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Law Association. The meetings of the Association have been changed from Friday to Wednesday evening for the greater convenience of the membership. At the last meeting officers were elected for the last lap, and in accord ance with immemorial custom, the various offices were bestowed upon the Juniors. The following were elected: President, W. B. Marion. Vice-President, J. P. Wise. Secretary and Treasurer, Joseph Murray. Clerk of Court, A. L. Kirkland. Sheriff, F. A. McLeod. These officers will be formally in stalled at the next meeting. At the last session of Moot Court a capital case was tried. The State was represented by McDonald and Kleiner, and Pettigrue and Etheridge appeared for the defense. Judge Gasque covered the law very fully in his charge to the jury, who, after brief deliberation, rendered a verdict for the defendant. A criminal case is on docket for the next court also, a Senior and a Junior being retained as counsel on each side. At a recent meeting of the Senior class, B. D. Carter was selected as commencement speaker. The Juniors, elated with victory, have challenged the Seniors to another game of baseball, to be pulled off coM mencement week. The Seniors promptly accepted, as they are thirst ing for revenge. Collede for Women Reception. One of the most delightful events in the life of the University for thle past week was the Junior-Senio re ception at the College for Women, on Friday night of last week. The fair hosts of the occasion had favored some fifty or sixty of their friendi at the University with invitations and all those fortunate enough to be included wvere present in full force. The re ceiving line, consisting of the oficers of the two classes and Miss McClin tock and Miss Kelly, stood in the west parlor and from here the g-tesis passed into the library, where a de light ful salad course was served. Punch was displiensel in the lh--l, and in anl alcove, siael by pailms, Iva: an orchestra, which )1'.L;e thrughot the (veiling. In all over two hi'lndred guests were present, anld the occa.i i was a ilost delightfui onle. Ben Greet Players Soon. In the near future the Ben Greet P layers are to give a performance on an out-of-door stage, erectedl beneath the beautiful oaks back of DeSaussure College. This noted band of p)layers gave a similar p)erfornmance last year on the campus and pre~sented "The TFaming of the Shrewv" in a manner that was most satisfactory to all lovers of Shakespeare. The Ben Greet Players came to this country from England eight years ago, and since that time their fame has sp)readl until now they are known fromt one p)art of the country to the other. The lays p)resented will be "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Romeo and Juliet." The dates selected for these perfornmances are the 25th andl 26th, and the admittance fee wvill be an noncedr later. Joh H. Neff to Be Next Coach. (Continued from Page One.) Our new coach has the strongest recommendation .from Dr. Lambeth, of Virginia, who says of him: "I am confident that lie will make good with you and reflect great credit on himself and Virginia. I unhesitatingly recoin mend him for the position of coach at the University of South Carolina." Mr. Christie Benet, who was coaching Virginia's'eleven when Mr. Neff made the team, says that ' Carolina has selected a coach which she can rely on to put out a well-trained team next season. Mr. Neff will assume his work at the University at the opening of next session, September 19th. On taking up his duties as coach, he will be con fronted with a twofold duty, to train material and to teach last season's varsity men the new rules, with which lie is well acquainted. Shandon Dance. The third of the series of Shandor. (lances was held at the pavilion Mon (lay night. The dance had been post poned from Friday night of the wee.. before in order to avoid a conflict with the reception at the College for Women. There were thus two dances this week, and they were both very enjoyable. Monday night an unusu ally large crowd was out to enjoy one of the best (lances of the season. Miss Little's orchestra furnished the music, which was most inspiring and added much to the pleasure of the dance. Gencral dancing was in order until the last car left for the city, when the crowd very reluctantly boarded it for home. Among the many fair fems present were: Misses Minnie Blalock, Sarah Graves, Olive Robertson, Susie FitzSimmons, Janie Marshall, Sue Flinn, Ethel \Villis, Annice Lowry, Nan Walker, Agnes Thomas, Mary \Velles, Pamela Moore, Izlar. DuBlo. Jones, Darby, from \Vallialla, Evelyn Robertson, Connors Melton, and the usual number of men from the Uni versity and from town. CONCORD EVANSTON With Ara-Notch With lluttonholo THE NEW Arrow Collars FOR SUMMER Do You Want a Diamond? Have you ever thought that the money you "throw awn y" for little things onoild buy a nice Diamon d? Don't get the idea tha t i t takes a person of considerable means to own a DI)amnond Real good stones are obtainab,le nt $W(O an'd upwards. Save your money and invest It in DI)lsnonds. You'!Il get a handsomie return on the Investment We know what we sell is GOOD. CH A S. F. SE NTZ, J EWE3LCR, COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA WE ALLOW A SP[CIAL 25 per cent DISCOUNT TO UNIVERSITY STIOINTS Shorthand and flookkee'ping are indispPnsable to rapid and systematic work. Day and nightt classes Apply for terms, The Macfeat Business College M. h..ROWCN, Manag.. Uhe UNIVE SOUTH CA FOUNDED BY THE STATE IN I E Spacious campus, commodious athletic field. University life between faculty and students, c vidual student, public opinion c as regards gentlemanly condu< and physical culture. 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Hats ar Phone 306 coLUMBAr RSITY OF LROLINA 805 IN THE CAPITAL CITY buildings, and admirable is marked by fraternity areful attention to the indi f the student body regnant :t, enthusiasm for athletics 4IVERSITY IS WORK oung men are the first care ce, Liberal Arts, Education, , and Law. Practical work vorth $100 in cash and free !cial cases. University are unsurpassed of South Carolina are ad I courses except Law with le, Address LL, President A, S. C. irters of a Century 'HE UNIVERSITY ESTABLISHMENT COLLEGE BOOKS P UP THE PACE !R'S FATHER :s n an Company : frlnters :t Bindere - - - COLUMBIA, S. C. GEORGE TOPSHE'S College Fruit Store a where the Carolina Boys hang out. He carries a full line of the National Biscuit Company's dainty Cakes and Crackers. Cigars, Cigar cee and Tobacco BEST SOFT DRINKS AND ALL FRUITS IN SEASON GIVE "THE SENATOR ' A CALL 'TH E RENDEZVOUS FOR YOU" AND QUALITY TO STUDENTSI Clothes the College Ld Furnishings too. . s. c. 1404 Main St.