NEWS AND H ERALD WINBBOIUN, B. di J. FRANK FOOSHE . Editor and Proprietor. PUBLISHED WEEKLY TMEM, I ADVANC-: One Year ...................--------- 1-50 Six Months..................-.------ .75 Wednesday, October 31, 1906. - The hunting season will be on to-morrow instead of Nov. 15 as noted in these columns a few days ago. Let the law be strictly complied with this time, especial ly in the matter of trapping, as the number of partridges is very small comparatively. The heavy rains have been. very much against them. The first South Carolinian to enjoy the benefits of the Carnegie pension for teachers is Dr. Carlisle of Spartanburg. No man in the - South who has spent his life in helping young men to higher living is more deserving of this token than Dr. Carlisele and no one who would be farther from seeking such recognition o f service. It is a voluntary finan cial tribute to his invaluable work. By sending $1.75 to 'Perry Mason Company, Boston, Mass., you can get for the next fourteen months the very best - paper in America for the young folks and a most desirable paper for the grown ups too. It will pay you to act at once so as to get the benefit of their special offer of the remaining months of this year free. The Youth's Com - panion will prove a welcome weekly visitor in to the home. In and Around Blackstock. .The new bank will do business under the name Bank of Black stock and will soon be ready for business. Mr. J. F. Coleman, who recent ly went to Blackstock with the view to become the agent of the Southern Railway Co., in that town, has been at home with his family for several days. Probably $2,000 worth of fine stock - went from this place to compete for premiums at the State Fair. Blackstock h a s some noted hog and cattlo men and a large share of the blue *ribbons come this way. Mr. V. D. Craig is stuidying medicine at Tulane University New Orleans. He completes the *course in one more sessior. Mr.,.James H. Craig a very ispular traveling man, is visiting hsfather, Mr. J. E. Craig. Mirs. Noland has almost re covered her health, we are glad to'say. Th( Blackstock High school is in -oharge of most excellent instructors, Rev. Noland and Miss Bebeekah Craig. Mr. Ed Hardin of Chester was visiting fiends at Woodward this *week. Mr. W. M. Patriek has returned from attending the U. S. Court in Greenville. Mr. Eugene Holder is now town policeman. -Mrs. J. B. Craig who has been in ill'health for some time, is at a sanitarium in Charlotte. Mrs. Mary Mullican of Chester county is visiting Mrs:. Rags dale. Oct. 27. 1906. Y. T. C. Jenkilnsville Jottings. Mr. Stephen G. Clarke of Mari etta, Ga., is now on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. *-Clarke. Miss May Helen Gillmaore of Washington, who has been visit ing relatives at Lykesiand, is now with her sister, Mrs. C. B. Doug lass, accompanied by her friend, Miss Cora Harmon, of~ Horrell Hill. Mr. B. H. Yarborough and Rev. J. E. Freeman attended the asso ciation at Blythewood. Messrs. C. B. Douglass and B. H. Yarborough will attenk court in Greenville this week, being on theU. S. jury. Mr. C. D. Chappell's family have moved from their summer cottage at $6nkinsville to their winter home at Branchville. Miss Eunita Buff, who has been teaching in Richland county, has been sick at her home for some time.* Mrs. Oscar Chappell and chil dren of Bookmnan's recently visit ed her parents. Mr. Joseph McMeekin, who has been at the hospital in Chester, is now at home siter undergoing quite a successful operation. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Suber have been visiting the latter's parents for several days.a Rev. 3. E. Freeman has beenc on a visit to Ward's for several * days. Mrs. J. W. Wallace is now in Columbia, where she is under treatment, having had to submit. -to a very tedious operation. We hope that it may prove to be a very successful one. Y. October 19. 1908. -1 Beglan Blocks BeSt for Pvilng. In connection with the discus ion now going on as to ti.e pV ng of the streets of Columbia, ar. J. B. Scroggie of Rion fur ishes the following letter to The State in advocacy (if Belgian :locks as the best fur stue t pay na: In the columns of l our paper I notice considerable matter rela Live to the merits of the various kinds of material that could b6 used in the pavement of the streets of our capital city. No mention has been made of a first-class Belgian block, which is the first and only economic street pavement ustd. Probab!v granite has been used in Colum- I bia to some extent in the shape of cobble stones, which are worse than no pavement. No doubt they were intended for Belgian blocks, but they were a poor imi tation. Instead of being square and smooth they were round and rough, being made by incompe tent labor. It requires a number. of years experience for a work man to thoroughly shape a Bel gian block to give the best results. Wood has been condemned in a number of our large cities as unsanitary; vitrified brick al though a smooth pavement is not adapted to heavy traffic and dan gerous in freezing weather. There is an abundant supply of the finest granite on earth within our own State and the best grado of Belgian blocks can easily be manufactured from the same. Why is it necessary to use other material when we have the best at home? A Belgian block of the ight size, made by competent workmen and laid on a concrete foundation will give the city the finest pavement known. The noise will be reduced to a mini mum and the initial cost will not, I believe, exceed that of any other material mentioned as a reliable pavement. If the street committee will visit Macon, Ga., they will see a street there paved with the size of Belgian block I have in mind, and if they so desire I will make one or two blocks and at their next meeting personally instruct them as to the fine points of a first-class Belgian block. Trusting you will give this space in your paper, which is in tended for the best interests of 1 Columbia, I am, J. B. Scroggie. Rion, S. C., Oct. 23. Wounds, Bruises and burns. By aplyingan antiseptic dressing -wudbruises, burns and like in juries before inflammation sets in, they may be healed without maturation and in about one-third the time required by the old treatment. This is the greatest discovery and triumph of modern sur-. gery. Chamberlain's Pain Balm acts on this principle. It is an antiseptic and when applied to such injuries, causes them to heal very quickly. It. also allays the pain and soreness and prevents any danger of blood poison ing. Keep a bottle or Pain Bailm in your home and it will save you time' and money, not to mention the jieon1 venience .and suffering such injuries entail. For, sale by Obear Drug Co. and all medicine dealers. Wonder of the World. Our corn crop is the wonder of the world. In 1905 it amountedl to 2,700,000,000 bushels, worth' about $1,216,000,000, or twice as much as any other crop. Every section of the country contributed a share. But great as these: figures are, they could probably be doubled in a few years with--I out planting a single additional ac're simply improvidg the method< of cultivation and above aLi, b; getting better seed. The depanri ment of agriculture e-ery d~ receives requEsts hke the~ tolew ing. "Will you phas. iurn i where well-bred ste of a vra of corn suited to this lii v ': i be purchased?" Uuf.ktuon-a the majority of the letter- 'n a be satisfactorily answer.\ t cause no corn has hee'' im u . for section of the Unit. d . from which they come. .\, 1 consequence the dlepaertw.'t , trying to stimulate aut le it o person in every portion <.i 1 country to breed seed coro u gio that he whoproduces an im prove< variety for his section will no only be a benefactor to his com < munity, but also get a handsom, n profit for his work. To help ihe work along the department (is-i tributes phamphlets adv' 'g the growers how to select his corn at 2 best advantage. University Endowments. To-day Harvard's endowment mounts to $18,000,000, that of Jhicago $20,000,000, and that of :.eland Stanford to possibly twice as much. The annual 15udgets of ' t least four of our American Kniversities have passed t hi e 2illion dollar mark, and t h e nnual expenditure of a dozen ther amounts to half that sum. 'he Forum. F Is your baby thi Make him a S4 baby. scoff's Emulaf and Hypophosphites I easily digested by little Consequently the %Q Scott's Emulsic Scheeked little fellow ft ALL DRUGGISTS: Danger fron the Plague. There's grave danger from the i-lague of Coughi :nd Colds that are so provalent, unless yon take Dr. King's New Discovery for Conslumption, Coughs and Colds. Mrs. Geo. Walls, of Forest City, Me., writes: "It's a Godsend to people living in climates where ouughs and colds prevail. I find it quickly ends them. It prevents Pueumonlia, cures LaGrippe, gives wonderful relief in Asthma and ay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off Con -umption, Coughs and Colds. 50c and 8100. Guaranteed by Juo. H. McMaster & Co., drug ists. Trial bottle free. FOR SALE. On November 15, 1906, beginning at 0 o'clock A. M., I will offer for sale to h1e highest bidder for cash at niv resi lence in this county,. near Horeb hurch, iv personal property, con of the following: Hogs, Horses, Mules, Cattle, Wagon, Elarness, Buggies, Surrey. Plow-Stocks,. Rarrows, Plow-Shares, Corn, Fodder, Fay, 1as. Cotton Seed, Lumber, ousehold Furniture and other articles. Some of the foregoing articles can be :ought at private sale on or before that lay. FOR RENT. One four-horse farm; land level and in good state of cultivation; a good i-room dwelling, good water, good barn, and all necessary outhouses. Will. rent reasonable. For further particulars, ainly to C. A. ROBINSON, 10-31-2t Winnsboro, S. C. CHOICEST Bulbs and Seeds FOR PLANTING NOW. - Each. Doz. CallIa Lily................20c $2 00 (hinese Sacred Lily......15e 1 25 Hyacinths (Romni'n)..5c 60 Hyacinths (D~utch, all... colors) 10c 6 fonquils ........................ 20 to 2-5 Narcissus .................... 35 to 50 rulips, all colors........ 30 to 50 Daisy, Hollyhoek, Pansy, Phlox, Poppy and Sweet Pea Seed l0c per package, prepaid. Give Us a Trial Order. Rose Hill Greenhouses, COLUMBIA, S. C. RICHLAND COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. No. 1.39. 75 acres four miles from Zolumbia on Monticello road. Knowni Ls Price Place bordering on Crane .reek. :30 acres in timber, the remain ir, cultivated. Only two miles from iew~ Columbia College. Price upon~ No. 15. 122 acres on the Koon road ive miles fromj Columbia. Only one md a hialf miles from the Southern l.ilroadt. s5 acres in timber and the -ematinder cultivated. Two-room dwvel inW' an~d one barn, nll in good condi iou: tine weil and spring. Timber on his phwe wi'l average 20 cords to the ecre: co.'d ate o c'< ni 1 t he acre. -Price and .er. ua 1 to sit mee 1 mIer. .No. 224. M a wrcs of good tillable 1 ,o . the K 'e. . 'acad:Lhout two miles r ,mi (".mbh.: !.aui' adaptable to to . .-ay i du.'elliug on place, tri o nil '-urn.p,: rvwo fine wvells md sua I -:e- mt: :lso' a gin house. r.>per l.-a/ ~ i cr lands that are ll ig2a. >cw strer, car line very' lose to this property. You woulri uake no miteke in investing in such >roperi t a it. is bound' to enhance in :aluec very rapl~ly. Price w'ithin yonr No. 23$. 171 ac'rcM on Winnsboro -ond1 about, four miles from Columbia. 'his place hats one six-roomr dwelling; wo .1(h sm lbarns, smuokehouse. 150 .eres are in timber-mnostly pine. Will ut about 500 (cord(s of wood or 100.000 Let of timbert'. This land adapted to nyv crop. SCho~ols aLod churches with 1 easy reach of this place. One and a uarter miles to new Columbia College. 'rice and termis satisfactory. F'or price and( particulars of the bove places write to us, we will be ladl to hea r from you. Rtailroad fare refunde-l to any one urhusiner Real Estate through our rokerage depart mlent. 132. Min Street, (OLVM.\BIA. S. C. ODL 8ALE-,500 bushels cot I&n seed. 100 pounmds in seed probees from 4i to 45 pounds of lint. General average of 5 locks to boll. Prices on appli eation to T. E. Delleney, Rion, S. C. 10-17-2m '4 , weak, fretful? ;olt's Emulsion -' ion is Cod Liver Oil >repared so that it is folks. baby that is fed on n is a sturdy, rosy 11 of health and vigor. . 50c. AND $1.00. When a horse is o overworked it lies down and in other ways declares its inability to go further, you would consider it criminal to use force. Many a man of humane impulses, who would not willingly harm a kitten, is guilty of cruelty where his own stomach is concerned. Overdriven, overworked, when what it needs is something that will afgest the food eaten and help the stomach to recuperate. Something like Kodol For Dyspepsia that is sold by all druggists. Nothing to Fear. Mothers need have no hesitancy 'in continuing to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their little ones, as it contains absolutely nothing injuri ous. This remedy is not only perfectly safe to give small children, but is a medicine of great worth and merit. It has a world wide reputatian for its cures of coughs, colds and croup and can always be relied upon. For sale by Obear Drug Co. and all medicine dealers. Clerk's Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF FAIRFIELD. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. Teady McDowell, Edward Cordes etal., Plaintiffs, against William Cordes, Defendant. In pursuance of an order of the Court of Common Pleas made in the above stated case, I will offer for sale before the Court House door in Winnsboro, S. C., on the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, at public outcry, to the highest bidder, the following described property, to wit: All that certain parcel or lot of land lying, being and situate in the town of Winn~sboro, in the. County and State aforesaid, bounded on the north by lot of Mrs. C. E. Mobley, east by lot of Methodist Episcopal church, south by lot of B. J. Emerson, and west by Zion street. The said lot is embraced within the following area, to wit; commienc ing at a point on Zion street and run ning east along the line of B. J. Emer, son one hundred and thirty-seven feet in an easterly direction, thence north fifty feet, thence west one hundred and thirty-seven feet to Zion street, thene scuth along Zion street to the begin. ning point. TERMS OF SA LE. One-half of the purchase money to be paid in cash on the day of sale, and the balance payable one year from day of sale, with interest thereon at eight per cent per annum, to be secured by the bond of the purchaser and a mort gage of the premises sold, or all cash at the option of the purchaser. Pur chaser to pay for all papers and record ing the same. JOHN WV. LYLES, C. C. C. P. F. C. Winnsboro, 5. C., Oct. 17, 1906. 10-17td High Grade Cut Flowers OROWN BY Columbia, S. C. Carnations........ 5 to $100 per doz Roses (fine green house). .........200 to 3 50per doz Chrysanthemums.. 1 00 to 6 00 per doz Hyacinths( Roman) 50 to 5i5 per doz Narcissus, Paper.... White 75 per doz Frees ias .............. 50 to 75 per doz Lily of Valley...1 00 to 1 50 per doz Daisies ............... 25 per doz Sweet Peas........... 10 to 1.5 per doz Boxes of Pretty Mixed Flowers.... $1 00 to $.5 00 Basl~ets of Pretty Mixed Flowers.... 1 00 to 10 00 Only the finest up-to-date varieties planted. OUR CUSTOMERS GET THE BEST, Artistic Bouquets for all purposes, $1 00 to $10 00. Stylish Home and Church Decorations We make a specialty of FINE WEDDING WORK. Wr'aths, Crosses, Anchors, &c., 53 00 up. In ordering Bouquets or Designs give us an idea of what you want and Iprice, and we will please you. Cut Flowers, Plants, Bulbs and Seed Shipped Every where. '517 Main St., COLUMBIA, S. C. P'HONE 43. Final DisCharge. Notice is hereby given that T. WV. and (G. Rt. Lauderdale, Executors of the estate of Mrs. Jane Landerdale, deceased, has this day made application unto mue for a tinal dlischarge as such Excuors: and that the 24th day of Novembler, A. D. 19C(, at 10 o'cloch A. M., ait my office, has been appointed fr the hearling of said pititionu. D. A. BROOM, Judge of Prob~ate, Fairfield Co. S. C. Thi is the season of decayand weak ned~ vital itv. Nature is bein-.; shorn f s beautv and bloom. If you would 'etain yours, fortify your system with {olister's Rocky Mountain Tea. ;-5 ets. Tea or Ta'blets. Juo. H-. Mc The News 0 FF Letter Hea( PO Bill Heads Cards L B Best Work Pronmpt Del Sati1sf actito Printing and Herald ICE Is acket Heads Envelopes egal Blanks riefs ivery n Guaranteed