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B. D. G'S. On account of the fact that the Gamecock is going to press a little earlier this week than usual the scores of the B. 1). G's. can not be printed in this issue It will come out in the next issue. The attend ance for this week was a material increase over the previous weeks. Two new classes were organized this week and started with good membership, one class in East Woodrow will be taught by Mr. Dick at nd the other in Harper will be taught by Mr. Bell. Altho getting a late start these classes are enthusiastic and they promised that they are going to have good classes just the same. On account of the impend ing crash and fracas at the fair grounds on Th1ursday and the at tending exhausted state of nerves, brains an(] bodies of the students on Friday, the Bible classes will not meet this week. TENNIS CLUB ORGANIZED. The Carolina Tennis Club was orgnized Monday at one o'clock in the chapel. There were approx imately thirty men present who signified their intention of becom ing adept at tile game. There are two or three splenaid courts on the campus and there will be el forced a schedule of hours and "sets" which will designate tile ones to play and also tihe hours. In the election of officers J. A. Manning was elected Presideit; W. C. Floyd, Vice President: T. E. Horton, Secretary-Treasurer; A. H-. Green, Manager. It has been customary for Caro lina to send representatives to the inter-collegiate state meets held each year. By having an organiz ed club with certain formulated rules and regulations it will pos sibly send these men to the icet with a good chance of acquitting themselves in good style. A. H. Green will be in charge of the plans and will mke necessary ar rangenents that will insure i suc cessful season for tennis at Caro lina. The Oath of the University. In ancient days the young men of Athens were required to take an oatlh of loyalty to the city of their birth. The students of the lni versity of South Carolina might take suchl anl oathl to thlemselves to be loyal to thleir alma mater. Thie following is tile oath withl tile wordl "University" substituted for "city."~ "We will never bring disgrace to this, our UnIiversity, by any act of dIishlonesty or cowardiice. We will fighlt for the ideals and1( siacred things of tile U niversity, both alone and with many. WVe will reveire and1( obey the lUiver sity's laws and1( we wviii (10 our best to incite Ia like reverence and1( re.s p)ect inl those abiove us who( are prone to ainnuli thlem or set them at nought. We wvill strive unrceasing ily to qjuickenl the student's sens5e of civil (duty. Thus, inl all these wVays, we will traiinmit this Ui versity, not only nlot less, b)ut greater, better andl more beautiful thnan it was trnnsmitterl tno us. IN REGARD TO THE UNIVERSITY 'I'he I T,iversity of South Caro linlit was chartered ill 1801 as tile South Carolina C(ollege. the third State i'versit y inl the U'nited States. Inl tle iniids of its found ers it wis to edlulcate the voutls of the State and unite up-coultry and low-coiltry into ole harimo 0iouis whole. South Car-olina be (ame,111 remia ricbly honiogeneouls. This result was in large measure, if not chiefly, due to the South Carolina College. In Carolina were gathered the choice intellects of South Caro lina's sons. whether rich or poor. for the State fostered talent wher ever found. h'luis it was enabled to inake up for its small size and in the nation to ocvnpy a conuand ing position. From 1824 South Carolina led the South, and the alunni of the college. with views of government fashioned in their student days, led the State. Who shall say that they did not lead her well? They manifested their faith at Fort Sumter; sadly the remnant limped home from Apo Iattox. New founders, alumni of the old college, secred a charter for the University of South Carolina, which opened its doors in Janu arv 1866 only to he Closed sevenl years later in the black despair of reconstruction. The alumni of this brief period have beel the State's foremost citizens. When the mol,-e,-v was agae: es tablished in 1880, there was appa rent the saie high purpose of citizenship in its founders and the same high resolve in the young men who have sought her halls of instruction. Time nor space suif fices to give the naimes of teachers and stuidents familiar in the hoiseholds (of the State because of their service to their fellow men. II tiger could say of the yoNIg M Dufflie in the louise of Represen tatives that the State would be well repaid for aill tile money She hald spent on the college, if it had educated only eor-ge 'McDuif fie. A h1111dred years have passed. and1( tihe hiistorian comuld callI the names of alumni of this day of whom it could1( be saidl that the State had1( well spenit all tihe Uni versity ha<d cost if only these al umni had been eduicated b)y hier. Liberty bonds ar ue quiotedI in the United Staites at $87.50; slavery bonds ini Santo D)omingo at $1 12. 50. Football Schedule for Remainder of the Season. Nov'emnber 5, U niv'ersity of November 12, Furumnan UJniver' sity. November 24, Citadl.i Wing ield's Drug Store 1443 Main Street lResidenice Phonie 3054-J ResitenceW A LTeE R S"- First Cass Service given Uni WALTERS'versity Men at DR. (. F. MILLER SHOE Mean DENTIST Dave Barber Shop 1422 Main Street Over Lachicotte's Jewelry 1420 MAIN STREET Store 1314 Main St. Phone 7421 EVERYTHING Students, Watch Your Eyesight ELECTRICAL C'ose a0con t stud) is a constent tax ov 3 our vision. At the alightest indication of undue strain, come to us for a thorough examination of your eyes. We can SHANNON-CHILDS quickly tell whether glasses are necessary. ELECTRIC CO. Optical 15 MAIN STREET 1518 Main St. Phone 6817 iesepape Co. 17 MAIN_STREET McMASTERS Athletic Goods 1631 MAIN STREET 1324 Main St, COLUMBIA, S. C. _ LOAF AT GITMANS' New Hats BOOK SHOP from Nothing but Books Old Ones Why throw away the old hats when by having us clean and reblock them they will look like new and you get another season's wear out of them. Dig out. that last fall hat and save the price of a new one. We Webster'sguarantee workmanship and satisfaction. Electric Shop You will find our clothes cleaningopnd pessier Elc(tic Ir lons, Readling Lamp alca laigadheSiigPro D)ouble Sockets, Flash LightsTHHOEFGODSIS And Other Electric SuppliesTwDorfomCnalruC. 1221-A Main St., Columbia, S. C.ANREIRG TPlephne4607 Capital Cafe ____________ _____ Nearest Restaurant to University Boys Your Patronage will beDur (lreatly Appreciated Pitn o pn F'ood of Best Quality Pitr f"h aeok Excellent Service WhyMINSRET11 thowaay teeodtshnb Colavingula, and reboc