The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, May 25, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MUTT AND jEi ceHTAiNcv we WANT TO j 8?T TOTHC CHlf^?O V. CONOec?TlON BOT v*ie'Rc BR-OKC. IF OUGRCOATi, FOR ELEPHANTS ueee s* UJC COULPN'T BuV A PAIR OF / ?.G66INS FOR A s--"^\Hur^nuNG Biijo J ^^^^^^^^^^^ ? ^^^^^^^^^^ CLASSIFIED INTELLIGENCER Want Ad Rates 15 words for 26o. - 1 cent psr word each Insertion for more than 25 words. Three. iosertlons ot the Bama ad on consecutivo dar** for the prlco of two Insertions, If paid In ad? vance. No'ad less than 85 conte. WANTS .j , ' " .. WANTED-By a lady, room eua '.board tri private family, ctore m ?Reference exchanged. Address "C," caro The" Intelligencer. WANTED YOU TO KNOW-Thot I have Just received 30 paire Diamond Tires and windell'at theso prices; . Diamond Puncture . proof, 92,25. I The Diamond Balley Non-Si:id, fg 11.76; Diamond 400 Camden, $l.f " . Diamond i?30, $1.10;-Hunter, $1.40; The Ironclad Bateup, $2.00; Agenta Bmlih'? Motor Wheel. J. L. B^i Jones, 103. MoDufTie street. il' FOR SALE V FOR SALE-Oats, hoy.. Corno dry and Bwcot feed. Como hen omi I . chick feed, cotton , soed meal and] HntlosB ?bulle, whol?salo and re-j tall ; f?'<?>ck on hand at all. timbs. 300 bushels Lookout - Mountain seed I ri ?b potatoes and '400,000 Naneh Hall and Cawtawba" yam' potato elips-pur own .bodd^ig-at $l.f?0 per thousand. Martin Coal & Wood Co. von BALE-U few hundred bushels | select reclcshed and graded Fulghum Seed Oats sixty eight conta buahol .?worth moro for ' feed purpose Furmsa Bmlt,h, Beedsinan, Phono MISCELLANEOUS BRUNO? your meal, hull and grain sackB to us and get tho-cash for ' them. Farmers Oil. Mill, J. Tom Bolt, Manager. HAVE you; a keep , kool suit mado to your moaauro. From, tho latest pat terns ot wool orasti.. Palm Beach, drey pencil stn pos, worsteds and Mohair suitings, for $10.00 at Bolla -,'iT?toftag'C*.;-107 Vf. Earle St. Straw Hat Cleaner makes your last; : sea-: son's straw, as; bright and\hatty as ever. . Enough for i hats, i oe. ? Eno?j|h:for/ hats; . | ?Tfe? REXALL S?orV* y^??wwwiiMiiiimwir>^)?>?ii? mm ADVERTISING J. A. Ml'LLINAX starts hi? clothing 1 sale today. All mado to flt-no ft! no pay. If you don't believe tho prlco I? right go seo. 'Nothing but ii n.t. ela; s roon tailors. Trices right, conto and sec. J. A. Mulilnax, 120 West Henson street. WT) ARB now dandling some fine stall fed cattle and selling tho very best steak that money cnn buy for 20c per lb. Plenty of veal and mutton at market prlco. Chicken's dressed and alive as cheap asr you csa buy thom In tho country. Also plenty o* fish any day in the week. Your trade will bo appreciated. Give us a trial. Phono 75", Dob bins' market, opposite Tolly's. FISH, FISH, FISH!-The doctor tolls me that good fish is tho best meat to eat In spring and summer. Wo have for this week-r-dally fino Trout, Spanish Mackerel. Rod Fin . Croakers, Pop Eyed Mullo td. : BnsB, Pike and fish to suit your i ta)?tc-wholesale and retail. Wc koop, plenty of fine pork-and beef, native raised. Call 202 or cor?* tu 207 East Whltnor street and I see ' George Sanders; be Will* be ; glad to soe you. W. J. Mancas, i the Seafood Man. r ? ; . ,. ? . ? i. . AUTO N; SPRINGS-Wo . ' make Ajato [ Springs' or make' now leaves and : .put la "placo of/.broken ones-can 1 do lt promptly too. Poul E. ; St?phpns. . , ' DR. SMALL haa. loft his Komfort 8houidcr Brace and IC. H. Abdom ' loni ?Pelvic Suporta with Dr. Carter, Bleckloy.Building. EASY-Make life's walk easy by hav ing us repair your - shoes. We are not-only propared to do first class - work on short notice, but wo meet any legitimate competition when lt A comes to prices. Honest work and j best matcriais alwayn. G. E. McKee & Son, 138 .East . Whitner atxeet, ' opposite Tolly'a, BREAKFAST BA?SAQ&r-The de I mand (or our all. pork eansf^ 'ls ; keeping us very busy. They i"?e?y aro tho highest grade on the mar ket Made from, fresh pork carefully Milocted "and seasoned with Just enough freah ground herbs and pure spices to glvo that, very tin ?usual and delicious flavor dtstlnc . 'tl v?dy: Lindsay's. Phoneyour order to 694, The Lily White Market, J. N. LindLuy, Proprietor. QUICK WORK-'Phone 622 for door-1 : gia Garage for quick work. Ooo expect on Fords, and ono cs port on all, O?KJT cara and motorcycles. Ko. 108 Benth McDuffle street. Op. J. L. E. Jones Olcyclo Shop. .' ..*;?.'.'. " ? . "? ; ? . . '. '"*:.*~"11. VJ. SLABS-For a short timo I can supply yon with good, clear, thick low country clubs at 13.60 per cord, de livered. 1 will also appreciate your orders for cotton seed meal and hulls. B, N. Wyatt, Thon? 182. WALL PAPER-If lt la wai!..paps* . yon ?re looking for. we have it. A large .?tock going ot 25 per cent. below eba*., Phone 48, Guest Paint . ?ompany. : T-1 .'if-.?- . ''. FROM ? Ai M., TO 10 P. M.-Buy your Gasolins and ' Motor ORs from II. A. Caudle, tho ono arm caa man ,on th? corner next to Owl Drug Co. :JKc will appreciate your business and alway? gires the utmost In varna. H. A. Caudle. V- ? ' ? ' ?-'- . ; . DHVOE's PAINT-^hW old ?U?4 b* the oldest paint taakera in America / and the best, paint wlt&foVoeV .;. fewer gaiionp, wt^loni^Sw. h. Brisoey Lumber Co. Pig Ali ?v?a lllUlIgll Mutt V \ f WHEN A Tf?Atf\l fcf RUNS OOeR ANY ' PACT OF A HUMAN BEING, Yue RAILROAD MUST PAY PAM AC CS I STK.I see ^ THAT ! WITH C To CH MONEY TO LOAN-On both town an? farm property, from both local and out of own sources. Jno. K. Hood, Attor y. I PREPAREDNESS ls the order oj thc day now, while the Piro Insuranco Companion aro withdrawing ' from tho elate la tho time for you to have your house, barn, or out-building protected with a Burrito Metal Shingle Roof.. Of course the Initial cost is Just a trifle more than wood ahlnglos, but In the long run they are much cheaper and they are a tremendous protection against fire. Drop in and lot us chow you. No I trouble nor obligation on your part whatever. Respectfully, Jno. T. | BurrlsB & Son. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS ChUholm, Trowbridge & Su?fts DENTISTS New Theatre BoOdsoe j Vf* Whitaer Siv: Dr. Wade H. Sherard DENTIST v H 413 FourSb Floor EUeckley ?\?%. Telephone EiC .Hine?Bodies for FORD Oore HaB capacity of seven . passengers. * High grade material. Neat appearance. Reasonable prices. We also | make commercial bodies and jitneys to fit any make car. Writefor illustrations and prides. Tiie Rock Hill Buggy Co.? . Rock HUifS.C + ^ $ $ A dollar down-A dol lar a week or pay-dny. That/a the ?< Simplified Savings System way. On ly, you can~-pay ', In any amount from 10c up each week or pay day. . Your money boara inter est compound quarterly. Yours when you - need lt, Every man should Join tho Club: ? Start ' any '' tlma-^Mtf^ plc to in fifty payments. Thc Strongest Bank in the County. ?ii?e? ?eff ti C/VN'T { 4AT AU lArS YO D? ts TTIfs C ICAGO FURTHER MORG TMc RAILROAD TRIES TO SETTLG TH? CCAi/^X A? f* ^O'CKLV AS POS5I81C, ^4 FACT A GOW IN T>GN< GOT HIS TOE CUT OFF A TRAIN A?O THfJV GA' 250. AT OM ce -SPO Baseball Results NATIONAL ' At Chicago 5; Philadelphia e~. At Pittsburgh 2; Brooklyn (Ter luningB.) "Av Jlncinnati 1; New York 6. At St. Louis 5; Uoston 4. ? AMERICAN At Washington;- ll ; Chicago 4. At Uoston 4; Detroit 0. At Philadelphia I; Clovcland 5. At Nov/ York 10; St. Louis 1. SOUTHERN At Atlanta??; Nashville 0. At Atlanta 0; Nashville 1. (Second game 7 Innings bv agreement.) , At Mobile 3; . Little Rock 2. j SOUTH ATLANTIC . } At Montgomery \ 12;. Jacksouuvillo j Iii (Tcp innings. ) j At Albany 6; Charleston 7. . ' At Macon 2; Columbia 3. -At" Macon 10; Columbia 3.. (Second ! .7 Innings by agreements) At Columbus .1; Augusta 2. At Columbus 3; Augusta 2. (Sec ond 7 innings by agreement'. SKAE BANKRUPTCY Ycnizclos' Declares; Army Is Kio! Fit j to Take the Field. (Athens Dispatch to Now, York Sun.) Former Premier Vpnlzelos h?B I contributed an article-to? The Athens Herald in which he points out what he considers tho mistakes mado by | the Greek government; ' He condemns the "blustering meth ods" of Premier SkouJoudie andi states that the. army? which ho says bas worn out uniforms and boots'as well as part of tho equlpmont fur nished at tho mobilization,: could, not lako tho ?old within less than Ut.o mon l i is and then only if the entonto powers undettook" tb .furnish' the necessary "equipment. Tho . tusk of feeding tho, army,'he says, ls becc-nv: lng, dally more problematical! Tho I formor premier hjlnts that ' Greece is I on the vorge of ban\kruptoyVand says: "Whllo there ls '.only one road to I salvation, it is precisely that which j wo will not follow. '." . The article makes a strong bid for j closer relations between Greece arid j the allies ^beforo U is too late." For the Hot Synwaer ?bys try our Icy Hot Bottle. Owl Drug ASE TOR and GET .MALTED MILK. Xhasf sabetttatss ^ YOP M^prtoa. Waated "GOOD SOUND COlRN 'Phone 4822 Foot the BiD STANDING OF CLUBS Bou th Atlantic. Won Lo?jt Pct. Charleston.., .. ..21' 14 600 Augusta. ..20 14 588 Montgomery.19 15 559 Jacksonville.19 16 54.1 Columbia.18 16 529 ColumbuB.. .......15 20 429 Albany......14 21 400 Macon....12 22 383 Uouthcnjj Won Lost New Orleans..26 Nashvill'le.. .23 Atlanta.#. ..19 Cbattanooga.... ..18 Birmingham.. .... 18 Little Rock .. .. ..15 Memphis... ......12 American. - !? ... Wen Cleveland. ..22 Werrington.i ..2i Now York.. .15 Cost?n. .. . .16 Detroit.'... .. ,. ..13 Philadelphia ... . ..13 Chicago....14 St. Louis.. .... ..12 9 12 18 19 20 23 23 12 12 13 16 18 18 19 18 P. C. 743 657 514 486 474 , 395 343 - CL. 047 636 536 500 419 419 424 400 National. Won .Lost P.C. Brooklyn;. .. ..17 ' 9 .65* Phlladolphia.. .. ..18 12 600 Hoy ton... ..15 13 530 New York...15 13 .' 530 Chicago....14 16 467 St. Louts.. /. .. ..16 19 > 458 Cincinnati..- .. ....15 - 20 425 Pittsburgh.. _12 20 375 WANTED I will pay:- . For clean mixed rags Il.OO: per hundred. For clean dry bones 5oc per hundred. . For mixed iron 20c per I hundred. Good prices for rubber and metals. SAMD?SNER Manning Street, Near Blue Rldgo lee Co. '?' . Phono 671. To cook with in .the most convenient fuel ft ..? b e had!. ' y ?nd it is tho ^cheaper* too wfa?n tb? kati bli *>$ fchoaghl rad* attention & given it Try it for awhile and I?*??'! fib* ??. There. ar? nsft?y man gas fe Aader* It** jufit the ihing io beal the bat?s roon* ?r?k ' -:- -:- By BUD FISHER Otp Voo? N ?? TCAC* AND, > SUMMER FURNISHINGS Tho modern way of buying summer furnishings ie to ch-LAV tho sort that aro equally adaptable to. indoor use in winter. We h?ve largo and.complete stocks of such furnishings, as well no tho low er priced klnd.sthat are strictly for outdoor use, - ?.. It wlll-bo a pleasure to show you. G. F. TOLLY & SON / Anderson, S. C. A Graduation Gift of Jewelry 4 . ; If purchased at Marchbahk.and Babb'B wrVu * be much appreciated by the recipient, not be- . ' cause you Save' something on the price-not. because;oiiv assortment of graduation., gifts is far more groat;',' r-but him ply because our, nemo is only-associated with the best Jew- . elry made.; . ." : . .. Wo especially feature our line of Bracelet Watches, amortg thom a! Solid Gold Bracelet Watch, with' Blg|U movement at 925J0?. We havo chea pc?, on es, p? course, and high er. pricoB ones-as well' aa many other' G md nation Gifts for Boys and Girls. MARGHBANKS ?BABB North Hain Street Jewelers At tho Sign of the Big Watch Building Well, /that's us. We've got / now the BEST STOCK, AND MORE OF IT than any of tfc?,: other guys; And that'sribr, all, we haye the best and Quickest i* delivery system in this man'st?vvn W. L. BRISSEY, LUMBER rf^PBfrk We are the largest buyers of ?mW la ' *ires m Upper Carolina and jaSSm ra take advantage of all cash flffl 'H B discounts. In this way v/e f? ? J? ?;can give you better values li for the least money. T^P^ 3>5G0 MILES ?, ^ \ ' ' ? ^ *