_I lJE NE S HER lD ESTABLISHED 1844 WIN.BORO S. AU VOL. XLIX, NO. 19 FAIRFIELD COUNT REPORTED BY MITFORD. Miss Julia Nichols is spending a few weeks with 'ner 'nephew, Mr. Will Nichols, of Nitrolee. Master Jack Ford, of Great Falls, spent the week with his grand-mo ther, Mrs. J* S. Glass. Miss Isabell Glass is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. B. Lumpkin. Mrs. Katie Jackson gave a social Tuesday evening, which was enjoyed by all who were present. Messrs. Frank Higgins and James Smith spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Higgins, of Liberty Hill. Mrs. J. F. Thomasson and family .spent Sunday with Mrs. J. S. Glass. Miss Julia Ligon is spenling a few days with her sister, Mrs.'James Ligon, of Richburg. Misses Stella, Margaret and Mary Fowler spent Saturday with the et Smiths. Mr. David Smith motored to Ches ter Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ford and family spent Sunday with Mrs Ford's mother, Mrs. Kate Jackson. Mes'rs. Rufus Keistler and Rey nolds Witherspoon spent Sunday in Hickory Ridge. .Rev. J K. Hair gave U picnic Thursday, which was enjoyed by all. He only invited a few of the mem bers. Messrs. Alex Glass and Boyd .Nichols were invited out Sunday af ,r ernoon to eat water melon. Master Jeff Outlaw has gone to Heath Spring to visit a few weeks. HICKORY RIDGE. Miss Ada Morrison retprned to her home in Great Falls, after visit ing Miss Pauline Roberts for a few days. "aP n'e- Roberts and*ifi 3rice accompanied Miss Elizabeth 'ooper to her home in Columbia. They will be with her for a while. The young people had a water ielon feast on last Thursday night in the grove at the new home of Mr. A. A. Young's. Plenty of water .melons were served and everybody -.ad a good time. Messrs. J. -. Timms and E. U. 3rice attended the Baptist union mneeting at Jenkinsville last Sunday. A good many of our men folks -.vent fshing on Little river last Thursday. Caught lots of fish and had a good time. Miss Grac3 Attaway, of Winns boro, spent the week-end with Miss Susie Timms. Mrs. J. W. Brice and Mrs. E. F. Brice spent Tuesday with Mrs. WV. D. Park. HILLCREST. Miss Cora McDowell, of Winns boro, spent part of last week in the community. Miss Gene Rabb, of Columbia, spent a few days in the community recently. Miss Rena Wilson, of White Oak, .is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. D. Park., Miss Marie Lemmon is visiting in Chesternield. Messrs. J. 31. and J. D. Park at tended the Baptist union meeting at Jenkinsville last Sunday. Mr. Jarvis McIntyre, who has been making his home with Mr. W. D. Park, spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. E. A. Killion, at Great Falls. Miss Mary Boyd, of Winnsboro, -,spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hawes. Mrs. Will Boulware and children spent a day or two with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Park. MONTICELLO. Mr. John Gelston is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Roberts. He and Mrs. Roberts leave Wednesday for Loui siana, where they will be joined by Mrs. Gelston, who is visiting her pa rents. They will return in ten days. Mrs. Garlisle Smith and children, John a Mary. are spending a few NEWS AS CORRESPONDENTS days with Mrs. Smith's grand-father, Mr. H. J. Burley. Mr. Tommie Jenkins, of Columbia, recently visited his parents, Mr and Mrs. J .Jenkins. Henry Suber, of Strother, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Es telle Rabb and Mrs. Hamiter. Mrs. Jas. W. Hawkins and chil dren, Claude and Susie, of Columbia, spent two weeks with Mirs. Hawkins' father, Mr. D. P. Hamiter, returned home Saturday. A social given by the Epwarth League Friday evening was well at tended. Delicious cream was served. Miss Culbreth is visiting her bro ther near the village. They are our new neighbors and we are delighted with them. Mrs. J. E. Shedd is visiting rela tives near Jenkinsville. Professor Holmes Scott is spend ing a while with his mother, 3rs. J. A. Scott. Mrs. Buford Jackson and chi!dren 2f College Place, spent last week with relatives here. BETHEL. The Bethel Sunday school has one more prize to its creodit. At the conference of Methodist Sunday schools at Cedar Creek it had more present than any other school. At the conference there were 200 or over, all told. This conference r.ep resented all the Sunday schools in Richland, Ridgeway, Edgewood and Fairfield circuits. Sunday school metheds and improvements were dis cussed and plans laid for larger work along all lines. Prof. F. S. Parker has moved from Bethel to Jenkinsville. We miss him as a citizen and all other ways that are good. He is absolutely pure gold. You will always find him on the right side of very question. Th#-Tefile frohi Moss-yDale and two gentlemen passed through our section Monday going to the home of C. H. Leitner. They halted but were afraid to get out. Mrs. C. H. Leitner was rejoicing at the visit of her brother, \Ir. Frank Solley and wife and chil 'lren, Frances and Mary Lee, last week-end. Also her. sister, Mrs. Mrs. Mackay Solley. Mrs. Mackay Solley attended the League Sunday night and was very free in her praise of the efforts and interest of the Bethel Leaguers The boll weevil are still very ac tive. We are beginning to needl rain on corn and cotton. SALEM. Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Wylie spent the week-end with Mrs. D. R. Craw ford iand family. Mrs. Jesse Coleman, of Jackson ville, Fla., has been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. W. H. Crowder. Mrs. Wade Aiken and Mrs. Hyrold Turner are spending some time with their mother, Mrs. Jas. W. Crowder. Mrs. .Julia Simms, of Winthrop College, is at home for the month of August. Mr. and Mrs.M. B. Martin were in Winnsboro Saturday. Miss Genie Gladney has returned home from Orangeburg, where she has been attending a house party. Miss Mary Fee spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Crowder. Dr Hairrod Martin, of Union, was in our neighborhood Sunday. Mrs. Kirkpatrick, of Fort Lawn, is visiting Mrs. Edgar Aiken. Miss Mary Helen Crawford is spending some time with her sisters, Mrs. Jim Edrington, of Winnsboro, and Mrs. Ellison Wylie, of Wateree. Our crops are suffering for rain. The boll weevil is in every field, of course worse in some places than others. Corn has been fine, but this hot and dIry woather~ is ruining it. Plenty of melons, but few of large size. Be sure to read the "ad" about the picnic at Salem church on Au gust 10th. Meet your friends, ac quaintances and sweet-hearts on WOODWARD. Mr. Woodward Nichilson came over from Darlington recently . to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Nicholson. Miss Marie Brice and Jame' Brice, after a three weeks' visit relatives here and at Blackstoek returned to York Monday with th~i father, J. M. Brice, who motorp over for the week-end with Mr. a' Mrs. Tom Brice. Quite a number of ladies fr here attended the missionary nies ing at the Biackstock Baptist chu' last Thursday, where two splend talks were given by Miss Lawt who has always lived in China " til six years ago, when. sh' carri over to study at the training school Mr. R. T. Dougherty motored u from North to spend the week-ent with Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Brice. Mrs Dougherty, who has been visiti4 her daughter, Mrs. Brice, returik with him. Dr. Haynes' daughters, Misse Francis and Lilla, are visiting tlir' grand-mother, Mrs, Thorne. Mrs. Macie Brice had as spend the-day guests Wednesday, Mrs. E. H .Hardin and daughter, Rebecca, -of Chester, and Miss Annie Wyli Moore, of Charlotte. Mrs. J. C. Stewart entertained Monday evening in honor of Miss Lila Nicholson's guest, Miss Lula Johnston, of St. Georges. The guests found great amusement in making life books from magazines and iden tifying their photographs taken iM childhood. Misses Gladys Stewart and Elizabeth Brice assisted the hos tess in serving a delicious salad and ice course. The attiljetive living room and dining room were beauti-1 fully decorated in summer flowers. Miss Johnston was the guest of honor at a picnic at Great Falls Tuesday, which was given by the people from Woodward and Black stock and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brice, of Avon. Mrs. David McIlroy entertained In Wednesday evening -of,.Iast, e honor of her daughter, Miss Rut-h McIlroy, who has recently come over from Ireland. Delicious tea brought by Miss McIlroy from Ireland. was served with sandwiches and cake, after which lovely peaches were brought in. The handsome napki. nand tray covers wcre of pure Irish linene and were brought over by Miss Mcllroy. Miss Lilly Mcllroy assisted her mother in entert.ain Dr. Walkup Douglass, of Balti mre, was the guest of honor Thurs dav evening at a dliitfOl ra tion given by Mr. and Mr's. Ebb Stevenson. Cream, cake and fruit were tevedl, and about thirty guests hd tepleasure of .seeing Dr. Dodglass again, Dr. Douglass is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Douglass at their lovely country home. UNION, The protracted meeting at Union has closed. The meeting was con dlucted by Rev, Craig, of Rock Hill., assisted by the pastor, Rev, Mayes. of Winnsboro. We als-> had Mr. H enrv V'arnhover, of Orangeburg, who led the song service, which add ed much to the meeting and was en joyed by all of those who had the pleasure to attendl. There were five new members added to the church rclls. Mr., P. B. Roberts was a business visitor in Columbia recently, Miss Mary Boyd, of Winnsboro, is the guest of Miss Carrie Steele. Mrs. Lillie May Smith, of New berry, is visiting at home, Mr. J .W. Harrison was in Winns boro Monday, Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Steele were visitors in Winnsboro Saturday, Dr. J. L. Harrison and niece, Naoma, were visitors in Winnsboro recently, Miss Lula Lee Rogrts, registered nurse of Columbia, is visiting her Ibrother, Mr. P. B, Roberts, Mr. J. B. Hagood was a visitor in Winnsboro Saturday. Miss Kate Lee Steele, of Winns horo, has been visiting in the niegh borhood recently, Mr. W. WX. Arthur, of New York. was the guest of R. D. Butler re cently, 4AVON y afternoon, July 27, David Mcllroy enter :-amber of guests in honor dst daughter, Miss Ruth s d has just come to this m Ireland. The feature ebeing was a contest in .1e ladies tried to see who .the most words from the reland. A prize was giv er, Miss Ella Sterling. refreshments of good old sandwirhes, cake and de joeaches were served. The ift at 6 o'clock after having * I very pleasant. afternoon. 'crowd of young people went here on a picnic to Great Falls day and reported a very en time. s Margaret Sterling entertained ..-umber of young people at her Friday evening in honor of Elizabeth Kerr. A pleasant gvening was spent by rail present plying games, etc. Among the insts present were the Misses Har dli and Gladden, of Chester. Miss Lily Mcllroy, who has been kome for the past week, has r turned ;o Charlotte, where she will take up her duties as a nurse. Mis'ses Marie and O'Neal Mc Keown visited their grand-parents; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKeown, during th past week. Miss Elizabeth Kerr has returned from Rock Hill, where shehas been attending the summer school. The cotton and corn crops of this community are looking better than ever despite the fact that fertilizer was scarce this spring. Mrs J. L. Douglas and family are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David McIlroy. . A few young people from here at tended services at Hopewell church Sunday evening. GREENBRIER. Mrs. E. R. Roberts and grand-] chiI( ss MarygLe ~isam(11an leturned to Monticello, after spend ing some time with Mrs. L. D. Lyles. Messrs. J. F. Watson and Russell Clowney, of Winnsboro, were the guests of Mr. C. L. Smith Sunday. Misses Earline and Beaufort Lyles left this week for the nountains. Miss Elizabeth Smith, of Char !Atte, is at home on her Nacation. Mr. Harry Trap, if Columbia, was a visitor in our community Tuesday. The Misses Mays, of Prosperity, visited Mrs. .1 Hoke recently. Miss Sara Brooks visited her gandI-mother, Mrs .J. P. Brooks, this week. T. C. C'amak, Jr., spent the past week-end with Leitner Blair. Miss Lois Smith is spending this week with friends in Liberty Hill. Miss Annme Laurie Caldwell, of Cilumbia, is visiting relatives here. Dr. LeRoy Lewis, of Chester, vis ited in the community Sunday. Miss Madge Reynolds, .of Char lotte, was the guest of Miss Eliza beth Smith last week. - Mr. and Mrs. T. WV. Lewis and family left Tuesday for Tennessee. in their car. All the young people around the neighborhod enjoyed a water mel on feast at the quarry Tuesday night. RION. The road from where it leaves the nain road to Rion must be the best in Fairfield county, since Mossy Dale says it is. I understand the cost of this stretch of road did not equal the communitation tax paid annually by residents of Rion. How ever, it has cost one of our citizens a good deal in addition to county aid to build and maintain it. An outlay which he is willing to make to have decent roads through his property. Wouldn't it be well for Mossy Dale and others to do like wise instead of waiting for the coun ty commissioners to interced~e. Mrs. W. F. Mackin spent the week-end with her daughter, Miss Ruth Mackin of Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh andl s m, Albert, and Misses Emma Mae Young and Jesse Lee Humphries at FARIM DE3ONSTRATION NOTES. All Guernsey breeders in the county, whether pure breds or grades, are invited and urged to attend the annual meeeting of the Tri-County Guernsey Association at Mr. J. J. McDaniel's farm near Blackstock. Several prominent speakers will be on hand to address, the association. A basket picnic will be served and everyone who can should bring a basket. The association is compused of Guernsey breeders from Fairfield, Chester and Yolk counties. Mr. C. K. Turner is one of the vice-presi dents. All the Guernsey breeders from Fairfield county shoud attend this mee.1g and plans should be discussed for the marketing of our dairy products. The date of the meeting is the 2nd Tuesday in Au gust. All those who intend raising ,ither pure-bred or grade Guernseys should attend this meeting also. Here is a fine demonstration of what improved machinery will eo in reducing the cost of making our crpps. With the use of a riding cul tiviator Mr. W. E. Stewart and his father have cultivated 10 ires of cotton and 15 acres of corn and spent only $7.00 for labor. Miss Ella Sterling, of the New Hope section of the county, 1 as a very fine crop of apples. Miss Ster ling sprayed her apples three times ;nd from present indications she going to get fine results. If you have any t rn for sale see your county agent and he will do his best to helP you dispose of it. GOOD ROADS CAMPAIGN. Columbia, July 30.-An intensive publicity campaign for good roads is being plagned by the South Caro lina Good Roads Association for the near futpre. The organization will take advantage of every advantage of every method known to stress up on the people of the state the ne cessity of permanent highways be 'ng built by the st4te, it was said e newspapers, the billboards, the moving picture and othcr agen cies will be used in the campaign. Already posters are being printed emphasizing the fact that "bad roads cost more than good roads." "Bad roads mean loss and isola tion; good roads mean prosperity and communication." reads one of the slogans being gotten out by the association. Another circular calls attention to'the fact that while oth er states of the union are spending enormous sums on state highwuys South Carolina is spending practi tally noth'ng by comparison. ''W~e are delighted with the re sponses that our appeals are meet ing with." said President L. D. Jennings yesterday. "The people of the state are sending in their mem bership fees iight along. A big membership in our association means a strong association and every coun ty in the state :ihould have a large, number of active members. We want as members people who are really interestedi in good roads and who wils get out and work when we celdl upon them." Presidc:t Jennings announced yesterday that B. H. Peace, presi dent arnd editor of the Greenville News, had accepted the position of chairman for Greenville county and will at once undertake the work of c rganizing the county. ,MSr. Peace is a :-Od roadg enthusiast and has given the association strong suppiort through the columns of his paper. "~We are very greatly indebted to Lhe hress of the state for the splen :lid support which it is giving us," saidl Mr. Jennings yesterday. "We Felt sure that we would have the support of the newspapers since :hey always stand for progressive neasures. Without their aid we ~ould accomplish nothing in the cam paign." PICNIC AT SALEM1. There will be a picnic at Salem Zhurch on Wednesday, August 10th. 1921, given under the auspices of he Woman's Auxiliary of the Salem :hurch. An interesting program is >eing arranged for the day. There rill be helpful talks by forzeful ~eakers on present day proble ns. ~.mple provisions are being made to ~ntertain a large crowd. Come, bring COTTON GROWERS REDUCE ACREAGE& Washington, Aug. 2.-The South is turning its back on cotton and is giving greater attention than ever before to feed crops, according to a statement oof the department of ag riculture issued today. The state ment is based on an officiAl compi lation of acre4e. The cotton producing states of North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma and Ar.. kansas have cut their cotton 10,194, 000 acres, or 28 per cent. from last year. Regarding this reduction, the department expresses its amazement as follows: "A change of 5 per cent. in the countrywide acreage of a major crop is unusua4 10 per cent. is rare, and 15 per cent. is unknown except under extraordinary circumstances." About 60 per cent. of the reduced acreage has been devoted to food crops. Corn shows a gain of 4,521, 000 acres, or 13 per cent.; wheat 607,000 acres, or 10 per cent.; oats, 740,000 acres, or 13 per cent.; hay, 413,000 acres, or 5 per cent.; sor ghum and cane, 79,000 acres, or 10 per cent.; and potatoes, 123,000 acres or 10 per cent. The larger part of the 4,423,000 acres unaccounted for has gone into pasture or is left idle. Southern states have reduced rice acreage 450,000 acres, or 39 per cent.; tobacco, 262,000 acres or 32 per cent. Unsatisfactory prices for the crop of last year is held respon sible. Alabama shows a smaller reduc tion of cotton acreage than any other state but corn is planted in with the cotton the department was able to ascertain. Regarding the actual production of cotton, the department has not compiled a final estimate. The acre nge reduction of 28 per cent. does not indicate what the prediction will be in comparison with the. produc duced, ranging from an estimate of 20 per cent, in certain states to. 0 per cent, in others. - There 'is an idea entert-:oined by so-called cotton experts in congr':s thot the cotton crop of this year will be nearly 40 per cent. less than that of last year. The department does not sanction such estimate by formal statement, if at all. There is just one fly in the oint ment. Despite the reduction in acreage, there is still in cultivation in cotton states a larger acreage th i before the war, POULTRY BREEDERS' ASSOCIA TION MEETING, -Charleston, July.--The fifth an nual show of the South Carolina $ Poultry Breeders' Association will be held in connection with the State Fair at Columbia, October 24 to 283, according to announcement made here today by B. E. Adams, presi dent of the organization. Plans are under way to make this thelargest show ever held 'by the Southi Caro lina poultry breeders, said Mr. Ad ams, who is in touch with the poul try exhibitors throughout the South east, All parts of the State are repre sented in the poultry association and it is believed by the officers that a large number of fine fowls will be shown at Columbia this fall, The directors of the organization, it was explained, are taking an active in terest in the matter and promise a full house when the curtain rises on the State Fair, The following poultry fanciers are members of the beard of direc tors: L. C. Breeden, Bennettsville; A. K, McDowell, Charleston; T. D. Hooks, Columbia; iT M,. Jordan, Grceenville; Wendill M. Levi, Sumter; M. C. Stuckey, Florence; R. R. Hickson(. Cheraw; W. I. Isom, Spartanburg; G. G. McLaurin, Dillon; J. Wirron Will son, Spartanburg, and B, E. Adams, Charleston. BARBECUE I will give a barbecue at Blair's Friday, August 12th. Will appreci ate your coming and telling your friends to come. Bring your bathing suit and enjoy the day, F, F. SUBER,