University of South Carolina Libraries
LOCKWOOD TALKS TO CHAPEL GROUP "Character and it's value in life" was the subject of a talk by Charles M. Lock wood, superintendent of Olympia high School, to students of the University of South Caroilna at chapel Sunday night. The program was presided over by George Coleman, president of the Sopho more council of the Y. M. C. A. Around t 40 boys were present. AS tN t t i A Paramewnt Pktues with LEO CARRILLO] JEAN PARKER JAMES ELLISON OTTO KRUGER ROBERT BARRAT ANDY CLYDE ADDISON RKCHARDS SARA HADEN Friday and Saturday Stude: The merchu > ones that make.: pus news each ( are interested ii way possible to dents. They ar< GAMECOCK. This paper ones that make; ize these merchk tising in your 3 make this a bigg that you saw it i May I take your hearty co( staff make this red Mercer To Address "Y" TFed Mercer, nationally known Y. M. . A. worker, has been secured for the nnual religious emphasis week on Jan. -16, R. G. Bell, secretary of the Y at he University of South Carolina, an Lounced this week. Mercer has a colorful career which aries from being an outstanding fra ernity and student leader at the Univer ity of Virginia to that of a bum on the vater front in New York City. While here, he became a Christian and is now ne of the best known speakers to col ege students in the United States. For the past few years he has traveled vith Tom Farmer, former bank robber nd outlaw in the Vest, giving addresses o college groups. While on the campus, he will speak at union meeting in Drayton Hall, and vill address students in chapel on Jan. 4. During the remainder of the week, e will be available for conferences with raternities, sororities, and other organi ations on the campus. Groups wishing to secure him are sked to contact Ray Riddle, presideit f the Y. M. C. A. at Flinn Flail. Mercer has recently completed a series f meetings in West Virginia and is pending this week at North Carolina itate University in a return engagement equested by students who heard him last ear. -t. S. C. Acting for the French government, he French ambassador in Vashington as presented the University of South arolina with 5,000 francs worth of rernch books to be added to the library, 'res. J. Rion McKissick announced this eek. FRIDAY - SATURDAY GENE AUTRY - IN -- "Public Cowboy No. 1" LATE SHOW SATURDAY NIGHT 10:45 P. M. "The Soldier and the Lady' MONDAY - TUESDAY WILLIAM BOYD in "Hopalong Cassidy Rides Again" With GEORGE HAYES WEDNESDAY ONLY Semi-Finals FOR THE FEATHER AND LIGHT WEIGHT BOXING CHAMPIONSHIP On Stage 9 P. M. ON SCREEN "She Asked For It" uts: mnts that advertise in thi it possible for us to bring reek. These merchants a] 1 our school and are back help make it a better 1) 3 showing this through th is your paper. The adv< your paper a success. If 3 mnts they wvill in return r aper. It is therefore in ger and better paper. Tel: n TIHE GAMECOCK. this opportunity to than1 >peration in helping Ti a better paper. Yours very truly, ANDREW JC Saj One of the few courses of its kind Waterfall, of the economics departn ['his is in conjunction with his cour Doctor's Hours Are Announced Dr. Edward H-1. Law, physician for the University of South Carolina an nounces the hours during which he can be found at the University infirmary: 'eek days: 9 a. m.-12 noon 3 p. m.-7 p. m. Saturdays: 9 a. m.-12 noon No af ternoon hours. Sundays : 9 :30 a. m.-11 :30 a. m. No afternoon hours. Students who require the services of the college physician are expected to make calls only during these hours. In case of emergency, Dr. Law can he contacted, through the infirmary, at any time. READS APPOINTED FOR CHEST DRIVE Whitey Rawl and Prof. R. L. Sui wait have been appointed co-chairma of schools and universities division the annual community chest compaig for the city of Columbia which b gins Monday. Rawl is also in charge of raisin his quota from the university; he assisted by a team of seven membe of the faculty. Those on the team arc: R. V. Mo rison, V. S. Woods, R. C. Johnsto Frank Welbourne, Frank Taylk Frank Meeks, and Mrs. A. R. Child This team vill solicit members the faculty for contributions and w also receive donations from any st dents who may wish to contribute. paper are the to you the cam ec the ones that mng us in every rece for we stu eir ads in THE wrtisers are the rou will patron ut more adver your hands to the merchants <all of you for 3 GAMECOCK NES, f'ety Driving C was begun at the University when Prof. ent instituted a course in safe driving. se in highway safety which was taught Students Have Strange Names According to the Blue Key di rectory students at the University are STRANGE but PRIM. They are always cool because of the FANNING. If this is not enough, there is a BLIZZARD not many MILES away, but a COLEMAN keeps us from freezing. FELLERS spend most of their MEANS at the BEACH, BASKIN in the sun to become TANNER, or \VAR ING the WRIGHT TAYLORed clothes at KNIGHT. In this URBAN HAMLET, with - STONEY, STRAIT STREETs, SUM MERS are LONG; RHODES come in BUNCHES; no one raises CAIN be cause the LAW MAY put them in a \VARD. FLOWERS BLOOM in GREEN BOWERS: BERRY's grow; BIRDS fly overhead ; BURCII ES line the BROOKS; and BELLs ring to CHASE he CROW to the WILDS of the WEST. LO\V IHILLS invite a NE\VMAN to g II UN]' to his IIART's content or if he is a FISCI IER, to STEPPE into the .s POOLE and STEELE a YOUNG HER RIN or BASS. r- There is only one CASSELL for the a ROYAL, three )UKES, two KINGS, r' and two PRINCES. s' They are AIKEN AULL the time, but f.Come of th.en are STILLWELL. You may have REDWINE or COW. FEE, or if you prefer RAINWATER turn on the FAUCETT. You'll Laugh You'll double with laughter, when Myrna and Bill double the fun and romance. The love bug bit 'em 'cause they did'nt watch out. WM. POWELL MYRNA IN "DOUBLE WEDDING" - With Florence Rice John Beal-Jessie Ralph PATRONIZE THE CANTEEN YOUR STORE The Best For The Money TEXT BOOKS FOR ALL COURSES The UNIVERSITY Book Store THE GAMECOCK PRESSING CLUB For The Best Work AT REASONABLE PRIWES UNIVERSITY STUDENTS For Quick Delivery Call Burnett's Drug Store Cold Drinks - Cigarettes Toilet Articles Ice Cream 829 5. Main St. Phone 3191 U rrrse Begun " } * " a this summer. The Gamecock heartily Waterfall success in his efforts to mal versity curriculum. Overton Wins Snowden Award W. C. Overton, a senior at the Univ ersity, has been awarded the Yates Snowvden scholarship for the 1937-38 session. This scholarship with a value of $100 was established by Mrs. Yates Snowden in 1934 in memory of her husband, )r. Yates Snowden, who was head of the department of history from 1905 until a few years before his death in 1933. Dr. Snowden was one of the most admired and beloved citizens of South Carolina and was accounted the deepest student of South Carolina history the state has even known. The Yates Snowden scholarship is given on a basis of excellency in history and the student to whom it is awarded hol(Is it for one year. Last year, the scholarship was given to McKay Brabham of Bamberg. Overton is chairman of the honor com mittee at the University. -U. s. . There is a DEARTH of COM MANDERS for the two CAMPS, but two GOOD CANNONS will help thc MANN to hold the FORT. if iy 1100K or CROOK, they PEARCE the WALL, men at the GATES will havc a WOLF in the BARNES. CREWS MANN the TILLER of th< LITTLE boat which lists LEE WARI when the DRAFTS put CAPS on th< waves. Two RIDDLES remain to be solved why, with a CHAPLAIN, RECTOR POPE, and PARSON, do we have onl one PARRISH, and why do we need BARBER for only one IIAIR? and Laugh!! ~Now Playing PALMETTO Caroli Insurance SELLS A POLICY SUITJ~ EACH MEMBER INDUSTRIAM "It is better to have it ant Tere endorses this plan and wishes Prof. e this a permanent feature of the Uni "Y" Decides To Remain In Same Location Student Union Building Offer Is Rejected By unanimous vote, the University of South Carolina Y. M. C. A. board de clined the offer of the student union com mittee for use of limited space in the stu dent union building. The Y. M. C. A. had been assigned one office on the second floor and the use . of the basement as a pool room. Be lieving that this space was entirely in. adequate for the large number of activi ties carried on by the Y, it was decided to remain in Flinn Hall for the rest of this year. Upon motion by Dr. F. W. Bradley, the secretary was instructed to inform the student union committee of their de cision and to ask that their refusal to ac cept new quarters in the building this year would not jeopardize their chances of receiving adequate allocation next year. The Y. M. C. A. board was extremely disappointed in the fact that they were unable to accept the invitation of the Student Union board to occupy quarters in the new building, but because of the fact that, faced with so many requests for space, the board was unable to allot us adequate rooms to carry out our pres ent program, we had no other alternative. The Y. M. C. A. board hopes that later when more space is released for student activity purposes we may be allotted ade quate space," R. G. Bell, secretary, said. With the addition of three new pool tables, the Y recreation room opened this week, and more than 125 games of pool were played the first day. A char;e of lc per cue is made for the games ini order to pay fAr repairs and nerv equip ment. Members of the board who were pres ent were Dr. J. Rion McKissick, Dr. F. WV. Bradley, Dr. G. F. Lipscomb, Prof. Harry Davis, Dr. George McCntcheon, H arold Delorme, Ray Riddle, and Harold Prince. BOB HAYES LOSES ENTIRE FORTUNE Bob Hayes has lost his pocketbook containing his meal ticket, athletic book and nine dollars. The pocket book has Bob's names stamped in it, lhe is concerned over the loss of the pocketbook and w&ould like to have it back wvith or without the money. Finder will please return it to the postoff ice. na Life Company ~LBLE TO TEE NEEDS OF OF THE FAMILY OLD LINE I not need it than to need it have it"'