The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, May 16, 1906, Image 8

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i. IF our rate of inte enough, 2. IF our rate of ij enough, 3. IF the accommoda factory, + 4. IF our business is think it is), 5. IF you are not alre invite you to | Ebe Win Pays 4 per cent on deposits 2 per cent on deposits 3 New! IN FURNITURE, IRI riages and Go-Carts, all at right pricer. E aud Rocking Chairs. MILLINERY DEF woman should see t DRY GOODS AN] ried and full. Easy here. Special attention and Curtains. Som in Rugs and Door M ting. Big stock to s J. 0. That your You liablt Know when secon GINES, Steam Engines, Ginning Machinery, W know whether you wish you bargains. Don't put off your gin to go to ginning. W. 0. McKE Corms -More!i WE START THE SPRI] AND BETTER BAR PARTMENT TH Men's Suits a worth much more than Men's Pants= regular bargain prices. Laces and in large quantity an ordinary bars Shoes for'Men,'ad and Low Cuts, Vicis, Kit certainly please you in s L. L ..l... DOES Il That's what Brown' garden. The very thiu den. Saves lots of ho Screen Doors and i styles. Buy now and same for the whole sez The White Mountait Always gives satisfact A full line of Hardwe ware here. .J. W. f PAL.M E-T i Brillii cyi Honet i stain, Oi an VarihS 0 S F: 0 0 rest on deposits is high iterest on loans is low : tions we afford are satis= : e safely managed (and we ady a customer, then we become one. e isboro kImank. n the Sav-rwoc Department. In the Commei cial Department. trrivals )N BEDS, BABY CAR= A full assortment and xtra good lot of Lounges ARTMENT full. Every lese offerings. ) NOTIONS--Stock va to find what you want :alled to Window Shades e tempting offerings too its. Come here for Mat elect from. BO A G. it is a good plan to make wanits known to the old re W. 0. XIcKEOWN & SONS thinking of buying uew or :d-hand GASOLINE EN Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton ater Tanks, etc.? Let us to buy or sell. We can give repair work until you need OWN & SONS, el, S. C. argalils. G SEASON WITH MORE AiNS IN EVERY DE AN EVER BEFORE. from $6.oo to $12.oo well we ask for them. _A big lot of these and at Be sure to call here. Embroideries : endless designs. Extra= ains in this line. ies and Children. High Cuts s and Patent Leathers. Can hoes. ANDECKEiR. Garden Plow does for the ig for cultivating the gar= ~ing. Try one. Vindows in all sizes and et the good benefits of the Lson. i Freezer is the best out. on. ire, Crockery and Glass= ;BIGLER. TO PAINT hen elimat e. Un ri valle~d, Pure Creosote, ShingleA ans. en for C>lor Cards. Kind Words. One of the most interesting publications that comes to this office is "Our Dumb Animals," published in Boston, with Geo. T. Angell as the editor. The primary miss;ion is to teach peo I ple to h kinld to dumb atinimals, but it also contains many very excellent selections. In the April number we find the following, which is taken from "Sacred Heart Review. "Kind wordk do not cost mueb. They are quickly spoken. They do not blister the tongue that utters them. They do not keel) us awake till midnight. It is easy to scatter them. And ob, how much good they may do! They do good to the person from whose lips they fL11. Soft words i will soften the soul. They will smooth down the rough places in our natures. Care to say kindly things will drill our natures in kinkness. It will help pufll up all the roots of passion. It will ive us a spirit of self-control. It will make the conscience deli cate and the disposition gentle. A woman cannot make a habit of speaking kind words without augmenting her own gracious temper. But better will be their influence upon others. If cold words freeze people, and hot words scorch them, so will kind words reproduc themselves and, soothe and quiet and comfort the bearer. They make all the better elements of one's nature come trooping to the surface. They imelt our stubbornness. They arouse an appreciation of bet ter things. Let us say the kindly word. No one can tell how many burdened hearts may be relieved, bow many dis couraged souls may be inspired. Say it every day to the one who disturbs youwhile you are busy, asking for work; to the one who has almost lost hope: to all. Re member, kind words can nev-er die." It is possibk- to abtain relief from chronic indigestion anid dyspepsia by the useofKODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA. Some of the most hopeless cases of long standing have yielded to it. It enables you to (igest the food you eat and exercises a corrective influence, building up the efficiency of the diges tive organs. The stomach is the boiler wherein the steam is made that keeps up your vitality, health and strength. Kodol digests what you eat. Makes the stomach sweet-put the boiler in condition to do the work nature de mands of it-gives you relief from digestive disorders, and puts you in shape to do your best, and feel your best. Sold by all drn~ggists. A Day Of Opportunity Some disconteuted ones will tell you, young man, that the more labor saving devices human intelligence produces, the smaller are your chances of success. This is the dismal plaint of short.. sighted, small-sounded pessimi mism. It was considered a labor saving device to build the steam ship, but the steamship has brought the whole world into four very close and compact corners. It was considered a labor saving device to build the locomotive, but the locomotive takes you to the open plains, the fertile valleys and the gold lined mountain sides, so you can reach the harvests of the Al mighty, which, had you relied on your tired legs, could never have been gained. The boy to day has little to fear that the field is becoming overcrowded in our own country. It is just being opened. It is for the young men who are just begining to think what a wonderful world this is, to study well the achievements of the past, and to see in what manner they are to be improved. Never did the world call more loudly, wore insistently, for yomug men with force, energy mU' purpose-young men trained oo somew one thing-than to i.L:. And every year that cry ) sluder, more insistent. tthe times demand men of an e, ;l i rI , <neigetic minds, Uo the mant who insists on do og iusin's4 in thme old-fashioned, um.dirm warv i- :s much behind be i rocoi m s the man who .nsiss o0) tratvp'1 with an ox team insa of1 I by railway.--Ex. A goode~p xill.onf is imp)ossible with the stoneen out of order, If pasty sail'>w peopie would pay more attentlin to their~ stomtachis arnd less to the skini on their faces, they would have hetter COmpildexion. KODOL FOR DYSPEPSIA will digest what vout cat and put yourJ stomrach back in rimzht shapeh t o do its own work. Kodol relieves pa ipitat~ion of the heart, flatu~ hence, sour stomacht, heart burn, etc. Sold1 by all druggi.its. The Dispensary. We l, it must go to the people. The whole question will be tort sbied out on the husting this su''nr aind judgemient will be recrde a110t the polls. The issue wil] be 01pen and every candidate for the gaLeral assembly should be eureti to elaborate his views upcon it before the people of is' county. The governorship w ill be be fought for ou the same lines, but the governor cannot make the laws and thle people must exp:ess themselves upon the diispeinsary in the choice of legislators.-Charleston Evening The season's irst cold May be slight-i-av yield to early treatment, but the next cold will hang on lon ger; it will be more troublesome, too. U n - aecessary to take chances :)n that second one. Scott's Emulsion is a preventive as well as a cure. Take SCOTT's EJILSIOg when colds abound and you'll have no cold. Take it when the cold is contracted and it checks inflamma tion, heals the membranes :f the throat and lungs and drives the cold out. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409-415 Pearl Street, New York 5Oc. and$.00 - - All druggIstU Plant Peas. Every good-size farm should have a pea thresher; and twenty five or fifty extra bushels of peas. over your demands for home sowing, will bring more than that many dollars to buy some needed household goods or your family a new suit around. If you are a stock-farmer, plant peas-if you are a cotton-farmer, plant pea -if you are a fruit grower, plant peas-if you are a trucker, plant peas--if, finally, you are in symathy with the best interest of the South and have any regard for the fertility of y3ur soil, plant peas. This is a common ground, where we all can and should meet, and as the cow-pea can be planted any time from the first of May to the first of August, we call upon all to re member to plaut as many peas as possible-sow them after your grain, put them in your corn; plant them between your trees, sow them in your melon patches, and plant them on every available space you can find to put them upon. Ther. will our soil be improved, our stock better fed, our fertilizer bills reduced and we will be much better off in every respect.-Southern Cal tivator. See that your druggist p ives you no imitation when you ask foi Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar, the original Laxative cough syrup. Sold by all druggists. Knockers Unpopular. An exchange gives this good medicine to its readers: "Don't be a knocker. Hide your little hammer anid try to speak well of others, no matter how small you may really know yourself to be. When a stranger drops in jolly him. Tell him this is the greatest town on earth-and it is. Don't discour age him by speaking evi!. of your neighbors. There's no) end of fun minding your own business It makes other people like you. Nobody gets struck on a knock er." UNDER TAK ING WILL BE CONTINUED IN the future the same as in the past in the old establishment in all its departments with a full stock of Caskets, Burial Cases and Coffins constantly on hand, and use of hearse when requested. Thankful for past patronage and solicitous for a share in the future, in the old stand. Calls attended to at all hours. TilE ELLIOTT GIN SROFE J. M. ELLIOTT & CO. J. D. McMEEKIN, Dentist. WINNSRORo, S. C. office over M. W. Doty's store. ASureRemedy for * LamRe ) Numraa Sprainsi &Bruisas PRICE I 254504&*O SOLD BY All Druggists| Dr Earl S.Sloan Read This. If you want to In= sure Your Cotton, i Your Dwelling and Furni- t0 niture, Your Barn and Stock, Your Store Building, Your Merchandise, CALL ON We H. FLENNIKEN. Promnpt attention as well as prompt settleniet. lW, S STEWART, h Columbia, S. C. b Mantels, Tile, Grates, Stoves, Ranges and Re frigerators. Builders' Hardware a specialty. Write for catalogue and prices. Monuments from RION GRANITE. We have opened up Granite Works at Rion and can fill all orders for - monumental and ceme-4N tery work. I Best material, high grade ' work, prices reasonable. Your orders solicited. Works at Rion, S. C, Powell Bros. & Co. Rion, S.C. o 2-28-3m1 J, Wilson Gibbes i TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS H. Cl 1412 Main St., Columbia, S. C. w R) South Carolina Agent - J. DENSMORE TYPEWRITER-The R best writing machine at any price. W CHICAGO TYPEWRITFR-T h e best for the price-$35 and $50. AL L MAKES-Rented, Exchanged, Bought. Repairing on the premises by an expert. RUBBER STAMP FACTORY Stamips made every day on the prem ises. Stencil Plates, Daters, Number in Machines, Check Punches of all OFFICE SUPPLIES AND FUR- cen NITURE-Everything from a Pen Point to a Roll Top Desk. Sectional mo Filing Cases, Bookcases and Card In daxes a specialty, 10-18. pro the EVERYTHING IN Flower s Plants Bulbs a Seeds. Choicest up-to-date varieties grownH Carnations, 75e. to $1.00 per dlozen. Roses, $2.00 to $:l.50 per dozen. Lilies, $2.00 to $6.00 per dozen. Chrysanthemums, $1.00 to $6.00 per dozen. Wreaths, Crosses, Anchors, &c., $3.00 up. Bouquets, Boxes or Basl:ets of pretty Mixed Flowers, $1.00 to $10.00. Fine Wedding WorK a Specialty. Only give us an idea what you want and price and we will please you. ROSE HILL GREE ROUSS, _ COLUMBIA, S. C. - edWe ship tlowers every where. CO Horse Notice. BULOW'S COMET will miake the Fitti eason, beginning March 1, at Cedai Lace rree plantation on private termis. T. L. BULOW 2-2m Rigmay S. C. Col ORSES, MLARES I have the best se] iat can be seen i lwn. Saddle Hors Harness Ho Cotton Mul< Heavy Muk In fact can suit yoi horse or mule. Examine my stock nd I can do busines D. A. Cra If you want a bu arness, get my pr uggy on the marl [ill. OR PRICE AN IT WILL PAY YOU SEE US WHEN Il A LARGE STOCK 0 BEST KINDS NOW GREGORY=CONDI 1117 Plain Street. arolnaIFalI Capital Stock 4 HOME OFFICE: Ml f ice in Farmers and Mer --Directo: J. MONTGOMERY.......... S. COOPER.......... ....... C. GRAHAM.............. . lAS. A. SMITH.... ........ . H. CROSS................. CHARD I. MANNING........ C. MACE................... B. SCARBOROUGH......... STACKHOUSE.. ........... NSURE YOUR CROPS AGA We insure your Tobacco for......... " " T ruck for............... " " Strawberries for...... " " Cotton for............... " " Small grain for......... The cost of this insurance is small in con have at risk. The premium to be charged on all crops, t. of the amount of insurance. On toba re risk, the premhium is only three (.3) per The losses will not be pro rated but paid of of loss has been filed at the home ofie loss is adjusted in a shorter time. Local Agents W J. M. JENNING! FOR FAIRFIELD WINNSEBOF S-KEEP CO I can show you the of FIGURED ORGi2 LAWNS in town. A vince you that they ar cheapest you can get the money. GEO. R. LAU[ T~ON GINNERS AND M4 Write for prices on ti .it ('oupilings aue ( :II..e Co--ks Oil Cu~ps SSaws 0;i (Cans )ht, Leather o~gs ljectors Pipe . Leather Paeking all kindls, Shafting: Co cise in mnachinery si umbia Supply Co, - - - SadMULES [ection of stock n any country es rses is 'S for hauling. i in any kind of Get my prices s with you. .wford. ggy or a set of ices. The best Let is the Rock D QUALITY TO COMEITO NEED OF F THE VERY ON HANDS. 3R MULE CO., COLUMBIA, S. C. nsurance Co ~25,000.00. ARION, S. C. :hants Bank Building. ...........Marion, S. C. .............Mullins, S. C. .............Marion, S. C. . ... ... Timmonsville, S. C. ..............Marion, S. C. ..............Sumter, S. C. .............Marion. S. C. ............Conway, S. C. ....... .....Marion, S. C. INST DESTRUCTION, ..........................$10Per Ac r e ..................... .... 100 " .......................... 100 " ........................ ... 30 " tparison with the investment tha t except tobaceo, is two (2) per ceo, where there is considerably cent. in full within sixty days, after e, or may be paid sooner, in case anted by COUNTY. OQ, S. C. prettiest line iNDIES and ook will con a the best and anywhere for >ERDALE. ACH1INERY OWNERS ie following Lubricato-rs Belt, Gundy Belt, Rubber Drill Press E jectors H~ammers FilesPulleys !.irs for shiafting anud anything - Columbia, S. C.