V- V. ANDERSON, S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9,1915. ._._ Wt NUMBER 232. ^ajkioiTw?ll ^?ojuit lt self- Despite Rumors That Demands For Renewed - Domestic; Conditions in Mexico Continue Grave . ;?? Chihuahua City, Mexico, May li.' Yilla Is.al Pudenda-, Hlmbrcro, one hundred. and twenty-five miles from J Jim i ii coring his wounds, according to a report roached, hy Carranga Commandos', funeral Ramos at Juni neu* Reports : say;* Yilla ^.Tms small bands of followers at Lasaren and Sae Burnardieb near. ?Mimbrera. Withdrawal Unlikely ;|? (By Assoc%tcd ; Prcssi ) Washington;* May 24.-While no authorItatlyco forecast of. the propos als to*"&%'ma'de''by^'^'rr?nz? .in hts now noto bas reached officials-; :here the genera] feeling, despite rumors that ho? might renew his demand for tho withdrawal of American troops) ls ono of optimism.; ;it; is believed his noto will propose'a definite agree ment for cooperation between Amer ican and Mexican troops lb pursuit of 'bandits in northern Mexico. Un oficial advices have 'reflected a gVave domestic situation in ?Mex h co and lt has been' suggested that the de faste government might fear the consequences' at homo of a re cession from thc-demand for with drawal. Thejfc: '-. is np Indlcollons Jere ..that, a'r?nowal bf the .demand . pr .tho'^vithdrawiilWould moot with ecqulesenco by ,tho,Vnlte^ states. ; ST.ORffiJ COAST ARTILibEBTMAN ?EEEUBF.? BY WAl^BEFT^ (By .Associated" Press. ), . San -Antonio;;-"May 24.--General Fun fi ton's request:' for. more' coast ar tillerymen .to reinforce tho border i guard lt.-ia"nnderatobd hero, ha? -been refused by tho . war. department, al though. General; i^tnston^ refused' to confirm this report, lt waa. indi-, cated at h's headquarters that he ?o . piled to the department'? . refusal by the request for' moro militia to . strengthen tho border.patrol. Three regiments .of ; Tex,?ts militia-hi .camp here will start moving for tho' bor "oer in Brownesville and Eagle Pass! districts tomorrow. HASTINGS UNITES IN FIGHT AGAINST RIVE?S MEASURE (By Associated ' Press.) Washington, ?May . 24.-Senator Hastings,, a democrat, of Wisconsin," today Joined Ci? opposition' io ' tho | rivera and hafoors bill and gave po-; tice lie would have lt sent .back to tho commerce committee. Ho urged j that e7?n lt meritorious tho item3 in tho bill would bo laid'aside while the entire attention of congress is glvt?n to preparedness. '^BS???^fM'^'," M?.? ll6WABJ? WAS PRESENT ?tten?itM5/RrcBi??g of Managers Held la Columbia. ; Mri ; Ti;ii...-":-Hbwnrd/-." managor ol t?e ?bcal oillco of the:Western llt?lon? has returned from -.Columbia whore &e attended a meeting -of the Wes tern Union managers lu South Caro lina which %w$&rt?eid invth? jel??r?an ?adte! -on Monday- ; j-. v.: .',.-. .'.v . This* meoilnft' vms ]?lmtler. t o o then; being held throughout tho cobbity for tho; purnpSe; ofinstructing tho man . agersabd? *l?cif- oufebrdlnatet? in ;the development of; ;t?b company's new Idea of selling ie.legraniB. Tho funda mental of . this flew idea is. the uso of t)ie telegraph- instead;-at tho mails,.in mattera ?f'-*n?MUfcut$fe?'- Offers, *h :,*ttio pair.' lt is astonlsh Id?Vhow- much' .energy jcjid..ba; Wasted ! ?y?y: ?iitij;-i5?ite?',!rets.*io2i ' of facts I whichi'hav? been^ set. forth tri the, off flcial cbhlmdrilqUe. Aft ; evidence ?o? ; tho standing bf. tho pair ls Hutt;the j rule of aiumytjiity hftS 'lieen waived i by the consbr for/I>btH. Fr?ric? l? fo> : toying; f tlioir. fight ' 'for ?tipretttaey l^th':althpft; breathless Intercst.V Kp?^wn-cf it?lico C?uit-Jct Was . The number ut^^ot lights at iva ?brizo beon .WctoaaeaWh^ 8$.. tb': 3G ?meo the rcohM^tw?? .' atened W^h the ?So?therk'>Iw.lC:r- ttfiUttfls venttv *?ny\ ' wit leif bespeak*, ?m.^cts, that no?t?d- with tho sm^.?iti?? last ?Mday " ?ija^'^rm--??ofeai?ie-' .'be^iH&i'.-?ae*: of ,-.4ha>. tertai; It is a b?g iiromeni to ae istiro -wlre/Aaitd tracafbrraers. ;. 'and :' .O?t?lai^B^^?^i^?^?; MONO?. ?resident b?>t'jo ?fnn Foin "VahTOpi? B^^?^?^i?tyr*yV ?o?irt te?rrtial -of ebmjHicityVih ^ Mrs. ,11 arca vet ? orion Tells of "Dual Personality" of Confessed. Poisoner of lather-In-Lan. State Bests Case (Py Associated Press.) ; New Yorlt, . May . 21.-The slate rcf.'icd its caso iatc today in, tho trial of Dr. Arthur Warren Wairo for "the murder cf bia father-in-law, Jolin E? Peck, and tho trial v.ill be resumed tomorrow. Mrs. Margaret Morton, with whom Walto studied 'an?uagc** and . aharcd a "studio" In a rashlob ablo hotel, took thc etand today. Al though' a witnessi for thc state nlio r.ecracd hw ?i at lier caso wliua crow> examined. i?y tho defense! Dy testimony which told of Waite's "dual pcrs,on:,.lity" ahd ula uvll side wii.ch .maii'VoAi'ii itself undo-* the; form of ."tim P'^c mail of. Egypt."" Mrs. Horton Rave an inUt'ug of the orgy upon which' Waite's " lasers will proccod in their efforts to'provo Walto waa insano at tho time lie kill ed Peck. . HOLD RAILROADS CAN T i ^ BE REQUIRED* FURNISH CARS 1-WY DISTT??C?S Lieut Rockwell Killed Instantly |^^*yh?n AeropW& ,Hungea;:^? - pip p^^^^^^'^^ff^? ; (By Associated Press.) Washington, .May. 24. -The inter state to ni me rec commission today: in dismissing tho complaint of tho Flor ida Citrus exchange, of Tampa, against; railroads In Florida, held tho railroads couldn't he required to fur nish refrigerator cava regardless ot tho Ultimate^ destination of ci tm a fruit lihipmenty and tho real, necea-, sit icu of traffic. I WOMAN BEHEADED FOR THE MURDER OF THREE I . . . .. m Wife of Geitaan Farrrrer Killed; Husband, Daughter And ? " . Stepson Berlin,- May 24.-Henriette Hol stein, wi tb of a Koenigsbury farmer, waa executed hore for the triple mur der of her husband, daughter ';; and stepspb..;. She ga. theni arsenic. T^b woman waa' beheaded - with 'i bro?d?x?,*.Two women of tho Berlin underworld were convicted ofmur der and robbery ahd a third woman ip awaiting beheading. ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ffiwy .Associated Press?. ) *" M New York, May 24,-Raymond ?Roblh*. bf Chicago, waa selected tem. borary. Chairman of. tho KoUoinl Progressive cohventibh at a mee ti tin hero today of, thfr .party's extif?ttvd committee. .. Other officers , folectod rworo : C, K ; Davis; New York, ??cte tary, and, V. V. Corrlck, Nebraska* eergoaht^-arroe. '.. : k^fca??^^ . ;. >\.^?jKktia^ * *HIT OVER TUk BRA RT - Z ? BX i BA SQUALL-DEAD * ? . (By-Associated Press.) ? ? OU City.:J*aV,j Blay 24.- ? ? James D. Irwiq, aged fifteen, . ? was hSi ?T?rXtvu heart by a * "* pitched bal! bud instantly .> killed hero today. ? * * j ? Tati??th In M?xi?h Gulf (Dy'Associa?ed Press.). Pensacola,, $tayj 24.-.-Lieutenant James Vincent Rockwell, civil ongl neor In tho United! State.} navy "; in training hcre- a?/hn a'Utor, was In etarit^ killed , toddy t.jien tho navy aeroplano he. waa piloting 'dived ono hundred and fiijy ?ct into tho gulf. 1The.;niachino..-,wasr* badly damaged and omcero sold they though tho ac cident was caused ?y ? ?Tieerlnggoar ?giving way. - RoCkVoll was 39 years old and from Indiana. He expected to get ajillot lic?nsq Bhortly. Ho had a'wifc ani\chiidiren:. After ZS Years AllegedNegro Edgefleldj -v-Mw? ' 24.-Twenty-five yearsrago John c. Lon;:, a prom'oont ?former of tho Johnston section of tho county, w?abhbt-a?d InstahUy killed 'by Anthony. Ontt?r.j a negro.. Imme diately after tb;?,l?qjnichlo Cirtor fled the stnto atid.-^hi^hoiigh every mcas uro was taken id'"Viapturo him. made good lits escape^ -Sid during all . ot theso years all "itTjjU?o of him was without avail. * [J Twp; weeks agailiemy CT Kersey, forihertglS'ftt^^ and who know''C?'rtri-? met the negro in tho city " of Augusta, .whom , he said he recognized as tho Slayer of Mr. Long and had him arrested! and placed in jail, Tho friends 0-jd relatives, of Mr. Long woro notified of the arrest and ire Vc ral cltlaens pf this place and Johnston; who know, tho negro prior to tho homicide, went to Augusta for 'the purpose ?if identifying him, and all say that ho is the .man wanted. Thc negro is nar in - jail nnd main tains that he" ls not Carter. -.He has I been in Augusta for' Bcvoral months | and. according to his own statement, .has travelled all ovor tho country, hoing at ono time; in tho Ucltydj I States troop s : . Thoso acquainted with tho facts connected with thc homicide say that I tho idling wa? a deliberate one, the Weapon used hoing a shotgun.. Thc plac? of homlc.ido was then iq Edge field county, hut now in Saluda "arid tho oirtgcrs of the latter county will 'have-tho negr? returned there," where ho will probably stAnd,trlo.l for mur der.! . Censorship Of (By. Associated.Presa.) ! : Washington, May 24'.-Identical .ra^'iron'owlng tho protesta of , the United Statoa against; tho British .treatment of, nmttral .'mall? on'r'MB high Etias tvero. handed td British and JPrcuchi OTibaf^dors today by acting ?oori??ry,. Polk, bi the "state ; depart ment,.' lAfnoi n uiu ? DC iiUlSUJ S?LL UL il. Il DEMAND IN THE HG?SE Hi publicmis Join In Minority Itepbrt Attacking Narai Measure-Klnnl Vote On lilli Expected l-l nd of Next Week (By Associated Press.) W.i-.?linKlon, May '?i',-A report ex plaining thc two hundred and forty ono million dnMar naval appropria tion bill wag submitted to the house iodate by thc naval committee. ' At tho samo tim? republican members of tho commltteo joined in tho min ority report to bo presented to morrow attacking the inoasure aa in ndequnto and i domanding that con gress provide a navy ranking sec ond In tho world. ; Tho 1)111, which authorizes a build ing program next year of five :big battle cruisers, will ho taken up in tho bouse Monday or Tuesday and will reach a final voto beforo tho end of tho weok. Tho committee said its failure to pr?vido for drcad naughtr battleships, .was not due to Ita belief, that dreadnoughts aro not tho most important first, lino nhlpa, hut duo to tho fact that thc United Stalco inuit have at least fivo battle cruisers as coon as possiblo to bal ance tho fleet properly.' ANT?-?RQ\yiNG RQOSTS yT ' IS..ATLANTA'S ?LATEST ?pvKLwl Wm Insist on Pl Atlanta, May 24.-^Roosters crow ing at night aro such a disturbance to tho slumbers of the people that city council bas been petitioned to pas? an ordinance requiring all Ow ners dr., roosters - to, install '. autlrcroW; IjjiB ..robots. ' And . what, in an antl-crowlng rooai?r roost? . :.,-! i' An' antl-crpwlng rooster . roost, GCntlo Rcador," is :'a contrivance in-, vented in tho-city o? Boston, whero tho American! intellect is- supposed t? havo - reached ' Its finest : perfection 4t-and used : there, for many yearo in accordance with a city ordinance; ',t? . A rooster cannot crew ???W?^* bo Hits lita head and flaps hie whigs. Therefore, if. you put him on a roost With a plank above his head; bo will Ai Ibero quietly all . night and tho. people can sleop without ..dfolur-, t&nce. ' Inasmuch as the city council of At lanta believes In; being strictly up^to-' dato In ?ll thing's, tho r?ostefd of t^lB city had better do.' their crowing! white Uto crowing*8 good* . . > ;>v>| q^?;JpS5^^^A??;4fe; A VISITOR YESTERPAX iee? Pastor, The !ntciUgeflccr> .*;' . i.;i^'?ev<^ii^fii Wallace, paator of tho SoUcca Presbyterian cht?rc?&#i? jt?ttong tho v^ltoratrem that ptat?e itt ??ndefsdn yesterday to ,ibo . -"The Birth bf a Katlob." Mr. Wallace is areKiirihtcliigepfcer's. news correspon dent al Seneca ?nd in. responsible Sr many live items of Interest eom , ^.trd?h tb?t towh. ; Mr, Wallace, sb ho cori?bi??d Is pi m j PRETTIEST GIRL WEDS | ? .' Mrs. "Winnie* Bli edi? a. .', Broadway wad. startled Hie otlu day. pt learn.; that Miss Kay Laurel pnq pt tho prettiest ?trw; tho thqatr cat werie -lift's over produced, lu married'' in Loudon Winfield R. t?ho bim,''manager of tho Fox Filar'co porat iou and former'secretary'-Pf'tl New York police department. . Bro? woy did not even know p?pu?i "Winnie" Sheehan was moro, than i acquaintance, of tho scanty. Ma: artists have sajd Mrs. Shoehan wi tho ;must beautiful. R.fl they ha seen. For throe years- they ha yied to paint her. portrait. CLAIIVTKJLGALLON l^l^^&iSSi (By Associated Press.) London. May 24.-The British a thoritles have announced, that. John Kilgallon, of. Far rockaway,. Now Yoi Seventeen1 years old, a student lp ? Edtia's colic?o ttt Dublin' was, i rested tho day ?tho revolt storied: tho act ot hearing arms. Tho. iii of KilgftHen's trial wan not rOvoali Hp ia a prisoner at Stafford, Br land.' Tho American ?ml?aos/y, the solicitation ot ^ gallons paroi in the llnllod States;'v caused -A British authorities' to ' gtvo tho fa in tho caso. ^?$M$?!?? PRESIDENT GOES T?N?W Y0?? ?TT?D WEDDIN Dr. Ginyson and Miss Alice Gi don Ar? MT?rrfcd Washington, ; May 24-the pii dent and Mrs : ? Wi)son left at .t,i morning ??r New York to attend . ';w*ddlug of - Dr. .Carey,. r. ^Orfty? Ut? president's, nftval aldo and; ph; c?aii?', ?W. Miss Alice V^|M>^ dbhr' They w?ror'/??conipaftl^d'? Holeh; .Woodrow ' Bones., . tho \. pr ff?lUt\(t ::^^lng.^O'.^ltt>d^^^ ,'WhUo House. ? I^TTSWBB '. ii?S?/?r5wS^'V??^M'. ' ?tia^uC May .?^l^How I?U^I d ago 1?ia* ; man ehUUed to. rfflf? lah? fa '>&$Wit?mW#^ his sweetjioart, and p?rts hlms?ti [^?ythat^p t?'pwiged t?mt? thla^^W*^^???' of the t? Utal?ed ?ipeiftch?>. and. he is ;m Heavy infantry Attack Results in This Point Being Again Lost By French-Italians Driv en Across Border, But Attempt to Hold Forti fied tine Heavy German infantry attachs havo brought utoitt lin recapture ul ?Fort.Douautuont northeast of Verdun, thc/position ivipturni by the cior tnana Febrnary. 2DiU, ami takon by . be Kreuel? a -few days ugo. Tho (French, however.' continue lo hohl Ibo lnii?edlat?: approach' to Fort ;Douaumont and. bavo recaptured tho German tronchen near Cuntiere:; vil lage, which hacY teen occupied by tho Uurmaua in lato flGhtlng. From Lako Garda region to Siina na Vailoy, thc Austrians aro contin uing tboir offensive, agalnat tho', Italians. Driven 'across thc border oouthcast of Trent tho Italian;- aro ! endeavoring to bold a fortified Uno from Aalago to'Arsloro. :-JROiuc ad mits that retreating Italians: destroy- . ed artillery that it was impossible to withdraw. Aa a. outgrowth of recent penco talk, Slr Edward. Groy dccJaTed in tho houso of cumuioiis that tho. timo was not ripe for peaco. Ho. said the allies, must walt until tho.: stago of war in reached'.whore tho pros pect of, maintaining enduring poded would be .with tho allies'., ' i THE INNES CASE Atlanta,. O^.., "^lBliy; ,?fff?~Tho; Wm-;'' ' ' om Innes caso, according,, to 4oc;al politicians,'will likely provo a'-boom- ' ereng to Solicitor General'Hugh M. Dorsey's ambition. Tho casa was lo be tho . piece do resistance, for tho . solicitor. On account of ii, and it is; / its attendant sensational, fe?i?rca, ho retained his ofi?ce, while prV ^-cuting bia campaign for governor. ' lt now appears by the admission of tho aollciunv. that, bo received feo from Mrs. Nolmg Of ??Of) for tho puri'to'jo of ox?radltlng ,.tho" inncu. Thl?.'iB, of ?ourse, on tho.lndlctraopt now pending and for whb;h tho In nesca aro about to bo plated on trial. . Counsel for tho Inngsses have nlado ? .motion', to quash tho'.'indictment ?Slid' disqualify tho solicitor.: for tak ing tho fee. Under a recent decis ion o? tho ap?polato courts, thai coutrt keafflrraod."? what- hid always been. tho. law,' that a st?to'o'attorney must bo impartial and not influenc ed, except hy. a desire to do Justice ; to. the i> ubi le alone, Tho developments In connection.: with tho solicitor receiving a feo havo boen tho talk of legal circled all day. .This Janog, wi^b M,v.: DorKoy'u atforneyshlp for the,;Louisville& Nashville railroad is exp?ctod .', to have a very decided effect 'On Mr. Dorsey's candidacy ; for governor. ;Th6 $Mt>;'already' paid by Mrs./ ffielms 'tot Solicitor Darsey ls -only eri&hnlf Of tho feo wlilch tho nollci-. toT- charged tho .widowed mother for securing thf. extradition, ol Victor in n?? ?md wita front : Texas to Geor gia. -.'Mt* Dorsey's ,.laU-. -fe? wau ,?l,-v ??lO. i Gue-half o? .bi? wa? Paid vjien he-secured the decision' by tba ': United State ; auprcme; court under' .which. tut*.Tuneases were, extradited, dad tho. other half is .still to bo ?aid tts soon as Mro.UT?elm? eau raise tho monoy; tfesT cAsTtkoiiiim?N K?W;?-?H STATE ?5EORG!A^ i .fl?acon,:'?t May- 24;-rFec?or^? J?dgo ^ry Sfcc?r. '^{iy.M.i^: thr?a*; Wdge*.miist beor! the'eas?v Involving' ?nimncra iaw. ... nc.wvyoi)w?m!?.,j. ? that the i?w 'tiV^;?nty-'-reJb????''.: tWr.but;.violates the fourteenth; mrtmont, . ;'p?|? .' . . i(o* $?r1t>t:0tt?#,v:::-,^^^ .r^#.,vf'?^M*y,j;24^f>ttl?tt, opened;: , months ruled 3 to M higher towart'!; itcrcasod abd prices receded 6.5 to .ll ? but weatherVffehort. and ant^v buy-; ,