V- V. ANDERSON, S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9,1915. ._._ Wt NUMBER 232. Doubtful if y. S. has ever Qij?xi&?&? in 6a OS^?iibiy soit Determined io Kee j Conditions are Satisfact . ? : ? ."? . .:,;.vr':- * .... (By.Associa Washington, June i.--Carranza pif American troops has brought n^ President Wilson to maintain preser has demonstrated his ability to sto thoritatively today that Pershing's 1 arrived. A reply will be made to'Carranz; upon. v lt is understood that portions o offeps.iye by Washington, it was States government ever received a and an apparent violation of diplo Ivvord 'arraignment of the United ? purpose. j| FIBST CONFERENCE OF' ?TLE?a?NT, PROFITABLE? I (By Associated Press.) ? tC?lbhm ?ublan, June 1.- -(wireless I io fol?mb?sv)-The'- first conference j between' Generais Gavira and Fer nhin g with a view' to military co^bp-! oration In Chihuahua was. hold today] in .Gaheral' GayiraM private ' car. General Pershing? said the .raoeting was ''pie?s?h'^^^'^ilpnf?ii?. ;' He /decliued. to commentp -.bu' Carransa'a latest note. dcmftttu^gfthe withdraw al of Americans, v --. TH AK M?N?8TBR SAID . . ..? >/.--V^,- '^^. -. . ,.. ,. : (By'As?o^iated . Press.) x . Sanr Antonio, . June 1.-General : Rims ton today1- scut to the war de partment all information he had re garding i movements of Mexican 'troops in nor tho rn Mexico. While > details of the report wero not made public it ; waa aa4d that tho number r qt troops the" Mexican war Vrolrilster 8entfto tho border section was much greater than ' tho number he - told .Generals Scott and Fuuston ho had ordered north. . . According to . information received by Ge poral < Funston it appears cer tain that the number of Mexican troops ; in.; Chihuahua .'State; ls. ;bo ; tween tweuty and thirty 'thousand. \ Moya exact information pn Carranza troops operating ;ln Sonora places > the/ M^lcap'i army there at seven teen thousand. ' . (By -Associated F?resa^i" ;f ? . ChJUjago^; June , li-v-Slxteen ; pros pective votes for Hughes' lui the Re publican convention were lost today * wheu.v}Up natlbnai committee rated ?to scat Henry. S. Jackson? of tho dei? ? ; elation'of Georgia. This action wa? ; tatter--, after a lively contest- bf six h>r?. .... - ...::".; . ... A detcgatlbrt composing of WaUer Hi Jbbriiimr.^g of Ute republican ? party iii Georgia wa? repudiatedlt tvas ufidefetocKt i?t. had been prepar ; *tt JoJkmn Hughes while tho Jack? son : del9g4hja Were friendly tb the candidacy ot Boot, r although hoik ;,, eaitte.uhtp^tnctpd,. ? -, COLE SU' BiJ???fe WM ss CARE Rm?m HJLY OFf received Communication I X^rms-President Wil li Troops in Mexico Until torily Adjusted. ted press.) 's note demanding the. withdrawal ) change in the 'determination of it troop dispositions until Carranza, p bandit raids, lt was stated au force would remain until that time i, but its form was not determined! f the note are regarded as highly said to be doubtful if the, United note couched in so offensive terms matic uses a$ this '-twelve hunUred States' .good faith and honesty of Arms, Mexico, Overheard By Sleuth Burns .. "Famous" Detective ; Voluntarily . r-?nvef ligation . (By -Associated1 Pr?sa; ' ? ; -''A'?^dfK?:iSS^1^^- ;.. Burns voluntarily . took tho sta ucl in the investigation;ibte'.thf'-tai>e-?Dff ot wireB ot tho finft 'bf Scynuour and Seymour; Burna told 'ot installing a listening. device at the bohoit ot J. P. Morgan and company. When asked If any conversations overheard had any touch oi.' an International esr peet;" he said: "Only something about arnie and amuultlon In Mexi co." \ ?? /. 4; Boone Tree Blown lion?. Johnson City, Tenn., Juno 1-The famous Daniel Boone tree, near here waa 'blown down during a storm Sun day. The tree'is place irs ' history wa? ;due to the' foltowing legend carved op tt: "Boomrkilicd a hear on tree ID year 1760." Tho local D'..'A. Tl. arc iproparlng to preservo, the part con taining . the inscription. -, , r" - . '???..' . ... j; \ A TERROR TO GIUEit?ERS^ t rtf?iF if. W. DASlKI.? OF ? CLEMSON, I? NEW HE AJO + OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE (Special tb Intelligencer.) Columbia, Juno I-Tho Board of trustees of Columbia Col lege, meet.:tfg in ' Columbia bia late- .today, cloded P. W. Daniel, professor,, of English at Clemson collcgo aa presi dent to f?ccecd tho Dev.' W. ? W. Daniel, D. D.k who rp-, * eerily resigned. Pref. ' D. * j W.i: finnie^ ie a grad?alo1 ot ? Wofford college. 3gj ???? ? ? ? ? v i * * * 4 Appoint Tax Beaufoy Man Named " Chairman Every Congressional ph frict Is Represented , (Special to Tho Intelligencer.) Columbia, Jurie 1.-Governor Man ning .today announced tho appoint ment-of'thev-board of review for tho South ' Carolina . tax commiusion a? provid?d,' by an act- ot . the last gen eral assembly. Th? members of the board are; iii. P. - McLeod^of Char leston^ wholesale ? -merchant abd president of ?ho Charleston chamber of commerce; D. A.. Geer, of Belton, farmer, omi merchant; Li. L. Whgr ' non, of Uni?n, merchant; E. M', |p|Blpn of - ?/atta', fariner}"'-sf3 ,t>;:: Shuler.. of PaT?er/ In Ornngcb'urg county, fSfmitV J. M. Rhett, or Beau fort, merchant. ff Mr : Rhett tfad designated as" chair man of the board. ' Each congres sional district ls represented on the board as provided by tho act. ROBERT ELLISON WAS BURIED NEAR SENECA Ta*qRSbAY I Youns Man Who Dtedl Sudtbnij At gpartanbnrg Laid To Rest (Steels!.to Tho Intelligencer-;) S?ri?es? 'June l.~-Robont EU'?on, who died shddcnly'from a Strohe o', apoplexy, at Clifton mill village in Spartanburg county, yesterday, waa billed at the Richland church ceme tew.h?ar herd.this afternoon. Mr. lSlhsOh was Gie oldest soi Ot Capt.. and Mrvo mlleB aw^heire;, ; Ho was forty-ilvo years of age arid ..besides hi? aged; parents ?i?lS^'W' 11,0 "w1'8 and imjr calt?Wh, two (boys and two giri*', and ditton, Billingham, Ala. Tito sis tor? sre: Mrs. J. M. - Barron, di tWn?oa.and Mies Agnes EUi?oh? wtib feslji^lwHh the parents at' v tho, old Alison's hems was '. th Green*! ville, whore> he-had liver: fer a: num-1 m ot yeans, doing a mattress: buol ncss. principally among tho nilli vii 1*OT*.: ' -if^ ;w??:.%: tuan "bf >sirict.:iri anti: sobriety * and - had .. rnkny ft lends ?tiouslmut the wheleV Pled mopfc section web; wilt bo-shocked te mtb, bf hiji Untimely--death. FOR,? IMPROVEMENTS AT NEW OR ! LEANS, CHARLESTON, piOR FOLK, BOSTON, PORTS MOUTH, W^W HAMPSHIRE, PHILADELPHIA AND BREM ERT?N DECIDED ON .. , . . i (By Associated Prcaz.) J ; /VYaahln^ton, :Jui?o 1 .--Advpcates of greater preparedness than. . provided, in tim. navttr.jW)i\rnprIatlpn bill aB reported'by th?^n^val connnlttco won victoria"vin:-.ttie.mouse today. An amendment ' wa? passed providing an appropriation not exceeding. BIX million dollArB?i?fl?r enlarging . navy yards at *l$fcf$f (fricans, Charleston) Norfolk, Bonton. ' Portsmouth, Now Hamrsluro,' Philadelphia and Bremer ton, Wa/shirigtott: An navy - 'i&JJ^t?nlt Vtu three ^ years ?nd permit a ?tin''ito enter tho reserve after ono year's service was alsq adopts. , : V. * An unsuccessful fight was. made against thai ;jse?tlort of the. hill authorizing v the ;.participation of ibo United Statps In- the establishment of en J.it?rt\at}ona?-jCourt for tho - en forcement'ot peapo.' Speaker Clark took the floor in, behalf or thc occ 4ion dcclarlnsf ihjat lt was tho boat thing In tho bill. Bull Moose Lcat)cr Urges Adoption | Protective Tariff In Newark Address (By Associated Press.) f; Newark. N. J., Juno ?.-Theodora Roosevelt, . ia an ?-uldress at aq in dustrial exposition' hero tonight, de clared -that unless, a protective tarin is adopted the l!n I teri States will face a great economic disaster after the closo of the war. ? The end of war, ho said, ?1U find Europa aa aggres sive industrially an any ono bf tho Pftwora are in a military sonso now. Tariff legislation should embody the prihelpie or reciprocity which was yeara ago advocated' by Blain s and McKinley, who wore ahead bf their limes,' ho assorted; .. -?k? i'if ..\' .', ..j.,.M wm THE cEmom (lijr ' Associated 'Prosa. ) Germana haro switched ".their, of fensive front the recibir bf ~ Dead inan't? hl'i, northwest "bf Verdun, td the sector, between Thleumbrit farm aftd V?ux,, uortkcaatWor Verdun, and have succeeded in entering tho r?rihh ijfftt Tue - .tr?ljeh?s r. between >rfc Dbuautqont ariaVWaux* Pond.. Ai? ?ftc?v was msdo: o?mounl?3b, ? near AUHIroh; tho ???rin?bs report the ?cc?n^?r? of Ffebeh poBltlon?v 25 i?etor>j long Arid: deep. : itomo says^?ho : Italians *. ar? ' coh ilau?rtfr - tb ; fflhd *ao^ Austrian at it?fea at Various pdtHt?: ort>th?!JryrjtH front. Kara -.fi^tibg' :<::'?&al^& place in- th? raglo&ld?; Po??h*? tyrbi; ??&saoSth?Mi'-o? Ars^ro^-where the "ts aro . taking the offensive Arid ; haye; fcrought :F*r ?e 46 a . st?ridnit?Fi- Warn Ht miles Weat' o? Erseru rebated ^f?M th? I ^jfr'Wipma?* Georges Carponter, heavyweight .j j champion of Europe, whoas last nott able exploit in theeing was'lita q^ich defeat- in London .ot Gunbont Srnltji, i ia hore-;ahbVro jwlth- Lieutenant ?ia 4nj?PT$,^ wbo8e: fame as ah . aviator li as Coiurabua, o., June i-:- secrete fy ot War Untier, in r.a addrtfss aa chair man ol' tho Ohio Democratic conven tion, hero today, declare^ the rcpub-j Hean party 1B "an .' aggregation factions agreeing lipon no set .. .ot principien," arid "compared it witji tlje ? democratic party which ho said'had carried out a wise and definite prow gram in economic .ncaeurcB* natlpwi ? preparedness arid foreign Sj police, The party will he continued lri pow er to maturo its program, Ito pre-, diets. .. J rjjferrlng briefly. to pol?tica fl Ol?i?, his hocttb Bt?te, tho Bpcretavy expressed the hope thai the prescrit republican ,'? administration . "oharac-' torlzcd by fc?blcnesa and uncertain ty" Would be r'vpla?ed byrthp'demo crats next year ana\ that sp?cial rit*-, tuntion would b? - given; te . reeving, the ffnanclal stringency, of Ohio' ci tic*. . .;. . . ,r; Secretary Baiter praised- President Wilson for;pressing enactment of 'tho fe do ral reserve; and rural . credits; ry:: teing, iBr^'reduc^ion,' for uphold inj; ?MBj?rica ideals^ iiii dealing with'.'Mexv ice," arid fqr ^steering, the j ?httjb? Gt:),tc:i away from participation lri tho European wat. Ho expressed satis faction that tho preparedness program .gu^sn'v'mod^rato.''' jj^nBjv(.^hi>. republican - .. patty, Secretary B?jccr sEld: ''To speak txt$tf*jtf'-?: adminlatratioh ' h?? llteo bettloirte th?aejbl? ftae, ..enjat?r word?: wn&t r of France i t.;%V.-.w?.-j,.c.-.'?. 5: > Ti I I Lieutenant Guvcnomcr pre the best aviator* ot the Ftouch-army; But > ?03 rjre?t has benn tho ? work Qt Car ?pchfc}or rceonfJy? that ? he?\ tw&'&ift become a hora/ . Rte^rob^wVw?*^ I preaching that or tho bettor known ect whatever candidate; lucks iMut-. at the last moment and wh^ew^^W^ clplaa promise to weathor tho storm November "In con trust to this, the tiemocjra Tparty, paving Hved- through yeai's or doubi. abd. hesitation) with a con trai philosophy someUmoB more a _ tban a program, pow pre nda matured policy, evolved by a sat leader,' welcomed by hie party j associates aa. the real oxpressieo ot [?tte?r political ideals.'" Secretary .B^ker declared Ino ted ra! jr?s?rve act, by . steadying b?d icas and cpmmorco during tho try ling period,, of tho European war, . alone, "would afford a record fer courage, and wisdom upon which tho j party; cottld confidently appeal, to [ the country." it; ha? el?mlpat^: the .power bf-a fe^v flttahclonrto causo a panic, he stated. Tho rural' credits [.legislation .'ia; tue first comproheu e|w?; r?cognition by ihb their .country, ?3t??$j?& ?pend years i In : th? ocewp?p?" .Included in. m.. Baker's ? comment -J?ttM .t?&r ?fbr^&? people of tb)* hat ,v?.st deatrp.cUon if it ean bo ii on ?i-ptblir. avc^oii^.- e^d eeccmd, lt; ia WILSON'S CHOICE FOfl SU PREME BENCH VA?ANCY RATIFIED BY 47 TO 22. FIRST JFW TO OCCUPY SVCH POSmpN "",.,._, (By Associated Pres?.) Washington, . Juno 1,-LOUID D. Brandeis' aomi^atlon to tho uti promo "ou;i, ; bitterly fought'by "r? pt?>ucatts for ?ivo mouther waa con firmed late today by the senate. The vote was > forty-seven to twenty-two. Three republican senators, L?follett?, Norris, and Poindexter votod for. Brandeis. Senator Newlands of Ne vada, WS5 thS only dr?vvr?t Ww voted ii cn i mit him. Fin* Jew on. Bench. Washington, ''June;'-- j.~Brauj?hv who succccdt' the ?Rio, Joseph Ru dc or Lamar, will be tfte. first Jew -tb occupy the supreme, tench'/ Itirough out tho fight President Wilson stood firmly behind his ep^iotee; be fore tho epnato oommittca voted fav orably . recently, heiumma wub Chairman OulbijrsQn:,urging prompt and favorable 'action. VH'-Hf^PS The nonJtpfttion et Brandel* waa aent ta the' a?fiato J?ny?ry' 3ssan^e; ??ht h&s boen underway ever since. 'Republicana comptk3l?gV''|t^^ti?t1lr: of th^-'ep'hate 'coBimUt?s; T??anUy aub m?ttad'a report in'whtcb lain od that all chargea?? of tmprofcff alontil conduct brought ?nalnst .^lan^ela. had. b vesUg?tlons tntfdo ? Plant Wm Be Ma?e .?t '. jertas* burg Today ?o^^? ^tew ment (Special to The ,lniteiiif?^?er?i|''^''.v Oo?umb?a, S. C,( '-?uno : l.-~The . educational coramtsBltm created'' hy the Methodist conferences In South CaroUna ha* ?w?n called te- meet in Spartanburg tomorrow aftarnoon at four o'clcclt,' v/hen .'filans for gto?fog j* 'compeign : to raise an en dowment - fund pf ; f 850,000- for the church, coltege* ; m thli?. siete. w|U fea di?cuGacd. P>y??^;- " St Now York. June i.-^?ir. Arthur erren #site, who poi??a^ his' mit' imair? fatHef-in-SaWpVJennW?- Pode, aa aetil?ncba te die in the- electric iair acm? time durloJ? in? ^cek ot M*ms&?& ? Wing ettttedc?d mmmmm^m over." Fe? B?U*o?d f?en?dbp* i? A*