The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1901-1982, April 16, 1902, PAGES 3 TO 6., Image 5

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~ANE'OF UFEL Sensible Advice to Wo ne by 3rs. E. Sailer. ,*Si Do Mss. Pn+trAn:-When I tbrough what is known as bhano of life,' I had two years' suf :e -ng,-sudden heat, and as quick - would pass over me ; my appetite was variable pad I never could tell for t UeffAssociatio, * '~'~ - ~Zqes,Cal. day-at time ho* I would feel the libzt day. Five bottles of Lydia E fim's Vegetable Comon31 ehange4 all that, my days became days of health, andI have en joyed every dgy since-now six years. " We have used considerable of yor Vegetable Compound in our charitable work, as we find that to restore apoor . mother to health so she can support hr self and those dependent upon her, if such there be, is truer charity than to give other aid. You have my hearty endorsement, for you have proven yourself a true friend to suffering w6 men."-Mss. E. SAIra, 7563 Hill St., Los Angeles, CaL-5ooo forfeIt if abe tee. tnom"ist Iset geuine. No other person can give such helpful advice to women who are sick as can Mrs. Pinkham, for no other has had such great experience-her address is Lynn, Mass., and her advice free-if you are sick write her-you are foolish If you don't. WE PAY R. I. V AND UNDER $5,00 ost, Guarantee 20FREE SCHOLARSHIPS. BOARD AT COST. Write Quick to GA.-ALA. BUSIWNES'E. MEACON. GA. 1 i Att DrgIgtTt G AN 6eamine JC C . VrslWi1 ak aowaooietslr who tries oto sl' -sametheiSt a good.'' ao ourem ,~: A UIfl e aache, E E Does Nos A freethe Heart. o WOR KBON TON CDH [STRAIGHT FRONT improve the appearance of all women, stout or slim, tal medium. Ask your dealer al * ROYAL. WORCESTER CORSET CO., woi WINCh1 "NEW RIVAL" FACTORY L outshoot all other black powd4 better and loaded by exact mach powder, shot and wadding. Trl ALL + REPUTABLB Di ALABA TkE ONLY DURAB. hav hree here. Bay my eoer. caos ihrive. ALABASTINE COMPA Is the newscieeof detecting p A and MI CoPICAL analysis of the urine. Send 4cents for mnailing case and bottle for urine. Book free. Consultation free. Feesreasonlable. Medicines furnished. Address .1 F. SHAFER, M. D., .i2 Penn Ave.. Pittsburg. PU 80. 16. A - - 0o Nua.QA.m A8 -r Here is a very surprisng trick, a It is. calculated to create much aston ishment. Before the-company.assem bles place a fine black silk thread from one side of the room to the other, about six feet from the floor. Do not have too much light. First wa,e a handkerchief through the air and drop it gently on the line, continuing to' make mysterious passes. Borrow a fan and fan the kandkerchief until it falls to the ground. You next saspend a light cane in the same manner. After performing the last .trick be sure to break the thread, so 'tbat the com pany will not detct your hidden power. HIS Phonetlo Understanding. "The gravity which is supposed to attend all court proceedings was seri ously disturbed in a New York court room one day last week," said a young lawyer who had just returned from a business trip to that city. "I was pres ent at the trial of a case before one of the municipal judges-a case in which I was interested because it had to do with automobiles. - One of the witnesses was a German, and gave his testimony -through an interpreter. In the course of the examination he said he had driven an automobile to Cedar burst. "'What's that?' asked the judge. "'To Cedarhurst,' replied the in tepreter. "His honor looked puzzled. "'What did he want to see the hearse for?' he asked." Mere Opinion. ft's a good rule that works your way all the time. A good woman's children rise up and call her blessed after they are married off ,and ,can't get back home more than once every four or five years. The way of the transgressor may be hard, but that of his victim is gener ally a little worse. Some of the people who talk so much are merely trying to keep the , orld from finding out that they have li.te to say.-Philadelphia Record. A Geographical Novelty. The point where Utah, Colorado, Art. zona and New Mexico- touch each othez Is called the four corners. This fact Is not a strange one, but when we come to find that is the only place where four states or territories point, we find that this spot is in some ways a unique one. Not only is this the only place in the United States where such a junc tion occurs,but it is the only one of its kind in the world. This statement seems a broad one, but a short study of the maps of an atlas will show that it "s correet, and, more than that, that at 30 other place In the United more than two state corners touch each That is the best part of beauty wh*eh Sa picture cannot epress.-Bacon. AND SETS , short, or , out them. CESTER, b VIASS. OADED SHOTGUN SHELLS r shells, because they are made inery with the standard brands of them and you will be convinced. ALBRS + EBEP + THEM LE WALL COATING Kalsomines are temporary, ot, rub off and scale. SMIALL POX nd other disease germs areI nurured and disiases dissem inated by wall paper. ALABASTINE should be used in renovating nd disinfecting all walls. W, Grand Rapids, Mich. BEST ON EARTH Small crops, unsalable veg etables, result from want of Potash. Vegetables are especially fond of Potash. Write for our free pamphlets. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. WELL DRESSEDWOMEM SRDSALS0OES0 Bow's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hal-'s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cszxsi & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have knownF. JChe ney for the last 15 years, and believe hit= r fectly honorable in all business trasatons and financially able to carry out any obligar tion made by their firm. WEST & Tauax,Wholesale DruggIs0,Toledo, Ohio. W w~,ao,Kwa&anvx,WiolealeDrig gists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, set ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price, 75c. per be Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Fills are the best. Ask Tur Dealer For Allen's Foot A powder to shake into yourshoes; rests feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot, Callous, Aching. Sweating Feet growing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease mak or tight shoes easy. At all din shoe stores. 25 cents. Sample m Address Allen S. Olmsted, RLeoy, Sixty United States naval v now being constructed. FITSpermanently cured. No fits ness after first day's use of Dr. Kli'% derveRestorer.$2trialbottle and Dr. It. H. K.Lz. Ltd.. 931 ArchSt.. There is one titled personage ?00 commoners in Russia.. All goods are alike to -Ptn:ra ;)zs, as they-color all fibers at ,old by-all druggists. There is something wrong a small boy refuses a second I do not believe Piso's Caret. '.ion has an equal for coughs afft F. Borza, Trinity Springs, Ind, Cancer causes 4251 destha London. Tete Ia But Tetterine enres it, 3 Tetter for twentY. only thing that does'ie -A. J. Crane, Crane, Mlss. 50e. a - b mail from J. T. Shuptrnine, Savannah, Ga.,!) your druggist don't keep It. The man who says he has never dont anything to be ashamed of has never done anything.__________ Tyners Dyspepsia Remedy is a liquid preparation and knocks all tablets out. It cures Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Vertigo, Full ness of Stomach, Headache. 50e. Druggists. It doesn't take a dentist to hurt one's feelings. Not So Unfortunate. No harm was done, It is reported, to the submarine boat Fulton by Its accidental trip to the bottom, but the incident is unfortunate, because of the! undue Importance which will be at tached to It by people who know little more about such craft than that their history hitherto has been composed chiefly of fatalities.' Yet what happen 3d to the Fulton might have happened to any boat of her size and h. 'terial, aven though It was not intended for under-water navigation. Instead of ll lustrating the peril to which the Ful ton's passengers will be subjected, It simply showed that the Fulton, when filled with water in circumstances which could not occur with her train ed crew on board, will go to the bot tom and stay there. An ordinary tor pedo boat would have done the same thing, and nothing was proved ex cept that the Fulton will not float when full of water, a fact which was perfectly well known before. It re mains true, however, that submarine navigation Is dangerous business at best, and that the object of the invent ors is to minimize the danger, there being little chance of removing it alto gether. The Future of Hogarth's House. The purcnaser of Hogarth's House, Lieutenant Colonel Shipley of Grove House, Chiswick, who announces hIs intention of preserving It as "one of the landmarks of the parish," will be remembered as the victim in the "Shipway Pedigree Case," which at tracted so much attention some 'time ago. The peculiarly audacioty swindler whom he had innocently employed to elucidate h:s pedigree and to prove his claim to an old coat-of-arms, forged his evidence as he went along, and managed to obtain considerable sums of money before he was found out London Chronicle. G A NTT'S PATENT COTTONPLANTERS Guano Distributers Write for Prices and Catalogue. MACON, - GEORGIA. J.-T. GA1NTT. Proprietor ACTA ED TO INSANITY woman e of a Millionaire and l'r4mi cicy-Yer 31ind I:nd Ee d For Zears-Huband Ab eu me of the Shooting She 14 er Boy. Pough N. Y.-Insane io: years, nly her husband .nd her phy alpong all who knew her susn t the wife of a A. Ed ward To e multi-millionaire iron master, wholly mad, shot het son aid led herself. Accor Coroner Selfr,dge's er .plana Tower went to Let son m and emptied a five chum er into his body. He was "d on the floor just in. side of his room. Mrs, To parently sat down on v be oining room, and witi er shot herself. as not at home at the :heard .the shots and Srhe ii,to the rooi b was. Mr. Tower 7oroner Selfridgewert iined, but wher th ~ Tower and hel 't Poughkeepsi hp gently goe: He ws there in- thi Tr, Tower and he: the boy playlni Med. Apparentl. osed and cheer ed' the future pros After ,the guest lef ned several time come iome. - One Abett, who hai ess. She retirei 'fterward the set by. ten or twelv mily apartment he only' outer 4lbert!" frot r reed th soon a "d aund th e wet t, and on nth, J.ast his head. rty-eigl daughte Helem nt-Gol t in thi Count and W1 tate pol two sor made pig Ire J< ed .TI tthe snmillers on the Ers. 3KeEinley Favored. granting Mrs. McKinley pen $5000 a year was favorab, re om the Committee on 1 -ai sions of the House of Re rese 'hs at Washington. To.robe "Water-Cure" Toxture; The 'water cure" torture 'of Fl pinos 'till be investigated by the Se ate Phiiippines Committee, at WVas ington. All persons now in the Uh t.d States known to have knowled on the subject will be summoned testify. Insane Woman's Act. Mrs.3sheppard R. Bucey,, wife of t assistait cashier-of the American 18 tional 3ank, at Everett, Wash., kill her -4gshand, their four-year-old s .and heiself' in a fit of Insanity. - IlEanila Editors Arrested. Three editors-and managers of t .reedon, newspaper, at Manila, ha en arrestegI on the charge of pt lishing h. seditious attack on the ci government.''lgae Press Club resolv to appjal to President Roosevelt cable against, the operations oft seditiot law. I an S rand allOut. matlie'lations *ith Italy because 1 latter 'nted an anarchist sheet pro cuted ut reftised to make a fora complit. Ameriean Quits Egyptian Tribunal. Anthony M. Keiley, who for1 past sixteen years has representedi United States on the Internatio: Tribunal in Egypt, has resigned. I resignation is .directed to the Kihed of Egypt, wh.o makes the appoi mnents to the Tribunal upon the no: nation of the Powers party to agreement of 1876. Dominican Rebellion Crushed. The Dominican Government1 crashed the rebellion which broke on the south coast recently. Sc ringleaders escaped to Haiti, but otlh were made prisoners. Admiral Farquhar Retired. Rear-Admiral Norman H. Farqul U. S. N., has been retired. His ret ment promotes Captains Joseph Coghan and James 11. Sands to Rear-Admirals. France and Venezuela. The Venezuelan Parliament has fed the p)rotocol re-establishing di matic relations between France Venezuela. Canegie Gives Cincinnati 5lso,OO( Andrew Carnegie has given Cin ati, Ohio, $180,000 for public aries in the suburbs. I t ese progressive days Fortune longer knocks at a mans door. smply touches the e&ctric button, atodo the rest. Average Cona Teport=d by the Agricult Departmert. A Wheat Crcp of 416.000,000 ehels Indicatetd-Condition oni April 1 Placed at 78'M. Washi'tgte:, D. C.-The April -repor e the Sfatis-le:tn of. the Departmenlt of Agriculture shows the av:'age cu dition' or winter whear on April 1 to have been 78.1, against 91.7 on April 1, 1901; $2.1 at the corresponding date in 1000, -and 82.4 the mean of the April averages of the last ten years. The averages of the priripal States are as follows: Pennsylvania. 82: Ohio, 77; Miehi an. S:": Indiana. Si; Illinois, 90; Teinnessee. GU; Teias. 72; Kansas, 73; Missouri, 91; Nebraska and Call for ia. each 93, and Oklahoma, 67. average condition of winter rye on ril 1 was 85.4, against 93.1 on Ap;1 1, 1901: 84.8 at the correspond. ing date in 1900, and 88.1, the mean of the April averages of the last ten years. The averages in the principal States are as follows: New York. 92; Pennsylvanip, 85: Ohio, 82; Michigan, 91; Indiana, 90; Illinois, 94, and Kan sas, 87. New York City.-The Government re port indicates, accoroing to the figures of Statistician Brown, of the New York Produce Exchange. a crop of 1416.000,000 bushels of winter wheat. This estimate is on a basis of thirteen bushels an acre, and compares with the December estimate of 457,600,00 bushels, which was on a basis of 14.1 bushels an acre. The aereage in boil cases was the same, 32,000,000 acres. The April, 1901. estimate on winter wheat was 457,258,000 bushels. Thie Government has made no official re port on the last winter wheat harvest, as it has desired to check its figures by those of the census report. ARRIVAL OF MISS STONE. She Considers the Turkish Govermnenl Besponsible For Her Abduction. New York City.-Plump, sunburned and smiling, Miss Ellen M. Stone, the American missionary who was for sis months a r":ptive In the mountains o1 Bulgaria, and who was ransomed by the payment of $65,000, fairly rat e down the gangplank leading from the steamship Deutchland, and was wel r a/ MISS 1IT-T2t X. STONE. comed by dozens of friends who ha been several hours waiting for he: She had been met at quarantine by lie a brother. Charles A. Stone, and D: y Henry 0. Dwight, and when she die . embarked she was quite ready to tal 3to newspaper men. She showed a once that she considered the Tairkis Government responsible for he abduction. i. The ransomed missionary went t - her mother's home in Chelsea. Mas: - She did not know whether or not sh ii would ever return to Bulgaria, but sal e that she was ready to do so. o Albert Santos-Dumont also arrive on the Deutschland. He comes 1 discuss plans for an exhibitionc aerial navigation with the manager e of the St. Louis Exposition. He pre a. diets that within ten years he will fi d across the ocean In his own airship. NEGRO NJILLIONAIRE'S ODD WILL & Presbyterian, He Leaves a Fortune1 Found Catholic Orphan Asylumn. e Philadelphia, Pa.-Colonel 3'ohn M1 e Kee, the negro whose property is va - ed at $2,500,000, bequeathed near] lhis entire estate in trust to Archbish< d Ryan for the founding of a college f y'white and negro orphan boys, simil: lie to that of the Stephen Girard ins1 tution in this city. Colonel McKee for lifty-eight yea: had been a meaniber of the PresLi lo- terian Church, and the fact that h he daughter and six other heirs.were e se- off wit! but $300 a year and membe al of the Roman Catholic Church ma< executors of his will and trustees the college has caused a proifound se sation. The heirs will contest on t. he ground of undue Influence. -he After the death of Mrs. A. A. al Syphax, to whom $300 a year is give is and when that amount has been< ive vided between her five sons, the ci a-lege, so the will provides, is to be bu *i on his vast estate, ten miles from ti e city. _________ UNWELCOME HiUC COSTS ONE CEN 's Jury Fixes the Price of Surreptitic utLovemaking in Kentucky. re Louisville, Ky.-A jury decided th r an unwelcome hug constitutes damag to the sum of one cent, and accordil ly rendered judgment in that amou against Rtichar- Langan, . who ~ ar, sued by Mrs. lizie Cecil for forci ire- his affections upon her. B. Langan is the landlord of Mr. a be Mrs. Cecil. -He went to the Ct home and made himself agreeable.] placed hi~ arm around Mrs. Cec: . waist. Ingan swore that he mer< i . brushedky her. -. lo- ________ d ~ut to Pieces by Filipinos. FifV ladrones attacked five memb of ~e constabulary of Sarseg -Sou&east Luzon, P. I., captured th in- of -them, and, after treating the e lib- tires with hideous barbarity, cut tL Into small pieces. Cecil Rhodes Buried.' The burial of Cecil Rhodes t< nc placea yon the Matoppo Hills, She RhodesIta. Native rites were perfori daround the rock tomb after the Bisi nof Mashonalanid had conducted church service. .. . of .too Cheap. "There's a train at 4.04," said Miss Jenny. "Four tickets I'll take. Have you any." iaid the man at the door, . "Not four for 4.04, fo .or 4.04 are too many." . -Chicago Tribune. Only a Suggestion. .orus-"Give m' a rhyme for 'civil,' I am writing a poem." Naggus-"Try 'drivel.' "-Chicago Tri bune. Sick and Well. "Don't you think Miss Smith talks well?" "Awfully. But I should think she'd talk herself sick."-New York World. The Play. Hook-"What's the matter 'th Scribbler's new p.ay? Doesn't It draw?" Nye-"No; It drags."-Philadelphia Record. One Man's View. "Do you believe in leve at first sight, Chris?" "Sure. If more men took a closer look they wouldn't fall in love."-Phila delphia Bulletin. se isU _Boy's ConclusIon. Tommy-"Isn't the house dog a dog for the house?" Mamma-"He is." Tommy-"Then isn't a flatfish a fish for the flat?"-Judge. A Diference. She-"Didn't I tell you never tc darken my door again?" Weary-"Well, I ain't. rm cum tc de winder dis time!"'-New York Jour hal. His Estimate of Human Nature. "That man indignantly spurns yoUa offer," said the assistant. "He say& you aretrying to bribe him." - "It's pIinful," murmured eat' So _n .a tone of resignat~Ci "E thousand dollars more."-WshingSton - r Dorrowed. "I beg your pardcn," said the Inqui ;~Itive friend, admiringly, "but are those your own teeth, Mrs. Oldiady?, ~"No," replied the kindly accomme-O rdating soul, "I lost my set, and, tc. tell you the truth, I borrowed these from my husband this morning."-091m, mercial Tribune. d Mental Philosophya "What is a mesmerist?" "A person who controls the will of another person and smakes him do ex ~atly what he choos." .."Can you mention a successful mes merist?" "Yes, -sir. Any clothing store sales man."-Chicago Tribune. His Morning Meal. The teacher in the first grade was. .developing the word "breakfast." By .way of Introduction she adressed the Lyclass thus: P"What Is .the first meal you eat in the morning?" "Oatmeal." promptly responded John ny-hcago Bulletin. ----. A Remarkable Analogy. :"You've got to become well acquaint Sed with a classical composition," said rathe musical enthusiast, "before you lcan really like it." of"Yes," answered Mr. CumroX, in an amiable effort to keep up the conver sation; "i' oddeal the same way with a dog."-Washinlgton Star. A Smanl Appr'ehenlsion. ."I suppose they will make a lion of ityou when you strike American so clety."/ "Well," answered the distinguished '~*personage who knows Englf51inbt slightly, "I hope they wIll stlc to ~that department of the menageie.and not endiaror to make a monkey of at."-W7hin~ Star. * Feared an Antf-CJi"aZ. t"It's too bad!" m;narked mne per-. ~son1 o \orships . "The Eing of S i$tot co g America after' ndalL" cl"Well," answereid the pla citizeu; a e"I don't much case. I don't believe 'Sa Siamese king wold be half as in iyteresting as the Siamese twins were, anyhow."Washinlgton Star. er ow Ife Would ExpliJn. ,"Supposing," said the teacher who i'ewas trying to get the class to under ~~-stand the law of.-gravity, "that some-. em one should tell. you that the earths doesn't turn over and over upon its axis, because if It did we would fall .off when' we are on the uder side, E what reply would you make? Well, iedGeorgie, I see your hand Is up. What popwould you say to him?" -~ a "I'd tell him he l'ad xtsin ha belfry."-Chicago sReco,rd'Jerald. U