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Euphradian Faculty Del Resolution Criticized I That The Student Aui On the grounds of faculty rather than on the merits oJ voted unanimously Tuesday ni faculty in passing the resoluti students from representing t oratorical contests. The motion was introduced by I, D. Karesh, member of the De bating council, who pointed out tha no student organization had even been consulted, when the faculty passed the resolution that affected many of the students directly. Karesh said that at the time the resolution was sprung like a bomb shell the Student Debating Coun cil was working independently on a plan to remedy many of the de fects in the present debate setup. .elic Debating Council plan as WELCOME STUDENTS Only you can give your Photograph Send One To Mother and Dad CHARLES OLD 1726 Main St. Phone 2-258 2021 DIVINE Holt's Barber Shop MOST MODERN BARBER SHOP IN THE CITY For That EASTER CORSAGE CALL SLIGH'S FLORIST SHOP 1433 Main St. - Phone 7761 MRS. SHEALY'S BESTMAID SAKDWICHES There's None So Good es a STU For ex - / leave give y * * SPEC] COLUMBIA "A GOOD: 1323 TAYLOR STREET. TWIN --4( ANNO The Dance Pavi] Come Out BOVW DAN SKA * Skating Two Miles Out 4 Recent Sen E. Emmet Reid, Emeritus profes Hopkins University, addressed the L( "Recent Development in Our Ideas c day, Feb. 21, at 8 p. m. jn LeCpnte lina campus. Doctor Reid was brought here to Morrison, president of the local gr student guests heard him make a talk Membership in this society is limit ing in the field of science. Meetings z month. Extension Divisi Safe Driving Sch ICC Safety Inspector A Study Discussion Of A A safety school for truck and bu University of South Carolina March WV. 1-. Ward. director, announced to Mr. Ward said the purpose of the< school was to enable persons in terested in safe operation of trucks and buses on the highways of South Catolina to meet for study and dis cussion of common problems. Bur gess Bultman, safety inspector of the Interstate Commerce Comniis sion's bureau of motor carriers, is assisting in plans for the safety school. Many commercial concerns have signified their intention of sending a number of operators to attend the school, the program for which in cludes practical consideration of a large number of specific problems under guidance of experts. Cooperating in the conduct of the school are: bureau of motor car riers, I. C. C., the Motor Trans portation A4sociation of South Caro lina; the South Carolina H ighway dlepartmnent ;the public service comi mission; the indigtrial commission; the South Carolina Petroleum In dunst ries Conmnittee ; the National Hius Association ; the South Caro lina Petroleum Hauler's Associa tion, and the American Trucking Association. DEPENDAB] CHECKER PHON] F A FOUNTAI SE R' "AFTER THFa GAl VAR: GR: STEAKS-FR Home Mad< Martha Wash Phone 2.2321 s Protest bate Action lecause Of The Fact hority Was Usurped usurpation of student authority, the proposal, the Euphradian ght criticizing the action of the on excluding graduate and law he University in debating and outlined by Karesh would have the Faculty provide a debating coach, something the school hasn't had in recent years, to have a seperate Freshman debate team, and to limit Varsity debaters to three years par ticipation. Also tentatively proposed by the Debate Council was that to be eligible for the team a student must have and maintain a "B" average. After passing the motion the So ciety sent a conunittee to the Clariosophic, requesting them to pass a similar motion, which that I society took under advisement. Norman Baum was initiated into the society and two old members were reinstated. Wardlaw And Callcott Approve Double Cuts According to two faculty mem bers at least-Dr. W. 11. Callcott and Frank \ardlaw-the double cut rule for Saturday classes is on the verge of crystallization. Professor Wardlaw found 14 members of a class of 25 present one Saturday recently, and Doctor Callcott reported cuts of the same proportion. ALWAYS OPEN Toddle House 1419 Gervais Street THE JEWEL BOX INC. "COLUMBIA'S PROGRESSIVE JEWELERS" WE SOLVE YOUR GREATEST PROBLEM - YOUR GIFT PROBLEM 1605 MAIN ST. PHONE 7929 RIVKINS PHONE 2-1963 Sandwiches - Drinks Plate Lunches - Delicatessen WE CATER TO PARTIES - We Deliver - FIVE POINTS DIENTS cellent work on your laundry Lt at the Canteen. We can un one "day sevce . .. and AL RATES TO STUDENTS LAUNDRY LAUNDRY" PHONE 2-2147 LAKES UNCES )g. ion Is Now Open And Dance LING CING TING Instructor* )n Leesburg Road rice Speaker 3or of Organic chemistry at Johns Conte Scientific Society on the topic. f Atoms and Molecules" on Wednes :ollege on University of South Caro speak through the efforts of R. W. oup. Over 50 members and -invited of vital interest to scientists. ed to professors and students major re held the third Wednesday in every on To Conduct ool For Truckers ,ssists In Planning For Luto Driving Problems operators will be conducted at the 5 and 6 by the division of extension, day. Christian Service Club Hears Bradley Speak Members Conduct Alms House Program Dean F. V. Bradley addressed the Carolina Christian Service Club at its regular weekly meeting Mon day night. Centering his talk on "What is Christian Service ?" Dean Bradley. pointed out the duties and responsibilities of a christian. Last Wednesday a program was carried to the alms house by Elton Pugh, John Nicholson, Betty But ler, Florence IHook, and Edna Cook. Next Monday night the president, Clyde Hendrix, will conduct an open forum on "What the Club Means to Me." This meeting is newv memi ber night, and all students are in vi tedl. Temple University has offered its stadium as the site for the 1940 Olympics. 8E SERVICE! CAD Co. 23311 S T (IE MEET ME AT" SIT IL L IED CHICKEN i Ice Cream ngton Candies 2706 Main St Students Forum Makes CampusfpinlonSurvey Of Questions Today Ten Queries Range From 3rd Term Politics To Smoking By Coeds Following in the footsteps of the Gallup and, Fortune polls, the Caro lina Student Forum is taking today a survey of Campus opinion on top ics of the day. A questionnaire with ten queries on varied subjects is be ing dished out at the canteen to all students who care to answer in an effort to get a comprehensive idea of what University students be lieve. Questions range from "third term" and international trade to the pressing problem as to whether co eds should be phibited from smok ing in public on the campus. Five hundred copies of the ques tionnaire have been printed, accord ing to Tuck Raw], member of the Forum, and it is hoped to get an swers from at least that many students. Results of the poll will he tabu lated by the Forum and will be pub lished in The Gamecock and other newspapers through the state and country. Tennis Playing Cuties Are Called To Colors All girls who are interested in playing tennis this year are asked to meet at the tennis cour'ts this afternoon to begin practice for the coning season, Sara Rushton an nounced vednesday. The feminine court stars will meet the University System of Geor gia in Atlanta early in April. Other matches with leading institutions will he arranged if the girls show enough interest in the sport. This is part of a big nove to es tablish co-ed intercollegiate athletics at CaroiAna. Swecker Is Secretary Of Dietetic Society Is Past President Of Group In N. C., Va. Miss Celia B. Swecker, dietitian at the University of South Carolina, is secretary of the South Carolina Dietetic Association which held its annual convention at tle Jefferson Hotel Ithis past week-end. The purpose- of this convention is to discuss the various ways to better th'e daily diet. To become a dicti tiont one must secure a bachelors de gree from an accreditedl college or university with a major in foods and ntutrician or intstitutional manage mtent. Thte dietetic profession, thought comparatively newv is a fast growing field. HELD OVER 5 Points Theatre SPENCER TRACY "Northwest Passage" in TECHNICOLOR with Robert Young Late Show Sat. Night 10:45 - Also Starting Monday - "Brother Rat And A Baby" --with PRISCILLA LANE WAYNE MORRIS EDDIE ALRERT JANE BRAN Coming Thursday ' IARY GRANT' Rosalind Russell in "His Gir Friay" Alpha Kappa GanIna Sponsors Seng Fest I Winning Social Group Receives Silver Cup Alpha Kappa Gamma, Leadership sorority of the University of. South I Carolipna, is sponsoring a song fest in Drayton Hall, March 7 at 7:30 p. m. There will also be a skit pre pared by Prof. M. S. Christopher son. This singing contest is open to all fraternities and sororities who may compete for the silver cup, which is now held by the Delta Del ta Delta sorority. The second place.award is a plaque which is a permanent prize. The members of the program must be either actives or pledges of their various groups at the Uni versity. Each organization must be represented by more than one singer. The contestants will present their various fraternity and sorority - songs. The admission will be 15 -cents for one or two for 25 cents. Last year,' when the first annual song was given, Delta Delta Delta won first prize a'nd Alpha Delta Pi won the second prize. Dr. Smith Will Speak To Folklore Society Dr. Reed Smith, clean of the Uni versity graduate school, will speak at the fifth annual meeting of the Southeastern Folklore Society to be held at \Vashington and Lee Uni versity March 29-30. Doctor Smith will use as his topic "The University of South Carolina's Use of Folklore Material of The Federal Writers' Project." Phone 3191 DRUG STOF FAST', FREE BURNETT'S E PRESCRIPTION Cor. Main & College Sts. S APACHES? R DE AGAI * L LN DR ER n W HNR "Eh e~r's Camliki Cartonon Lantest News ~~Mon. & Tues. GodnD Aroun " 'M Arr wfmu butndw olc Go'tsrdnore thnD In' rrown famolib a nd ine bhvor myatin m er get h n oy, une randenever in yon ge are geie olean er Arrow Gordons ... we a ARBR0W Carolina Belles Wili Is Picked By Expert To Be Used In Annual Pictures Of Beauties Photos of twenty-five of Caro. ina's most beautiful girls have bee ent to "one of America's leading irtists" for judging, according to' lubert Harman, Editor of the Gar. ket and ilack for 1940. The idea is that the secretive Mr. Iarman's unnamed,artist will choof rom this( beautiful bevy, eight, vhich he consider$ to be the MoM ,orgeous of all, and these will con titute the beauty section of the Gar. iet and Black. But the artist will have to rM nain unidentified until the names o! he girls chosen are announce. [his will take place, if the iudge lelivers on schedule, very shortly fter Easter holidays, Harman aW iounced. <,Are sorofties and fraterniies SNOB FACTORIES? See pages 20 and 27 of this week's Saturday Evening Post. On sale Wednesday. 5f. For Your LE WANTS. DELIVERY RUG STORE SPECIALISTS Columbia, S. C. PALMETTO STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Offers PROTECTION - SERVICE LOYALTY Indunstrial and Ordinary Home Office: COLUMBIA, S. C. C. G. LANGLEY, President >ver Gets A Lot' axford shirt with the >llar. My good looks made me the most in the world. my fine fitting collar, ife will I shrink out iforized-Shr4nk and wee 1%. My buttons 1 and anchored fast. ral college education eo fishing for compli should hear the girls t one of my brothers a handsome tribe of re!I" SHIRTS