MUTT AND JH ff .v. Yt. ws^e B^e? r?ttoi Y?U P. i*oe<\s Ot- A W&N fe TO TH6 CHICAGO WWfcAt*TMotor, WhaeJ; .J, L.? B.i vJoaee, 103 Mo Du Rle street. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Furnished room, withr in. block of public square. Apply Intelligencer office. FORSA1JE FOR .SALE-DeLavnl Separator, No. 5. Used only one month. Address Box 73, Anderson, 8. C. FOR SALE-?*ta. hay, Corno dry abd sweet feed, ; Comb hon aaa chick feed, cotton .-oced meal anil lintloss h?ll?, wholesale and ra tall. Stock ob hand ut all 't^t??' 300 ,bushels Lookout .Mountain .seed . Irish potatoes, arid 400,000 Nauen Hall -and ?awiawha y?m potato : dtfcrj-i-QBf own bedding-et $1.?0 ''^ifm9SSt?K?t?A: 'Martin Coal & weed ca. . .JfVe; spec?fy ^genuine" bc? > caiise ? tqere are s?vera? inti-: ; tatton Thefmpsi vacuum bot-= ties on the market. Our Vft?^W..jfolf^4.nours.: Very l?yehi?nt iii toa sick foom antf ?Qc?ispensable for the tourist. '??>?? ',; :::?;<. '-?:,] l^MMl&lii IF -Jeff Must ! .S /-? f You COULD {TO CHi(A6o \ ADVERTISING . LOST STRAYED : -Prom Allen Martin's on? j blue muro /anio 5 years old, 151-2 hands high. Telephone Davis Bros. Stable. MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN-I have money to loan on rent estate for local clients j amount'ug from $500 to $5,?0Q. T. | P. Ul cu JOH, Attorney. REMOVAL NOTICE-I have moved I from my old stand over Kay's store j to east Benson street, over Robin con Brothers grocery store next ; to | '"Peoples Bank. " 1 am bettor pre pared herb to do your work prompt ly. Palm Beach and Kool Kio th j shits a specialty with mo. J. Cl Thomas, "the old reliablo." GLADS-For a shbrt time I can supply I you with /good, clear? thick low! country.elabe at $3.50 per cord, de livered. ! will also appreciate your ord ora for cotton seed meal andi AUTO,' SPRINGS-Wo i?ako Auf o Springs or make new leaves and i pat in place of broken ones-can do . \it ; promptly too. Paul E. Stophens. EASY-Make Ute's walk easy by had ing us repair your abes*. "Wo ava not only prepared to do first class . work'pa short notice, but we meet any' legitimate competition when lt oomoo to prices. J lenes * wo ri: and boot materials always. G. B. Molted & Sop, 132 Bast Whltner street, opposite Tolly'ti. HAVE you a keep kool ault made to your measure. From the latest pat terns of wool crash. Palm Beach.' Grey pencil stripes, worsteds and Mohair suitings, for 510.00 at Balla Tailoring Coi., *07 W. Barlo Bl ' WE ARE new dandling somo fine stall fed cattle and selling the very best steak that money can/buy for 20o per lb. Plenty of veal ural mutton at market price. Chicken's dressed and alive aa cheap oe you can buy them tn the country. Also plenty al tish any day la tho week. Your trade wilt he appreciated/ Give us a trial; ; Phone 755,. Dob bin&, opposite 'TbllT'aJ FISH. FISH. 'FISH!-Tho .doct?t tells mo that good tish la .tho heal meat - tb ?af in spring, and summer. , We hare ! tor this week-dally lino Trout, SpunlBh'"Mackerel,' Red Fin, Croakers, Pep iEy?d Mullet?, Baca, Pike and fish' to suli your ta?te-wholesalo and retail'. We keep., plenty ot fino Jork and beef, , hfctlv*; raised. '7 0**11.292 or xjomo I to 307 . East Whittier street and Bee George Sanders; he will ho glad tb ?see. you. W, J. Man?se, }.the.Seafood Man. 'i' ' "?" ir. "i i? ' 'i 'ii. .??M ...i',', i. '..'??I., ii ' il M . BREAKFAST SAUSAGE-Tho de mand for our hil pork sausage ts keoplng nf very busy. They Barely 'Cara-- thp highest grade ea. tho mar- < kel. Made from fresh perk carefully selected nod scanonsd With Just enough- fresh ground hsrha and pu?? spices to give Mtkan '? usual end delicious flavor dj*tt&/ t!v?iy Lindsay**, i Phone sr>ne arter to est, The Lily White Market, J. N. Lindsay, Pjr?^ftfl?r. ?U?CK WORK-?*Phone ?1 to?- O?oW ^iia^aarat*^^^ . expert ea fr?rdey ca* ono expert ba , an other cara ead mpto**yeta*. : No. 108 South McDufae street. Op. '. J. L, E. Jones Bicycle Shep.. 1. A. M ULL?N?X starts h?? clot ... -sate today: All mads io flt-~n> ttl n MmJ Uyou don't believe ina prie te right go seo, ; t^pt?s^g^lwfe: erst fo&n* mea teRoirs. . < ?to**, right, ^Bsasonratreet;::,,,,^" >SVOB's PAIN'MPhb old stand fey. the oi???^ paint tabers ia America Have Been Talk oar DOOP I LVKE I) Kor 1 I FROM 7 A. M., TO 10 .P. M.-Buy your Gasoline and Motor Oils from H. A. Caudle., the one arm gaa man on the corner next to Owl Drug Co. He will appreciate your business and always gives the li tm cet in value. H. A. Caudle. WALL PAPER-If it ls wall paper you are looking for, we have it. a large stock going at 25 per cent, below cost. Phono 48, Guost Paint Company. . \ .? HIDES-Bring them, to me i! you *?ant best prices. I buy and. coll more hides than any other dealer in .thio c?ctlon of the state. . All.hides bonght' by me are shipped with ab batelr hid o and command betted prices, therefore I can and do pay better prices. Bring them teWUU* . ford's Corner. R.D. Henderson. DR. SMALL ha? loft hts Komfort Shoulder, Braca and K. B. Abdom inal; Pel Vio Suporta, w^th Dr. Carter, Bleckloy Building. PREPAREDNESS ls the *>rdrv of tho day now, while the Fire Insurance Companies are withdrawing from the state la the lime for yon to have your house,; barn, or out-building protected with, a Barrls? Metal Shingle Roof. Of course the Initial cost? is just a trifle more than wood shingles, but in the long run'they are much cheaper , and they are' ? tremendous protection against Ore; Drop in and let ns show y otu No trouble nor obligation on your part v. whatever. Rcopcctiully, J no. T. .Barr?as A;'Sen. Stomach Trouble? and Constipation "jr will cheerfully say that Chamber lain's Tablets are tho most satisfactory remedy for stomach and bladder troue les and constipation that I have sold fm thirty.?!eur year}' . experience in thc drug, service" writes S. H. Murphy, druggist, Wel?sburg, N. Y. Obtain able/Everywhere. . V I will pay ? For clean mixed rags $1.00 per hundred. , .For clean dry bones Soc per \ hundred. For mixed iron 20c per hundred. ? ; . Oood prices for rubber and metats. SAM DISHER Manning Street, ..Near Blue Ridge -?-.' X-'SJ. IceCo. * vC*\ Phone 671. JO * $ $ * $ 1 I A dollar : dowe-A dol lar a week or ???y day. [?? Tfc?t1?' .'lb* ?nlplliied Savings/ Syrern; way.- pu ly you can-rpay la any antoenl front IP?, ap. to tb ;tfartt ot 'pay.'day.7 . ' four morie? bjjm Jnf?? est compound ' '?u?ri?rlif. .Yours. when, yo?if, ni?ed it" Every mas should Join th? ; Club. Star? say U3?e-~Co?? plsto in fifty payments. The Stto; g to The Mai s : . . NATIONAL * ; At Brooklyn 1; Boston 6. . ' , At Brooklyn 1; Bost?n 2. At Philadelphia,'4; New Vork 2. ? At Pittsburg 8; Cincinnati 4. _> . (No others- scheduled^) ; / - -, .AMERICAN At Detroit 3; Chicago 6. At Boston 1; /washingtub-0. At,NevYork raPhiladelphia D. i At "St.-Louis Cloveland'3i At" St. " Louts 6; Clovolaud'B. ' : SOUTHERN At-McTOphla.l?;, Atlanta 5. . : . At -Little RbckVa; Birmingham 5. At Nashville 2; > New Orleans 1 ; . (13 innings.) -V- ->/ : At Chattanooga;?; WobUo i,.,.- . ; ' At Macon 12; ColumTms 4. ' l At Albany 8; Jacksonville l.v i li (No: others scheduled.)! ? 1 v?7t>CBlI0LDERS MEETING : \ >' Thd annual' meeting of.1 the. stock holders pf the Peoples "Oil and. Fer tillf?V Co^ will ba held at tho office of the ? company at 'Anderson. S. o? j Tuesday,.'J une 13, 1916; at ll o'clock j LI. m- ' A full attendance .}"? desired. ' i L. M. GEER, President , J. ?.: FARMER, Secretary. . " ; < NOTICE EXECUTIVE J COMMITTEEMEN ; , Tho Anderson County Democratic executivo committee will ' meet .at An derson Court House. on Friday, J une j 1?1Q at 10 o'clbck a.. m. Each ' club f ie to be represented by. an executive t committeeman whri war,, elected ^nt the i ?l?h'meeting. A^ Mus meeting the 1 campaign' itinerary will he arranged, < the assessments fixed, and books of i enrollment Issued to each club. ; Any, ? locality desiring n^ campaign meeting t ?fill moke aplicatlohV'M thia! reseting J is the Itinerary will bo fixed at this time. Let ovbry executive committee* Edah bo present promptly at 10 o'clock, rills' inblueds the 'v.ow clubs, admit ed nt tb o May convention. Lioon L. Rice, ^ < : C. E. Tolly, fi escroary. ;. County. Cha!trnau. Women Bambers Gyo^ i From India] STANDING OF CLUBS Sonth Atlantic Won Pct. Augusta... .. .. ,.23 17 575 Montgomery.22 18 5 Gu Charleston.. .... ..22 18 . - 850 Columbia.. .;. .. .:2i 19 "525 Jacksonville.. ... ". ;22 . 20! I .'..521 Columbus.'. .. .. ..19 23 . .452 Macon.. ; "... . Al^ 24 413 Albany. 7... 17 25 405 Southern. Won Lost P.' C. New Orleans.. _.28 15 651 Nashville... .,27 ?15 . 643 Atlanta... ..... . ,25 . 20 - .,556 Chattanooga. . ..?3 22 , 511 Birmingham.. .. ?.21 25 457 Memphis. ?....18. '25 -.419 Mobile..-.. .. ... ..18- 27-' 400 Little Rock .J V....16 27. ,372 . v American, . ? - Cleveland:. ..25; , 16 ' ; 616 Washington.. .. ..24 ?6- b 000 i Mow York....22 '16' : \ 579 Boston.....22 ^18"- ;550 Chicago.,. .. .. ..18 21 462 D'?troit., ..........17 22 . ' 436 ?. Louis........ ..16 25..:39? Philadelphia.. v. .;15 ? 24 385. National. .'. ft?a Lost' ; P.C. Brooklyn.1. . . ? . . . -2*. . U ?ll *ew York .... ... .21, 15 :683 Philadelphia.. '.. ..21 17. .653 3oaton.... .... ..J8 , 19 . . .485 Cincinnati Vi ..20 ' 23 ' . ' 486 Chicago.. .. -23 - 45* Pittsburgh...; .. ..18 22 .' . 450 3t. Louis.. .....18 24. .-429 Ycs,..Yc8l.Ge Oat' An Anderson man who, had. been ivlng in North Carolinas foi the .past Ive months passed though ?he?:cUy oday ^returning 1 home. V He .'. 'ssys ??orth^CarolIna is no state .for him; io declares that in tho : present gttb >rns!ti t?o fc -wor* Mi *.wjahp4eS salomar*? Couch Hammocks Make Comfort able Beds For summer comfort, day or.': night, these high grade couch' hammocks, with good tufted mattress and easy springs, bring rest and ease. Steel iranien, guaranteed, springs, sanitary filled' mat-' tress.. . G. P. TOLLY M Anderson, S. C,. {?fc i':,,K':.yv:r''^; 14and'?8'?aratGoW T^t^irye^dmg - : Bright and Gr?en' Gold-r s?fid,,. v seamless, \ . hand wrp?^'h.t, torre* piece. No charg? for engraving, of courier|-If you purchase here. Korti? Main Street Jewelers Al the 8%n of the Big Watch mm m ? Well, that's us. We've got now tfe? BEST STOCK, AND \ MORE OF IT '.'than any of the Oth?ir^^^?;-./\!^ni?;;;that,'s not ai!, we haye^licj^t and quickest delivery systemin thjls marias t?Wh . c?);r/?r?p yow tire in half thc tjrh'?^tlvih?s ?^h? that it fake& wlih tte?^ih#tyk?nd^?d wittmore e^si? ~ -u^fv??