And him ap omy fo: his cha er any the ma come h just as Our st( patient our bul is in ta and m ever pr new uf where and m cut to Sof post ing het after y< garme1 ing yot in dela much 1 our clo still se. Bros. tailor i It Pays to Buy the Best.I And that is what you get when you buy a John B. Stetson Hat. That name in a hat is a positive guarantee of superiority and is accepted that wvay the wvorld over, because no hat has ever left the Stetson factories that did not deserve the mark., New styles in both Soft and Stiff Hats just in, prices $4.03 to $5.00; other good hats at $150 $2.00, t$2-50 and $3.00; still cheaper hats for those who[ want them--good ones, too, for the money. All Sorts of Men's, Ladies' and child ren s feet come here for shoes; big feet, little feet, slim feet, thick feet, tender ieet and tough feet all find the fit that fits. We sedomn lose a customer that commnences buin su 'es her; abou.t the only customers that we do les - c the ones that die or leave town. The best footwear at ~ right prices builds our business up and sustains it. - What trade we have we hold andA what we e n't : we are after. Conme in and take a look at our new ~ style in Winter Shoes. We can fit your min~d, your pocket and your feet. We handle the fof'lowing cele brated makes: W. L. Douglas, Bioni F. Reynolds, I Hamilton Brown & Co.. etc. Trunks, Suit Cases a dV lss Our sales in this department inicreased so continuously within the past few years that we have found it necessary to greati)y incr ease ouri stock, j all of which is greatly to your gain. A Bigger and Better lot to select from and all at close prices. I ecthi ini W'T7T to his friends to dress in a manner that wil pear to the best advantage. It is business r a man to dress well; the clothes he wears .racter in a very large measure. There is n< excuse for a man to appear at a disadvan .tter of dress. Any man in Fairfield cour ere and get a Customn=made Suit that will snugly as if it had been made for him by a >ck represents weeks of discriminative t examination, and studious care on the vers, Every new style, fabric, pattern an te collection. Here you will gee the most ost artistically tailored ready=to=wear gai oduced for the price. You will find more ,=to=dateness in our store than is to be four else in this section. If you Would dress lchanically, do not wear our clothes, for t] illow ease of movement, while preservin4 ure. They hang true and fit your figure; n -e, no sagging there, either when you put >u keep on. Nothing but correct and ne its are allowed in this store. Do not put c ir Fall and Winter Suit too late; there is y. The reason that we are able to mak :o your interest to buy here is because we thes early before the advance in prices. i Iling the High Art Clothing, made by Str md Ab Kirschbaum & Co., the ready=t rtists for all men. The Other Half Would, Too, If all mothers only ~~ke h ueirt of these celebrated ~J ginitwihhv been such a blessing --i h Ofe hr they have been used.Thr is otrbl about selling the JaneHpknCotigo the mothers who have \A trethmTeywl have no others; and it ~teaewywt the boys who have/wonte.Trei too much good wear, -Cmotadsyeh these garments for l~fueb~rwt~ h ost ecnet ed with any others. sho tsw~ aeHpil'si means happiness to MJJ.elokn h ohradt h boy. Don't fail to ByP'~21te aetebyhpy ~~~~~~~~~~~There is noigtagostmae ptewelree a, theuban c~ctestha is ot o fond hre.To ive t ie the m. FifdThe wely study Thee ar hunredsof mn inairies ho samtei waypreiah tio ofths efot o or prtto ~e~ tin, y on he e heson is ther lotin an Gnts Frnihi:~ ~o~s.Thy wlcomor aan tyis seasn, nd s wil yo, i youap~eciae wat tens to ae thateasy, comfrte enoting thatgostme p the corectl dre:ec laawse ha The willn bes troublesabot tou peasn oun there Toie athe voarfiedo the stock toelt ppomunin keprict iitoo.h atr fdesi orcntn std. hr aehudes fme nFrilloso hi prca limself I make econ= reveal r long= tage in lty can fit him tailor. ought, part of I color stylish, ments brand id any= stiffly iey are r grace I o bulg= .on or w gar= >ff buy= danger e it so bought |l { Me are 4F ause & o=wear . ] Ladijes' Dress Goods. The ladies of Winnsboro and Fairfield county have long since learned that we carry a most select stock of Ladies' Dress Goods, The increased size of our stock In this department and the many pretty goods we are offering will easily convince them that we have more than sustained our reputation of look ing after their interests in that same careful man ner as those of the men. A SPECIA L BARGAIN=-Big lot of -odds and ends of Fine Dress Goods, well worth $1.00 to $1.50 per yard, at oniy half prices. Ready-Made Skirts. Every lady in this section s'iould see the beauti ful lot of Ready-made Skirts we are offering. We might quote the price, but it will be bett er to come and see them.' They are stylish and right up-to date in every way; and best of all the prices are right. Dollar Shirt for Fifty cents. We have just received a big shipment of 40 dozen Dollar Shirts, which we are going to close out at Only Fifty Cents. These fine shirts regularly 5elI for a dollar. If the saving of Fifty Cents is an Itemf to you come quick before they are all gone. No more to be had at this low price. A any