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UNIVERSITY STUDENTS 4 TO LEAD BOYS CLUBS Six Men Volunteer for Work at Olimphia Mills At the regular meeting of the Y. M. C. A. on last Wed nesday night, Mr. A. P. Ludwig, secretary of the Y. M. C. A. at the Olympia Mills, made an s urgent appeal to Carolina stu- l dents for "six red blooded col- t lege men to lead boys' clubs in I the mill village." Referring to the boys who live around the t mills near here, Mr. Ludwig I said, "I want you to fire these I boys with ambition to make 8 men of themselves and to teach P them that it is not enough to work just enough to live." w In response to Mr. Ludwig's t stirring appeal, C. B. Seaborn, a 0. B. Boggs, R. C. Thompson, John Schneider, Robt. Moor man, Jr., and J. P. Wardlaw volunteered their services for I c3 the work. < On Friday night, Mr. Ludwig ( invited the Carolina men who t a had volunteered for the mill t village work, to dinner and af ter the courses had been served C the plans for the work were set in order. The students are showing some real interest in c the work and Mr. Ludwig is looking forward to great suc cess in the work among the fac tory boys. There-are still two more men n needed to do similar work at E the Children's Clinic. r i ERSKINE TAKES SLOW . GAME FROM GAMECOCKS t ICONTINIE9 FROM PAGE ONE.) i r 30 yard line. Seaborn got away y with a thirty yard run for the ! touchdown. Erskine forged ahead again in the fourth quarter when follow- j ing consistent gains thru the Car olina line they got off with a 30 s yard pass for a second touchdown. A forward pass to Clark netted a 43 yard gain for Carolina and 1 a 17 yard run by Seaborn for his second touchdown left the Game- I cocks only one point short of the a Erskine score. The kick went t wild and Erskine held her 14 to I 13 lead for the rest of the game. 1 Carolina was in the midst of a t successful forward passing at tack when the whistle blew. They had some real good opene work, but were prevented from t using it as most of the game was played with the ball in their ter- r ritory. Prof. Patterson Ward law will speak at the Troy school on Fri day, November 23, and be fore the t Abbeville County Teachers' As sociationi on Saturday, November sAMECOCKS TO MEET FURMAN AT FLORENCE .reat Game to be Staged at Pee Dee Fair On Thursday next the Carolsna xamecocks battle the Furmanites n Florence. The game was cheduled to be played either iere or in Florence but owing to he fact that the Florence County pair is coming off there this, veek, it was decided to play it here. There are an especially arge number of Carolina sup orters in the Pee Dee section nd they have been asking for a ame there for several years. his is the first time the univer ity has ever played a game in hat section so a large attend Lnce is expected. Furman started her season vith a defeat to the Geergia ech Scrubs, which was to be ex >ected and followed it up witg a 'ictory over Wake Forest, 7 to 6, ',lemson's heavier team took hem into camp to the tune of 38 o nothing, but since then they iave been improving, for they lefeated Newberry, 20 to 7 and ield Davidson to the score of 27 o 7. This was more than a reditable showing, because )avidson had held Tech to a mall score. From this doye it vould seem that the Gamecocks .re due to beat them something ike thirty to nothing, "Paper" cores never amount to much, towever, and the Gamecocks are iot expecting a walkover by any neans. Coach Foster evidently thinks his game will be unusually inter sting, for he is putting his men hru some of the stiffest scrim naging that they have had this ear. The Furmanites aren't oing to catch the team napping s Erskine did Saturday. The team will miss "Rut" Os borne, the peppy quarterback as t is almost certain that injuries ustained during the Erskine ame will keep him out of Thurs day's game. Some trepidation ias been felt over several other layers. Weston, who received a ad cut over the eye, will be fit gain by Thursday; Brockington, he "little giant" tackle got a ad side but says it is coming Jong well and that he will be in here as good as ever. George )rown, "Coly" Seaborn and Red 'urner were hurt, but they arel xpected to be on the job when he whistle blows. Altogether, we dont envy Fur nan her job. She beat us last ear and"we must have revenge or that. Erskine beat us "as' Ladn't ought to" last week. The' eam is " riled" and is going to' ake it out on Furman. They. ,re in top notch form and is good .re not over con fident of victory. ts we remarked, we dont envy 'urman. -I- C-E STREET ts for C 0 P E A N D S-E-R-V B A =R B S H 0 P 1214 MAIN "Correct Hair Cu University Boys.'