PUBLISHED WEEKLY WINNSBORO, S. C. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY ., 1906. ESTABLISHED 1844 "If you can not find it at Boag's then it's not to be had" is the SURE BUS= INESS RULE that we shall try to live up to during 1906 as we have in previous years. While planning greater things for ourselves, we wish for our many cus= tomers a year of unusual prosperity. J. 0. BOAG. The DoIldr Swapper Wp:1 he pleased to continue swap= ping dollars with you during the coming year. The low prices at which he sells makes him no less appreciative of the privilege of selling to you. le wishes for you many dollars to swap and would incidentally suggest that you make a few dollars by trading with him. A. B. Cathcart. Your money back if you want it. =A. W. KLUTTZ= Chester's Largest Rtore. CHESTER, S. C. Mail Orders given most careful attention KLUTTZ pays express on all purchases amounting to five dollars. LADIES' GUARANTEED "A UTOGRAPH" KID GLOVES SHOE for Ladies of tan, grey black and - - - At $2.45 white colors. Worth $1.25 No cheap shoe so good; no Kluttz' price - - 95c. good shoe so cheap. They Ladie!s' exquisite kidlook well, fit well, and L ad ie ' equiit ki Iwear well. gloves of tan, grey, black weAUTOGRAP" Shoe and white colors, Fort fOrAh" ma which every other store stands for honest ma receives a $1.00, terial, honest workmanr Kluttz' Special - at 75c ship, honest wear. KLUTTZ claims fori CURTAINS Lese shoes all the merit LACE CURTAINS hehigh-priced footwear, 50c a pair, Worth 73c. without sacrifice of style, 75c a pair, Worth $1.00 comIort or wear. 95c a pair, Worth $1.20 Remember our reputa $1.25 a pair, Worth $1.50: tion goes with every pair $1.45 a pair, Worth $1.75,' of "Autograph" Shoes, While we try to be as punctual as possible in the dellvery of all Mai! Orders, we must request our friends who trade with us thru the mail to not ad dress letters to individual clerks in the Store, as was the cose several days last week, and necessarily were delayed, but to A. W. KLUTTZ, CHESTER, S. C. We must impress upon. you the' value of trading with KLUTTZ thru the mail. You can sit in your room, ladies, and order from us and have the goods delivered right to your door without any extra charge. You can avaid the travel thru the rain arnd slush. KLUTTZ pays express on all purchases amounting to $5 and over. And should the goods be unsatisfactory, why re ttfrn them at once at our expense, and yrou money will be promptly refunded. It places you in exactly the same independent position as tho you were trad ing right here in Chester. In and Around Blackstock. Mr. J. N. Caldwell moved to near Winusboro to-day. Mr. James H. Craig, repre senting the Chattanooga Plow Co., spent Christmas here with his parents. The way that our young folks come home on holidays and vaca tions speaks well for the commu I nity, and family training. Here are some of those students, teach ers, etc., who come home to spend the holidays: Misses Margaret and Agnes Douglas, instructors of Winthrop, and the Chester graded school, respectively; Dr. James Douglas and Prof. John Douglas, of Davidson College; Mr. R. L. Douglas, attorney of Chester, and Mr. W. A. Douglas, of Rock Hill; Prof. R. E. Craig, of Elko, and Mr. E. L. Craig, young lawyer of Columbia; Mr. John R. Craig, Jr., operator at Fort Hill, and Mr. Alex Craig, of Clemson; Miss Katharine Brice, of Jonesvilie,N. C., and Mr. Lewis White, of Due West. Perhaps there are others of whom we have not heard. Mrs. Mary Mullican, of Chester county, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ragsdale. Miss Mary Ragsdale, a trained nurse of Columbia, spent Christ mas with her mother. Mr. Chas. Douglas, of Winns boro, spent Christmas with his daughter, Mrs. J. A. McCrorey. The little daughter of Dr. Cole man who has become blind is be ing treated in Chester by the X ray. The sympathy of all goes out to Dr. and Mrs. Coleman in this sad affliction of their little child. Mr. J. E. Craig recently went to Marion to visit his son Arthur, or more exactly to see his new grandson. Messrs. Geo. L. Kennedy, J. R. Craig and Charles Bell, went on a hunt a few days ago. Mr. Ken nedy fell over a stump and bruised his chtest; beside this there were no accidents to the hunters or the hunted. Mr. J. T. Carter's mule ran away with him yesterday. He escaped injury, but the buggy was somewhat damaged. Miss Jenn4 Gladden, of De Witt, has been visiting the family of Mr. J. W. Hood. Miss Sarah Hall and Mr. Dan Hall, Jr., of Winnsboro, are vis iting relatives here. The most important social event that has enlivened our town in a long time was the silver wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Hood, on the 21st inst.,from four to ten o'clock p. m. Mr. Hood is the popular proprietor of the Blackstock hotel, which was the scene of conviviality and feasting. The big house was beautifully and artistically dec orated with ivy and holly. Above the mantels in the parlor and the dining hall were the dates "1880 1905" in silver, and here and there were silver hearts and upid darts, which recalled to many the romantic past and love's young dream, and sweetened for others the joys of the present. The supper was truly a royal feast for thue eye as well as the inner man. All the good things of the season were served in pro usion by pretty misses, daintily attired in white. Despite the bad roads a large number of, guests -ere present from far and near; and the many beau tiful gifts at tested the esteem and good wishes' of a very large number of friends. Dec. 29, '05. J. F. C. Furious Fighting. "For seven years," writes Geo. W. Hoffma:n, of Harper, Wash., "I had a bitter battle with chronic' stomach and liver trouble, but at last I won, and cured my diseases by the pse of Electric Bitters. I unheitatingly recommnend them to all, and don-t intend in the future to be vwithout them in the house. They are certainly a won derful medicine to lave cured such a bad case as mine," Sold under guarartee to do the same for vou, by Mellaster Co., Obear Drug Co. and John H. McMaster & Co , druggists, at 50c. a bottle. Buy them tod'y. Mercy is an attribute of high moral cbaracter. As men grow toward the divine they become gentle, forgivirg, compassionate. -Beecher, Sife of Christ. A Tog.stlI Dollars' Worth of Good. "I have been attiieted with Ijidney anl bladder trouble for ye:ars, passing gravel or stones with excruciating -an, avs A. H-. Thurnes, a well known co'al operait' r of Buffatlo, 0. "I got no reli-f from medicines until I be a taking Foiey's Kidney Cure, then the reoult was surprising. A few doses startel thle bri0k (dust like line stones. an nlow I have no pnainl across myV kidnes and I feel like a new mian. It has done me $1,000 worth of good." Sold by Mielaster Co. Greenbrier Dots. The Christmas holidays, whic] are drawing to a close, have bee: spent pleasantly by both the oli and young of Greenbrier. The entertainments which hav, been given to the young folk have been very numerous. Oni of the most enjoyable events wa: the evening spent with Miss Blai on last Tuesday. Our college students, after muel hard study, are enjoying the pleas ures of Christmas vacation as onl: college students can. Amom whom are: Miss Elizabeth Cur lee of Columbia College, Mr. Ed. win Lvles of South Carolina Col lege, k r. Ernest Blair of Wofforc Fitting School. Much life has come to our com munity by the returning home o so many of our young folks, who for the past few months, havE engaged in work out of the com munity. Among whom are Misses Jessie and Beaufort Lyles, Misk Nora Curlee, Messrs. Gedding Smith, Sheridan Rutland and D. E. Powell. Mr. F. A. Magruder, who has been in Columbia for the past few weeks, has returned home. Miss Attye Phillips is spending the holidays at her home in Spring. field, S. C. Miss Mabel Curlee returned from Greenwood, S. C., last Sat urday. Among those who have been vis iting in the community are, Mrs. Preston Brown and Miss Margu rite Brown, of Augusta, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. Will Carter, Miss Ma mie Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Ligon, of Columbia; Misses May and Jennie Lee Roberts, and the Misses Lupo, of Monticello. On last Tuesday evening Mr. Jim Lyles died at the home of his sister, Mrs. S. F. Castles. S. In Mad Chase. Millions rush in mad chase after health, from one extreme of faddism to another, when, if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills, their troubles would all pass away. Prompt relief and quick cure for liver and stomach t:rouble. 26c. at McMaster Co., Obaar Drug Co. and John H. McMaster & Co.'s Drug stores; guiaranged. Bear Creek Briefs. Another Christmas has come and gone, and a very pleasant one it proved to all in this locality. The nhildren bad quite a pretty tree" at the school huse on Sat rday evening, and old Santa made glad the hearts of the little nes by his generous bestowal of ifts. On Christmas night the young folks had an enjoyable dance at he home of Mr. J. S. Sykes, and aother on the following evening t the residence of Mr. Jas. Kelly, f Smaliwood. Invitations are out for a party t Mr. G. L. Hollis' to-night. Messrs. M. L. Cooper, Elton Wilson, and a party of others, gent on a big "hunt" from Tues ay until to-day. Quite a number are leaving teir homes here and moving earer town. Messrs. Chas. Din ins, G. L. Hollis and W. S. ooper are going nearer Colum ia, and Messrs. Chas. Heins and Genn Cooper have gone to Gree leyville. Mrs. A, M. Barnes and ohilidren, f Rienzi, Texas, are visiting her brother, Mr. Jas. S. Sykes. Mr. Preston Cooper, of Mt. Zion nstitute, is at home for the holi days. Miss Effie Cooper, of Ridgeway, is visiting her cousin, Miss Ola ooper.. L Dec. 29. A Ceti Cure for Croup. When a child shows symptoms of croup there is no time to experimient with new remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended. There is one preparation that can al ways be depended upon. It has been in use for many years and hasn never been known to fail, vi..: Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Mr. M. F. Comp ton, of Market, Trexas, says of it: "I hae used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy in severe cases of croup with my children, and can truthfully say it al ways gives prompt relief." For sale by Obear Drug Co. The secret of life is to die to .elf, to awake in the image of God's love and be satisfied. B3ishop Sessums, of Louisiana. Ro's Lia Saved Fuom Membranous Croup. "My little boy had u severe attack of mebranous crou p, and only got r* lief alter ta kina Foley's Honey and Trar" says C. WV. Lynch, a pronminent citizen of Winchester, Ind. "He got rlief after one dose, and I feel that 11 saved the life of niy boy.? Don't bt 'nooed upon by substitutes otfelred fo: oe's Ihoney and Tar. Sold by Meg Rates For Cofton Convention. E New Orleans, Dec. 20. 3 Railroads in the cotton belt o: 1 the South have announced a rate of one fare for the round trip' for 3 the mass convention of Southerr s Cotton assocition to be held in 3 New Orleans January 11, 12, and 3 13. This is the same rate given r last January when the farmers, merchants and bankers from I Virginia to Oklahoma, to the - number of over 3,000, met at r New Orleans to organize the as ( sociation. The coning meeting is the first general con vention to have ber.n held since the original meeting and indications point to even a larger attendence. President Jordan states that he would like to see 5,000 delegates at New Orleans and in view of remark able and enthusiastic coopera tion of the cotton producers .during their I1 months of orga ization, Mr. Jordan's estimate may not fall much short of the desired number. The New Or leans meeting will be held under the auspices of the New Orleans Progressive union and New Or leans Cotton exchange, who are defraying all expenses. Secretary Henry Mayo of the New Orleans Progressive union announces that Odd Fellow's hall has been selected as the meeting place. This is one of the largest halls in the city and is on Camp street, facing the square opposite the city hall, just five blocks from Canal street, is well heated and lighted and convenient to the various exchanges, the hotels and all street car linei.-The State. The Key That Unlocks the Door to Long Living. The men of eighty-five and ninety years of age are not the rotund, well fed, but thin. spare men who live-on a slender diet. Be as careful as he will, .however, a man past middle age will occasionally eat too much. or of some article of food not suited to his consti tution, and will need a dose of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to cleanse and invigorate his stomach and regulate his liver and bowels. When this is done there is no reason why the average man should not live to old age. For sale by Obear Drug Co. The Simpsons have sold the Glenn Springs property-the most famous health resort in the state -to a Spartanburg company composed of Victor M. Montgom ery, Walter S. Mstgomery, A. L. White, .J. B. Lee and- Auj;.I W. Smith. The property consists of the spring, the hotel and 55 acres of land. The price is not stated, but the new company is capital. ized at $200,000. _ Coughs, Colds and Constipation. Few people realize when taking cough medicines othe.r than Foley's Honey and Tar, that they contain opirtes which are constipating besides being unsafe, particularly for children. Foley's Honey and Tar contains no opiates, is safe arid sure, and will not constipate. Don't be imposed upon by aking substitutes, some of them are dangerous. Sold by McMaster Co. WANTED-Agents to solicit ap," plications for Fire Insurance, *Good pay guaranteed. Addrets. Lock Box No. 144, . Spartan burg, S. C. 12-27-2 t TRADE 4AR1K REGISTERED 9I Any Plar r gj This Aln F. S. F Advertisir A New Year POINTER This is the place to get all your grocery wants supplied. With many thanks for past patronage. J. D. McCARLEY & CO. R. W. PHILLIPS Will be Pleased to Supply Your Furniture Wants during the coming year. T h e same courteous treatment as heretofore. No orders to small, none too large, and all appre ciated. -DURING i906 You will continue to find this store the place for supplying all your wants in the way of Hardware, Crock ery, Glassware, etc. With many thanks for past patronage and with the best wishes of the season,. J. W. SEIGLER. NotiCe! We are now mailing ,s Vekr Farmers IaFOR IOs ter failing to receive copy can get same by dvising US by postal card. 1anac is of special interest to every planter; nt free upon application. ADDRESS REQUEST TO !OYSTER GUANO CO. ig Department NORFOLK, VA.