The lion's ing money. A more here thai erns -at this en department of will be sure to the positive at about your bul insure the sal< You Can & By buying that wagon her you get elsewhere for less j celebrated Piedmont Wagc in the manufacture of wag be sure of perfect wagon s money also on your buggy be sure to give you the ve wagon and buggy materi Rims, Shafts, Swingle-tre Hlarness, Saddi are a specialty with us. in town, and yoa should r1 offers in this line. Be sur - They are certainly bargair McCormic< are the two names that Mowers and Rakes on the sive agency for both of th< section, and shall be pleas you. Buy a McCormick e have no worry in gatherin tILsTORY OF MT. ZION SOCIETY, And the conege Established Under its Auspices in Wlnnsboro, S. C. (By D. B. MfcCreight, Published in The News a nd Herald in 1867.) No. XVII. 1784.-On the 17th of May, when Mr. McCaule met the com mittee, he "delivered to the com mittee the following requisition signed Thos. H. McCaule, viz :" "GENTLEMEN: Let a rhouse be erected and made ready >: my small family on such a lot in WVinnsborough, as I shall point out with the assistance of Col. Winn. For this house I am will full extent, of which Mr. Mc assure you. gentlemen, is easily told. Let a supply of provisions be furnished for the first year, as the attention I must pay to the stu dents will not admit of my look ing after these things for some considerable time." "Let a sufficient number of tu tors be employed to conduct the business of teaching. It shall be my business and happiness to see that those tutors dischare their duty with fidelity. In oraer that justice may be done the students. I foresee that I shall find it proper frequently to examine the several classes and put them through their scholastic exercises. "Let a scale of studies be ascer tained by the Society which shall be steadily and religiously adhered to. If the several authors should be left to my discretion. I shall pursue in a great measure the plan adopted by the College of New Jersey, the place of my educa tion. "The Laws and Regulations of the Seminary shall be drawn up by the Society, unless they sub) mit that matter to myself and the tutors, who shall form what may be called the Faculty, who shall have cognizance of the transgres sions of those regulations: diffi cult cases may be referred to the Society. "As for myself I may have boys to educate as well as others. -I hope to be allowed the privilege oi one scholar. his board and tui tion free, and also b~e furnished with fire wood for the use of my house. "On complying with these con ditions and those proposed by the Committee in Charleston. March (h I am reay to take oversight JuiCk share of your I 11 goods are mi 1 long profits. d of the line. our well=filled save money b: nouncement n ing. The Qu ~s. ave $5.00 , and get just as good as noney. I am selling the n, the acme of perfection ons. Try a Piedmont and atisfaction. Can save you and sell you one that will ry best satisfaction. All L kept in stock--Spokes, s, etc., in all sizes. es and Bridles Ve carry the biggest stock ot buy before seeing our e to see our Lap Robes. ; Deering; stand for the very best market. I have the exclu se popular makes in this. ed to show the same to! r a Deering and you will g your hay croy. M. W of your rising Semin-ary. As soon as it shall be announced to me that the house for my recep tion is ready, after the first day of November 'next, I shall with all convenient speed make ready for my removal to WVinnsborough. The advancement of literature in this place, the training up of youth in the liberal Arts and Sciences, shall be the pleasure and business of my- future life. "I'~have the honor to be, &c." After a full cor sideration of the propositions set forthby Mr. Mc Caule, and a vote being taken upon them, it was unanimously agreed, ''That the Committee agrees in toto with Mr. McCaule's requisi tions, and that a copy of the same be sent to the Society in Charles ton for their concurrence." "The Committee also agreed that Mr. McCaule be furnished with fire wood for the use of his wu house." The plan submitted as above given was sent to the Society by le Secretary, David Evans. Ar unsigned letter appears among the 1d mnanuscript belonging to th< records of the Society, whicl seems to have been written by Col John WVinn, who at that time wa~ President of the Comnmittee ii WVinnsboro. The writer speak: of "His brother, Richard Winn.' The anxiety of the Committee t( secure Mr.' McCaule's services i~ surely indicated in said letter. Col.'WVinn exhibited his public spirited interest in the welfare of the Society and College by giving Mr. McCaule a lot upon which to build. This lot was one "near the public buildings." Upon receiving copies of the plan agreed upon betweeni the Committee and Mr. McCauie. the Society referred the several mat ters thierein contained to a coml mittee consisting of Richard Hut son. Roht. Lithgow,. and George Logan. The following is that Committee's report: The Committee to whom were referred the several papers which were received from the Comm~fit tee of the Society at Winnsbor REPORT.: "That the Committee byv thus accedling so fully to the proposi tions of the Rev. Mr. McCaule appear to have extended their ideas much farther than had been the intentio of this Society in Sales rading will co] irked down at More Goods f Come and see store. It will doing so. A1 lade here is in ility of our goc Clothing! More attention has beet son than ever before. Our . lave ever carried, and will 1 1ere before buying your Fal or less money. No Tr in SHOES. Big stock.of pc Shoes that give the most fo Shoes for Women are the h( conducive to making the fe< . Stock and must be reduced; the I see how much you will say B.I ig Full assortment to sele The I to their profit to call here a beautiful designs. Special Coupons given with all of the premiums we are off arranged for our customers . DOJ their application to that gentle man; which was in the opinion of their Committee to confine .their views at present on account of the great reduction of their funds by the late war to a single school, and that Mr. McCaule should take the immediate charge and di:'ec tion of it. Whereas, by his pro positions, which are acceded to by them, the plan of an Academy ap pears to have been adopted in its ing to pay, though my property, I Caule is intended to have the Presidency, with a number of tu tors under him. Your Committee are fully con vincedl that the finances of the So cietv will not admit of establish ing an Academy immediately on: that extensive plan. yet as they think it an object of great impor tance to the future success and prosperity of that infant Semi harv, to secure a gentleman of Mr. VfcCaule' s distinguishe'd abilitis they are induced to recommend a c:oncurrence in the plan. so far as o agree that Mr. McCaule have ne assistant, to be approved of by im. with a salary of fifty pounds ;terling per annum: and that a iouse lbe constructed for to be built greeablyl to th lnand onth ~erms proposedl by him. And in order to aid and assist the finances f the Society in the accomplish ment of these important objects. recommend that a subscription b~e ;et of foot: and they are of opinion that an address to the public, hold ing up to view the necessity, im portance. and advantage of encou raging literature andl promoting science in thiis owr infant Republic. and expatiating on the superior advantages which WVinnsliorough enjoys in point of situation for the establishment of a Seminary of learning, would greatly for ward and promote the subscrip tion. and therefore recommend that a Committee be appointed for the purpose of drawing up such an address for promoting and carrying out the subscription." Spent flore Than $iooo. "My w ife suffered from lung trouble for fticen years, she tried a nu~mber of dctrs and spent overS$1000 without iief," writes, WV. WV. Baker of Plain view, Neb. "She became very low and lost all hope. A friend reom mended Foley's Hon~ey and Tar and. thanks to this great remedy, is saved her life. She enjoys better health than she has known in ten years." Refuse VS. U me this way, i prices that wi )r Less Money for yourself v certainly pay 3 the proof of coming and s ds and the Lo Clothing! C i given to our CLOTPING ;tock of Men's and Boys' e sold at the very close, I Suit. It will pay you to ' )uble to Pleas< puiar makes. Special att( ot comfort. Our $3.00 al ights of shoe bargains. B t glad. of Hats too L rices have been cut so tha1 by buying your hat here. Values in Trui :t from and bargains for ti ,adies Will Fi: nd see our steck of Dress prices on the same. purchases in this departn ring. These premiums a THE GREATER Everyone is Going to Attend the One Great State Reunion. The Day of Prosperity to be Celebrated. The Tidings Frezin Columbia for the F'air on October 24 to 27, Inelueive. Cheap Rates. With the continued prosperity that is nIow blessing this State there is every indication that the State Fair for 1905 wvill be more largely attended than ever-before in its his tory. Last year the South Carolina State Agricultural and Mechanical Society celebrated its annual Fair at its new home in the southern su. burb of Columbia. As is usually the case, there t'ere some little de tails that could not be finished for the .holding of the last Fair, but President Guignard has had a full year -in which to have all of these rough spots smoothed out, and the outlook is that never before in its history will the State Fair have a more succeesful Fair than that which is to be held here on October 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th, inclusive. y The inquiry for space at the grounds, as well as from small ex hibitors, indicate a very general ap preciation of the value of such ex hibits. A great deal of interest is being shown' in the mechanical de vices for use in agricultural pur suits. From the inquiries that have been received there will be quite a nu nber of labor-saving'devices ex hibited, and, of course, all up-to date, farmers want to see t-hese 'th e is, however, a farere - teresting pnhase of the -SitAFuss than the merfe exhibits in'the bitild ings on the ground, and t~hat i~s the opportunity for intercourse between the people of 'the State that th'e State Fair ofErs.' COTTON GINNERS AN[ Write for prices Bbbit Couplings Gauge Drills Gauge Cocks Oil Cu Back Saws Oil Caps Belt, I Fittings Inijectors Pipe Lace Leather Packing all kinds Shafti else in machi Colmia Supply Co. - )ng P f you are willi: .11 make them 1 r is the forcible vhat bargains you to call h the pudding is eeing for your w Prices at wl lothing! DEPARTMENT this sea Suits is the largest we ;t prices. Be sure to call :o so and get just as good r 3You ntion given to selling the d $3.50 Men's and $2.50 lack Cat Hosiery is also arge t they will go. Come and iks. ,e money. nd It Goods. Big variety and ient. Be sure to get a list re the extra gifts we have boro,S .The railroad rates are always cheaper for the State Fair than at any other time, and more people come to Colunmbia during Fair Week than diiri any other of the fifty-two weeks~ of the year. In fact.I pretty much everybo~dy who is any body in South Carolina is here dur irig'Fair Week. Relatives, friemd: and acquaintances from all p~arty of the State gather in Columbia tc talk about the joys and sorrows of the year, and to 'oin in the festivi ties. It is the one week that is giver. up almost entirely by the people of the State towards having a good~ time, and thefantiiy gatherings and reunions that have already been planned for the coming Fair Week all go to show that this custom at each succeeding State Fair is being more emphasized than ever. One of the particular gttractions for'a great many folks will be the fact that the 630 cadets of Clemson College will be encamped here dur ing the entire Fair Wecek. They will give dress parades and. drills each day while here, and will have ample time in which to mingle with their friends. A great many people in this State now are taking a keen interest in foot.ball. Two of the best games of the year are played here during each Fair Week. In one of these games the team of the South Caro lina College participates, and in'the other Clemson College engages. Both of these teams are strong and manly, and two exciting gamies are to be expected. The southern territory is devel oping a very strong horseracing field. More and better horses are brought here to participate in the rases. The finest racetrack' in this ter-ritorv is at t-he State Fair Ordundis, and it has been estab .ish'ed at a: comideriabe .expense. Every comort rior theiptreias as 'eilsife'r tl ife rais lias tbeen provided. The-city of Columbia, in addition to extending. a cordial welcome to the visitors, has arnrnged for free street attractions. Even if there were no free street attractions, the people of South Carolina ought not to miss the chance of mneeting their friends from all parts of the State in Columbia'on- October 24th, 25th, 26th, an ...g'*n~. SMACHINERY OWNERS on the following J uhricators Belt, G3undy pB elt, Rubber Drill Piess eather Ejectors H-ammnxr. Files Pulleys ag; (Colarw for shafting and anything - - - Columbia, S. C. rofits. ng to make m< go. Quick Sal business mot we are offeri: ere before bu in the eating, ;elf. No worr iich they are Oliver Chill re the best on the market. lowing. Repairs for same k NG and McCORMICK HI one others so good. Be Sure to ! Buy your seed here. Zust Proof Oats 75 cents p :ents per bushel. Seed Bar Masury's A Record of 50 Year Vlasury's Liquid Colors < conomy. Groceries! You will save money b; iere. Just give us a trial. .6. CORRECT DRESS The "Modern Method" system of high-grade tailoring introduced by L E. Hays & Co., of Cicinnati, 0., satidfies good dressers everywhere. AM Garments Made Strictly to Your Measure andm-e cs fr toZ not representedwitetous for pricus. L. E. HAYS @, Co. CINCINNATI, OHIO. $5,000 Reward will be paid to any person who can find one atom of opium, chloral, morphine, cocaine, ether or chloroform in any form in any of Dr. Miles' Remedies. This reward is offered because certain unscrupulous persons make false statements about these remedies It is under stood that this reward applies only to goods purchased in the open market, which have not been tampered with ina any way. Dr. Miles' remedies cGure by their soothing, nourishing, strengthening and invigorat ing effects upon the nervous system, and not by paralyzing and weakening the nerves as would be the case if these drugs were used. For this reason Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are universally cotsidered the best pain remedy severe pains In my head, her and culd get and could not find an elief Pna Pills. I suffered as lng as 1 hour t a time with suh severe relief in from14 to 20 nminuteId * wih ou wo"uld publsh this somta other sufferers ma idrelief." Dr ies AntI-an Pil are sod b? 25 dses w25 cents. Neversold In bulk Miles Merlical Co. Elkhart. Ind aney by sav les count for to that gov nig in every 4ng, as you the proof of g on our part marked will led Plows The very plow for deep :ept in stock. Use DEER iRROWS. None better, ,ow Grain. Home-raised Appler Red er bushel; Texas Oats 60 -ley and Rye also in stock. Paints. s is the guarantee that >ffer for durability and Groceries! y buying your Groceries FOB SALE-Ten niee high-grade Berkshire Pigs. Cheap. 0. F. Elliott. 3t DR. A. L. OTT, Dentist, Ridgeway, S. C., Will visit Winnsboro on the second and fourth Monday and Tuesday of Crown and Bridge Work a speeialt y. 10-11-3m Election of Dispenser. There will be an election for Dispeni - ser for Ridgeway Wednesa, No vember 15th. A pplications to beihed with Board of Control not laterthan. October 24th: T. M. JORDAN, J. C. STEWART, Chairman. 10-11-2t Clerk. Money to Loan. I have made arrangeeus to nego tiate loans on fihst motaeof reel estate in this county In susofno lees than $300 and payable in not less than nyve yeurs. The rate of interest is eight pe cent on sums under $1,000 and seven per bent on sums of that amount or over. No commissions are charged. The borrower pays for aL stract and expense. J. E. McDONALD, 10-11-6m Attorney. ELECTION NOTICE. OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR 'FAIR FIELD COUNTY, SOUTH (CAR OLIFA. Winnsboro, S. C., October 9, 1S06. "To the State and County Commis sioners of Elections for Fairfteld Coun ty: Wheras, one-fourh of the qualifled voters of Fairfield County have peti tioned ma to order an 'election upo the question of the removal of te Dispensary, located in Fairfield Coun ty, and Whereas, under the law of the State, the supervisor Is required widen ever such petitions contained one fourth of the qualified:voters to order an election, submitting the question of "Dispensary" or "No Disen ,r' to the qualified voters of is count. Now, therefore, I, J. B. Burley, u pervisor of Fairfield Cont do hereby give notice that an electo will be held in Fairfield County on Tuesday, December 12th, A. D., 1905 to tieter uine the above question, Those opoe to the Dispnsary will vote *No Dispensary"; those fa. voring the Dispensary will vote "Dis - pensary." The election will be conducted just s a general election Is conducted, that is-all voters must pouce .their registration certificates and tax receipts for the year 1904. The election will be in charge of the State and County Ce mmfestoners of elections and be conducted by mana gers appointed by then. In accordanee with the provisions of law, the County Registration books will be elosed oni the first, Mouday in l)-embu1er atnd until first Monday in January, 190C. 10-11-st J. B. BURLEY.