3ijg eamgcocik Pun.ISHED WEEKL.Y BY TiE LITERARY SO CIETIES OF TilE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. TERDMS: $1.00 A SESSION, PAY AnLE IN ADVANCE. "Entered as second-class matter November 20, 1908, at the postoffice at Columbia, S. C., under the Act of March 3, 1879." TnE GAMECOCK solicits bumorous sketches, essays, verses, etc., and will gladly publish such as is available, when accompanied by the full name of the author. Unsigned manuscripts will neither be acknowledged nor returned. All checks and money orders should be made payable to It. F. Simnpson, Business Man ager. Busines8 Manager, It. F. Sumr'soN, '11. Assistant B?usiness Manager, 1'. S. MCMI.L.AN, Ulmers. I,ditorial Rooms in linnll Hall. BOARID OF EDITORS. HCditor-in-Chief, H1. G. Oumicern.................Eddy Lake Associale Ecditor, D). C. H-IFWAnn. Athletics Editors, F. 'W . CAPPF1.3Ara.x.............1 ,uphradian L. K. HAoon.................Clariosophic Local Ecditors, I). C. HEUSTM48.................Clarisoplic G. V. W ARINo, Jlt............ . 'uphradian '. M. C. A. Editor, WV. H-1. JOHNSTON. Student Body Editor, P. K. BoWaMAX. CouMInrA, S. C., INAIicii 25, 1911. Has anybody here seen our new bulletin boalrd ? Those that have not secured their season ticket should do so at once the association needs the money. The regular college season opens next Friday afternoon. Iet's come out in force and do sminte good cheering. Xe hope the management will see to it that our scrub team gets sev eral good trips. It means much to go out every afternoon and play consistent ball, and we trust the see ond team will be given (Iue consid eration for their efforts in the way of two or three nice trips. Have you been approached by the Freshmen to assist them in the splendid work they have under taken ? Ten cents per week by each man in school will (1 the trick, and think what it means. The Freshmen ave doing a good work, and we are glad to see the interest they are taking in things pertaining to our life and duties here. Stop and thinlk a momen t. A re not things runnings smoother and( better this yecar than at any time (Inring vonur connect ion wvith the University ? I,4ess polities, hardly anmy gambling anid d rinkinug, less rowvdyismi, fewver objectionable Freshmen, and greatest of all, more st udying. What is the cause for this great change? All roads for goodl lead to linnt I lall. Th-e offer of fifty dollars to the stud(ent writing the best alma1( maI(ter, is still open. It seems possib)le that in our ranks there is someone cap)a ble of writing ai fitting hymn. It is a thing needed badly, and to some of us the fifty doll1ar prize looks awfully good. Suppose we try, each of tus our hnde at it. TI )ou see the task is impossible after a fair trial, then keep it to yourself. Some of us may be poe.ts and don't know it. It would be a pretty good paper to hand in in English, and we suggest that the professors make each Freshman try his hand at it, as an exercise in theme writing. This grand old institution has been in existence now for over one hundred years, and with it the pres ent deplorable system of janitor service. In a few cases the janitors themselves seem to have been in ex istence a much longer tine. Today much is being done to improve the Leaching facilities, and in a certain measure the comfort of the students in a general way, but th-e dormito ries themselves are still served in the same old style by the same old janitors. It is practically impossi ble to keep a room habitable w,hen you have a janitor whose only quali fications ave his ability to-spill water all over your floor, remove the ashes from your grate in such a way as to deposit them in every nook and corner of the room, and then, after the manner of one sweeping the streets, proceed to bury everything in a cloud of dust from his artistic handling of the broom. There is a little variety as to the particular quality and (uantity of dust depos ited upon anyt), onie sp(ot from day to day, but none is ever lost or re Moved. They are most careful as to that, their object being to take the dust from this table and deposit it as carefully as possible upon that mantle, desk, or divan, without al lowing any of it to escape through the (oors or 'illdows. To find a book used the day before, it is nec essary to dig into the (lust as they dig among the ruins of Pompeii, searching for a knovledge of the an cients. We suggest that each janitor be slppli-ed with a sprinkling call, so lie can settle the (lust on the tables, chairs, etc., before sweeping. Of course, this would prevent the uni form accumulation of dust upon everything, but we would bear the hardships for the sake of knowing exactly how many cubic feet of dust could be removed in the courise of an hour or two. Seriously, the trouble seems to be in making the janitors do too much work or in expe6ting too much of them. If we had more and better janitors manY of us would be able toi enter our rooms and( sit downi withbout having to first remove two or three inches of (lust from the chairs. Irvine l''. I lelser, 'to, now~ at Yale, wvho w~oni the Oxfordl scholarship last year, writes that lhe has been ac cep)tedl at Clirist Church College. This is the college all our repre sentatives have been adlmittedl to, and( we congratulate Mr. Belser upon01 being admitted to such an highly (desi rable college of Oxford. Young lady (at senior dlance): "This floor is so slick that I'm afraid I'll fall." Senior Wall: "Never mind, just 1h01( onto the Wall."-Ex. A Very Hasty and Jagged Ballade of Baseball. (WNith contrite apologies to MM. Villen, Dlandelaire, (le i3anville, &c., no)w%%, presunably il I the )osom of Abraham.) ' To a lowlier key I attune my Car 0 Sovereign Muse, anud all ye Graces, lan the range ai(l pitch you're wont to hear; 'orsaking the shadows anld vin(y spaces, And the ships the rhapsodist sai(l were Thrace's, And the Orient casement, where crinllms Climb, No, no, Erato! I wvon't suffer your traces Wthen the April sun's shining in baselball time. They're off to the sound of a splen (li(d cheer, An d1 a (lomilant yO(el that must be Alace's, (i e so wakes the campus i' the fall o' the year.) The same (ld look in the same ol( faces, v As the Camecocks runII to their usual places; Ah, what's the good of this impo tent rime! These are at best only counterfeit plrases When the April sun's shining in baseball time. \ith a wva(l in his jaw, and a visage alistere, Our "Tommy" stridles up, and very soonl laces A nifty three-bagger way back in the rear, Anl(d the poor old Davidson fielder chases, And (1 our fellows are brceziig armunl tle white bases, Anud life seems worth living, faith jist inl its prime, AnI(d each crazy fanatic his neighbor embraces. When the April sun's shining in baselall time. En voi. Then close up that trig, and those musty law cases; Come out an( "holler." 0 Gee. it's sublime, That second ecstatic; your blood leaps anl races, \\'hen the April sun's shining in baseball time! R. E4. G. Jones: D o you carry any Ii fe-in surance? Irown: Yes ; I have ten thousand1 (dollars. J1ones: \l ade payable to your wife? Brown: Yes. Jones: Well, what kind of an ex cUSe (10 you1 putt upl to your wife for living ?-Ex. Suitor: "Your dlaughter, sir- well, er-hat---is-she told me to come to you-she says you-" Pater: "Quite so-I understand. Let's see ; are you Mr. Bironson or Mr. Whibbhles ?" Suitor: "Why, I'm Mr. H-otchkiss." BIRD SEED. Don't be a T. W. * * * \h'Iio is K. C. Jones? * * * Our Sheppard has no sheep. * *: * \Vho can Fill up Arrowsmith? Hall game sooi. Harems v. 101bbles. * * * "The Gamecock" is of neccessity a confirmed bachelor. * * * Carolina's student colors-black, browtn, green and white. * * * 01h, happy Monday, that brings the faculty to chapel! * :1 * A Freshman thought an aero plaine was a carpenter's tool. * * * "Tiimie is money-and I have no timle."-DAeWolf Hopper. * * * A Junior law student was sur prised that the Police Gazette was subscribed neither at Flinn Hall nor inl the Library. * * * Quite different: "The Fall of the House of Usher," and "The Fall of the Usher of the 1 louse." Also different: "Keep off the grass," and "Keel) the grass off." *1, * * Carolina students usually look down on performances at the theatre -from tle "roost." At the College for Women. Next Monday evening at 8:30, in the auditorium, Mr. Kittredge an(d Miss Alexander will give what prom ises to be a treat in the way of re citals. roii now until late spring we are proised many such recitals by the I)epartment of Music at the "col lege," and we look forward to them wvith much lpleasure. Tlhe last of the series of three lectures will be given next Tuesday evening by Dr. Geo. Vincent, for ierly dean of the University of Clii cago and now president of the Uni versity of Minnesota. The subject will be "'The Mind of the Mob," and promises to be of cspecial inter est to students of psychology. I'he price to stuldelts i:i fifty cents. Reward Offered!I A\ reward of thirty-three andl one third cents will be given the first pers5on showving us wvherein lies the humor of the following: "T'lhere was a y oung man named McColl Who wvent to a fancy diress b)all Ile thought just for fun I Lc wvould go) as a hun11 And a (log ate him upl in the H-all." Editor's Notice. There will be an imp)ortant mo'et ing of "The Gamecock" staff Mon (lay morning immediately after chapel. I,v'ery editor' is urged to at t Cn1(1