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With Which is Incorporated t THE CAROLINIAN t I I IVrV o- SoU ril CAROL.INA s e s " Vhile I Liee I CroI '' I PUBJLISHED) WEKLY i$Y TII LITERARYt SOCIEIE1S. 'TE.RMS $1 .5(0 A YEARI. Entered at Columbia. S. C. postoffice November 20. 190s as second cIassi mail matter. -h EI)ITORIAL STAFF o (YRtUS L. SHEALY...... Editor-in-Chief a C. A. BUCHANAN..... Managing Editor ( W. E. HOWEN......... Literary Editor - ~ 11 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT .1. C. KEARs:..... .Business Manager G. E. SHAND. .iR.. Asst. Hus. Manager ( H. C. ST!":ADMAN.. Circulation Manager Columbia, S. C., Oct. 30, 1917 .- c Elitarial Explanation We do not want to begin our work by making excusses, but, in .iustice to all concerned, we must announce that the issue given to the public today should have been published last week by the retiring board. 'Th ru some misunderstanding, we were called upon only yesterday- -at the eleventh hour --- to get the paper off the press. We are re sponsible only for the editorials tJ of this issue. CYRUs L. SHEALy. Oct. 30, 1017. Greeting In assuming the duties, and the attendant responsibilities, of editor-in-chief of Tw GAME COCK, we feel, very keenly, our inability. but, since our fellow students have chosen us for this particular work, we will, in no wise, shirk it. And while we may not measure up to the stand ard set by our distinguished pred ecessors, we will endeavor to make this publication at least readable. But this will be no small task, and the staff, however f iligent and zealou., cannot pro.. duce a weekly worthy of' this Uni versity unless the student body lends its active assistance. TH'IE GAMECOCK should be the mnedium through which the ac tivities of the students and1 pro- I fessorsare made known; it should be the mouthpiece of the student body; it should1( carry the spirit of Carolina on every page, and, in the true Gamtecock spirit, this should be done in a whole-heart.. ed, courdgeous manner. No one I WI ielus Drug Store t 1443 Main Street HABENICHT-McDOUGALL CO. ----A thletic Outfitters 1631 Main Street - - - - Phone 670 The College Man's Clothing Store 1405 Main Street - - - Columbia, S. C. Chas. L. Sligh, Florist Corsage Bouquets, Baskets of Flowers A 11 orders given best attention 1436 Main Street Phone 2761 The Bank of Columbia COL.UMBIA. SOUTH CAROI.INA I.. 1. IIARI)IN. President E. C. SEIBELS, Vice-President JAMES MACDONALD, Vice-President STANMORE WATSON, Asst. Cashier D. A. CHILDS, Assistant Cashier NETTLES & TOBIAS, Attorneys Solicits Students' Patronage WINTHROP NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE of South Carolina Rock Hill, S. C. 110 Officer:, Teachers and Assistants Over One Thousand Students Normal. Scientific and l.iterar, Courses, with Industrial Studies Expenses for season of nine months: For students paying Tuition $180.00 For students having Free Tuition $140.00 For Scholarship Students $ 40.00 For Catalogue and other Information address D. B. Johnson, President Rock Hill, S. C. t Copeland Company Announces Fall Opening of CLOT HES, H A TS, SHOES, etc. t C." 4 4 44 4 44.4 nan, or small group of men, cat o it: there must be concerte( ction: and we take this oppor unity to say that the board o ditors, however vigilant, canno ee and hear everything of inter st that happens on the campus r that which is connected witi Jniversity life. So we want t< uggest to a n d u r g e --everi tudent to do his part, to the en hat we may produce a publica ion worthy of this institution )on't wait for a reporter to conu 1) you, communicate your bit o ews to any member of the staf nd he will see that it is proper y prepared for the press. Again, permit us to urge thi eartiest co-operation on the par f everyone at interest. Avoi< II dissension. and let the spiri f fraternity prevail. Overlo l he shortcomings and strive fo etter things always. onsolidation not a Curb Since THE CAROLIAN has beet ncorporated with TIEGAMECOCI for the present, at least,) thi uties of the staff will he muel trger. And we want all stu ents and professors who hav ormerly contributed to THI 3AROLINIAN to bear in mind tha 'e intend to run a literary de artment in THE GAMECOCK. T1 his end, a literary editor ha: een added to our staff. We in ite short contributions of liter ry merit, and we will handl< hem in the best way possible 'he consolidation of the two pub cations was viewed as a neces ity. and not as a curb to literar: roduction. This is a. time whei veryone must do his duty 'hose who can produce shoul o o anid that . itou iicin i egged. Persona1 It is with pride (pardonable ve hope) that we are again as ociated with '1'HE GAMECOCK Ve recall a time, some years ago vhen the late, distinguished Rt 0. Gonzales first mentioned to u he need of a weekly publicatioi o be run by our two societies nd in company with him--anm few others---we fought agains >ig odds for the establishmen f THE GAMECOCK. And th act that it has lived up to thi ime- through periods of dis ouragement and s uc ce ss-i tmI)le proof that our idleas wer it least sound in principle. S hat, after a lapse of severa 'ears, it is a distinct pleasure t urther the work which we thinI vas well hegun. W. C. Mann, '17 was dlown fo he Newherry game. D)r. Currell lectured at Baile; Ailiinry Institute on the 1th.