LOCALS Miss Margaret Neil Social Editor. Civic League will meet Monday af ternoon at 4 o'clock at the Commun ity Building. If you are interested in Winnsboro, show it by being pres ent. The Auxiliary and Guild of St. John's Episcopal church will meet -Tuesday afternoon November 21st, at the home of Mrs. A. E. Davis, Jr. Everyone be on time, 3:30. r. Junius Crowson, of Charlotte, t Sunday in town. F. A. DesPortes was a business vis itor in Columbia Monday. Mr. Enoch Crowson, of Columbia, was a week-end visitor here. Mr. A. B. Tennant, of Clemson Col lege, spent the week-end at home. P. M. Brice and Marion Holley, vt Columbia spent the week-end in town. Mr. Bruce B. Abernethy, of Char lotte, N. C., spent the week-end here. H. E. Caldwell and J. P. Matthewz spent the week-end in Charlotte. Miss Elizabeth Doty spent the week end in Rock Hill with her sister, Miss Alice Doty. Miss Jane Ketchin, of the Winthrop college faculty, spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Alice Walker and Miss Louise Steimer spent several days in Colun p this week. Miss Julia Gantt, who is in train ing at the Columbia Hospital, spent the week-end at home. S. W. Heath has returned to Harts ville after spending the past week at his home here. Mrs. Bezeel Copeland Morris, of Olar, S. C., is fhe guest of her mother, Mrs. J. S. Long. Mr. Henry Elliott, who is teaching school in Cartersville, Georgia, spent last week i town. Miss Etta Lee Scruggs, of Winthrop College, spent the week-end in town, she had as her guest Miss Theo Lyles. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Patton, Mr. and Mrs. P. -M. Dees and Mrs. A. W. Brown spent Saturday in Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Johnstone,, Mr. siid Mrs. Julian Lipscomb saw the Carolina-Furman game in Columbia on Saturday. Mrs. Harriet Brown has returned to her home in Darlingt9n after spend ing the past week with her niece, Mrs. S. W. Heath. Mrs. Legrand Poe from Washington D. C., stopped over with Mrs. Bezeel. C. Morris last week enroute to Flor ida. Mr. A. T. Richardson accompanied by Messrs. Herman'and A. T. Richard son, Jr., were the- Sunday guests of Mrs. Mary Broom. Mr. Julian Elliott, Miss Elizabeth and Mr. and Mrs. Evans Elliott and Miss Abbie Hanahan, of Columbia, at tended the Heath-Elliott wedding here last week. Mrs. H. E. Matthws, Mrs. York Wil sojan d Miss Hamlin Landis, of Char ~were the guests of Mrs. S. W. Heath for several days last week. Messrs. Ernest 'Propst, W. R. Rabb, Jr., George Crawford and Marion Brown attended the Chester-Rock IHill high school foot-ball game in R'ck Hill last Friday. Mrs. M. A. Wylie and Mrs. John Mmith left last week for a visit in sons, D. Otis Smith, Charlotte, i'., and J. Earl Smith, Washington, D. C. The following Winthrop girls spent the week-end at home: Misses Mar garet Brice, Sara Carter, Frances Clowney, Mary Douglas, Jessie Doug lass, Louise Hamilton, Frances John son, Bertha Turner and Betty Turner. The ladies of the Methodist church will have a cake sale at Mr. Frank Clarke's store on Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The Christmas Bazaar will follow later. THURSDAY BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. J. B. Doty was hostess to the Thursday Bridge Club last week. Three tables of players were present. The highest score among th guests was held by Mrs. Julian Lipscomb, the highest among the sclub members by Mrs. P. M. Dees. The guests of the club were: Mrs. U. G. DesPortes, Mrs. Pressly Burckmeyer, of Hen dersonville, Mrs. G. A. Johnstone, Mrs. Julian Lipscomb, Mrs. K. R. Mc Master and Mrs L, D. Wells. Miss Sue Doty assisted the hostess in serv ia salad course with coffee. WAN'ED-Girl for office work. genera cerical. Winnsboro Mills. Dr. Oliver Johnson left on Monday for Richmond. Mrs. Neil Pressly and Miss Jennie Rosborough returned on Wednesday from Hickory Grove. Mrs. A. E. Davis, Jr., and little daughter, Frances, returned on Wed nesday from a visit to Mrs. M. L. Brown in Concord, N. C. Mr. Walter Taylor, of Winston Sa lem, was a business visitor in town Monday. Mrs. J. P. Caldwell has returned from a visit to her son, Dr. J. C. Cald well, in Charlotte. Mr. F. A.-DesPortes has been ap pointed by Governor Harvey to rep resent the. State at the Southern Com mercial Congress to be held in Chi cago November 20-22. The friends of Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Holler will regret to learn that they will leave Winnsboro. Rev. Holler has been pastor of the Winnsboro I Methodist church for two years and they have made many friends while here. Rev. Holler goes to Clemson College next week. MRS. JOHNSTONE GIVES BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. G. A. Johnstone gave a lovel, bridge party on Tuesday evening. There were thirteen tables of players present. The rooms were prettily de corated in jars of chrysanthemums. The first prize, a sandwich plate, was won by Miss Nan Neil. The second prize, a dainty vanity, was won by Mrs. A. Lee Scruggs. The gentle mens prize, a carton of cigarettes, was won by F. A. DesPortes. Miss Floride Martin made the lucky cut and was presented with a paper cutter as a consolation prize. A salad course with coffee was served. MT. ZION LOSES HARD FOUGHT GAME Mt. Zion finished its gridiron season here last Friday, losing to the fast and heavy eleven of Lancaster by the score of 13 to 6. The battle between the two teams was a thrill ing exhibition, especially the Spart anic resistance of the local line a gainst the rushes of the vistors back field men. Burley of Mt. Zion offer ed the decided sensation of the game, by intercepting a forward pass in the shadow of the goal post and making a sensational dash of ninety five yards to goal. Lancaster scored two touchdowns on'a line rush and a for ward pass in the second half. The other local stars were the Sentell brothers, who played brilantly in the line, sifting through to smash a play on many occasions. Johnson at quart er, finished his high school career, and he played hisaisual good game. The work of the entire visitors backfield was spectacular using a shift that was good for long gains. TWO VERY DESIRABLE TRACTS OF LAND NEAR WALLACEVILLE FOR SALE I offer, at a bargain, my McCon nell and Freshley tracts of land in Fairfield county, on Broad river, on very easy terms. These tracts togeth er contain between nine hundred and one thousand acres and are heavily wooed in part. Parts are cleared and cultivated lands, with ,several dwell ing houses on them. They will be di vided into tracts to suit purchasers. Young men of enterprise can buy the lands and pay for them with the wood that is on them. They lie on both sides of the Southern Railway between Columbia and Alston and on the new splendid highway from Co lumbia and Jenkinsville. Mr. Prest on E. Lyles, on the Littleton Planta tion, will show these lands to parties interested. William H. Lyles, 011 National Loan and Exchange Bank Building, Columbia, S. C. MERCHANT NOW EATS ANYTHING ON TABLE "By the help of Tanlac I have over ome a case of nervous indigestion I had suffered -from ten or twelve years," is. the emphatic statement ol Norman W. Brown, well-known wall paper and paint dealer, of 213 North Cedar St, Charlotte, N. C. 'My Stomach was always out of fix and evrything disagreed with me. I was troubled with heartburn and dia~ ziness, and at times there was a pres sure of gas around my heart that al most cut off my breath. "Since taking Tanlac my indigestion is fine. My appetite is a wonder and I eat just anything I want. In fact my stomach acts and feels just like a new one and my nerves are as steady as a die. To put it all in a few words, I am just the same as a new man. It's a pleasure for me to tell my friends about Tanlac." Tanlac is sold by all good drug ggss.-Advertisement. FR SALE-400 bushels of Fulghum oatc A. M. Owens. Services will be held in the Episco pal church on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays will be in the morning at 11 o'clock and on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. JOHNSTON-JORDAN Chester, S. C. A marriage in which much interest centered was that of Miss Anne C. Johnston and T. Maxcy Jordan, which was solemnized at the home of the bride's mother on West End at 5:30 o'clock Wednesday Nov. 8th. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Flournoy Shepperson, pastor of the bride, the beautiful ring cere mony being used. Little Gladys Elaine Johnston, niece of the bride, was ring bearer. The wedding was a very quiet affair owing to the recent bereavement in the bride's family. The couple left immediately after the ceremony for a wedding trip. The bride is a graduate of Win - throp College and one of Chester's most attractive and popular young ladies. By her charming manners and beautiful traits of character she has endeared herself to many who regret that her marriage takes hr away from Chester to live. The groom is a graduate of Clem son College in the class of '18 an'l numbers his friends by the score. Mr. Jordan is connected with the North Cardlina State Highway De partment, being resident engineer of Harnett County. After November 15th Mr. and Mrs. Jordan will make their home at Lil lington, N. C. STUDY CENTER MEETS SATUR DAY The teacher's Study Center meets Saturday morning at eleven o'clock at the Community House. May we urge as many teachers to be present as possible. There should be not less than fifty teachers present. And let us be there on time. Nothing kills a movement quite so efficicntly as a lack of punctuality. G. F. Patton, For Co. Board of Education. MEETING OF U. D. C. The John Bratton Chapter of the U. D. C. met on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. K. Elliott: The hostesses for the afternoon were. Mesdames T. K. Elliott, U. G. Des Portes, R. E. Ellison, Misses Louise Ellison and Mallie McMaster. The roll call was answered with items of local history. The program was as follows: "My County's Part in the War Between the States", by Mrs. J. J. Obear; Local History", by Mrs. D. V. Walker; Article by a local author, by Miss Nellie Pearson. Mrs. J. H. Cathcart presided in the absence of Mrs. Ernest Gladden, president. The guests of the chapter were Mrs. S. W. Heath, Mrs. Harriet Brown, of Darlington, and Mrs. K. R. McMas ter. Chocolate and sandwiches were served. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. All persons holding claims against the estate of Mrs. Emma J. Duke, deceased are hereby notified to pre sent them within the time prescribed by law; and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment to the undersigned. e 34-37 ARTHUR B. HEINS, Executor. COMM UNITY H OUSE PROGRAM .. Friday-Anita Stewart in "Invisible Fear". One'of her latest pictures and her very best acting. 7 reels of splen did acting with a very cJever story. 10 and 20c., Wednesday-Gloria Swanson in, "The Great Moment". A wonderful picture and a great star. Thursday and Friday-Mark Twain's story, "Conneticutt Yankee" in King Arthurs Court. Two days big picture. 15 and 30 cents. This next week is better film week, see what we have booked above. Come out and see both. .NOTICE All persons are notified not to tres pass or in any manner on the lands wned or controlled by the undersign ed in any manner, either by hunting, fishing or removing straw or allow ing cattle to roam on said lands. Vi lators will be prosecuted to the ful lest extent of the law. J. F. and A. E. Davis. FOR THE RELIEF OF I Coughs, Colds. Croup BRONCHITIS -SOLD nEVERvwHmER-_. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND State of South Carolina, Courity of Fairfield. In the Court of Common Pleas. B. H. Yarborough and W. T. Glenn, Plaintiffs, vs Major Bell, Defendant. Pursuant to an order of the Court of Common Pleas, for Fairfield Coun ty, in the above entitled case, I will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder, before the Court House door, inWinnsboro, S. C., County and state aforesaid, on the first Monday in De cember, 1922, the following described lands. All that certain picece, parcel or tract of land, lying, being and situate in the county of Fairfield, State afore said, containing sixty eight and 21-100 acres, more or less, and bounded as foflows, on the North by the Winns boro Road, on the east by lands of Willie Pearson and Rice Martin, or, the south by lands of James Martin. and on the west by lands of James Pearson, being the same tract of land which was conveyed to Major Bell by B. H. Yarborough and W. T. Glenn. Terms of Sale; The purchaser is to pay one-third of the purchase mon ey in cash, the balance in two equal annual installment? from the (lay of sale with interest from date at eight per cent per annum, to be secured by the bond of the purchaser and a mort gage of the premises sold, or for all cash at the option of the purchaser. The purchaser to pay for all stamps, papers, recording, etc. John W. Lyles, Clerk of Court for Fairfield County. Winnsboro, S. C., November 15th, 1922 NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND State of South Carolina, County of Fairfield. In the Court of Common Pleas. Alice B. Walker, Plaintiff, vs A. H. Boykin, Sr., Defendant. Pursuant to and order of the Couit of Common Pleas, for Fairfield Coun ty, in the State aforesaid, in the above entitled case, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, berore the Court House door in Winiisboro, S. C., coun ty of Fairfield, on the first Monday in December, the following described lands. All that certain tract of land, be ing and situate in the county of Fair field, in the state aforesaid, contain ing six hundred and sixty one (661) acres more or less bounded on the north by lands now or formerly of Durham and by lands of Rion, East by Rocky Mount Road, South by lands of Tidwell and lands now or formerly of D. Y. Morgan, and west by lands of Reuben Harrison, and lands now or formerly of Durham, being the same tract of land which was convey ed to A. H. Boykin by Alice B. Walk Terms of Sale;, The purchaser is to pay one-third of the purchase mon ey in cash, the balance in two equi.l annual installments from the day of sale with interest from that date at eight per cent per annum, to be se ured by the bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises sold. The purchaser may have the option of paying any part or the whole in cash. The purchaser is also to pay for all stamps, papers, recording, etc. John W. Lyles, Clerk of Court for Fairfield County. Winnsboro, S. C., November 15, 1922. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND State of South Carolina, County. of Fairfield. In the Court of Common Pleas. The National Bank of South Carolina of Sumter, Plaintiff, vs C. L. Wray and Mrs. Georgie Wray, Defendants. Pursuant to an order of the Court of Common Pleas for Fairfield Coun ty, in the State of South Carolina, in the above entitled case, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, befor e the Court House door, in Winnsboro. S. C., on the first Monday in Decem ber, 1922, the following described lands. All that tract of land, situate 'in Fairfield County in the State of South Carolina, bounded as follows, by lands now or formerly of Newman, Boney, now of Wooten, Hitchcock. Reed, Smith, Johnson anrd others and the old Columbia road, cc.ntaining five undred and eighty seven acres. Terms of sale, The purchaser to pay for all stamps, papers, recording John W. Lyles, lerk of Court for Fairfield County. Winnsboro, S. C., November 13, 1922. EXECUTORS NOTICE All persons holding claims against the Estate of Julius Brevard, deceas d, are hereby notified to present the same duly certified to R. C. Thomas, nd all persons indebted to same Es tate are required to make payment. R. C. 'Thomas Executor SPLENDID LECTURE GIVEN MON ,DAY NIGHT The Rev. M6Coy Franklin, of Cross nore, N. C., gave a delightful lecture on Monday evening in the Community Building to a large and appreciative audience. A unique feature of the lecture was his description of moun tain birds and farm gnimals. His description of a mountain sunrise was both beautiful and vivid. He told of the work which is being carried on at the mountain school at Crossnore, which is entirely supported by the sale of old clothing. ROUND DOZEN CLUB Mrs. Palmer Matthews was hostess to the Round Dozen Club on Tuesday afternoon. Roll call was answered with the names of plays in which Sara Bernhardt and Charlotte Cushman have acted. Folowing is the program: "Bernhardt's Art in Acting", by Mrs. W. M. Wolling; "Bernhardt's Popular ity," by Mrs. C. S. McCants; "The Greatness of Charlotte Cushman", by Mrs. J. E. McDonald, Jr. Miss Ray LOOK THE WORLD OVE and you will not be able to cover better qualities than can find right here in this s devoted to the better clas merchandise. For we have searched n thoroughly than you can an better qualities were to be we would have them' So if want the best procurable thi the place to come. The infe we do not handle. THE SCOTCH W 0 0 MILLS ARE THE 0 SINGLE PRICE TA ORS IN AMERIC. REGULAR $35 to $50 WO PIECE SUITS TO YOUR ( Any Two-Piece Suit to Ord Any Full Suit or Overcoat You have heard about wor Here's one, men, that's got Think of it-more than 30 ever laid your eyes on-all; the Famous Scotch Woolen] teed strictly all wool. THE WELL-KNOWN T4 SHI are nice and dressy, soft ar price. Lion Brand Shirts and C over, and we have a nice se] Our selection of Neckwear We take orders for Suits and we will give a suit of u overcoat; and a pair of socd The well-known play schi gham; the kind that is guar at its lowest price, and a si yards. 36-inch Indian Head at ... (5 yards to A line of household goods Come and convince yourself, articles on our 5 and 10c coi ALL KINDS OF JEWELR DONE AND AT]1 Matthews acted as leader for the af ternoon. Mesdames J. B. Doty, F. E. Propst, Jr., D. C. Wylie, Gibson Wy lie, Misses Nan Neil and Maggie B. Turner were invited in- for refresh ments. A salad course with coffee was served. OYSTER SUPPER The Men's Bible class of the Pres byterian church held a social gather ing at the Community House on Tues day evening. The ladies of the church served an gyster supper.. A pleasant social hour was spent. FINAL DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby given that Ed. V. Kennedy and W. B. Woodward, ad ministrators of the estate of J. J. Woodward, deceased, have this day made application unto me for a fnal discharge as such administrators; and that the 6th day of December, 1922, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at my office, has been appointed for the hearing of said petition. 34-37 W. L. HOLLEY, Judge of Probate, Fairfield Co., S. C. dis you ;ore % iore d if had you S is iior L E N )NLY IL MEN=== Here's the Most Astounding Offer Ever Made! LENS MADE INTO TWO RDER-ANY STYLE r ............. .. .$25.00 ....... $29.50 derful clothing offers before. 'em all beaten to a frazzle. 0 of the finest woolens you t a single price. These are lils fabrics and are guaran )M, DICK AND HARRY )ES d comfortable, and at a low llars are known the world ection. is beautiful. of Clothes, also Overcoats, iderwear with every suit or s with every pair of Shoes. ol cloth and Delours Gin nteed not to fade, are going ~ool of thread with every 5 .............................. 25c yard customer) at the lowest prices in town. You will find many useful inter. Y REPAIRING NEATLY OWEST PRICES JA CK'S DEPT. STORE