The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, March 01, 1940, Image 1
BasketballG 4__
Starts March 6 ance-Sen
(Story on Page 5)
University of South Carolina
tou ax nu um mcuonaici
Win Conference Boxing Crowns
Two polished Bird boxers punched their ways through the
toughest competition in the Southern Conference to win indi
vidual crowns and place South Carolina in second place in the
annual tournament last week in the field house.
Olin McDonald, 120 pound titleholder, and Sol Blatt, Jr.
135 pound king, were the only two Gamecocks to survive the
rigors of the joust and emerge victorious. Dick Baxter, heavy
weight, fought his way to the finals, but was rudely ipset by
Clemson's surprising Warren Wilson.
McDonald beat Maryland's Johnny Harn in the first round, outslugged
Clemson's Milt Berry in the semi-finals, and went on to take Duke's
bantam, Dan Brandon's measure in the final round.
Biatt was easily the outstanding fighter of the wliole tournament. le
beat Clemson's top seeded Edgar Ross in the first round, took Andy
Gennett, North Carolina's finalist last year, in semi-finals, and tossed a
knockout punch to Maryland's previously undefeated Nathan Askin in
the final hoit of the 135 pound class.
McDonald went through the entire year without a defeat. Blatt suf-i
fered two lickings-at the hands of Clemson's Ross and Florida's welter
weight-and drew with Citadel's Stackhouse. During the regular season
emerged from the ring three times victorious.
,\cl)onald, a sophomore, has two more years of eligibility at Carolina,
while Blatt, a iunior, will >e eligible to fight next year.
Law School Grades A&S College
Are Issued After .AS Final'
=-am -e LEeads Final
motan- Wat &Lr6Registrations
Total Average Of Druggists And Writers
Marks Is Same As Trail In Last Prace
That Of Last Year In 2050 Enrollment
After a month's anxious wating
Law School grades were finally Seineret fge cn
posted this week. There were nofor
straight "A" students thsi semester,
although two seniors, Robert Van- teasess 13-0 wee re
diver and Felix Greene, came clos- ls hi wee frm te of
est to the pinnacle with 4 "A's" and ofJoniAtae.
a 1B plus each. Other leading sen- d r ab t m t sa
iors are Hoke Robinson, R. 11. CObb, Probabl the sous
andl A. 1. James, Jr. ing threeaein the fgre
Arthur Williais led the junior the c obine tta ofall
class, having three "A's". Other the s f nt
leadling juniors are Andy Marion, sho noletadte'9
John l lenry Ellen, and WV. T1. Mc- 4 xeso lse h on
Gown. bnderlmn wle oa
Robert L4iles wvas freshman class uneivbehgof309
leadler, having almost a H plus av- 09stdnsar os
erage. Other freshman leaders, all srusltatestfrheUi
Closely bunched are Ed Hunker, Blill inovrtefges
Rhodes, Louis LeSesne, John Sloan, Coprdwtthfiuefr
and T'om McCutcheon. The grades, th'339ssinhecmnd
as a wvhole, were about in line wvith erlmn upd22suet
previous13 years.ovrtepeiussinstta
April 1 Last DateExldnthsumrcol
For Diploma Refund adetnindvso hr r
April 1, is the last (late on wvhich enoldithUivrtyhs
a canidicate for a degree may cani- seio.Othsoal1,4ar
cl his application and get a refund mnsuet n 0 r
of his diploma fee, John A. Chase, wmn
Jr., (lean of administration, an- h ie nerlmeto h
lOlunced.( this week,.cola hl a etae
April I is also the last (late for toheicasofwmnt
gradIuate sttudents to appily for a de- detatheUirsy.Wr
gree from the University. a 0 eae nee h
ThecluinGth exenionan
EUPHS PROTEST FACULTY sumrsho,teineaen
Debate Action, see Page...........2 woe2tdnsws17fo
Be Danced Tonight, see Page ... 3 Hwvrteeaesilsm
ball Starts Next Week, see Page 5 wmnrgsee ntesho
STUDENT FORUM POLLS o niern n nytoi
Campus Opinion, See Page ....2 th2 colo hamc.Ia
GLENN RICE SOLVES EN- igtoaticrdnalfrth
right'8cKickingeProblems,tset P.e6Ubar
vestkfSuhCrln o
GAA Students
Complete Half
Of Air Course
25 Fliers Complete
Ground Instructions;
Qualify For Solos
With the ground sihool schedule(
to be completed on April 6, th
University unit of the Civil Aero
nautics Authority has already fin
ished five courses in the require<
ten course curriculum.
The course of the ground schoo
requires 72 hours. This include5
courses in navigation, instruments
theory of flight, radio uses an<
forms, theory of aircraft structure
history of aviation, civil air regu
lation, meteorology, parachutes, anc
engines. The last five courses hav<
bee'i completed and the school i:
now in the midst of the theory o
aircraft structure.
Members of the University fac
ulty are teaching the ground schoo
classes. Professor R. L. Sumwal
is director of the school, with R. )
Bass, T. F. Ball, C. F. Mercer, ani
R. C. Johnson acting as instructors
President J. Rion McKis-ic<
when asked about the Carolina uni
said that, "I understand that satis
factory progress is being hiade i
this program."
Y Discussion
Lead Still Held
By Tenement'21
3rd Floor S. U.
Keeps Second Place
With 350 Points
Tienement 21 led by Dutch Elstot
went into the third week of th
spring discussion group series 1ea;d
ijg the pack with a total of :5
points it was ainounced this weel
by R. G. Bell, director of the series
Thirdti loor of the Student 1'nioi
is in second place with :50 point
while Tenement 25 is just nin
points bIehin(d the IUIion group witI
I: points.
Points in the discIssioll grotup)
are counted by the percentage o
ait tendance at the meetings. :1 point
for every new member, 2 points fo
each member at the first meeting
aid one point for every visitor t<
the meeting. An extra 5 points ar
gaiiied by tilrning in the report 01
Officers are elected in the differeln
groups with each group having
student leader. Religious questioln
are the topics brought before th
group)s at the meetings.
Other tenement groups and tota
iiunber of p)oint s are : Tleieient 1-1
TFeneiineit 12. :110lO ints ; TFene inein
I, :121 point s: Tenement 20, :12
ptoints : Tenement 24 1-2. :,11poinlts
atnd I )elta Sigmia Il'i, :1:17 points.
.\ eetinogs are held regularly oi
.\londay iiighits at 7 p. im.
State Appropriations
For University Decline
Student Funds Keep
Revenues At Medium
Thle propor tioii of the U'nivers 'ity
of South (Carolina's~ revenue re
ceivedl fromi state appropriation har
stcad ilv declinied since the \\ork
\\ar, a recently compijletedl suirvey
shows. Tlhere has beenci a corres
poin ig increa se in thle prop)ort ioi
of reven iue received from studiten
Th le suirvey. irelea seth by 1-'. F
\\elbourne, lniveisity treasurer
showvs that 90) percenut of theil'ni
versity's reveimte ini 191 was dec
ri ved fronm state apIpropIria tion; :i
19:19-40, thle proport ion had dIroplpet
to 5:t Per centt. At preseiit, reventin
from fees makes up nearly half t
li niversity's income, whereasi
formterly amotuintedl only to about 14
per cent.
D)uring the same period of time
the per capita expendlituire of stat<
funds(1 oin each student at the U ii
versity has declined fronm $275 t<
For S
University Has Four
Regular Broadcasts
On Local Stations
Wardlaw, Hendley
Parker, Waterfall
Conduct Programs
The University has definitely
taken to the air-on the radio as
well as in airplanes.
Four regular programs on the
two Columbia stations, WIS and
WCOS, are now sponsored by Uni
versity organizations. Besides these,
there are many other programs
from time to time on which Uni
versity groups are presented; and
still more on which various students
are heard individually.
Over XIS each Sunday afternoon
at 5 o'clock Professor M. G. Chris
tophersen leads a group chosen
from the University P'layers and
from his class in public speaking in
a program entitled "College Hall."
This series has been going on for
several months now, and has met
- with favorable response all over the
state. It is desigtied to present thc
ideas of the students, to give a gen
eral cross-section of student life
here at the 1'niversitv.
On every week-day at 5:15, Coit
H-endley presents the "Gamecock on
the Air." This is a five-minute pro
gram featuring news briefs of go
ings-on at Carolina: and from time
to time other organizations are
guests-at which time fifteen min
ute: i:; !!otted. The Men's Glee
Club sang \Vednesday afternoon,
and the l'ublic Speaking Class will
have charge this afternoon.
Besides these, there is the (*ni
versity School of the Air over W IS
Prominent Speakers
Visit Carolina Soon
Y Expecting Dr. Koo;
Dr. Shedd In Spring
The Y.M.C.A. is counting on sev
eral prpininent speakers to visit the
Ilniversity (luring tihe Spring
)r. Clarence Shedd. Chairnui of
the I)epartment of Student Work at
Yale 'niversity, will viit the caim
pus for two days. Mareh 1::-14. lie
will speak at a general meeting of
the Y. .(.A. and thle Y .\.C.A\. on
two ditferen)t occasions. New ly elect
edI officers will con fer with him on
Y activities for next year.
D r. Shedd is a well knowvn atu
thor, and has writ ten several otut
s taindIing books on stuldenit work anid
activities, the best knownt of these
volh imes is "200 Years (Of Stident
Chlristian \Work."
IDr. TI. %.. Noo is the ot her well
k nown1 stuIdent wvorker to be hlere (on
A\pril :trd. D)r. Koo is Genieral Sc..
retary of the Y..\.C.A. in China,
aind Secretary of the \Voild Stut
dlenmt Christian Organlization. iIe is
it brothler of \VeIlington Noo,
famlious ora~tor itnd( Cin lese R epre
sen1tativye to thle I .eagume of Nations1.
IDr. G eorge HIeaton and .. lhn
Rniist in, both b)rillianit speakers, have
also Ibeen in ivitedI to comle hlere thIiis
sprinlg. ThIese two men were here
l a'.t fall serv'ing wvi th thle l'iver
sity Christian Miission.
Young Democra
Campus Next V
The Young Democrats of
South Carolina will hold an or
ganization meeting for a cam
pus club, next Wednesday night
8 p. in., at the Euphradian Lit..
erary Society hall Jack Page,
state president of the Young
Democratic clubs of South Car
olina, announced today.
This club will be organized
just in time to participate in the
annual statewid, rally which is
scheduled te helhdt sometme n
Lawyers Face
Farm Problem
In Fowl Mood
Barnyard Statistics,
Hen-Coops Puzzles
Petigru Masterminds4
South Carolina's new gen
eration of lawyers has reached
the conclusion that the contro
versial confines of Petigru col
lege house-not a law school
but a poultry farm. Some bar
ritters in the rough go so far
as to think that. Dean J. N.
Frierson's domains are given
over to soil testing apparatus.
The future progenitors of jus
tice who inhabit the famous
building now believe they have
been turned out of law school
as well as intercollegiate debat
ing. From what happens in
Petigru one would think that
USC is putting out farmers
rather than barristers.
Monday morning the dean
handed a classroom order to
Hubert Harmon, editor of the
Garnet and Black, to count the
feathers on a chicken. The dean
did not specify the sex and size
of said fowl. All he wants is
the number of light, horny epi
dermal out growths perforating
the skin of one chick.
Not satisfied with barn-yard
statistics Dean Frierson as
signed Jimmy Roper, another
budding jury-baiter, to see how
much water could be poured
into a pirit of sand.
At press-time Harmon had
not reported on his fowl ex
periments, but Roper carn
across with the following re
He was able to pour exactly
five-eighths of a pint of water
into one pint of moist Horry
county sand. (Why moist and
why Horry county he didn't
Just what all this has to do
with present methods of influ
encing people and winning ene
mies is not known in the Game
cock garret.
YMCA Will Hold
Annual Election
New Officers Will
Be Chosen Tonight
electioni of offtieru- toinighit at 4,
te niew pre.idenit,. vice- pre ident,
%ecretary andit treasttirer will he elect
((d to ()serve for a tera i f (it mie ve;i
beginniing Aprnil I.t.
Two stu dent nitubers. thiree faiC
will lbe choseni to serve one rear oni
the I oard of [Direc tors.
NI r. G eorge Il'riiie, -.ecretary of
he V. NI.(.A., has posted a list ini
I.linnt Illall of all mnemblers. of the V
who are eligible to vote acceordling
to the V.NI.C.A. Cons-titntioni. Aniy
studirenit w hose inme has lieen lef
otf theit list by iistake i5 reg nested
to niotify thet Yt..\.C.A. offiece.
ts To Organize
hfednesday Nighi
March. All students and faculty
members between the ages of
18 and 40 professing to be
Democrats arei eligible to join
and are urged to attend the or
ganization meeting.
This club will be affiliated
with the Young Democrats of
America, the official Youth or
ganization of the Democratic
party. At the organization meet
ing, presiderit Jack Page and
state treasurer Billy McGariey,
t Pre,
Blatt, McCrady
Have Thrown Hi
Three prominent camips y
noun'ed their cantlidawies for ti
the annual Clariosophic politic.
Easter holi<as,. it was lefirned
Bob McCra<ly and Sol Blaitt,
boxing" Crowns, and Rod Tur
have losse<l their hats anld 1r()ut
Curtains Rise
On Dark Tower
March Twelfth
New York Apartment
Furnishes Setting For
Players' Performance
Curtains w%ill rise on "Dark Tow
er." melodrama to be staged by the
L'niversity Players, on Tuesday.
March 12, s::10 o'clock, in Dravton
Hall, according to an announcement
made ye!,terday by Professor .\. G.
Christophersen, director of the
Players. 0
There on the stage of Drayton a
strange metamorphosis will take
place. .l!!to th!e room of a New
York apartment house Iiigh above
the skyliine (if the city, a room alive
witi secrets of a shoddy past. will
come a sparkling. a dazzliiigly
chiarmlinig womlanl.
Plot Is Thrilling
lefore the eYes of the same audi
ence, a few momeits later, tiiree
will appear a vile product of the
gLutters of many American citie!.
\\iti a wave of emaciated lingers he
will change the lives of seven peo
Ifle. aid briig hate to take the place
(if beaity. Inevitabeit (estruction
wIil iltlY stalk tile stage.
Tlleni coites a ven lgea ice inl a
terrific coilifict griod fiially tri
iuiph. over evil. altilougl Iti- is
accomlplishetd bY niothlings 1,hort ,f
cdd-loodetd iurde-. A- the cur
taii falls, there will be ; certain ill
de,crilable satisfaction inl every
perloil wlo has !,een tle play'.
This is ")ark Tower." a plia v
fairt y teemilnig wvitl dratiIatie it: (
h illityv. Ilint comInIl- ed wVith tis ub
-tirriiig tragedy is the iiidispcinible
eletmeit of Imor wi*cli apiear, in
.very well-rmindt-d \\ '-11ing. Alidl
thle humor1( inl tIl; play is as fre-1h
ai 1n mden asI - tatf th t-I
t[iitlar rit t ni l edialBs, ttr ina~ lit
imore so.
Scenery Unusual
in the prodtuctioni of stuch -la
a- this is. there i atuiral!v av rx
unportttanit part to it eplayt d
scieny. Several strikingly unu,.::2
inhe h ris n owuer o2 cnte
ti iti tll c iicl - talI aft Ite
I'l it e titlttih, t. h t , sg
inig' l the bac eete of tertige.
hereit ri!e the power ito whLich?e thei
ta i ondl toen cli s t tti kisd
'ngae to le tupper )tllor ltit it 2h ig
tiotigis ll l e i,ct aft ina terAll tth
hvtiiideithit whih hpi ictim st
On University
At 8 O'Clock
both Carolina students, will
speak of the purposes of the
club and its achievements. Sev
eral prominent members of the
Wade Hampton chapter of Co
lumbia will also attend and will
probably speak.
Other state officers of the
club are Isadore Bogoslow of
Walterboro, first vice-president
and John Bolt Culbertson of
Greenville, state secretary.
And Turnbull
its Into Ring
er-Sonalities have already an
ie student body presideney, and
il rally will be held soion after
by Tie (;(me,rck this week.
both with Southern Conference
btill, erstwhile football player,
ations into the political pot.
The student body nominating
convention will be held Tuesday,
March Ill in the chapel at 4 p. iml.,
George Prince, secretary of the stu
dent I)ody stated. However candi
dates will have until noon March
2 to pit their hats into the ring.
L.ate nominations must be signed by
five eligible voters.
Others Announced Later
Names of all other candidates for
campus offices will be announced
by The Gamecock immediately after
they declare their intention to run.
All three presidential candidates
are well known campus figures.
Blatt is a member of the Eu
plhradian Literary Society and is a
former secretary of that organiza
tion. lie was elected president of
the sophomore class in 191:38.
A blasting blow to the jaw of
Nathan Askin of Nlaryland gave
1ialt the 1940 Southern ConlelcreiCe
lightweiglt title.
Also a conference champion, Mc
Crady took the featherweight crown
for Carolina in 19: . He is a mem
her of the Aierican Society of Civil
Engineers and of Alpha Tau Omega
Elections April 1
Ilie tiird aspirant. Rod Turnbull.
is vice-president of Delta Sigma Pi.
For tiree seasons lie has worn gar
net and black imoleskin-.
l,i,t, of candidates for other stu
deiit body officery have not been
\iti tiree political factions deti
nitcly out for offices. tils year's
race promiises to be one of tihe most
colorini cainpaign; in tile hiistory
of 7,tideit goverilieit.
Electin 4day for student body of
'icer incu11din.g cherlc aders. is set
f,r h iday. April 1.
Debating Council To
Offer Compromise On
Law School Eligibility
"Three Point Plan
To Be Proposed To
I. ne i no rei ionl for nmany years.
Th i in part thie reasiin for the
recenit ac tioni of thec f:ac dty. Aniothier
r1so -ii thatk therrt ha~ ce beein comn
jla ofts abot f nir (debadting regn
Ilations ifroml boith studnt. andl fac
imade Iby le:n Fr;.nis \\'. GradIley,
ini exphintationi of ti action of the
i;iciilti b arring law stIudfents frosn1
the del eting team.
Thi,- regiulationi. pai'ed by the f;ac
ity las t wveek, wvi 1 preventI st uden ts
in ite schooli if hiu frotni partici
jatillg in udeitatin.. activitic's, and
de fintel dvlab el i tem as post grail
nate siltdets.
Nilcan whiile, the debating coun cil
hs irepared at compirotnuise to of
fer.."According to D eward Brittaint,
miembher of the council, the debating
council will recommend that the
faculty's action be rep)ealed and that
lie followving plan lie substituited:
1. An acadlemic freshman team,
entirely , apart fronm the varsity
teamIi, shall be provided for.
2. Memb)ership on the varsity de
bating teanm shall be limitd to three
years for any student. These years
(d0 not have to be consecutive.
3. Law students who do not
maintain a reasonable scholastic
average fixed by Deani J. Nelson
Frierson shall be declared ineligi