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DR6 K. H. BOSMAJIAN PERFORMES CERIMONY Mock-Wedding in Oriental Style at Flinn -Hall Friday Night. Dr. K, H. Bosmajian, the Ar menian missionary worker, who has been spending some time in Columbia, gave an illustrated lecture at Flinn Hall Friday night. His subject was a trip to the orient. During the course of the lec ture, Dr. Bosmajian gave his na tive alphabet, which consists of 39 letters and sounds. He sang several songs in the Armenian language and played several se lections on various oriental in struments. The part of the program that was of most interest was the wedding in imitation of the Ar menian ceremony. In connec tion with this, Dr. Bosmajian ex hibited several Armenian cos tumes. Blackman acted as the i groom and "jay-bird" Buchanan S was the bride. The mock wed i ding was very shor; as compared with the Armenian ceremony which begins at midnight and lasts for three hours. SKELETON FOUND BY WORKMEN ON CAMPUS sible for me to learn their names, I would mark the grave, or rather the position they occupied in the trench, with such material as I could get, in order that their friends might remove them, if they desired. "The day following I was compelled to go through a like experience and bury 11 more . . . "On the day following we buried seven. One of this num ber was a most worthy female attendant, a widow, leaving two helpless child'en. I had in a manner become acustomed to sad sights, but when I realized that it would be my painful duty to consign her uncoffined to the grave, I felt then the terrible horrors of war. We laid her in a grave by herself. If ever genuine tears of sorrow were shed it was over the grave of this poor woman. Her chik'ren were not present, and I have no ground for thinking they ever knew where their mother was buried. As matters began to set tle down, those that died later on were decently interred. It was my melancholy duty from the time the city was destroyed up to the time of my leaving for home in June, to bury no less than 75 persons.... .. "I learn with much pleasure, since writing the foregoing, that the dead buried at the back of the college building have been removed and interred in the Elmwooa Cemetery "The buildings of the South Carolina College were taken by the Confederate government, June 25, 1862, and used by them as a hospital until the close of the war. Dr. LaBorde, chair man of the faculty, reported at the close of 1862 that already more than 2,000 wounded Con federates had been treated. The present gymnasium containd 300 beds. When Sherman entered Columbia the yellow hospital flag flyiny over the college buildings saved them; they also held Fed-, eral wounded." VISIT SCRUGGS & BAILEY'S CLOTHING SALE New Fall and Winter Suits Reduced 20% 1412 MAIN STREET GO TO "NICK'S" To Spend Your Nicks CANDY, FRUITS. CIGARS, DRINKS Best Quallij, Grea(esi Quantly NICHOLAS CONSTAN 1206 Main St. Phone 1074. We Feature Eagle Caps Hope Davis Co. P. H. Lachicotte & Co. Jewelers Manufacturers College and School Medals 1424 Main St. Columbia, S.C. If you want to spend money to: CANDIES or ICE CREAM go to CONDOS BROS. 1544 Main St. Salisfacilon Guaranteet or Money Refunded For First Class Service: Go to Mean's Barber Shop NEXT TO IMPERIAL HOTEL 1337 Main Street LAW RANGE BARBER SHOP All Skilled and Polite Barbers Pompadour Hair Culling a Specially SKIMIIDO'1?A - T'hal A e, H air Cul. Try II. Special Rates to Carolina Stu dents and Faculty. Hair Cut ..........20c Shampoo ..........20c Massage..........20c Singe ........ 20e Shave...... .....1c Give Us a Trial. 1211 Washimrton Street. University ol Founded by the State The University is organiz I. School of Arts and study in Languages, Histo: degrees of A. B. and B. worth from $100 to $150 es 11. School of Education, to serve the State as te tendents of schools. In thii conferred. III. Graduate School, w the degree of Master of A Graduates of the colleges to the University in all coui for tuition. IV. School of Engineeri to C. E. and E. E. degrees, V. School of Law, with : LL. B. The presence of tt the State Law Library afTc College fees for the year, For women college fees E tuition, $40 additional. Ro4 year. Active teachers have th( without any charge whatevE Room Scholarships with boa For cata W. S. CURR Colun SOUTHERI COM ARRIVAL AND DE SCHEDULE IN EFFECT Al (Published ony-ts inf< No. ARRIVE FROM t'04 16 Charlestoti. Summerville. Branch Ville. Orangeburg. Kingville.... 6:55 a r 35 Charlotte, Rock Hill. Chester. WinnsbWro, Ridgeway aocal). . :00 a X Augusta, Trenton. Edgefield. Batesburg. Leciville, I.AxingtMn 101:01 n 31 New York. Washington. Greens loro, Charlotte. Rock Hill. Cester 141:05 a t 134 Allendale. Barnwell. Blackville, Springlield. Perry (local) . ..... 1:15 a 1 117 York. Rock Hill. Lancastcr. Ker shaw. Camden, Kingville ..... . 12:35 1 u 27 Charleston. Summerville. Branch ville. Orangeburg. Kingville... 12:45 1 n IS Greenville. Anderson. Helton. Ab bm-ville. Grecnwood, N. wlerry 2:15 p i 42 Asheville. Spartanburg, Union Cin rlisle. Alstt.n (local) .. 2:31! P n 301 Savanniah, AIIendnie, Barnwell,. iBlackville, Pe.rry I loen).. . I .. -l:10 p n .32 A ugusata, Hatesbuirg, Trento, IAxingltonl........... ..4I 5 > ni 24 ('incinnati. Knoxville. Harriman Junction, Ashe-ville,Spartanbaurg 4:45 i' n 1131 Chuarlotte. Yojrk, Rock Hill,. Lan cateer. Ciamden, Kingville. . . . S:4; y n 27 Charlotte. Rock Hill. Chesteri. Wi'rnnsboro, Rtidgeway . 9a:a,r I' n 20 A ugusta. Hlatenbuarg. I weeville, Il,xingto. .......... 1:015 pn 11 Charh stona, Summnerville, Branch ville, Orangeburg. Kingville. . . .101:201 p n 16 G#reenville. Ande-rson, HelIton, Alb beville, Greenwood, New berry .. In:411 pn 10 AshevIlle, Hendersonvile.Spartan huurg. linion Alatnn.......11-.m,,u South Carolina in 1801 in the Capital City 3d with the following divisions: Science, with various courses of -y, Science, etc., leading to the S. Eight General Scholarships ch. which seeks to prepare persons achers, principals and superin course the A. B. is the degree ith advanced courses leading to rts. of South Carolina are admitted -ses except Law, without charge ig, Civil and Electrical, leading: , course leading to the degree of e various courts and the use of rd exceptional facilities. $18, including medical attention. re only $12. For those paying )m, with light and service, $8 a advantages of the University ,r. Loan funds available. Dining rd free at Steward's Hall. logue address ELL, President, ibla, S. C. q RAILWAY [PANY PARTURE OF TRAINS 12:01 A. M. NOV. 28, 1915 rmation, not guaranteed) No. LEAVE FOR Time l16 Kingville. Orangeburg. Branch - ville. Suinmerville. Charleston. 3:24 a ni : Ridgeway. Winnsboro. Chester. Rock Hill. Charlott.............. 5:311 a in 11. Kingville, Caniden. Kershaw. I L .oancaster. Rock Hill............ :. :a ni 12 Kingville. Orangceburg. Branch I ville. Summerville. Cha'rleton. .6:5.A a mi 19 Lexington. I,eesville. Hiatuauirg. Riidge Spring, Trenton. Augusta 7:0 a n 9 Union. Spartanbtrg. Atlanta, Asheville. Knoxville. Cincinnati 7:05 a n 115 Alston, Newhwrry. Greenwod, Ahlweville. Anderson. Greenville 7:I5a m 36 Perry. Springliold. l1lackville, I Barnwell. Allendale. Savannah j:1o a m L1 Lexington. Hatesburg. Trenton, AuIgusKta .. .. 1:15 a mi 27 Union. Spartanhurg, Aseheville. K nox vill, Cincinnati. .. .... 12:55 p mn 17 Aiston, Newberry. Greenwoo. Abhlwville, A uulein Gree'nv'ille I :06 p mi lix Hopk in,.. Gmadsden, K ingviiie. Camnden. Kershaw, Lanc'r. York 3:25 p mn 133 Pe rry. Black viii. Rarnweil. Al itendalet (local)...... 4....:15 p mi 4! A I a t Ilin, It i' ,o . Sllartanhulrg (local)...............1:29. p m 32 Ridlgeway. W.'inin,o, (Ch e,r. Rock lIiili, (Charlotte. Washinog ton, New York.... ..... 1:25 y m1 2?' K ingville, Orangebuorg, iranc'h ville. Sunmmerville. C'harleaton .*4:55, y m 2't Ridgeway. Wsinnsboro. ('hester, Rock H ill. F't. Mili. Carlotte (local 5:25 p mn 7 Lexington. Lee'sviile, Bat sbuirg. 'rentan. Aicnlli Ananan