University of South Carolina Libraries
mmESIDENT BYRD MAKES ADDRESS Lectures to University Students on "Immortality." "Immortality" was the subject of an address delivered on Wed nesday night, October 19th by Dr. S. C. Byrd, president of Chicora College, before the stti dents of the University of South Carolina at the regular weekly meeting of the University Y. M. C. A. It has become the fashion of late, Dr. Byrd pointed out., for many persons of the ilk of 11. o. Wells to write that there is no other world than the present, no other life than the one now being lived. Mu1ltitudesi, though they never put their disbelief in words, have no "practical" belief in the immortality of the soul, Dr. Byrd said. Science contends, he said, that since the immortality of the soul can not be demonstrated, the theory that men live forever should be denied. There are, how ever, Dr. Byrd pointed out, many things in science that would indi cate the probability of immortali ty: the indestructibility of matter, the conservation of energy and the fact that though the individual dies the race is immortal. Science, he said, can not prove immortali ty; it can not disprove it and stu dents must therefore search else where for the solution of the prob lem. The soul of man, Dr. Byrd said, has many fundamental desires among them: a desire for all truth a desire for perfect beauty and a desire for perfect goodness. None of these goals are obtained in the present existence. "Always every thing is short of perfection," Dr. Byrd said. "Perfect truth, per fect beauty and periect goodness do not exist in this world. We must therefore look to another and a better. Those who hold to the dictum that one life at a time is sufficient, have at best a poor and unsatisfying philosophy." Maurice Matteson added no lit tle to the enjoyment of the after noon in his rendering of a solo, Y. W. C. A. The Y. W. C. A. held its regu lar meeting Monday afternoon in the Y. W. rooms. The devotional services were condlucted by Misses Mary Graydon and Marguerite Abel. Mr. R. G. Bell of the Uni versity "Y" addressed the girls on "An Influential Life" taking as a slogan All for Christ. After thme business, a social half hour was spent together, the Social Com mittee presenting a unique stunt, and later serving a light sup per. The social hour which is a feature of every Y. W. meeting creates a great deal of "college life" for the girls who have very little opportunity to meet on the UNIVERSITY BAND HAS ORGANIZED. The University Band is inak ing excellent progress under the efficient leadershii) of Mr. J. 0. Lanham, a senior lov student. Mr. Lanham last year directed the Carlisle Preparatory School band at Bamberg. The bad con dition in which Mr. Lanhain found thue instrunmw:ts was the cause of considerable delaV but now the band is praticing regl larly four nights e-ach week. They hope to be proficient enough to give concerts by Christmus as the applicants for positions are showing a great deal of interest and enthusiasm. Following is a list of those who are trying out for the anld. First Cornets: L-.11nam, .\b rams, McLain. Second Cornets: 11ack, 1Iavne. Baritone: CaVe. Basses: Johnson, MeLain. Malihafrey. Altos: leasley. IIorowitz. Trombones: Williams, Well bourne. Clarinets: Baker, aIlwkins, Ba rlow. Saxaphiones: IHorton, John Son, Ambs, Oliver. Bass Drum: Prieket. Snare Dirums: Thiff, Johnson. Cymbals: Bogenschlaffer. The Wigz 1228 Ma Cigars, Soda Pocket Agents for Johne COLUMBIA, Make This Store 3 We Want Y Because It Pleases IGOOD HOM Two Dining Rooms. I Good Break fast.......... Dinner .............. Supper........... ... (SUNDAY NIGH 1008 Sumter St., (Next Newest and Most Up-to-Di LIBERTY BA PROMPT AND) COUR University Boys, we solicit y you service -: Basement iberty Nat. Bank MORE "PEP" FOR CO-EDS. GIRLS WILL HAVE GLEE CLUB. At a meeting held in the Girl's Mr. Maurice Matteson nas not Study Friday morning, a question overlooked the 85 women at the that has been brewing among the University in orgimizing his cho Co-eds for sometime came to a ral clubs on the canilms. Under definite conclusion. The girls ap preciate the spirit the boys have shown in reserving the club has been organized with places on the bleachers for Miss Mary Dishbourne, at lent&' I them and it was decided that 1. Mus. graduate of Coker now i the Co-eds woild sit as it body student t the bdniversit, as in the place reserved for them. President. Plans are already un Miss E4"m Wilsonll of Talhilaas det. wiy for a ('i r's (uariette and see, Florida and 'I Miss Lewis Mur-it is loped ill tie spig the wimle chison of Cohiibia were elected clb will be able to give smie cheer leader aid song leader: iln- public per"(wiles. Mlt thil der their entliisiastic leadersihip ty-five girls have joiled tie chlb the girls are already manifesting and notwh interest 1as beeil a11-olls nilrl i.aiterest eisd o"nnn. eo. Bryan's Book Store and P 1440 Main Street, Coluri M SOMAiIbo , 1Al DR. Mus.EL grdut ofCoernoL Sunkist FRUIT Drinks Dr.NTIST 1329 21ain Street Next to Briggws' Calfe 1316 Main St. Phione 558 Ptre Feruit lrinks c Fruit Punch wle cbrN wiie and be Convinced pubSpecira Prices for tances Bam, Inc. BO 1n Street Get Your Flow M agazines of all varI Billiards Wales Garde Nton's Chocolates Ne to SOUTH CAROLINA .our Headquarters. Seln - ik E1 OO IN113 Main St.--Poe58 PrFuiDreet 6 Scr eoDae ... ...1.0. to 2.0 BillSEiad alsGad do' CoTownate aNextto TOUTHRAROLNA our paroaeaduartee ourMaiest - - W. . Mayield,EPrp. i e Comics, Cartoons, q shons. Newspa per and Magazine CA ll'ustratintel Coam-_ mercial,e a te o r ar an Portraits. Our simple met hod quickly develops your talent i n spare tinte. Hy) inail or Local classes. Write for tcrmis and list (if Successful Students. Courses endorsed by Newq)pers. j%taRa;ines, and Fatuous Artists. ASSOCIATE.D ART STUDIOS X 28 Flatiron Building New York City Let's get acquainted Use our store for your "hang out" J. S. PINKUSSOHN CIGAR CO. Cigars, Soda, Pocket Billiards 1307-1309 Main Street rinting Office >ia, S. C. UNIVERSITY BOYS, A warm welcome awaits you -A T The Royal Restaurant 1-114 Main St. Phone 269 YS, :rs and Bouquets eties at n Greenhouse Wigwam rson Shoe Co. en anturar en and Children e 3768 Columbia, S. C. Headquarters For University Men New Things All the Time Hope-Davis Co.