Ruff-Travlar. Ridgeway, S. C., April 14, On Wednesday evening the Epis copal church at this place wal the scene of a beautiful weddin; when Miss Isabel Means Ruff the daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. Herbert Huff, became th< bride of Mr. Marion Hartwel Traylor. This little church is wonder fully pretty, and was elaborael: decorated with branches o : snowy dogwood and lighted b: artistic Flemish chandelier fitte< with white wax tapers. Miss Alice Walker of Winns boro presided at the organ, play ing a program of appropriat music as the guests assemble< and the wedding march for th< entrance of the bridal party, an< Masters J. D. Fulp, Jr. an< Walter Thomac stretched th, white ribbons to close the pews. The ushers were Messrs. W H. Ruff, Jr., brother of the bride Julius Bowen, D. W. Ruff an( Clarence Edmunds and the were followed by the bride, maids Misses Flossie Cromptoz and Isabel Boyd gowned in but terfly gowns of white crep( meteor and tulle carrying sof fern tied with th'e tulle. Mrs Hammond Salley of Salley's her self a recent bride, was her sis ter's matron of honor and wor( her lovely wedding gown anc carried a basket of great Ameri. can beauty roses. The bride entered with hei father, Mr. W. H. Ruff and wa. preceded by two dainty flcwei girls, little Misses Eliose Parkei and Mary Yeadom who scatterec flower petals bcfore her. The bride's gown was of whit( taffeta and silver lace, in rounc length the filmy veil. arrange' cap fc,shion, forming the lonE train, and she carried bride'! roses and lilies of the valley. After the ceremony there wac a large reception at the charm ing new home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H Ruff which was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The bridal party with th( parents of the bride, receivec the guests in the drawing roorr and delicious punch was servec in the library and on the soutl glass enclosed piazza, and in thE dining room, dainty ice crearr and cake were served from thE table which was exquisitely ar ranged with a center decoratior Meet Me At'I Buy. T aS to lo di a1 at IMPORTANT MAIL OR1 NOTICE. "We Deliver Anything An: Free." We solicit orders by mai] everywhere, and no matter wI order, it will be sent to youf chnae We're always in the of snowy Easter lilies and light ed by white tapers in silver hold-1 ers, like tapers in mahogany holders lighting sideboard and shelves. Punch was served by Misses Susie and Harriet Palmer, and Mrs. Ralph Kennedy of Charles ton cut the ice cream, the bride cutting the white heart shaped cake and distributing the slices - containing the usual emblems. I Mrs. W. H. Ruff, the mother of the bride, wore a beautiful| gown in orchid shades of char meuse, with diamonds, and her aunt, Mrs. David Duiose Gaill ard, wore a handsome gown of black lace and jEt, with diamond - I ornaments, another aunt, Mrs. Henry Davis wearing a dainty gown in French pink and blue with an exquisite Spanish or nament or old gold and pearls in I her hair. Mr. and Mrs. Traylor motored to Columbia for a short stay and upon their return to Ridgeway I will go immediately to house koeping. Among the out of town .-uests nresent were: Mr. and Mrs. T. IC. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. U. V. Walker, Miss Alice Walker, Misses Nell, Isabel and Christine Gooding, and Helen McDonald. and Messrs. Law i ence Elliott, Clark McCants and Ernest Gladden, of Winnsboro Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Thorn of New York and Colum bia, Mrs. J. Q, Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ruff, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Means Davis, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Irby, Mrs. W. M. Bostick Misses Sara Kennedy, Mar garet Ruff, and Weink, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cleveland, and Mr. Edwards Boyd of Columbia, Dr. James DesPortes of Clifton, Miss Rita Meares of Spartan burg, Mr. and Mrs. Hammond Salley of Salley's, Mrs. Mar garet Jones of Sumter, Mrs. John Jones, and Mrs. John Mc Eachern of Longtown, Mrs. Margaret Ruff of Rock Hill, Miss Florrie Grant of Wilmington, N. C., Mrs. David DuBose Gaillard of Elizabeth, N. J., Mrs. Harris Phillips of Fort Myer, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fulp and J. D. Jr., of Fort Mill, and Mr. Eugene Rosborough of Atlanta. Stover News. Miss Lily May Martin :f Wellridge attended the closing Iapp's ow For We urge the public With the interest o: much as they feel the Here are our reasoi There are staple thi the household a foods You have'seen the* hat has happened to f~ ods, especially the mo Why not cover yo1 w and stocks are abun Right now this stor4 se it is possible for. a s asis of prices of many moderate prices. Lai re Do Hemstitching rwhereTh from *< Department Si exercises of the Stover scho Thursday af ternoon. Rev. R. Roy Brown visited the community Thursday afte noon. Misses Martha McDonald ar Elizabeth Cathcart attendE Field's Day exercises in Winn boro on Friday. Messrs. John McDonald ar Storment Bankhead were i Winnsboro Friday. Mr. Nealy Bankhead was i Blackstock Tuesday on busines Miss Martha McDonald r turned from Winnsboro Saturda night accompanied by Missi Elizabeth and Mittie Cathcart. Miss Kate Dixon spent ti week-end at home. Mr. W. B. Dixon and fami motored to Chester Monda afternoon. Everyone enjoyed the addre on universsl education given I Hon. C. S. Ford on ThursdE afternoon at the school house. The hail on Friday afternoc proved very destructive to number of gardens in this se tion. Mr. W. B. Dixon is attendir Presbytery at Great Falls th week. Ciosing Exercises ot Stov< School. Invocation - Rev. R. Rc Brown. Salutary-Viola Dixon. Recitation - "Keeping Hol day", Sara Black. Recitatian- "Vacation" Davi Herbert McDonald. Recitation - "In school an out," Annie Black. Recitation- "A patriotic girl, Mittie Wilson. Recitation - "The name Wilson" Sara Wilson. Recitation- "Vacation Time, Sara McDonald. Recitation - "Two girls, Lizzie Black. Recitation-- "A great travelar David Marion McDonald. Recitation-"A small speech, William Cameron. Address - "Universal edue: tion," Hon. C. S. Ford. Recitation-Hustle and grin, Woodward Dixon. Recitation - "A bunch THE GRO\ Your F Presen to buy now, giving the public ever at y can afford. ngs in dry goods th tuffs. You know foodstuffs go up an< >odstuffs can and uw re staple lines. trself for future nee dant?' 3 offers a stock of $ tore to buy. Pr Smonths ago. You :er it is certain to c< and Picot Edgin Sol Jas. L.'1 Lore Cor. Main axn >l Golden Keys," Storment Mc Donald. n Valedictory-Alice McDonald. Reading of Honor Roll Award ing of Prizes - Miss Eiizabeth Cathcart. d Benediction-Rev. C. Roy d Brown, d Honor Roll of the Stover n School. Highly Distinguished - Ad n vanced 1st grade-Sara Mc 3. Donald 97 1-3 Highly distinguished - Annie Black 97 1-3. s Distinguished-David Marion McDonald 93 1-3. 2nd Grade. Distinguished e David Herbert, McDonald 91 2-3. 3rd 4th and 5th grades-l izzie y Black 90 Distinguished - Sara Black 91 2-3 Storment McDonald 911-5. 6th grade. Distinguished S Woodward Dixon 90 5-6. y 9th grade Highly Distin zuished-Alice McDonald 96, Viola Dixon 95 6-7. n Attendance for the year a Alice McDonald, Sara BlacK. Colored Farmers Hold Rally is At Simpson. The colored farmers of the Simpson neighborhood held a farmers rally at the Simpson Colored Church Sunday at one thirty o'clock. This meeting y was the direct result of the efforts put forth by the colored minister of that church and other i- colored ministers of the county who have realized the gravity d of the food shortage. After a consultation of these ministers d with Dr. Oliver Johnson of the publicity committee this meeting was arranged and speakers were asked to address the gathering. if Messrs. J. E. McDonald, Sr. and Thos. M. Seawell editor of The News and Herald, accompanied by Mr. S. C. Cattcart were pre " sent and all three made talks on the food problem and the plans that the county committee has worked out for the relief of the people. It was easily seen that the :entire audience was im L- pressed with the condition of things and that every effort is " going to be made to put into practice the plans laid out by >f the county committee. VING STORE uture As t Needs a number of reasons heart, we strongly urg at are quite as necess you are going to need I people flock to buy adoubtedly will happei ds insofar as you feel 100,000 worth of their actically all of this me can buy it now-as r >t you more. g-==Prices Most M< icited. Papp Corn .d Blanding Streets, MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS BANK Ready Cash Talk RE you ready for a business op portunity? Suppose that to morrow you see a chance whereby the investment of $1,000 would start you on the road to an independent fortune. Have you the thousand? Place your surplus cash in bank. Then when a choice invest ment offers you are ready for it. There is an old saying that money makes money. It is particularly true today. Security, service and courtesy are our watchwords. MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS BANK COLUMBIA LUMBER MANUFACTURING CO Manufacturers of Sash, Doors & Blinds, Interior Finish, Pine, Cy press and Oak, Flooring Ceiling Weatherboard ing, loulding, Door and Window Frames. COLUMBIA, - - - SOUTH CAROLINA Meet Me At Tapp's Well As Your for the advance. De every one to buy now ary to the individual and them-must have them. quantities for future use. Sto many lines of dry you can, when prices are iewest and best merchan rchandise is marked on a iuch as you want of it >derate=-Mail Orders PREMIUM DEPARTMENT. -Our Premiurn Department is filled pany with many new and handsome pre miumns, 'wvhich are given free in exchange for premium coupons issu p ColmbiaS.C.ed with each cash purchase of 5c. or Colu bia,.C. ore