of "Gonie With ThetV Wind."' We hope it (toes not olfend our1 readers. Several dlelightfuil phrases and1( similies are used tha;t mtake Ius jealous anid plenty sorry that we dIid not think of them first. lDr. H avilahi Babicock more or less shares the( senltimlenlt of thei review as lhe has repeatedl to his class'es a numiber oft timtes. lie was the guy that gave us the clipping. Tihe amazing thing is that the criticisml was writ ten lby a Southerner. Gamecock Delivers The Goods On Time Phi Beta Kappa makes the front palge of The 7a,ntecoelb andti we summiarize the situia tioni for you. In 18925 the Uniiversit yapplies for a charter to the honorary scholastic fraternity. It arrives, is lost, and1 that's that. In 1925 somebody finally gets aroulnd to finding it and getting a chapter installed. By 1910 The (/amecock gets the story. 'This is what we call sp)eedly faculty ac tion andl up-to-date coverage of the news. Personal Note To the few Euphradian members who de fended the maligned name of the editor we give thanks. The others better be careful. Recently, the local newspapers carried a story of a man who dropped dead from laughing at a joke. Fortunately, the joke was not printed. Next week we may run the joke just to get even with the dissenting Euphiradians. They'l be sorr then, ASSOOIATES d Frick, Phillip Wilmeth, Bernie Bass, G A 'atterson, Deward Brittain, Joe Kirby, McOants, Dan Henderson, Leonard Turn Busines Associates: Bill Bauknight, Pitcher. ROER aatred a Some Carolina Girl May Get Movie Pass To Illinois Theatre We would like to explain that The Game eock is not running competition to the his torical May Queen balloting which will end Ill) about the same time as the Movie Queen contest which we are sponsoring. Each sorority may nominate two contestants and the Co-ed Association may nominate eight non-sorority girls by sending the pic tures to The Gamecock. After a board of beauty experts (to be an nouinced next week) picks the most beautiful Carolina girl, Paramount pictures will choose the winner from each state. These 48 pic tures will be run in Oforie Avd Radio Guide Maga-ine in the May 3 issue. Readers of the magazine will vote and the top 12 will at tend the world premiere of a picture called "Those Were The Days." which we hope is not a western. We are letting a board pick the campus win ner becaise we think the general student body knows a I)eautifll girl abiout as well as they know what should be in The Gamecock. With a little luck, the Tniv%ersitV (.alI get. some Iblicity of a sort out of the whole thing. It should he fairly easy to get one of our girls judged the best in the state. And if voted one of tile top 12 she travels to Illinois with all expenses paid including one admis Sion to the movies. We know a good joke that would. fit right here bIlt we'll save it until next week. Carolina Pep Song Is In The News Again As Coleman Functions Three weeks ago The Gumecoc-k opened a caIpaign to get a new pep song for the Uni versitv. Fred Waring's arranger was to write it if enough interest was shown. Well, the student body has its chance Mon day when President George Coleman presents a resolultionl requesting that Mr. Waring per form the said act. If it is approved, that part of the job is donle. We now make the folh: ving su10gestions to George. First, cliip the original story whlich appeared in T1he Gamerock. Then clip) the original ed itoriail from the same issue which advocated te plOIan and get letters bm-uking the pro0ject from various camus leadlers. professors, etc. Send all these to Fred Waring with the passed resolution. it' might also send along this brief s<linih. Afler all, we are sinucerel v inuterestedi in see inig (Carolina: get a really good fight song. The Editor Worries Over. Some Problems That Are Problems It's silly' but somuetimues we think that we are' cirazv. La:st Saturday e'verythling was perfect for a wondlerful a fternoon--no work, a couple1( of nmew maugaizimes, meie weather-a perfect after noon1 for mIedh~ittion. But, onl account of a 1box of assortedl cracek ers, it was ruined. .J ust he fore settling inito ourm special chair, we' ran i across the crackers. You've seen them --a whole box of various sizes andt flavors. We began to eat andl read the latest Air !/os?/. In a-"few mlinutes, something vaguely began to b)othIer us. The feeling grew strong er anti stronger. Th len we realized1 what it was. The assort ed crackers were becoming a problem. We couldn't decidle which to eat next anti which to save for last. We discarded the magazine and spent the next hour solving that problem. After some difficulty, a chocolate cracker was savedi for the finish. Never again, we swore (in Esperanto so tile Euphradians would not understand anti criticise), would we touch a collection of as sorted' crackers. You understand, of course. THE MECOCK Cl *EPRSSENTED F Founded January 30, 1906 National A( T ELLIOTT GONZATS, First Editor comne Ps 420 MADISON *cond clam matter at the Moe at oolumbia. S. 0., CmICASO BOSTON November ft0.1 Campus Camera FORE! MAssACHUSETTS STATE COLLEGE HAS AN ANNUAL TEN-WEEKS CDURSE . FOR. GOLF GREENKEEPERS! ISUBJBS SUCH eOTANY, DRNAGE PRILEMS, TURF CULTURE AND LS ARE SIUJDIED. WORLD'S YOUNGEST FRATERNITY BR1ER fTE MWWN,JR., YEAR OLD SON THE HUGHTS DALY NEWS STAFF OF OF THE BASEBALL COACH AT NEW YORK UNIV. DISiIBUTED B0,000 X.CR~ADO ST. COLLEGE OF EDUCA- COPIES OF THEIR PAPER AT THE N.Y.U. T1"N,-RDOK1HE PLEDGE IN-DELTA FORDHAM GAME LAST FALL IN YANKEE PSI AND SIGNED -hE PETITION STADIUM. I WAS THE LARGEST SINGLE WrH HIS HANDPRINT/ ISSUE OF ANY 00ULS-E PAPER/ *Question-of-Week ARE YOU, IN FAVOR OF OPEN POLITICAL PARTIES Ob 'HE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS? WHY? Fred Holler-"No. I don't think you would bring about an3 lefinite improvement, because there would be underhande work going on anyway." Wallace Coleman-" Yes, because then a student would knov r what eonerete objectives he was voting. The pirtipq wouli perhaps have platforms Sim ;la n r)!!tional parties and w !ould have a change in this policy if we should deem it to bo he best interests of the University as a whole.'' 4 Cleatus Brazzell-"Sure, we will be connected with politic luring later life, so why not get a little practice in college?" Dan Holis-'"No, because no definite platforms could be es ablishedl and there .would be no definite improvement made.' Ed Perry-"I think Miss IHogan (see below) has summr~ed ui he situation in a rather nice manner.'' -Marjorie Hogan-''What's wrong with the machine? Doesn' trun smoothly in spite of the few loose screws here and there.' Jeanette Propst--"I don't even know what that means." Micky Bowmnan-"It's beyond my comprehension also. I it tle control would keep out some of the mud slinging--don' cou think? We'd better go now.'' Sene Jones-'"Dlefinitely not. It leads to personal prejudic< vhichl is d1etri.men1tal to the friendliness typical among Caro Ed Whitmire-"I would be if the students had the power t< n'ing abouIt. a tny ob)jective they mnight have in umind councerning i change in UJniversity politics.'' Letters To The Editor Ihdlor-s note-The followinglf en-A'llvXik, Iowsany I il ih The' II'ind" is rep/rinted fralo ewt sly ai ote e ,Ie Toombs C'onnly. (;a., J}"n,ocral. ),*mrid Ahe n ~eai,i Editor Views "'Gone With TheCSCOtIgetnC)ifS'() Wind''"'i riae Salt oeda Tfhere was a land of cot tonlields 'qnkstCeioshmrie ;md( cavaliers 1'alled the Old SothI. C ul f fles WIS 1IIC A land of L ordls and thueir L adies,dinte.Bu,hn,nteri r>f Master and Slave. L.ook not for Sali o og thenm hereab~out s for -they are no h te aorcaatr e longer to he found. Male and( Fe male, Black anud White, Youtl and Aged, they are all downt to the pic-o h fajckbx lure show seeing "Gone With The et,wosmhw astrgl Wind." Katherine Scarlett O'Hlara was ourcrsbewnJseJasadLt dhero. A winsome wench with atiBoBle Figger like a marble statue and a head UceLmcn,eelIlyn is hard. Retbttre tdw hnh Gerald O'H-ara was her pa. Byfondotheews'ayhigu laare, he was most animal like,.iti h mn ues Proud as a p,eacock, he roared like IfRttadondthLotCs lion and rode like a dog and pony i h eodre nta fat show. After Sherman came he was itriso,teCneeaywtl :razy as a bedbug. hv o h vr Anyow,Scalet wainlovAwihleyONTINUED wO PAGE in)v E. W. "DUCK" SWEATMAN, Jr.9 Member usine Manag d Cole6iae Press Distributor of Issued Weekly by the Literary Societies at the Univwe. .it o . sity of South Carolina during the colege year e q" a6d Diduring examinations and holidays. DR NATIONAL AOVORTIGING S Ivertising Service, Ince Robert oregory ..................... Exchange Editor ,bUtbers RepresenalnEt Ave. NRw Yon. N. Y. -** ^"S1 - *A FANCISCO ANSEL ELMORE......Circulation Manage MUSCLIN' IN (With Ed Patterson) Or thoughts from a crowded mind while we type them out from a bench on the campus . .. Er sumpn . .. If attendance means anything, the Co-ed athletic association should make plenty of kale off the basketball tournament . . Needless to say, most of the spectators are boys . . . And the new library, which promises to be one of the prettier college buildings of the South, is rapidly taking shape . . . Political news of the week comes with the announcement that three more boys are running for the prexy's job . . .. And Bob Schwinn, erstwhile PiK.An. has taken over the job of managing aspirate of the above men tioned office, Bill Dorsey's political campaign . . . We shot an arrow into the air, it fell to earth, we know not where . . . Wish somebody would bring the darn thing back though for it cost forty cents . . . News from the editorial staff of the Y's Bird, annual publication of the YMCA says that even though the next issue may not be the best ever, it certainly will have the best looking staff ., . . Meaning of course such well-known campus belles as Lou Gilland, Paulette West, Emily Wolfe,, Gerry Shap iro and Mary Hull Kaminer . . . And ultra attractive Lavinia Lyles, who wows em (males) on the tennis courts, says that she is going to the Citadel dances this week-end only for the benefit of the boys and not for any personal reasons . . . Bill Grubbs and roonnate Bill Pratt, wlo have ambitions to become hoboes, hitch-hiked in record time down to Jacksonville last week-end . . . And the latter is laving a race with a frat brotier for the fair hand of fair Summerville resident, Helen Anderson's hand . . . But not in marriage, of course . . . Appendicitis has succeeded in nosing out flu for top place on the sick list over at the infirmary.. . . Hardest job of the week: Trying to find enough Narcissus blooms down by LeConte to go around for our girl friends . . . And we're not bragging, for we canI even find olle that will go to a show witil us and that is a sad, sad situation. Columbian Jack Cosby has forsaken Sarah Davies in quest of yank cutie Connie Davis . . . The former found solace in Billy Lowry, lowever . . . The girls at Milmiinger Iligh School "oo ed'' and "alied" wien Dunmas Turner sang to them on a recent deputation trip . . . Can't figure out wheteier they were sick or liked the stuff . . . Spunky Ella Payne, who has a brand new case of poison oak, got cieated in her last dealings with al uptown pawnsilop . . . Ask 1er to tell you about it . . . And lovely-gal Sarah Crawford has a skull key from NYU. Personal note toKat Edgerton: You can't possibly know how gooa we feel because you ended hustilities . . . It's getting about the time of tile year now when finding an avaiable tennis court is like finding a needle in a haystack . . . Which brings up the old stuff about us needing at least nine more courts . . . Jane Wylly, lately seen in a brand new Oldsmobile has turned her terpsi chorean talents toward square dancing . . . Which leads us to -wondelr if sile has intentions toward mfaryingv a hill billy... The dress shops downtown report a fifty per cent increase in business since thle college girls have found ont thatt npring is just aroundl thle corner ...Bouquet of tile week goes to Pro fessor and Mrs. Williamson, who since comning here in Septem ber have put thle University onl the State's musical map Roland Lide, ladies' man (via telephlone) of tenement 18 no casts wistful anmd woeful eyes at Mildred Coe . . . And Dr. Bab cock gave his classes a break this week by dleveloping a good going case of larynlgitis . . . Ray Parrot of Sparrow Swvamp first t (late of the year end(ed up with- the girl standing him up... To Emily with the light blonde hair: Gad gal, did the operation affect y'ou to snehi aln extent that you can't -speak to friends anymore? Julianne Connelly, who looks o 'k as far as we 're coneerned, wvalks along tile campu)1s with eyes trainled inl an ulpward1 position ...But it isni't altogether due to hlighI hIattedness as evidenced b)y the fact that shle (does quite a bit of waving to the boys inl the (dornm wimdows . . .Rumors have it thlat tihe steps5 of the new library will b)e a more pop)ular sittinlg place than the 01ld wall.. And we wond(er~ what is going to become of tile old library no0w that tile new oneC is about comnpletedl . . . If this sounds like wVar beCtweenl thlis corner and1( the Garnet and Black, excuse it -please, 110 animosity initenlded, bult Hines McWarters of the R. L. Bryan Co. states that tile annual will definitely be out in time Ito give uIs the latest dlohe (score, etc.) of tile first football game niext year . . . WVhen Postmaster general Farley's name was sub mnitted1 for honoraryv mlembershtip in the Clariosophic society it wa1 rjete - - .Btile samle organlization listened with in ,. 0eett theC mlot ion of one Paul Holscher to adl mit Father Divine . .llerilj . . You mtight be imterestedl ill knowing that tile reason for thle dleputat ion t eaml to Charleston's 'refusal to (it ait aL certain spot ill that (ity (dates baick to tile Citadel Carol ina b)oxing mlatchles when oneC younlg gemntleman forgot S(muntent ionllyi) to pay all eat ing chleck inl three figures ($1.20) ...To Peggy Hendrickson and everybody else wvho has griped ai>ouIt it T Ihat stuff ill last week's column absolutely was nlot iiended as a dlirty crack. . . If you'll take tile time to investi gat yu'1fdthttlteegram is a form 011e which is issued )y tile Western Union Telegraph Co. (No commercial) ... Praps you've nioticed that our name is tacked to the column ths week. . . For mlany months now we've been writing the is hilut nlot receiving any credit except for a few cussings out. . . Now we, like tile bRob tailed dog wil' aentol u (kly,onu at whtolisweek end. . The Gamecock is operating On a hkl t n t f t*i we k - Tle m anaging editor is under the weather along withl several staff nmembers and the sports editor is a fugitive from the inirary.