Santa CI Is very grat liberal patro him for the!4 season and ' hadpiness a ity to all till comes agair G. A. Baker a THE L. S. M RION, Everything is cheaper where else i ty. THE L. S. M RION, The Cost Reduced to By the use of Air-Tight for Wood and for Coal. Hot Blast for coal. Bea Buy here. Pri and will put1 R. T. MATTH A Beautift WILL BE MAILED FR ifthey will send us their: they want a calendar. We have taken a great dealc this season and are sure they w With the season's comnpliment W. 0. McKEC MACHI Co rnw4 says the doctor to many of his know of any medicinal treatment ovarian troubles, except the surgec That such a medicine exists, wonderful cures performed ond cases, by n Woman' It has saved the lives of thot has rescued thousands of others chraqic invalidism. It will cure yoi Sold at every drug store in S$i WRIXTE US A LETTER frelyand frankly, in strictest confi dens, telunig us all your troubles' We '411 send Free Advfee (in plain, sealed envelope). Address: Ladies' Misory Dept, The Chattanooga Medicine -Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. RED 1O ANY CEE ofere trba efui for the nage given glad holiday vishes great .nd prosper= St. Nicholas White, nd Confectioner. ORROW co. . c in this store than any= n the coun= ORROW CO. S.C. of Fuel 1. minimum reaters. Got them here -Nothing equal to the ts them all. Try one. ces the lowest them up, too. EWS & SON. ii Calendar EE to Machinery Owners name and address, saying >care in selecting our calendare ill please you. s, we are, ~WN & SONS, NISTS. all,s. C. IOUT" ady patients, because he doesn't that will pcvstively cure womb or n's knife. I however, has been proved by the seased women, in thousands of f ROUI s Rellef isands of weak, sick women, and from a melancholy lfetime of , if you will only give it a chance. .00 bottles. Try it. GAVE UP SUPPORTER n:y wonb, wih htercrowded every thing down before it, writes Mrs. S. .J. Chrisman, of Mannsville, N. Y. "I suf fered untold misery an~d could hardly walk. After taking Cardul I gave up my supporter and can now be on my feet half a day at a time." TO THE ME] :owowil unt and mail us this A COSTLY DROP CUxt AIN. The One Meissonier Dig't PaiAt For a Freneh Thikater. The enterprising mangger of a the ater ca'led upon the /famous French artist, Jean Louis Ei-est Meissonler, on one occasion, ;says Mr. Robert Kempt in Pencil and Palette, and ask ed him to paint a drop scene for a certain theater and nare his own terms. "You have seen my pictures, then?" asked Meissonier. ;Oh, yes," exclaimed the manager, "but it is your name I want! It .will drawc wds to my theater." "Ai how large do you wish this urt to be?" inquired the artist. '..,well, we will sayl15by18 me Meissonier took up a pencil and pro ceeded to make a calculation. At last he looked up and said with imperturb able gravity: "I have calculated and find that my pictures are valued at 'S,000 francs per miter. Your curtain, therefore, will cost you just 21,000,000 francs. But that is not all. It takes me twelve months to paint twenty-frve centime ters of canvas. It will tbierefore take me just 190 years to finish your cur tain. You should have come to me earlier, monsieur. I am too old for the undertaking now. Good morning." CONQUESTS OF SlLENCE. Iden Whose Greatness Was Not Meas ured by Their 'Speeches. Waslington never made a speech. In tie zen'-h of his fame he once at tempted itUfailed anad gave it up, con fused and abashed. In framing the constitution of the United States the labor was almost wioly performed in committee of the whole, of which George Washington -was day after day hairman, and he m:ade but two speech es duringlthe con vention, of IL very few words each. The convention, how ver,- acknowledge b the master spirit, and historians affi rm that had it not been for his pers' bnal popularity and the thirty words of his speech, pro nouncing it the best that could be unit ed u.pon, the .cons titution would have been rejected iby .the people. Thomas .Te.e:-son never made a peech. He o)ul Iu't do it. Napoleon. i:hose executive ability Is almo;t Witls>ut- a parallel, sai that is difliculty -%s In alin-g maen of :eeds rather tlm wi ords. When asked ow lie imairctined his intluence over Mis superiors. in ago ani expe-:ience when coun:rider-in chief of an army in Italy he said. -'Ek reserve." The greatness olffa man is' not measured by the length )of his spe eches and their mbor. LlbJID LITIGATION. The Trial by Ordeal That F:Inds a Place In Pei -k. In Perak lawyer.s fine' no business, for a modified form of t 'ial by ordeal decides all disputes. In< place of the legal practitioner the plei -.der is; a na tive boy who is assigned t. o one or the other of the sides and is g iven a bam boo tube in which is seakf. the plead ing of the person or partg whom he represents. When all is ready two. stakes are driven into the bed 'of a st~eam, and by aid of a bamboo. pole the heads of the two boys are submierge d at the, same time. By grasping thed'.stakest they are en abled to remain umler water ? or quite awhile after their natiural inc lination would bring them to -the surface, but at last one of therm .gives in and, re leasing his hold of t he stake..conesato the air. He is imimediatefy, seized, and the tube he holds is ca ;t aside. The other lad is led ashore, I. ds tube opme. and the document cont ained therein shmnds as the decision In tthe case.--.Ne vL.York Herald. The D hebar ,Lake. A British goversnment' engineer living in Bombay asso ats that India haes the largest artificia a fresh water reservoir in the world. ~Bie says that in the na tive state of Uipur. in Rajpu~t~lia, some thirty pf!Ie -su of the city of Udapur, is the :geat .aisamnand. the Dhebar lalke. Tifedxamof'this lake was built some 200ye~a.:~s :age. by the nha rana Jal Singh. It exe s an area of between twen.y~cne ax twenty-fire square miles. Its: dqth a. .the (dam iS ninety feet. and its capae~ty Is estl mated t15,000 J)00))00 galos. For Ove r.%l.ty Years MRs. WINSLO W's SOOTHI NG SYRUP 1as been used fr by some authorized agent. I There will accrue a penalty of 50 per -ent. where parties fail to make return wvithin the time mentioned above. The AudiLor or his deputy will be at .he usual places for taking returns on lays mentioned. These appointments are made for the -onvenience of the tax payers and it is aoped they will remember and take idvantage of the opportunity and ntot )e in the rush in the last days in Feb rua ry. W'oIdwards, Tuesday and Wcdnes Jay, January 2 and 3. Whiteoak, Thursday and Friday, January 4 and 5. Winnsboro, Saturday, January 6. Ridgeway, Monday and Tuesday, January 8 and 9. Blythewood, Tuesday and Wednes day, Januarv 9 and 10. Bear Creek, (M. L. Cooper), January 11 and 12. WVinnsboro, Saturday, January 13. Feasterville, (Faucett's store), Tues day and Wednesday, January 16 and 17. CJrosbyville, Thursday and Friday, January IS and 19. Buckhead, Saturday, January 20. C. M. Ladd's store, Monday, January Monticello, Tuesday and Wednesday January 23 and 24. Jenkinsvslie, Thursday and Friday, Jannary 2.5 and 26. iforeb, Monday, January 29. Greenbriar, Tuesday, January 30. Simpson's, Wednesday, January 31. Longtown, Thursday and Friday, February 1 and 2. Winnsboro, Saturday and Monday, February 3 and 5. Gladden's Grove, (Lumpkin's store), Tuesday, February 6. Mitford, Wadnesday and Thursday, February 7 and 8. Bucklick, Friday, (Peay's store), February 9. Oakland, Saturday, February 10. Stevenson, Tuesday, February 13. Douglass, Wednesda., February 14. Allona, Thursday, February 1.5. Estes store, Friday, February 10. E. F. PAGAN, Auditor Fairfield County. 12 6 td -BY "The Old Reliable" Mutual Benefit Life In surance Company. ORGANIZED IN 1845. ST RICT LY MUT UA L. NO STOCK HOLDERS. INSURANCE FUR~NISHED AT COST. Mail this calrd filled in and full in formation will besubmittsd I was born on of.......1.... Name....................... ....... Address....... ........................... Quote rates on 5 ............ insurance. W. ID. DAVIS, Long Run, S. C. J Wilson Gibbes TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS 1412 Main St., Columbia, S. C. South Carolina Agent DEN-SMORE TYPEWRITER-The best writing machine at any price. CHICAGO T YPEWRITFR-T h e best for the price-$35 and $50. AL L MAK ES-Rented, Exchanged, Bought. Repairing on the premises by m expert. RUliHER STAMP FACTORY - Mamps made every day on the premi ses. Steneil Plates, Daters. Number ng Machines, Check Punches of all -inds. OFFfIE SUPPLIES AND FUR \ITURE-Everything from a Pen Point to a Roll Top Desk. Sectional Filing Cases. Bookcases and Card Tn lxes a specialty, 10-is. Trespass Notice. All per.onns are warned not to hunt, ish, or cut timber on lands owned ort on trolled by the undersigned, or to respass in any way. All trespassers .I vi be prosecuted. J1. E. STFEVENSON, t *J. E. D)OUG L ASS, J1. D). HARDEN. .J. W. DOUG LASS, T. G. DOU L ASS, T. J. DOUG LASS, C. H. DOFGL ASS, 2 G t R. M1. STEVENSON. OR S ALE - T e ni registered Berkshire Sows from six to twelyn months old; some have e been bred. Two young Berk- si shire Boairt. six months old. 0 A pply to 8. C. Cathcarl-. WVinns boro. S. C. 12 (5 4t vrite the factory-we will sui juicy chewing qual slyany factoy 5cncu of Red Meat Tobacco FREE iorses,Mules We have received three dules within the past we vhat we already had on hai >lete assortment of over 104 We sell them fast and ong feed bills added. This last car being our el :his Fall==more than one hi :o Columbia. It is not be >ur sales outnumber all c we give the people "Value : Respec GREGORY-CONDOR Harper Stables on Plair P. -. Gur sales on "0 the largest ever recorded SoaI, which alone is evid A large stock of all grades Internationa Fattens hogs ral Makes cows give Keeps horses in : International Makes hens lay Keeps poultry in Prevents disease These are the best prepa Full stock R.Y. T L CABBAGE PLANTS, CEl AND ALL KINDS 01 We are new prepared to furnish ca purchased from the most reliable salesi owing varieties: Extra Early Wakefiel Henderson's Succesion, Large type Fls the open air and will stand great cold. and acre truck farm. We have a caref rnent, and will carefully pack them, we be reduced thirty per cent from last seas Prices, in small lots $1.50 per thousan sand f. o. b. Meggetts, S. C, If cash d( shipped C. 0. D. N. H. BLITCH CO1 COTTON GINNERS ANE .Write for prices Babbit Couplings Gauge Drills Gauge Cocks Oil Cu Hack Saws ~Oil Cans Belt, I Fittings Injectors Pipe Lace Leather Packing all kinds, Shafti else in machi Columbia Supply Co, - Wedding. Presents Holiday Presents It is not too early to consider holi day presents. Buying presents always seems a problem, but it need not this year. Our buyer has just returned from the northern markets, and a more select stock cannot be found anywhere. Everything new in the Jewelry line as well as the regular staples are here. Our handsome Brooches and Waist Pins of heavy 14k gold, beautifully en amelled in delicate autumn leaf tints, will please the most fastidious. Our ladies here are enthusiastic over''-r beauty. Gold Neck Beads are .::g more popular every day, and ..e in style, you should have a Gold Bead Nechlace. WVe have them in several sizes of beads, small, medium and large, also in double strands. Prices in iold filled $2.-5 to $.5.50; in solid gold, %.00 to $20.00. Gold Bracelets are again in vogue. The mast popular is the Nethersole, a plain, substantial brace et, in style similar to an overgrown wedding ring. Some slip over the hand mnd others have joints and clasps, so as to open for putting on; made in this way they fit more snugly around the wrist. The Signet Bracelet, with place for init ials or monogram, is also a pop Llar style. Price in gold filled, $2.50 to $5.00;: in solid gold, $5.00 to $20.00. Wet haven't enough space to give a leseription of each new article, but any md everything pretty in Watches, Brooches,~ Rings, Hait Pins, and all eauty in itself. A nicer Christmas resent could not be found, and now, vhile we are in the midst of the bride 'eason, they make very desirable pres nis. Something new and useful, and hat is what is wanted. They come in ases, Jewel Cases, Puff Boxes, Cigar ars, etc.ilu i f you can't come, write for our ils rated catalogue of staple goods, viz., Vatch. s, .1 e wv e I r y, Silverware, Cut i ' etc. ~. H. LACHiICOTTE & CO. 1424 Main st., Columbia, S. c. Trespass Notice. All persons are warned not to hunt, Lt timber, or permit their live ock~ to comec on any part of the land| wied hv the undersigned, or to tres ass in a'uv war. All trespassers will e rscutd J- W. BOYD. sply you direct 4 - at ay stcre h anrd1ing this brand. and Wagons carloads of Horses and ,ek, which in addition to ids gives us a large, com. ) head. on short profits, with no eventh carload shipped us Llf of all the stock shipped cause people like us that Dmpetitors. It is because ror their money." tfully, MULE COMPANY, i Street, Columbia, S. C. LD HICKORY" WAGONS by any one firm in .the !nce of their superiority. Af BUGGIES now on hand. 1 Stock Food. >idly . more milk ood condition. Poultry. Food more eggs. good condition rations on the market, on hand. RN E R. LERY, LETTUCE, BEET = GARDEN PLANTS. bbage plants grown from the best seed aen in the business. We have the fol ds, Charleston or large type Wakeflelde. Lt Dutch. These plants are grown i1n We use the same plants in our thou ul man in charge of the plant depart guarantee the count, express rates will on. 1, in large lots $1.00 to $1.25 per thou es not accompany order goods will be IPANY, Meggetts, S. C. SMACHMERY OWNERS on the following~ SLubricators .Belt, Gundy ps Belt, Rubber Drill Press ether Eectors Hammes Fes Pulleys ag; Collars for shafting and anything iery supplies. - - - Columbia, S. C. PIANOS. The problem of selecting a piano is a simple one. THE HOUSE thap you buy from should be one of unquestionable reputation. A HOUSE that represents the pianos of standard makes. A HOUSE that is noted for fairdli-' WE CLAIM all these requisites. WE HAVE the PIANOS to suit you. $250.00 UP will buy a good piano from us. OUR TERMS made easy to cash buyers. IF INTERESTED write us for catalogue, prices and terms. Address, MALORE8 IUSIC 1101S8, COLUMBIA, S. C. Pianos and Organs. Established Over 20 Years. FOR ALL PUJRPOSES'SHIPPED EVERYWHERE. Carnations..................7 .doe Roses..... ............$2.00 per dozen Lily of Va11ey....$1.00 to $1.50 per dozen Aster............0c. to 75c. per dozen Bouquets, Baskets or Boxes-of pretty Mixed Flowers..:......$1.50 up We make a spedialty of Fine Wedding Work. Write us when youl wish anything in FLOWERS, PLANTS, BULBS OR SEEDS. ROSE 11ILL GREERROUSES COLUMBIA, S. C. For sale by llcflster Co. ro.