ARP GETS POETIC. Bill Writes About the Flowers of Spring. ALSO THE BIRDS TtMAT SING. .National FloWers of Civilized People. Entertainment Set. Arp to This Line of Thought. I- is not quite time to indulge in spring poetry. I tried it some years ago and strained my mind and shall not try it again.^iOne poem Is enough to make a man famous and I have never aeen mine improved upon: ..The bull frog bellers in the ditches, Ie's shuffled off his winter britches, The hawk for infant chickens watcheth And 'fore you know it one he cotcheth, 'te lizzard. is sunnin' himself on .a rail, The lamb is shaking his new born tail. King cotton Las unfurled his banner And scents the air with sweet guanner, 'The darkey is plowing his stubborn m'.e And jerks the line. with "Gee, you fcol." Adown the, creek'and round the ponds Are gentlemen and vagabonds And all our little dirty sinners Are digging bait and catching min ners That Is classic and expressive. It rhymes well and measures well and is considered the champion spring poem. But I will venture to make a few re -marks about flowers, for as Solomon saith, "The winter is past; .the rain is over and gone. appear on the earth, the time-for the singing of birds is come and the voice of the tur tle dove is heard in the land." It is an old story that when God made'mah and gave him hearing and seeing and taste and smelling. He created birds to sing for him and please his ears and grass to grow and herbs and trees to bear him fruit, but Adam wasn't very happy and said these are all very good, but they cannot love me nor talk to me. nor comfort me when I am sick- and sad. I am here alone and not even your angels visit me. And so God took pity on him and created woman and then 'he was happy. But woman didn't care to be digging and hoeing and planting .and looking after the sheep and the cows and so the Lord created -flowers especially for~her' enjoyment. He also taught her to sing and make music on the harp and hence came the old tra dition that woman and music and flow ers were God's best gifts to man. You see that neither flowers nor music is mentioned in the Mosaic account of the creation and tradition says that they were not made until woman was. It is singular that in some of the ancient languages the same word that means woman means flowers too. Among the ancient Greeks, Roman's, Persians and Egyptians there was great .r.everence for and even idolatry. of flowers. The -lotus or sacred lily sps,.worshiped as a .god in Egypt In Japan-the chrysanthe mum Is equally sa,cred- and, nearly all of their female ehildren are named for some flower. In all countries every temn pie service, every-. festival or banquet er sacred day-every birth or marriage or death or funeral ceremony calls for a profusion of flowers. When* soldiers went out to fight and when they re turned they were crowned- with wreaths and garlands; strangers were gIven flowers when they came to see you. Every flower had its' meaning 'md. Its sentiment, as for instance a red rose mneant "I love you;" a white rose' "I -will marry you." The Chinese make 'the most lavish use of flowers and have a Chinese alphabet of flowers. No mod ern nation has such love and taste for them nor such beautiful gardens and Japan ecmecs next. China is called the Flowery Kindom. Almost all of the civilized nations bave a national flower. Egyat, Turkey and India have the lotus. Japan the chrysanthemum, Spai'n 'the pomegran ate, France the iris or fleur de lis of Louis VII. Napolleon I tried to abolish it and put the honcy. bee instead, but the people rebelled and it i.s still the iris. Scotland has the thistle, Ireland the shamrock. Wales the leek,' Mexico the cactus, Gei'man'y the corn flower, England the rose, and the United States none at all. In 1889 we tried,-to make It ne golden rod, but failed..The noi-th rated for the trailing arbutus and the rose and some gree'n~ house . flowers, and there was no' flower elected. That trailing arbutus don't trail in this part of the country. Well, of course, the rose Is by uini -versal suffrage the queen of all the flowers. About six hundred years ago the 'luke of Lancaster chose a red rose for bis emblem. His brother, the duke of York, chose a white rose. The descend ants of these two princes got to fight ing for the crown and it was called the war of the rcses. But after while the son of one married the daughter of .the other and stopued the war and the two -roses were united into one and cailed the Tudor rose. In the eleventh century the Danes inade war upon Scotland, and one dark night planned an attack upon a fortress that was the key to the whole country. They took off their shoes and breeches so as to swim across a moat that .,ur rounded the fortress; thinking that the -moat was deep and full of water. But StM. Scotch had nearlT filled the moat with thistles, and it stuck the Danes so terribly that they yelled in agony and got out quickly and the Scotch took them unawares and killed'nearly all of" them before they could -put on their shoes and breeches. The4$histle saved Scotland, and so they took It for their national flower. - Away ,oack in the centLuries,i when oodc St. Patrick went to Ireland as a mi?sonary, he preached to them about the Trinity andl how there were three p--sons in one God. and tha people kaughed at him and said it.vwas impios sible and thecy didn't believe it. -So the aint picked up a shamrock stem with Is three leaves growing it and r~claimed: "Why not? Wh~ not? If t%.s little plant can make $troe fro:n c:n,- why ear?t God do it9 ?"-So he con v ed an-d eenverted all tat perl. and they took the clover or shamrocl 'plant for the national flower. In the six$h century the Normana-in vaded Wales, and just before a grea battle one dark, cloudy evening th Welsh went through a field where th leeks or wild onions were in bloon and every fnan plucked one and stue it in h}s hat so as to distinguish thei soldiers from the enemy, and by thi means they whipped the fight and savei their country. After that they,took th leek for their national flower. When Napoleon Bonaparte overra Germany and the emperor and his fam ily had to fly from Berlin and concea themselves, he was awfully distresse and they liked to have perished. Bu his old mother made garlands of a li1 tle wild flower, known as the cor flower or kaiserblume, and put them o him and cheered him up, and whe DoLaparte was vanquished the emperc adopted that little wild flower as tb national emblem. When Louis VII started out on th Crusades he chose the iris as his badgc and when he returned with his arm it was adopted as the nation's flowel This is enough of national .flowers. wish we had-one for our nation, and w will have one when this Federation c Women's Clubs taken hold of the mat -ter, 'and I hope it will be the gdlde rod. It grows from Maine to Mexic and bends its graceful.head In field an forest. The reason I got to ruminating abou flowers was because our good ladie gave an entertainment the other nigh which was quite original and peculiai It was called the enchanted gaydeo There were twelve pretty fowers paint ed on a long curtain- and in front o them was an old gardener teaching pretty little girl her first lesson. H told her their origin and how they go their names and whenever he mentlon ed one of the flowers that was on th curtain and pointed to it,. that flowe disappeared as if by enchantment ani in its place there appeared the face o a pretty girl or woman, who sang song that fitted the flower-such song as "Only a Pansy Blossom;" "The Las Rose of Summer," "Po"d Lillies," "i Bunch of Daisies," etc. At l'htervals be tween' the- songs, the old garidner tolt his pupils how Clyta-.fell in -love wit] Apollo, the god of the sun, and' shi gazed upon him so continually that hi got tired of it and turned her into heliotrope, for this Greek word mein turned by the sun. And' how Apollo' cup-bearer was a very" handsome bo: and Apollo loved him so much tha another boy killed -him through env: and his dead- body was changed into i hyacinth. . The Greek .spelling is -Yachinthu and Apollo stamped the 'Greek letter I on every petal, and it is there yet. An( how a very vain and handsome youtl spent all. of his time looking at him self in a fountain of clear water an( one day he-fell in and was 'drowned an Apollo'changed his body Into a narcis sus. And how the carnation was alway a pink or flesh color for the Greek wor: carnos means flesh, but now it is of al ,Colors. And how dandelion means lion's tooth from .the shape of; it, leaves, and the tulip means a tubas and the geranium means a crane's bil from the shape of its -seed cods, ani the nasturtium means .a-nose .twistex for when you 'sniell it or taste the sees the pngent odor and taste mnako yoi draw up your face and curl up you nose. And.the old man told about man: other's, and' it seems that we'not onl got the names of the days and th months and the stars from ancient my thology, but.we have ever. Icept' sth names of their flowers. If flowers were as 'scarce as dia -monds and pearls they would bring much higher price, for they are realla ipore beautiful. A kind Providenci made -the. best and most beautifu things the most abundant so that th England capitalists f- tablish i ment of a large 'cotton fa .at Pel: City. The Peil . City - turing t Co. has now been . ft , erect and equip the .plz; capitt t stock being -placed at$510 . Th+ incorporators -are Messi .Cogswell ofA Fell dity, '.'.Z ey..tif . W.R. Sears of Boston, M . G.'W Pratt, A. J. -Draper, J' ., d and E. Chappell of ~ Aa..,. I is stated- -that, arrangemeni} 11 bi t made to decide. 4.etails..-- egli work this month. r Loo I Important bettdrments - bee1 -decided upoi' by the Knog Cotto t Mills Co., of Knoxville,, ., a.n work on same has already n. Th t company is building an-d.. tw stories high, 90x109 . feet; h "*i - make its main building 10 fee I in all. The principal mac ery :t be installed will be a:i'UMc nu1 ber' of loomS. (grobably -" . ufacture Into .clt} the produ th present 10,000 .pindles..:A 42E 000 will. be expended fbr t e cov ments. The plant--is ohly' ob Texl.e Notes Loray Mills of :Gastona; "N. , ri ceived an order last weelt 2,0( bales of sheeting_ for s ip t' Shanghai, China.- Abouit: probably involved in a c th extent. The . Loray ,. started its piatnt -Ja- Jnusty weaving in .February, hid ' 3n I sent samples of ts.. prodMet ' tl I Shanghai trade. This order .is -r sult. The mill has'50,24* ring l and 1680 looms. I Wm. Krenntng has been' I ti-easurer..and,genera1 'a e '. Wytheville (Va.) Wpolef -& i Mills Co., a concern which ted and was not coanected I about a year. Mr..Krenbfi 1 I areontrolling.interest in -. . The plant co'nssts,of a, -0 I set mill-. Sblankets, Josiery; etc. Plant of the Gr-eat FaI1 Co., of Falls Cilty, Tenn4 . tely destreyed --by nloods -in last month. This iwas thB - the mill had ever''sustain age -from high water. The was capitalized at,.$501006, -not intend to'-rebuilds Ui Iu.a Swas treasurer. Hawkins Manufac.turizg' Hillsboro, Texas, has been. - with capital stock of $15,000, 1o te ti'e manufacturing, etc. ..The' 4e tors are Mesers. H. P. HawkinUa. Hawkins, C. A. Sullenberger,.5 ' Patterson, T. E. TomliiidAl E Hughes and J. K. Parr. - It is proposed at Magnplia;. MIi form a company with capital of $~ 000 or $75,000 for the erec~i~f cotton mill. J. E.:Wolfe Wsinef and is asking. for ,full...ihforitk to cost of btilldig, cost of-machii date when machinery -can. pe - ered, etc. -Cuero (Texas) -Cotton Mill,-has j ranged to install 3004 additIonal ;i dies, which will bring the. equki up to the capacity of the .prese buildirigh. 'There being now-: '24 spindles in place, the- in adeicui ment will be . .5000 . spiadisg i looms at present nurnber 160.-t Messrs. H. E. Tener, Jr., L. L.-ge: ing, Paul Jones. W. S. Hanson, de A. Mansfield, Melvin Conish, L " Bryana and W. H. Moore have Ac< porated the Indian. Territory (tti Products Co. of South McAleste'[.' with alcapital stock of $250,000. Knoxville (Tenn.) Wbolen Mils changing Its looms so a.s .to saar facture - cassimeres- instead of j)ai the original product. New 'Itonis a being installed, and the -entire: n will soon be producing the newx , C. C. Newell of Utica, N. Y., a iting Texas, and is said to .te plate thes erection of a knlttiuig 1l !San Antonio, Waco .or .some't Texas .point where proper -f it c an be obtained. - Mr.. Ne' e1 gaged in the knitting- indur I State. - -Tennilie .(G'a.) Cotton 11ils a Iprobably be pjut in operatiep- I -near- future. Either the prope be sold of B. E. Willingham, a cott goods manlufa4turer of Macon G will take charge of the plant in t interest of the bond-holders. - W. P. Anderson of Westmiinster, - C.. contemple.tes building a knitti .plant, to invest probably $40,000 * ufacturers of the required machini are invited to seni catalogues and - ormnation. - tCapitalists at Pine Bluff, Ark.,-ha rbecome Interested in the proposit to organize a cotton milf company their city, mentioned last week. .D. Kennedy of Mammoth Spri .Ar-k., is promoting the enterprise. SA mill operator of the South c templates erecting - another mill, may locate the plant at Newp< Tfenn. It is possible .that Hiram Gri -can give information as to the prc t sition. It is rumored the Cheswell Cot I Mill Co. will double Its plant of' tring spindles and" 178 looms at < .e B. B. SENT* FREE1 Cures ,Ecema. Itching Humors. Scabs, Carbunclee, Pimples, Etc. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) is a certain and sure cure for Eczema, Itohing Skin, Humors,Scabs, Scales, watery Blisters, Pim ples, Aching Bones or Joints,. Boils; Car buncles, Pricklirrg Pain in tue Skin, Old'Lat -ing Sores,'Ulcers, Scrofula, Superatin$ SweL' ings, Blood Poison, Cancer and all Blood Disease's. Botanic Blood B'ilm cures the worst and most deep-seated enrich ing, purifying and vitalizing the b:ood, thereby giving a healthy blood' to the skiu; heals every sore 'and gives the rich glow of health to'the skin. Druggists $1 per large -bottle. To prove it cures Blood Balm sent free by writing Blood Balm Co., 12 Mitchell St., Atlanta,:Ga. Describe troublk and free medical advice also sent in sealed letter. B. B. B. sent at once Prepaid. "ussian Ruler's Disfigurement. Jaropolk,- one of the early rulers of Russia, had .only about half a lower jaw,, the remainder having been cut off by a saber stroke during a fight with the Turks. The thiatrical manager aio has a full house -should win oat. so. 16. Health will come with - tion of right-living, with the games which refresh i also advantageous to havi tary eotditions.~ To assis medicinal agents used she which acts most beneficial - the California Fig Syrup I 4" With a proper unders acter and yield promptly 'the'heart, and If 'one won] stipated condition of the pains, the colds and headi . any organic trouble it is remember that the'most ] the bene8,cial -efects of cents per bottle. te The excellence of i combination and also froi , uniformity of piroduct es hd from the youngest to the - share alike in its benefi known value, but it.posst wdpleisa1itly without d jectionable quality or sul ge.uie and the full nam .3 AlL AVANE s . * ~ -- 1 o1FLRDOA-Bn GoeLck""l Half - Sick " I first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the fall of 1848. Since then I have taken it every spring as a blood-purifying and nerve strengthening medicine." S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. If you feel run down, are easily tired, if your nerves are weak and your blood is thin, then begin to take the good old stand ard family medicine, Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It's a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder. ..e . n . Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer's Sassaparilli. He knows sit about this grand old family medicine. Fonlow his ad icand we will be sCATsS ..Iosi.D all its blessings to those.who know the all the term implies, but the effortsi nd'the foods which nourish are import knowledge of the best methods of pro , nature, when nature needs assistance uld be of the best quality and of kno' [Iy and pleasantly, as a laxative, is-Sy tanding of the fact that many physleal to the gentle action of Syrup of Figs, i remove the torpor and Strain and con system; take Syrup of Figs and enjoy uhee and the depression due to insetih well to consult a competent physician, b permaently gratifying results will foll yrup of Figs. It is for sale by all r p of Figs comes from the beneficial ef n the method of manufacture which en ;ential in a perfect family laxative. J most advanced in years may use It whe ,al effects. We do not claim that Syrul !sses this great advantage over all oth istrbing. natui'al functions, in any wa nstece. To get its beneficial effects it te the Co.-Cal=fornia Fig Syrup Co. IAIF0 ) San Francisco, CaL y.. uya rigarol iality for 10 ae of same :velue as tags from "-Si -250 A9 FREE SCHOLARSHJIS.' AppT at once to THE LANCER SOUTIEB BUs'SS t OLLEGE, Macon. Ga. Bo'kk.ep. lne, Banking. Penmanship. rhorthaad. Type wriBin Telegraphy. Mathematis, and Bnsiness Corresp:ndence thcOibigh taught. oard $8 to 41u per month. RE F1 E our AT a'4b REDUCTO" ra byhhya hals PeH t PEOP ho hate tried it.' We .end )n the Formula, yeo make **EDUCTO 'It boate It "att Aalsrl. )Olt ihDOw full watl the . 3 g dlent. aDd thieeor need Ihaoe o .a.ta. s,leUm. 'E%D) ONE ItALLAN"FOIt RECtPE eAtt tlotsa. eoer)tlisng mailed tin vueloe.. ?4 ess GINSENG CHEMICAL gQO.3!018 Jl AJ SALZER'S SEEDS. ctlone,with -le mni aledo reepofiue, 0thS Ot Salser's Mgittc Cra hed fe.. na IL.Zper 90o1b. b;L . for l0b.-.sth for .OK& A. SALZEE sUD CO., Ls Cross, WW *cAEtS USMESS CLLEGB; > aSoowtl SchooL No malaria. Catlogae Ma. ay, and it is mainly a ques rhich strengthen the system, at, each in a way, while ItIs moting freedom from unsani ,t is all important that the vn value, and the one remedy rup of Figs-manufactured by ills are of a transient char adness and comfort come to . gestion attendant upon a con freedom from the aches and iy of the bowels. In case of nt when a laxative is required ow personal cooperation with ,lable druggists. Price fifty :ects of the plants used in the mres that perfect purity and Ui the members of the family never a laxative is needed and of Figs is the only remedy of i er laxatives that itacts gently y, as it is free from every ob salways necessary to buy the is printed on the front of-eWy - w York. N.Y. better ents each. "5 Drummond " Natural Leaf. L. Ric Qn..aea Tobacco.