A St( REAL VALUES Wool socks for wear w weight Oxfords. These mixtures, and plain color must see these socks to ues. Priced 50c, 75c an We are showing narrom leg riding trousers for m4 is a well-made pants, and right for our climate. 1 $3.50 a pair. A shipment of real Jeans pants was received 1 know how well this mati are made up fit for a I straps and everything. We find that men prefei last shoe for hunting and ing of this popular last in ing the approval of men Priced $3.25-$3.75-$5.0 When a man has his never fears work. You overi;1 has 1en covering wN'.; irren for many years their wearers. Priced nc If you want a squint at ues you ever saw drop in lot the once over. We are terns in coried madras 1 will surprise you at $1.50 Daddy, bring your boys t'hem fitted in smart all-, have two pairs of pants. workmanship will meet y the prices will satisfy. Our shokving of new hat is at its height. We have t shapes and materials. Br and let us dress him up in ones at $1.00. FOR THE MAN W ~S\ 11 lull HE FLORSHE THE RIALTO-PRI This style is the new 1o0 wear. The refined appear sheim Shoe wins -you as th er; excellent quality affc that impels you to prefer: after. The News and Hierald. WINNSBORO, S. C. P. M. DEES Editor and Publisher Entered in the post office at Winns boro, S. C., as second class mail mat. ter. $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE OUR PROSPECTS Now that we have passed measures which are conceded to make for prog ress, what is to keep this county from becoming the banner section of the State ? How much longer will Fair field be described as "a good old county, but-"? The road bonds carried by a tre mendous majority. More people than the promoters of the bonds hoped for said by their ballot that they wanted .to get out of the rut, that they were willing to pay more tax to get out, that they would not be controlled b tight-wads and pessimists. With six out of every seven men in the county wanting good roadls, what is to pre vent our having them ? Who will dare to try raise any obstacle to their at' - tinmnent ? Winnsboro is to have her Main street paved. After the election was passed overwhelmingly, a long har ! w1e Ful FOR MEN ith the new winter come in heather ; with clocks. You appreciate the val I $1.00 pair. welt corduroy lace m who hunt. This the weight is just Ull sizes. Priced at >ld-time Kentucky ;his morning. Men arial wears. They :ing to wear -belt Price $2.75. e the Munson arm" work. Our show good shoes is me.At who kmow values. 0. Headlights on he know this famous the hides of go'od . They staind by w $1.98 pair. the best shirt val and give our new showing new pat- -for dres. mnd soisettes that -o dres - and splend to us if you want tissue env ,vool suits. Some , The tailoriig and our approval and s for little fellows hem in all the new ing sonny man in -will be I a new hat. Good how mueii ness in dr 10 CA$ES brings to Come __ _-mmm-mm 1at the heil -more be be herself. ty and sell Fur ti N oring give means viev~ N -~'ness await CED $8.95. v shoe for winter mece of The Flor e first-time wear rds an economy T Florsheims there natures of two-thirds of the property holders on Main street, where the bulk of objection lay. They were finally secured, and bids on the work have been advertised for. What is now to prevent our having them ? If Main street has- been fixed, where the biggest objection existed, it will not be long before the whole town can be paved. If the people vote in favor of it, we can have it. And in the face of a great majority, who will have the temerity to try to oppose it ? Ridgeway has just voted fifty thou sand dollars for elecric lights and waterworks. And listen, where the good of their town is concerned, Ridgeway is united and votes right. Their waterworks bond issue was voted on favorably by a #UNANI MOUS vote. Not a single dissenting voice! And further, on the county wide road bond issue, their vote was 133 to 6 in favor of the bonds. Show us the man who will oppose measures that people want that badly. And that Wing:sboro Mills vote! Bear in mind that the forporation of Winnsboro Mills pays practically one fourth of all taxes 'of Fairfield coun ty, and yet the vote at that precinct was 172 to 0 in favor of the roadl bonds. Can you beat it? If for no other reason than the fact that we have Lockwood, Green and Co. in our midst, we assert that Fairfield county is the most favored section in the State. They have spent approximate ly nine million dollars in their decvel opment here and yet, instead of try ing to vaingloriously retain their in dividuality, they have become one of us-always to be found in the front 1 of TI Exquisite Tai and business wear of lovely voil work rooms under ideal conditior id workmanship of these unusual lope-fresh and crisply pressed. Priced $1.00 An Afterno< iappier in a Peggy Paige. Of co better one's game is when one h ess. This smart new collection ou all the latest and best in tod in while the styles are new so y ,ht of their vogue. Dresses for All Occasio oats That Mal mutiful. Here, indeed, are coats -every garment a charming cre expression. immings, silk embroideries, rich these new coats the distinction wv r them-for in the f'olds of one w s you. Pr'ced $15 ie Propsi rhe Store You Het and things elevating and worthwhile. Many proofs, too numerous to men tion, could be cited. When they pay one-fourth of the taxes and have a village population of 1800 who will oppose their wishes when they want progress ? Last year the township of Jenkins ville voted $50,000 bonds to build roads. They wanted new condition~s now. They had a vision of ,better things. Are their hopes to be defeat ed ? Many new andi better schools wvere begun last year. But there the people's interests are safe. No one dares to question educational pro jects. Politicians have been educated out of it and know that it is a pop ular issue. The attitude of all the people towards other evidences of progress should be trained in the same way. We have cited the above expres sion of the people for the considera tion of politicians and would-be lead ers. .Both in individuial sections and~ as a whole Fairfield county wants~ progress, and politicians should take warning. Not only should they read the writing on the wall, but any man who will not keep step should get out of the parade. We are going for ward. And remember this, Fairfield is organized anti working together. No longer can sectional prejudice be played upon. We are a united peo ple demanding these things. We al most ha" the temerity to suggest to some that if they' cannot become re conciled1 to the order of things, for their own sake and the sake of the county, MOVE ON. "If you dlon't likera ac-he donn't shalre our 1anksg lored Blouses es and dimities. These waists a s and this is reflect ed in the sr blouses. Every waist comes t( $1.50-$2.00. mn at Bridge urse it's the game that counts as the confidence that comes wil of exclusive Peggy Paige dresses ay's mode. ou may enjoy this season's graci ns Priced $10 to $39.50.. ce the Beautift for the woman who would be in ation for the woman who prizes i fhi everywell-rd cwoacn seel hihi iticl or wsp to $3.0 :/o p r b red."use eson't ditiye these thaits hi standti saisflcie isn the be binning. Eery going oes te thing tat arerige us I umseitg the gameson e ar conts ing t onfideneonlyatentmes but ofoseclusive proggPgdresses ty n thord WEy ejyis sentasnse.)a foHe w oman itwphor wule but acontrte promans ishonl pre fabrisrte butheuleoles andet hihenty emgoguedi omancs Hse dynast is dsinl orthown ur Con ih hs mparetswl Dontrely come moe thinkl thaterty. sotat thdnwill saisyiti oe be qinnib.ly disrued gon touple more thins inthte rihtyfwuld outrs.ally tosero the progressivw dearinland owers worEis sein' thet buren. No man shuaon blablgesfo lond. whc may holt upltivatd Ithold but gram thatma will anuei. Thhabe gremonstrated by ths pople's atre ajment k-nmgge icnoic ns. Wes dynasingfrs. ovrhon.samn ong wit thusn improes ll suresly wo more taxbe proeityof sthat uthe bujeprdilled. ree Weitabve dstrted Athpe moen millshin teontye.ul mus aterihem, lwer tilhe he. Ane diapoint owershi will o t corae tx bre Nor nssvshul wlkon tbl lng. Berwhih ort utiaed Iutr shoudhb sotha manthh inifern uose oit. aduentll keeponomines. woe [Vi iing_ VALUES f We are showii table damask, ju ing. The qualit good and the rai tractive. -Full w. ,Make your win< key Day guests week and select 3 from our new sh Priced 10c to $1.( Have you a p need a pillow to f a shipment of n( shapes. All are hapock-well stuj It's bloomer ti torial you want. quality of black s ren's blooners. just send us an 02 Our blouse dep. chase of middy b have placed thei These middies ai jeans. All sizes. Mothers, do y< re tailored for the baby? N rart styles and wool and coti o you ir a just right. They fold across styles, We find some I vests and drawer: addition to our E. full showing of ments, full bleach, Special for Sat most-but black taffeta, wit th correct- fered to our pat and gowns $1.50 yard. Thei customer-buy all !ful modes style, yet ndividuali *uisite tail ~s. By all me happi-FAHO' with it's lovely, gi DeBevoise Brassi demands the froze ure, but seeks rat of youth-. DeB< irresistible appeal with this modern 7form. There is a y of figure, for ever; ity and for every 9 Priced parody: "Let us then be op: and doing, With a heart for any fate, Still achieving, still pursuing, Catching fish or diggin' bait." Fura WE SELL ALL KINDS 0 HEATERS, RUGS RIGHT COME AND LOOK( OVER OUR STORE YOUR Coffins an ,MOTOR:] Bruce Fur WTNNSB( alues 'OR HOME-MAKERS ig a pretty assortment of st ii. time for -Thanksgiv of this damask is very ;ed pattern designs are at dth-50c:-75c--$1.00 yd. lows attractive for the Tur -drop into our store this 'our curtains and draperies owing of pretty materials. )0 a yard. retty pillow top that you t? We have just received .w sofa pillows in various filled with soft, sanitary fed. Priced 75c. ne-and we have the ma We are showing a- good atine that is ideal for chil If you can't come down -der. Yard wide at 50c yd. trtment made a iuexyq pur ouses this week and we n on sale at a low price. -e well made of Lonsdale Priced at $1.25 each. >u need, warm undervests Ve have them in all wool, on mix. The weights are come in button front and back fastened, at 50c. nothers prefer separate for their children, so in Z. Union Suits we have a winter rib separate gar d at 50c each. arday-a good quality of h gold border will be of rons at the low price of e will be no limit to the you want. PERFECT FIGURE. -aceful lines owes much to tres. ' Fashion no longer, n curves of a moulded fig-. her to express the charm wvoise Brassieres have an to everyone in sympathy conception of the 'perfect DeBevoise for every type i phase of feminine activ occasion. 50c to $2.50. SFOR SALE-A nice lot and house in Winnsboro. Also a farm of, 1:30 acres. One mile from the helt -of Winnsboro. See J. L. or J. R. Cath - cart. iture" F FURNITURE, STOVES, , TRUNKS, ETC. PR ICES OUR STOCK, AND MAKE HEADQUARTERS .d Caskets EIEARSE niture Co.