The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, September 16, 1921, Image 1

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*'1'I E NEWS HE __ ______ ESTABLISHED 1844 WINNSBORO. S. C., SEl 16th, 1921. L.XX O.2 FAIRFIE COUNTY REPORTED BY MITFORD. Mrs. Peters, of Great Falls, spent a few days with the Ligons bast week. The members of the league gave a social at the home of Mrs. J. S. Glass on Saturday evening. Mr J. R.. Ligon spent last Sun day with the Ligons. , Mr. W. S. Keistler motored to Chester Tuesday on business. Misses Ruth and Jo Miller Glass and Mr. John Caldwell spent Wed nesday with Mrs. W. S. Keistler. Mr. J. T Dixon spent Friday eve ning with Mr. Aeath Nichols. Mr. C. S. Ford and daughter have moved to Mitford, where his daugh ter will teach. Mr. Richard Jackson has returned home from Hartsville. Mrs. Mollie Dye spent Friday with Mrs. J. M. Smarr. Rev. J. R. Moore, of Fort Lawn, spent Friday with Mrs. W. S. Keis tdr. - Messrs. Alex Glass and Rufus Keistler motored to Winnsboro on business one day last week. Miss Mary Thomasson, of Rock Hill, spent Saturdy night at home. Miss Jo Miller Glass has gone to Rock Hill to work at the central office. Mr. Alex Glass motored to Rock Hill'on busines. The Mitfoid teachers have come snd I think al! 0- people will like them. The Junior Miseionary Society an open meeting at the K. E. -church Sunday evening. The -people arongd Mitford are ~j~us~ki~g otton ''Messrs. G. R Brice, J. A. Young and M c. Harrison motored to Co lumbia last Thursday. Mr. W. K. Dawson and Miss Eliz %abeth Cooper, of Columb*, spent Sunday with Miss Eula Brice. SMrs. John Carman and Miss Jo sephine Procetor, of Columbia, are spending a few days with Mrs. Laura Timms. Miss Anna Lee Young left Tues day to attend the Woman's College in Greenville. Mr. Jack Simpson, of Winnsboro, was in the community recently. Mr. Talmage Haynes, of. Winns boro, spent an afternoon in the com munity recently. MOSSY DALE. What will we plant another year? is the oft-repeated question. Surely ~)it will not be cotton. A bale of cot ~' ton to five acres on land that made a bale. to the acre last year, will not be far below the average for this community. Some are already planning for sheep, hog and cattle raising, but how is the one-horse man~ going to start in that enterprise, when the bale of cotton that he will probably *have after he picks over the last time Wwill not pay his debts? It takes a lot of wire and posts to fence even a small pasture or two. Cedar aflio post yak are the only wood posts that we can get that will last, and they are very scarce in these parts. Besides, when we fence these hills we bnly have a place for the cattle to lie down- and then, oh, then, where is the money coming from to start a flock of sheep, a drofe of hogs and a herd of cattle? My friends, it appears to me that if we are not .in a devil of a fix, we :are in the hands of the Phillistines e.nd only the pure in heart will be able to survive the great reconstruc tion in agriculture that is being forced upon us by these durned bugs But should we fail to amass a for tun.a from the sale of truck and live stock. history will only be repeating itself, for few have gotten rich rais ing cotton. I confess that some have, but a big per cent, of those will have to squirm mightily to miss hell, for in working share croppers. to use the words of an old negro, NEWS AS CORRESPONDENTS "they take all and then go 'halvers." A few will plant enough cotton to keep seed in the land, so that our posterity in years to come can see the Jtick-o-lantern that their fore fathers followed for sixty years in ap unsuccessful effort to make mo ney. Our children will never know of the rich and varied experiences of their daddies for the past sixty years with ex-slaves and cotton. Some claim that when we turn tur fields to weeds and grass we will, soon have Mollie cotton tails in abundance, but I would not be sur prised if the weevil would tkke to. the cotton tails. Nothing that looks like cotton can escape them. We are sorry to note that Rev. Mr. Sharp is at the hospital in Rock Hill for treatment. Appendicitis is thought to be his trouble. CAPTURED TWO STILLS. Magistrate C. A. Dye and Con stable W. H. Davis, of Shelton, cap tured two stills in their neighborhood Saturday afternoon and night. They were of small capacity and. were not in operation. The owners were not known, and as they have not come in to claim their property, no arrests have been made. -REVIVAL AT SHELTON. Rev. J. L. Jett closed his success the revival meeting at Antioch M. E. church, Shelton, Sunday evening. The meeting was a succesk in every why aid everyone was highly pleased with the good that was done in tI community. Several new members were received in the church. rs. 'Team. entertained- sevral friends at a Pond party on Thurs day afternoon in honor of her guest, Miss Alberta Teism, of Camden. An afternoon picnic was held at Rimer Pond on Friday afternoon. After enjoying the swimming and d-ving the supper was served in the pt vilion and the ride home was madt by moonlight. Charles E. Thomas entertained three taMes of bridge in honor of John Lt Master, Jr., who left Mon dar for the University of South Se wanee - Quaint score cards marked th. places and several spirited con tests were played. The prize was wor. by the guest of honor. Ice tea and pineapple sandwiches were ser ved. Chas Moore has returned to Wof ford College. Blake Edmunds has entered the .nivers'ity at Columbia. Miss Louise Harrison has return e.-1 to Anderson College, where she is a senior this year. Mis: Sarah Thomas left Wednes day for Charlotte, where she en tered Queen's College. MIese3 Lula and May Hinnant have~ returned to their schools in Marion ard Lancaster. Miss Marian Palmer will be a stuic e at Chicora College this year. Miss Sarah Kennedy left Saturday fo - Cl-icor: College, where she will teach miusic. Major Robt.. G. Thomas and Miss Nellie Thomas visited relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ruff spent last Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Cook, in Darlington. WALLACEVILLE. Miss Alyse Yarborough left la' week for Campobello, where she will teach in the graded school. Miss Glover was a member of the gradu ating class of Limestone College last June. Mrs. C. B. Douglass, Jr., and children left in their car for Wash ington, D. C., where they will make their home in the future. Friends in the neighborhood have heard of their safe arrival Messrs. J. C. Cappell and J. S. (C mnu ona pann no ur.' 'PETIT JURORS FOR SECOND AND THIRD WEEKS. S. S. Bolick. C. D. Chappell. R. B Sessions. G H. Timms. Jchn A. Young. W. R. Aiken. J. M. Park. C; T McGill. J W. Pope. A. Moc. Park. C. E. Cathrart, Jr. C. B. Richardson. J. E. Wylie. J. E. Elkin. W. A. Brootn. J. A. Bomen. Frank Pope. John Turner. C. A. Leitner. W. E. Hendrix. J. W. Dickerson. Joe A. Nichols. D. H. Boulmare. Marion Tidmell. Hayre Rabb. C. A. Simns. J. K. Stevenson. J. W. Humphrie. L. W. Hames. J. E. Kohn. J. R. Stewfart. D. R. Cole. J. T. MdDonald, Jr. J. L. Gladden. W. M. Bankhead. G. R. Brice Thfrd Week Jurors. Herbert Lewis. D. E. Smith. W. R. Doty, Jr. W. R. Ashford. J. H. Dove. D S. Broom, Jr. P., C* Turner. J. D. Crawford.- a M. C. Harrison. Hugh B. Aiken. C. B. Brice. E. R. Dixon. H. C McKeown. W. B. Hoye. J. F. Thomason. Luther Boulware. H. B. McMaster. D. V. Walker, Tr. W. W Lpf~.' Ernest Steveru,. A. M. McMeekin. J. L. Pope. Ernest Gladden. E. M Crawford. Y. G. Lewis. Ran Bolin. J. E. Eubanks. R. J. Bouiware. W. W. Ligon. John B. Timmis. H. A. McMeekin. EXAMINATION FOR VETERINA. RV CORPS REGULAR ARMY. A competitive examination will be held November 14-19, 1921, at Ft. McPherson, Ga., for the appoint menit in the Veterinary Corps, Reg ular Army, to fill not to exceed 16 vacancies. Applicants must file an applica tion, for commission in the Regular Army on Form 88 A. G 0. This form may be obtained from any military post or station, or from the Adjutant General of the Army, Washington, MD. C. Applicants must be members 0' the Veterinary Officers' Reserve Corps at the time of taking the ex amination. ipplication should be made to the Adjutant General of the Army for commission in the V. 0. R. C. by those applicants who are not now members, stating the pur. pose of the application. No candidates will be examined who will not be at the probable time of appointment between the ages of 21 and 30 years. This is estimated as about January 1, 1922. Further information can be ob tained from the Commanding Gen eral~ Fourth Corps, Area, Fort Mc Pherson, Ga. All communications REVIVAL MEETLNG CLOSED SUNDAY. The union revival meeting, which has been in progress in the Commu nity building for the past week, closed Sunday night. 'Large crowds attinded the meetings at both the morning and evening services, the at teidance at the morning services be ing greatly augmented by the stores of the town, without exception, clos ing during the preaching hour. The services were in charge of the Rev. I John A. May, of Alabama, and the music was conducted by Mr. Wal ton, of Atlanta, with Miss Rebecca Jennings at the piano. There were several conversions and others reconsecrated their lives to Christian service, as a result of th .meeting. However, the full ben ecial effect of the meeting on the spiritual life of the community can not be readily estimated. Preach *ing a true Gospel, and sound logical doctrines, Mr. May's presentations were clear and forceful. The seed wiichi he planted here will be 'bearing f*t in the community for a long time, to come. As Rev. Mr. May had several dayswith no engagement before go ing to another meeting, on Monday, Tuesday and Wedgesday, !he held spial services in the Methodist cha& rb His subject for Monday n2v-sas was "The Intermediate Tuesday morning, "The Fi on;"- and Wednesday Home and Heav eervibw were of L S. VETBANS' BUREAU ADS 90MING TO CLE5MBIA. At 0mtvl There are many ex-prvice men in Fairfield county that entitled to compensation and many that need medical treatment. This is the best opportunity that ex-service men of the county have had since being dis charged from the army. to get first hand information from the goverl ment. The clean-up aquad is composed cf medical doctors, vocatinal men, and compensation claims men. Now is the time for you to take up, with the gcvernment your claims, boys. If you were wounded in the service, or became disabled from serving in the military service, take your dis charge and all communications that you have had from the government and go before the clean-up squad in Columbia between September 23rd and 27th. Remember that you will be given your meals while meeting the squaa and after you have completed your egri you will be given railroad fare back home by the government. This squad has already taken up 2,000 claims with ex-service men in South Carolina. They have' straight ened out many claims, and filed over 800 new claims. Out of the 2,000 men that have visited the squad over 200 were sent to the hos pital. These men needed hospital treatment aind did not understandJ how to get it. The big idea is the government is coming to you, instead of you having to write to the government trying to get satisfaction through the mail. Every man, woman or child shoulo tell others about this campaign an take it upon yourself to see that all ex-service men who are disable? avail themselves of the opportunity to meet the clean-up squad. MSS BARUCH HONORED. Amos Carlisle Johnstone entcr taed at cards Saturday evening in honor of Miss Simona Baruch, of New York. Seven tables were set for bridge. The score prize, a box of candy, was won by Miss Marian Seigler, the c6nsolation, a deck of cards, was cut by Miss Mayme Pee pes. The guest of honor was pre sented with a book. The last hour of the evening was spent in dancing. Ies and rcnle were snrred. MT. ZiON INSTITUTE OPENED MONDAY. Mt. Zion Ins.i.ute coegan iis cine hundred and thirty-seventh year Monday, with a larger enrollment ihan ever before. Long before the time for the opening exercises a large crowd of pupils, former stu-, dcnts and patrons assembled on the grourds; and the pupils shovnd a spirit of enthusiasm in taking up their. work for the year. Promptly at nine o'clock the atu dents, teachers and visitors gather ed ir the chapel. Just before Super intendent Patton took charge of af fair.- a group of last year's students crowded together and gave a roof raising yell for Mt Zion, which seeme to indicate the spirit which all the students of this year might adopt toward their work. In 1-s usual impressive manner, Mr. Pat ton then welcomed the pupils ana visitors aAd outlined the policy of the school for the year. Among other things he stressed this, "if the pupil in the higher grades-those approaching young manhood and womanhood-do not intend -to work this year it will be far better for them not to come to school. Such a course will not only waste time for both the teachers and indifferent scholars, but will hinder those who want to study and make progress.' After devotional exercises and pray er by the Rev. M. Mayes, of the Presbyterian church,' Mr. Patton arked Mr. Mayes to address the au dience, who spoke of the opportun ities befpre the students and the utmost necessity of their taking sd vantage of them, if they would suc ceed in later life. He also emnpba sized the necessity of disipline, and told how its enforcement. now would exert or infiuepee for god later. Pz. M. M. Steierti the University of South erolina, stated that football this year would be on a higher plane I than hereto fore. Resourcefulness and strategy would be called on to win more than weight- and strength. Although Mt. Zion will have a lighter team than last year, by using hd4d-work it is expected that she will put out a team with as many successes to her credit 'as heretofore. The faculty of the school this year is as follows: Miss Priscilla Ketchin, first grade; I MrE. John Fayssoux, second grade; t Miss Maggie B. Turner, third grade; t Mrs. P M Dees, fourth grade; Miss e Eliza Belle Curlee, fifth grade; Miss j Elizabeth Doty, sixth grade; Miss Cooper Walkup, seventh grade. a High school: Superintendent, G. F. Patton; principal, M. M. Stewart, Miss Carrie Elliott, Mrs. George a Clowney and Miss Bessie Chalmers, 3~ of Charlotte, N. C. The Winnsboro mills school also r cpened Monday morning, with the i fr'lowing corps of teachers: Mis d Lida Neil, first grade; Miss Nan ., Nei, seciond grade; Miss Elsbt t Sloan, third grade; Miss Emelyn j Mefie fourth and fifth grades; Miss i Mayme Douglass, sixth and seventh , grades. COMMUNITY HOUSE PROGRAM a C Friday, Sept. 16, 7:30 p m.-See Wlanda Hamby in "The House that e Jazz Built." Well, you just want e to see it regardless. 8 C Fox News also. Saturday, Sept. 17, 7:30 p. m. Justine Jolystone in "A Heart ,y to Let." This beautiful girl is t just out of the Follies, plays the u part of a sheltered daughter to a I city detective.e Fox News also. Tuesday, Sept. 20, 7:30 p. m.-A Metro All-Star cast plays "Someone in the House." Do you remember "Polly with a Past" pnd the "Great Redeemer?" Well, this is by the same Metro people. Look for it Tuesday eight at the Community House.1 Owing to school opening we have changed our show nights to Tuesdaya Friaye and Saturday. SWS FROM THE WINNSBORO MRS School opened Monday with a re ,ord attendance. There are about .50 in attendance. The teaching taff consists of Misses Mayme )ouglass, Emelyn Macfie, Lida Neil, qan Neil and Elizabeth Sloan. Mr. W. E. Sentell and son, Willie, notored to Hartsville Wednesday to pend a few days with relatives and riends. Mr. W E* Rambow has been con ined to his bed for sev&Jaldays his week. He is at his post of du y again. Those from the village attending dt. Zion school are Tom Senteli, alph Sentell, Mary Lokey, Annie, Pauline and Paul Wilson, Marjorie ind loma Wilson, Marjorie and S oyl Pritchard, Aillian Stewari, lar mce, Nell and Emma Jayne Reese. On Monday evening of last week he Booster's Club met in the hail md enjoyed a rousing get-together neeting to begin in earnest the. fall ind winter work. Every member was present. Vovcrs were laid for' eventy and the good women of the-' Women's Club served a d neal. After the meal ere. delivered by Mr. rohnstone's agent, Mayor G. cey, Superintendent J. M. ervice Manager F. L. Candee, and ev Geo. C. Gibson. Bright, snap y music was furnished by the or shestra. Everyone was agreeably rprised that we had such a splen lid orchestra in our midst. zes .rtisyt can be had for entecsl nents and dances for 4 reasoi6me -ate. Those who heard theg can ropch for their ability to plee. The. club closed the by - - nunity. 'We are expecting great M ults from the Booster's Club. Born several dpys ago to Mr. and drs. Lee Yandle, a bouncing baby irl. Both mother and the young ady are doitg splendldily. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Lokey had as heir week-end guest Mrs. Ldkey's rother, Mr. Bert Simpson, and a riend, Mr. Herbert Flenning, of' lelton. They came from Belton to Vinnsboro -n a motorcycle. A wonderful enthusiasm has bro :en out among the men at the Bap ist church. Numbers have joined he choir and are present each Sun ay at the men's class. The singing as livened up and tlings are going L little more push and pep, men, nd we will make the work worth rhile. The Wednesday evening prayer ervices are also largely attended. he pastor has made these meetings ery interesting by holding opea fo mm for discussions and by black oard illustiations. Last Weiaes ay the subject was "Degrees of Re rrd in Heaven." This Wednsday subject was "Where *do -0 gO fter Death!" NSext Sunday even ig the preaching service subject rill be "The Hand writing on the Val," or "Weighed in the' Balance". 1l are welcomed to this church and 11 of it services. Make it your burch home. Rev. Geo. C. Gibson last week onducted a B. Y. P. U. study course ach evening at the church. Quite number of young people took the ourse. The examinations will be aken this week and a B. P. Y, U. rganized next Sunday evening at o'clock. All the young people of he community, 13 years old and p are cordially invited to join, es ecially is every Baptist urged to ngage in this work. It is your uty as a young Christian to fit ourselves for service. Dputy Sheriff Ferry is becoming terror to law-breakers in our corn rinity. There are but few in our rnmediate vicinity, but occasionally me slips in land seeks to prey upon ur long-suffering patience, and 'erry is quick to smell the odor of awlessness and lands the itWaider here he belongs. Last week a (tnued onnn pae ei ght.)