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- THER GANI ECEK Vol. II. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COLUMBIA, S. C., DECEMBER 3, 1908 No. 9 S. C. UNIVERSITY 11, S.eI M., A. 0 The Last Game of the Season, And the Team Played Their Best Ball. OLD STYLE BALL A FEATURE. Belser, Sheppard, And Legge Starred-Car olina's Une Held' Fast. In the City by the Sea, on Thanks giving Day, the South Carolina Mili 'tAy Academy marched out to the field of battle to meet the warriors of the University of South Carolina. The en counter took place at the College of Charleston Athletic Park, beginning at ten minutes to four and lasting until the red disk of the sun sank behind the trees across, the Ashley river. It may have been cool on the "Bottery" (as all up-countrymen delight to call White Point Gardens), but the weath er on the neck was not of the football variety and the crowd of spectators Which rode out to the park expected to see a slow game, or at least one de void of any spectacular plays. The west side of the line was crowded with S. C. M..A. supporters, a large contin gent of Charleston people, and the en tire corps of Citadel cadets. The root ing of the cadets was a feature of the evening. They deserve much credit for the manner in which they support their team and set an example which a certain larger. institution might well follow. On the east side of the line were about two hundred Carolina support ers, including the handful of "excur sionists" who hailed from Carolina. The game was of the most sensa tional variety. The Citadel started off very strongly, running the ball to the ten-yard line and carrying it over on a forward pass-only to lose the touch down by a bonehead fumble. After this Carolina's defense was impregna ble. Probably the most prominent fea ture of the game, aside from the play - ing, was the number of penalties im posed. Carolina suffered to the extent of 18o yards, a total amounting to more than the length of the football field and which would have given the Citadel a score had the playing of the two teams been anywhere near even. Most of these penalties resulted from uncompleted forward pass. Repeated attempts were made to get off some of the long passes which have stood the team in such good stead at other times during the season. But Dargan was a new man at quarter and somehow the ball would hit the ground with no one near it and there would be the In evitable penalty. But the repeated tri als were merely an evidence of the old Game Cock spirit-the spirit which does not know defeat. Dargan ran his team like a veteran and showed excellent headwork at all (Cnndi nn Pae 'ou.) REVIEW OF THE SEASON OF 1908 Lack of Experience Tells the Tale of Defeat. 65 POINTS MADE AGAINST 103 Take Time For Carolina to Rtegain Her Place, Individual Players Show up Well, Good Prospects For '09. The pigskin has been laid aside, after being .booted and kn,ocked about for two months. It will lie low and take a long rest until the season of 1909 dawns on the football world. It is truly remarkable how football at tracts so much attention and college spirit for two months. All this is worked up to that climax game After this it vinishes without the least notice unti the next season. The players of the game do all they can in the two months' play and are satisfied when the Thanks giving game is over. Carolina's prospects were good at the opening of the season and a suc cessful season was in store for her. But after the team got down to hard work, there arose some misunder standing in the football situation and the squad was broken up badly. The little mix-up soon passed away and the athletes got down .to practice. The field was filled with men trying out for places on the Varsity and Scrub teams. The number was soon cut down and regular scrimmage started between the two teams. On October 3d a practice game was played with Ridgewood of Columbia. The score stood o-o at the end of the game. The young Game Cocks had just been in training a few days, but even with this they did not show up as well as some expected them. The (Continued on page Three) Thanks Awarded Mr. Benet At a meeting of the Advisory Board held last Monday night in the Presi dent's office, Coach Benet was com mended and thanked for his services rendered the football team this year. The Faculty of the college has al ways had the greatest confidence in Mr. Benet and his coaching ability. He is well known by all the students of the University, with whom he is al ,ways in touch. Coach Benet tried to run the football situation at the insti tution this season so that the team should be composed of the best possi ble material. Some of the players have been brought out wonderfuilly since the first of the season. Mr. Ben et has given mutch time to the team, which he could have employed in his law practice. But he is one who al ways has fulfiled his duties to the col lege and was always at his post unless something unforeseen turned up. The coach for next season has not been selected yet. SKETCH OF PROF. WILSON P. GEE He Was Lately Elected Assistant Professor of Biology. WAS BORN IN UNION COUNTY Graduated With Highest Honors at Clemson College Last Year. Mr. Wilson P. Gee, assistant in bi ology, was born in Union County, Sept. 18, 1888. He is the son of Mr. Reuben T-.. Gee and Miss Gertrude Gist. On his mother's side he has a large number of relatives who at tended the South Carolina College. After attending the country ,schools for several years, Mr. Gee entered the graded schools of Union, where he re ceived his preparation for college. In September, 1904, he entered Clemson College upon a schloarship which he had won (hrough a competitive exami nation. In June, 19t8. he received the degree of B. S. in the Agricultural course, having stood first in a class of eighty-five. 'He was at the same time awarded a medal for the best general average in scholarship for a period cov.ring the 'last three years of his course. During his college course Mr. Gee was active in all matters pertaining to college life. He was president of the Palmetto Literary Society and served on the staff of all college publications. During his Senior year he was chair man of the Bible Study Committee of the Y. l. C. A, and the enrollment for this work was larger than ever before in the history of the institution. Mr. Gee is full of enthusiasm and has taken up his work with great en ergy. He comes from a family of teachers and gives every evidence of becoming a successful teacher himself. His sister, Miss Minnie W. Gee, has for a number of years held the chair of Latin in Converse College, and his brother, Mr. Gist Gee, was at one time professor of' Natural Science in Co lumbia College, but is now connected with Soochow University, Soochow, China. Mr. Gee's former teachers speak in the highest terms of him as a man and as a student. In addition to his work as assistant to Professor Moore, he is doing graduate work in the Universi ty. Evolution of a Mess Hall Turkey Thursday (Thanksgiving)--Tur key (with dressing, surrounded with biscuits inlaid with molten butter, gar nished with sprigs 'of mint. Oh, what bliss I). Friday-Turkey (warmed over). Saturday-Turkey (cold). Sunday-Turkey (hash). - 'Monday-Turkey (soup). ' Tuesday - T u r k e y (fricassed botnes). Wednesday-Burial of the dead. HIGH SCHOOL OF SUMTER WON Scrubs Unable to Score, and Sumter Stores 6. CREDITABLE VICTORY FOR KIDS Scrubs Showed Poor Form For Their Experi ence and Weight Against the School Boys. It was a most creditable arrd praise worthy victory that the football team of the Sumter High School won from the second team of the University of South Carolina at the Ball Park yes terday morning. When it is consider ed that the city school team had scarcely enough practice to keep the boys in good trim, and that the team from Carolina has for months past been pitted'against tile varsity in daily practice, and were hard and seasoned for tile fray, aid, moreover, the fact that the Gane Cocks were out-weighed Afeen pounds to the mail by the vis itors, the victor.v may well be regarded a glorious one. WynNt:,and Gresham. two of the regular University varsity team, and Izlar and Herbert, both of whom have participated in varpity games, were also in the line-up against tile school boys, being disqualified by the rules of the S. I. A. A. from parti cipating in the game played yesterday between the Citadel and Carolina. The High School boys took the visi tors off their feet in the first few plays of the game, and sprung such a sur prise in the way of ground gaining and breaking up of plays that the vic tory was won before the collegians re alized what had happened. In line ,bucking and forward passes tile Game Cocks far excelled the visitors. Green's two perfect forward passes to Smith being largely responsible for the touch down scored. Carolina never pulled this play off successfully, though it was attempted a number of times. Duf fie came off with the honors in a punt ing duel with McNair in the second half. His splendid boot-work was a great factor in the victory. During the halves of 20 and 15 minutes, the (Continued on Page Four.) An Illogical Conclusion The Carolina Scrub team defeated the Carolina Varsity on Tuesday aft ernoon; on Thursday the Sumter High School team defeated the Caro lina Scrubs 6 to o, from which the logical conclusion might be drawn that the bunlch of Sumter Kids can defeat the Carolina Vafsity team, but the "Kids" are not puffed up, neither have they the big head and they are not making extravagant boasts. They put up a beautiful game yesterday and by heady, scientific playing and clear grit put it all over 'their big and en~nfident onnonents ..-CoSum ITEM