The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, May 18, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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GLOBING EXERCISES WILL BE HELD TOMORROW EVENING IN ANDERSON THEATRE THE RECEPTION Pupils Of Ninth Grade To Ente tain Those Of 10th and 11th Grades This Evening Owing to the fact that tho "Birth] nf n Nutlon" Is here on Monday even ing, the Hosing exercise!! of the An derson high school have b?'<jn cfmiiB cd from Monduy evening to Friday j evening, when these will he held in? the Anderson theatre. Tho schools | have hud a most successful your, and i hm h the teachers and the pupils are j gttiil to get through with their work, Tiie exercise! begin at ?s:3o ?'oloc? ? und thu baccalaureate address will bo delivered by Prof. J. W. Thomp son of Winthrop college. Immediate ly afterward the certificates will bs| delivered. The graduating class ls conposed of tho following: Misses Clara Bur dine. Hasal Pruitt, Claudia Martin, Caro and Idelle Gem*, Mary McCants, Lake McSwutn, Ruby PjUBBell, Ethel Johnson, Myrtlo Holt and .Messrs. Jack Cooley and Ma/tln Neely. This evening the pupils of the I ninth grade will give a reception to | Iho pupils of the tenth r.nd ele.ont? f grn'det- in the Wost, Morkut sheet school building. SSI5TI? S?. AGENT WILL VISIT SCHOOLS Mrs. Dora Dee. Walker and Mis?! Lillian Snelgrove To Give Demonstrations . Mrs. Dora Dee Walker, assistant stato agent In home demonstration work, will arrive in Anderson to night to spend a fow days with Mis? | Lillian Snelgrove, the local agent. During her stay here Mrs. Wulkerl will wltiii Miss 8nelgrovo visit | schools in the county /js follows: White Plains, Friday 10 a. m. Oreen Pond, Friday 3;30 p. m. Huntor's Springs, Friday night. Cheddar, Saturday, 3:30 p. m. . Canning and fireless cooker de monstrations will be given. Thc] public is cordially Invited to at tend. .TWO FIRE ALARMS One on Hoed Street and Other ntl Tate's Hardware Store. Too tire department was kept ra ther thj early part of yeater-j day-.afternoon. About 2:30 au alarm | wu?,Hont in from Reed street., where j thu roof on a house had caught fire. The damage was slight, About 3:46 Mr. John Tate's Hard ware storo caught fire arid another alarm w;>s burned in. After the de partment reached the, econe lt was considered advisable to use the chem ical apparatus. However, 'before y'.i??; co-aid be put Into operation, a bucket brigade had shout put the blass .out. The fire originated near tho roof on'tho second floor and the damage ts estimated at about SKO. Bjrors Agricultural Club. Tho Byora Agricultural club will mon nt t'entervlllo school house Friday at 8 o'clock. Interesting dis cussions of various subjects will be made by Prof. Shields of Clemson College, Miss Lillian Snelgrove, Mrs. .Doro: Dee;/Wsiltor and.others. Every man interested in agriculture is in vited to ba-present, whether he he a member or "not . . .mUui ? ?ni i ??? II m m. TODAY :M? JUDGE NOT i Reel Feature THE STRANGE CASE OF MARY ,. PAGE . . Aw Ute Mcfauls* Edwards Tr% The serial plctbr?-fr?n Claw rout ur I ng Pearl Whit* -Saturday. j..i>il*. ...rrj, nf > fiT rT i,iky. | Tl I.O.Vn I ?1 BIJOU THEATRE ?J? ' V,;; ?'? ." ' '-. -.' . - ? i^ff? TOP A Y Florence RocL'ficl? ?|fc In '. ,"" ^?bDY AND SOUL" iaaip 'Phos-ei?Q : . lill' Sick Man Leaps Out A Window; Negro Held Arm _ Four Men Required To Pull Hos pital Patient Back Into Room Attracted by a peculiar sound, as one moaning In terrible pain,' u re sident of the hospital vicinity, early yesterday morning, steeped into bis backyard and upon -gazing toward the hospital saw the form of u man dangling from a second story window on tb? ...;rih aide of the building. He ruBhed Into the building at a side entrance and Into the room front which the sounds were issuing. There bo saw that a patient had leaped through1 the window pane ami was dangling perilously on the outside, with a negro orderly swing ing determinedly to tho min's- arm. He inmediately went to tho negro's assistance "but their combined effort'; were Insufficient to pull the mah back through the window, aa he welg.'ma something Uko mo. pounds. The clamor attracted the attention of a second negro orderly, but the man WUB not extracted from the window until another white man passed by, and seeing tho situation went to the rescue. When the fourth man arrived on the scene he raised the window, al lowing the rescuers to get O firm hold on tin: man, and In this1 man ner ho was pulled Into the room. . Information from the hospital last night WOB (Oaf the man was none tho worse for his experience. His name was withheld, also tho circumstances surrounding the Incident. As the negro ordorly was holding tho man through tho broken window, pane, it would seem that he must have attempted to leap through fte window, and tho negro seeing, his Intention grappled with him, but too late to prevent tho mau jumping through the glass. The combined efforts of tho four mea woro necessary to drag the pa tient back into tho room, ns he kicked and scrambled frantically all the w".i I le. COURT WILL ADJOURN SOMETI! DURING ODY I . ? ?' ' WYLIE BERRY CASE IS BEING TRIED FOR SECOND TIME WAS C9NTINUED Troy Teague Will Not Be Tried This Term, Case Being Con tinued By Consent __ All of. tho coses which can be tried at this term of court ot general ses sions, having been about completed, and the docket being cleared, the court will adjourn Borne time during the day 'after being In session since last Monday one week ago. Yesterday morning when court convened for the day the case of Prank Young, indicted for forgery, was continued. He was found guilty on two counts. He was sentenced to one year in the state penitentiary at Buch labor as he might be able to perform. Yesterday afternoon tho case of Wylie Berry, Indicted tor house breaking and. larceny,And wW-jh was tried last week and resulted in a mistrial, was called for another trial This ease-will be finished .during the morning. j The case of Troy Teague, who is. to bo tried for the murder of Vascoe Rose, will not come up at this session since .the killing occurred since court convened and by general con sent the case has been continued . SMALL BLAZE BURNS A . HOLE IN HO? EL FLOOR Fire Department Called Out Late A defective wiro running along the pat try adjoining the kitchen ot th? Cajuela, hotel caused a small blaze last nigh* which burned through tho. floor bef?i? the tire department reached the scene. .Tito alarm was sept In about 11:40. The damage was of no consequence. j . SBW 8CIf00t .BUIMHNO IK . fleing Erected rt Fairview ta fast Y Work . on tho now school building st * airview ia p^greisrng nicely and lt will be completed tn a few weeks. This .building le being erected at an approximate coat ot $3,250 aaa will have three rooms and auditorium, the latter hoing en tfce second? flocrji ?. i"~~?-l-l. - ..;,-W.V ;. 'V . . ' Stat* Superintendent. ... Mr. J. E. Swearlngen, state su perintendent of education, will '< be among the Speakern at tifo ?. White Plains school closing arid big p?cale ^n Priflay; ; ; W.--. , At .Fart HM. . ;Th* TCa^r. >m.-r.Q'^tOt^^--mVli gp to Fort MJ li oh Saturday where he' will on . Sunday be the guest of the .Rev. JR. Z. James and whare, he fit >to deWvor a sermbn.: / - ? ATTRACTED HUNDREDS PEOPLE PASSED THROUGH ANDERSON YESTERDAY EN ROUTE HOME WAS GREAT MEET And From Reports Several States Were Represented-Is Against State Laws IT reports be ttue, Tbankery was wrong when he auld: "My lord would ride twenty ml'.-"'.to ?oe a main fought," for many of those who gathered at a well known sta tion on the C. & W. C. on Tuesdiy traveled more than "twenty miles." Karly yesterday morning nome of thc business men of Anderson were attracted by an automobile that had a York courtly '?umber on it. S?.i'u of tiiie men who gathered around be gan to think that they had met up with a fishing party and that if they talked in tho right way, they might be? given a meBs of fresh fish. How ever, their hope? ware aoon shatter ed, for a game rooster, one wtoich perhaps bad! been successful in the fight, began to crow, and the by standers then discovered that it wa? not ;f?Hh In tho bags along the run ning board ot tho car but gamecocks. "Where was the cock fight?" was a question asked one of the men In the automobile. ", it wns down at a station sev eral miles below Anderson," was t'.'.e reply. "Many people there?" waa the next Question. "About 400 I believe," was- the an swer, "many of them coming from distant states. There were a few from Texas. You see we had a kind nf Int?FBt??e cock fight at this main, and there woro people from oil ovor tho country. The cocks were put tn a pit and they did some manly fight ing. I forget now whtcli state won, but I do know that some very vnlua abU,. fighting cocks were killed." "How about D'w> sheriff of that par ticular county, was he there?" "No, but there were plenty others there,' replied the visitor. Judging from the accounts of visi tors from stations below Anderson yesterday that was some cock fight pulled off between here and Augusta Tuesday. The visitors stated that people had been passing their house mr two days previous to the flgVH. some in automobiles, some tn buggies and some walking. They stated that the people seemed to be having the time of their lives, and that thero was much hilarity. Several years ago the state legisla ture passed an act making it unlaw ful for cock fights to be held in South Carolina, and doubtless someone was not on the Job on Tuesday, else some 'ttalng would have been done with those who were so instrumental in having'the fight pulled, off. DISTRICT CONFERENCE Proceedings of Heating Held in Pen dleton Last Week. The eleventh session of tie Ander son District Conference was held from .May Q-U In the- fine, historic old town of Pendleton'. About sixty ministers and delegates were presen t. Under the leadership of our efficient presiding 'elder, all ot the interesas, local and conneetidnol were carefully looked after. We heard gladly Pro fessor Edwards of Lander, Brother F. H., Shuter, represented Emory Uni versity, Brother W. C..Owen oStour field Sunday school secretary and Brother H- Z. Nabers of tba Ep worth Orphanage, Prof. . W. S. Morrison, by. request gave us i val uable paper on Francis Asbur/'. R's publication In The Advocate re quested, " The following wore elected dolegates to tho annual conference: J. B. Humbert, W; M. Oren-: shaw, G. S. "Guodglon and F. A. Dickson, with W. T, McGill and W. S. "Morrison as alternates. J. L. Stokes, B, M. Robertsori; J. M. eteo'tman and G. S. Goodglon were elected the licensing committee. G. S. Goodglon was elected lay leader, Westminster Was chosen aa tho next place of meeting. A resolution recommending the ow nership ot The Southon? Christian Adv?cate by the conferences ot waft state'"wa* offered ? hy Professor Mor rison and adopted.-J. .L.' Stokes, secretary., in Southern Christian? Ad vocate. "WtXTHBOP SinMBSR ^HODt Hany Teaekera In County PrepWlsg to Attend. ?iv A great. many of i the teachers In the county ara interested In s^(th* teachers summer school at Winthrop witton Vbeglns on June IS? ? and aw?al ready making their plana to attend. B?hk ExWnlnwra ,.; MesBra. I, M. Maaldta* Jas, Craig and Bruce, 'itato bank.' examiners, at' tenden-tba bankers' meeting laJ?An deraon Tn^ao&y^ an?c^p?&t>yesteWay In cheeking.the banka of Anderson. They will complete their bu.8lnes?;to day.: %a '?ii ' m " catiar Bon? Brake*. Visitors to Uta city yeaterdayfjttfc ed that Mr. Charlie Brown" of Barnes hid his collar boab broket- on San aa? afternoon when.his horca b<fcatae rrlgatanad aaa ran. away, terning) if t? v Notfiirig'batten for *Wa|t? graduate tfeenN<a?na!ly V ?nc tvfo or^hrefr lb. boss of candy. Owl L Ll MEX IQ COLUMBIA WILL INVITE MEN TO MEET] IN ANDERSON NEXT YEAR ONE QUESTION 'That Is To Come Before Fire In-1 surance Men This Year Is Present Situation Messrs. Willett P. Sloan, W. D. Mclisan und Q. Prank Johnson will attend the annual meeting of thei .South Carolina Underwriters asso elation which convenes In Columbi? tomorrow morning. This meeting is a very important one and rroin all indications will bo the nest attend ed of any meeting of the association ever held. One of ?the most important discussions to come up nt inls session will be that concerning the present insurance conditions in South Caro lina. An effort will bo made to have the next annual meeting of tho fire insurance mon held in Anderson and the Anderson men will present n very urgent invitation on behalf of the local association. Mr. Willett P. Sloan Is a member of the executive committee. CRC S BO?DS SCHOOL VOTED ON SIX MULLS I RECENTLY FORMED DISTRICT TAKES BIG STEP FORWARD NEW SCHOOL HOUSE I Is To Be Built And Sum of $5,000 Will Be Expended-Cash Will Bo Raised Mr. J. B. Felton, county superin tendent of education, yesterday an nounced that on Tuesday Cross Roads school district voted on six special mills for school purposes, the vote being 17 to 0 in favor ot the .levy. Thu district was recently formed and a decision ot tjio coimty bourel sus tained by the state 'board of educa tion. The sebo o ol .patrons'.in Cross Roads district have decided <to build a new and modern school and lt ls said $?v OOO will be expended. The plan? have not yet. been finished. Thia money will be raised by subscription, and ?t ta said there will be no trou bio in getting the large amount sub scribed. . Hf): Children's'" Da>. Childrens1 day will, he observed at the Townvlll? (Methodist church May 21, at 10 a. m., beginning with the children's day program - followed by A. H. Dagnhl and !8. A. Burns, speakers. . Aleen Nicholson, For Committee. y-g Mr. Sharp* HI. Mr . Will Sharpe , of Honca Path was taken to ColunVbffo.?n Tuesday and it was reported yesterday that his condition was s?rlous. Nothing better for the tweet girl graduate Utan N?nna?ly*s, one two or three lb. box bf candy. Ow! Drag: Co. ? ? '. -:r\ lilli i' i l ' i ajjaSj U ijg i ll nain fr mi pi ^4 1 O? We have 2 paints from \ course, we ai economical I Let Us I Now Furnishin Mrs. J. G. Ducworth 3 Mrs. J. Walter Dickson M Townsend Cotton Mill J. D. J. M. Craig A Allaya Af j Home Raised Nancy Hall and Porto Rico POTATO SLIPS $1.50 per 1,000 Faofs Book Store GOOD SOUND %; CORN 'Phone 462? \ B. F. JOHNSON i 1 We are ? FCONOMIZJS a ur i good many customers who not only buy their js but insist that we do their painting which, of re glad to do-and can do in the best and most manner. Figura With You on Paints For All Purposes g Paint For The Following Parties in the City and County: . B. Allen J. B. McDaniel Irs. J. T. Erskine G. P. Pettigrew R. Garrison ' H. M. Hix . D. Keyser W. M. McAllister Miss Lola Chambliss S. M. Smith M. A, Hunn.!Mitt Ithoma McPhail Lumber Co s267 let the Job fl ami 5 ': ?X%^?7$$W}?" Regidar 25c Value For 25c Royal Cst?de Soap A high class Toilet Soap. Try one cat? anyway,, you'll like it than: ''sis: cakes to o?e Iiersoa. r' : ? } ? . ; .... It ature''^ '(:..** ;../.. vr>'" ?.''.y. ?: . "-'-rr- f i ftiiifjiiiiiji i' i " i H i J aw?^w^afyi m II' ililli )ii*n ??? ? ii.?'''?^SB?'^^.mimi ^ amnion'--,k . "fr:;|r*!j>pE..N- TRQ U Bb,? .' '.??jij >:f||x--:' ' ff?eausb-yo^ ; necessarily follow that they* are SOUND. HIDDEN TftQI)Bi43 may | BEPOltE; lt *mo* *?J?htfc !*h? fe?lt ?en?si etui detect thesbtl & ? Placas and PREVENT discoloration --agf fosease,! :. ?o ?i Mit ?v)& a year lo your Oentl?t, and haye your teeth examined. , v , JffiS^ Ifaj? .i -, - ia???** ?M? mmm * Win?Ml?r?tfh". ? ^?M 'vm'?: