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CAR,NAAFFTWE WINS IN BIG TRIANGLE Negative Team Loses to Uni versity of Tennessee. The triangle debate between Carolina, Florida and Tennessee was won this year by the Uni versity of Tennessee, while Car olina received second place. Tennessee's negative team de feated the Florida affirmative at Columbia and Tennessee's af firmative defeated Carolina neg ative at Gainesville. Carolina's affirmative was victor over Flor ida negative at Knoxville. The query was, "Resolved, That the Federal government should own and operate the railroads of the United States." The University of South Carolina was repre sented by E. B. Smith and M. A. Wright against H. C. John ston and H. M. Freedlander of the University of Florida; E. P. Hodges and J. R. Bryson of the University of South Carolina de bated against Ramsey Clayton and D. G. Stout :of the Uni versity of Tennessee, while R. H. Leonard and R. R. N. Owen of Tennessee debated R. C. Vinford and A. H. Norton of Florida. The debates were held on last Friday night in the cap ital cities of each of the three States concerned. Carolina won a unanimous decision over Flor ida, Tennessee won a unanimous decision over Carolina, and Tennessee won a 4 to 1 decision against Florida. This is the sec ond consecutive year that Ten nessee has won the debate. Judges of the contest held in Columbia were E. M. Rucker, George B. McCutchen, Josiah Morse, Robert Moorman and H. N. Edmunds. C. D. Barr, Jr., of the Clariosophic Literary So ciety of the University, was chief marshal and Dr. W. S. Currell of the University presided. The contest was made more interest ing by the music rendered by Chicora College girls. TRIANGULAR DEBATE TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3.) tory of the Y. M. C. A. and Junior representative on the honor committee. J. P. Sifford, negative, is sec retary of the student body and assistant manager of The Game cock. He has held the positions in the Clariosophic Literary So ciety of sergeant-at-arms, sec retary and vice president. He has been one of the best menm bers of his society during his college career and is an active participant in college activities He is also assistant ceer leader. GAMECOCKS WIN FIRST MEET ON HOME FIELD The first track meet of the sea. son on the home field was won by the Gamecocks against Fur man University by a score of 66 1-2 to 41 1-2. Seven first places and nine second places were won by the Carolina team, while Furman tpok four firsts and three seconds. The show ing made by the home team was a great encouragement to the track fans who have endured for four years without seeing Caro lina in an inter-collegiate meet. Hampton was the star for the Gamecocks, making a total of 21 points. Mann, Smith and Ervin all made 11 points each, while O'Dell led the list for Furman Following is a list of the events and winners in each: One Hundred Yard Dash Mann, Carolina, won first place; Smith, Carolina, won second, and McAllister, Furman, third. High Jump-Ervin, Carolina, first, five feet six inches; Hamp ton, Carolina, second, and Mc Mannaway, Furman, third. Half Mile Run-Gambrell, Furman, first, time two minutes 20 2-5 seconds ; Barr, Carolina, second, and Hawkins, Furman, third. Broad Jump - McAllister, Furman, first, 19 feet 6 1-4 inches; Mann, Carolina, 19 feet 6 1-4 inches ; Mann, Carolina, second, and McMannaway, Fur man, third. Two Hundred and Twenty Yard Dash-Smith, Carolina, first; Mann, Carolina, second, and no third place man. Hammer Throw-Hampton, Carolina, first, 93 feet three inches; Lay, Furman, second, and Ervin, Carolina, third. Two Hundred and Twenty Low Hurdles-Hampton, Caro lina, first; time, 26 1-4 seconds; Smith, Carolina, second, and Mc Allister, Furman ,third. Shotput - O'Dell, Furman, first, 37 feet and one inch Hampton, Carolina, second, and McMannaway, Furman, third. Pole Vault-O'Dell, Furman, and Ervin, Carolina, tied for both first and second place, ten feet and eight inches; Garrett, Carolina, and McMannaway; Furman, tied for third place. Four Hundred and Forty Yard Run-Hampton, Carolina, first; time, 56 4-5 seconds; Gain brell, Furman, and Lay, Fur man, second, and third places, respectively. Discus Throw-O'Dell, Fur man, first, 140 feet and seven inches; McAllister, Furman, sec ond, and Garrett, Carolina, third. Mile Run-Varn, Carolina, first; time, five minutes 28 2-5 seconds; Barr, Carolina, second, and Ervin, Carolina, third. YOUR PHOTOGRAPH There is a Photographer in Your City SARGEANTS' STUDIO Equipped to turn out in the most thorough manner Photographs of Artistic Value at a most reasonable price. You are invited to see our Display. Open from 9.00 A. M. to 9 P. M. Daily. SARGEANT PHOTO COMPANY 1423 Main Street Columbia, S. C. The Wigwam Soda - Cigars - Magazines - Pool i Carolina men are always welcome here. Meet your j ,: friends at the Wigwam. Spend your leisure time 4 with us. The Manager ................................ !t,i II 1 1 1 1 1 11 ''1 lIII 1 I t.aa ge t I Bevois a part of the game - it makes good sportismen and more enjoyablo sport - good = fellowship,health and refreshment -best to train. on and gain on. .A7o a/-year-ound soft dInk ANHNIEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS deale.-.Visiows are cordlally Invited to Inspect ou plant. .tH FOR SALE---One Scholarship to Bowen Macfeat Business College. First applicant gets it. See manager of The Gamecock.