The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, May 09, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MUTT AND JE OPT***, Y?? TN ACT <-'Ne THC VIN ?TG D S*TA.TUb> AiHD M A S COM 6 AS VjuC AR? 0*: S??e of* twa.-t Ar SM^e. BUT--'_ Want Ad Rates ?5 Word? for 2?e, ,. cent per word each Insertion for more than 25 words. % Tur?fij Jn??rUonn of the eame ad pa, consecutive days for the prlco of two insertions, if paid la ad &Q auTleaa than ?3 fl?at?; , FOR SALE FOR SALE?New No. 9 Oliver Type writer.: ?00.00. . No.. B*s $25.00 &j $36.00, No. 6 Underwood In fino con dition $80.00. Neostyle Duplicating I MrSfimo ??re.??. ,0.. C. pr.rgnn, ' Hub-.] lir.rd Jlldg,, Ahderao?, C. Wftr SALE^Pure; New Brn'' :'P???l The .{"% ?!. builder of thinv lands,] Bture?s? Tanlac,- , ?<* to speakv, M. . !oanf.'Phono 625: FOR SALE?Lunch Wagon,; license, \ ; hxturoa; $35.00. -.Apply?;t? Adolph ; : f?, i 10 Manhln? \ Street. FOR i?.\LB~~Or tvdds. one ,!.rH?--'d,, i ? horse power gasoline englue ai?u??.??d. ' Apply to at. It.. MUeui, Sandy Springs, S. C. SALb4<A few hundred burii?U eoleot rbc?eaheil and graded Fa?gbum Seed Oab e>htiy eight, cento, bushel ?r-waria mord - for feed pur. *wa. .-. Fnnoaa- Snith, Seedsman,Phone ' DR. SMALL has left his Komfort] Snou?dor Braco end K, II. Abdom inal Pelvic Supbrts with Dr. Carter, | Biec?iley Bullding. fiWSCSLLANE?US FARM FOR SALE NEAR WALHAL ; LA. S; C?-Nine hundrod nerds, y two:uillcs of Walhalla Six tenant 'houses, one .hundred acres or , ':br?hch and creek bottom, oho huh : dr?d and twenty: acres of ?p-la?d ;' in cultivation. ?')0 acrea la pas ture. Sow? ' .?rae'' and:. '<fek timber. Well suited to stock raising-, Prlco $15.00 per acre, one-third cash, .-' balance .to suit purchaser. P'or in fohiiatibhNwrite B. R.. Moss, Wal halla, S. G. Yqu very "se?dom hear 'this when calling our drug store. ':We realized that you often : want drugs in a hurry and had two telephones put in.' : Just step to the 'phone and call 522 or 528 and we'll take good, care of your ... wants; i:;$?Si IFF?TLings cat LOQK AND LISTEN?'Mr. C. E. San ders 1b with -tho W.j. ManeBS meat . market sell you all the fresh meats and fish. Mr. Sanders will he glad to have: his many at 207 East Whltnor street and get their wants' supplied, v/o will have o full nupply of Mullett, Red Pin Crokors, Bass, Pike and SpanlBh Mackerel al the time. Phone 202, the Sea Food Man, W. J. Manees. . A FEW MORE White Rotary Machines at $28.00. Don't miss this oppor tunity. One spring vagon with cop, i good aa now; one.Maxwell a?tomo - bile, first class shape. Bargains and will bo sold at onco. j. a, Mul linax, 12G-12S Went Benson Street POTATO: S'-'IBS?I am guaranteed the doltvory of my planta this soa . son,! therefore 1 guarantee to .. de liver thorn to you on the dato you want them.' It will pay you to see ?! me ' bofore sending your mony off. R. F. Sassard, ' 213 - South Main street WE ARB handling - some of tho finest, choicer^ beef, pork, veal, mutton, cured .meatavofr all); Hlpds,' country otyle pork Eausngo, mixed sausage, and plenty of dressed chickens, at vory lowest prices. ' Come. around, ' or telephone" us. Your trade will ho 'appreciated and . we promise prompt delivery. Dobbins Market, Phono 755. Mako: life's walk'easy by hav ing us repair your akoco. Wo are ^ hot only prepared to do first class ! 'work on. short notice,'but wo moot j any legitimate .competition when It comes to prlcoa. Honest work and 'best materials always. Q. El'McKee & Son, 1^2 JSaat Whitner street opposite Tolly'b. BREAKFAST 8AUSA0E?Tha de mand for our all pork sausage Id . keeping us very busy. Thoy surely arc tho.highest grade on the mar ket Made from fresb pork carefully selected 'aad seasoned 'with , Just enough. fresh ground . herbs and pure apices. to give that Tory un usual and delicious, flavor dl?tlac tlvoly Lindsay's. Phone your order to 69*. The Lily Whlto Market, J. N. Lindsay, Proprietor. HIDES?Bring' them to .mo. if yon want beat prlcoa. I buy and sail more hides than any other dealer la this section of the state. All .hides bought by me are shipped with ab bsloir hides and command better prices; therefore I can and do pay better prices. Bring them to.Wtlli ford'a Corner. .R. D. - Henderson. 11U?OY WHEELS?Wc have a good supply -?r-Buggy wheels; spindles and boxes', that, we c?n<fIt o'l,. ?ny time. Wheels run in hot oil and spindles set just right to pull true: Paul E, Stephens. WALL PAPER~rIt It la wall pape* you are looking for. we have It. ? large stock going at 25 per cent, below cost Phono 48,- Ouest Paint Company. ' -, DHJVOE'S P?1NT?The old staricl by, th? eldest paint makers in Ainerfaa and the best. Paint with DeVoa'a, fewer galions.^weara longer. W. L. ?Brlssey Lumber Co.-. . , '. WB f?2 per tea ?or cotton eced, and giving 1 ton . cob* tea seed me?l and U 00 cash tor ton Of seed, Selling coal at $5.09 acd 15.50 per ton. Cabbage plants v ?100 par M. Marttfc,. Coal & Weod Company. FROM 7 A.^ ?S., TO ?0 P. M.--Bay your Gasc^no and Motor Oils tsroxa M, A. C?^i^'the.'Otta'aj?^^ga?'iia?a '$iW: fte corner nest to Owl Dreg Co. Ho will a?$tae!aU> ya?r; Hbtwto?a? and always sivea> the atmott. in value. fL A. Ca?dle. j SLABS?Fe-;? ? shert tim e t caa eup??y 5 ; you with goad, clear, thick Tfciw fSI^Mfitry alaba at S3.50 par coriS^*** t ; livered. I wHt;ai?b ??fc?e??*\$&t j. orrlira for ootten seed meal and ' hulls. B. N. Wyait i 'Pboaa ifi?. ft be so bad a PREPAREDNESS Is the order of the day now, white the Fire Insurance Companies are withdrawing. from the state Is the time tor yon to have your house, barn, or out-bulldlug protected with' a Burriss Metal Shingle Roof. Of course the initial cost 1b Just a trifle more than wood shingles, but in the long run they - are much cheaper, and they are a tremendous protection against fire. Drop tn and let os sbw y dm No trouble nor obligation <n your part whntever.. Respectfully, Jno. T. Burriss & Son. QUICK WORK?'Phono 822 for Qeor Vgia Garage for quick work. Quo expert on Fords, and one expert *m all other cars and motorcycles. No. 108 South McDaffie atreet. Op. J. L. E. Jon?a ?lcyclo Shop. FOR RENT FOR RENT?Five room houso on I Crayton street. . Has water and! lights and* rents reasonable. Ap-* ply to -J'. ,T. Black, Boulevard. FOR RENT?Five room apartment near square. All conveniences. Cheap to prompt paying tenant, Mt W. Sloan. 'Phono S25. . - 'AVANTED'lV'?tl'' TO' KNOW^Thatyjf; . bavo just received 30 poire Diamond' Tlro? and will sell 6t these.prices: Diamond Puncturo proof. $2,25.; Tho Diamond Bailoy Non-Skld, ; $1.75 ; Diamond 400 CamdonV $1. > Diamond 1930, fl.lO; H?nter, $M0; Th? Ironclad Barcup, $2.00, Agents - Smith's Motor Wheel. J. I.. R.. Jfonos, 102 McDufBo street, "TIZ" PUTS JOY IN ; ; SQBE^ AQH1N6 FEET f*My, how ?Tis* gladdens tired; ?v/oHen, burning ??et-? It's glorious I" AhiSwht?': relief. No more tlrod ioat: ;no more burning feet; no more swollen, aching,,tender,> aweaty, feet: No more soreness in corns, callouses. bpnio:t&. Na? matter what ails your feet or what under'tho sun you've tried with out; getting relief, just use ' VTlz.": ''Tis*' ; is the only remedy th/it drawn but ail the . ; poisonous oxudatJooS;! which puff up the feet. VTi*" cures, your? foot trouble .sor. you'll never limp or-draw up.your.-.face in pain. Your, sij??ea won't Seem tight and yonr feet will never, never hurt or ;.tg?t sore and .swollen. Think of it, no more foot misery, no more ngony frtj'ih corns, callouses or bunions. .<?et. a 25-cent bos at any drug store or department store and ' get instant relief. .Wear smaller shoes; JusV. onco try "Tis". . jdjet a whole, year's foot comfort tor only 251 cents. Think of it. s IM Baseball Results At Chlcapb ?;. PitUbureh 1. At Chicago^Pittsburgh; 6. At- New rY?rk 2; Boston 6. At Brooklyn 2; Philadelphia , p. ; jNo other'gameB echedvved.) . AMERICAN. At Clcvoluad 3 ; Detroit 1 v At Boaton Of New Y?rjk ' 4. At Philadelphia-'^ '/ Washington 2. (No others scheduled.) . SOmWERN At Atlanta 4; . Chattanooga ?t. At New Orleans 8; Little Jtbck ?. At Birmingham, 4; Nashville 3V: 'At Mobile . 4; Moruphls 8. U At {^U^riSesio^ ;: . .At.^Jicksohville 13; Macicm 1. ?t.VAqgi?rta. ,8; . Columbus 2. At Montgomei-y ?; Columbia 14. 2. At-Macon, Ga.$ Florida STANPIN&*>ECLUBS Kouth Atlantic, t:!i:<rlr.,l<)i!. ? Montgomery. Jacksonville. Auguata... Columbia?.. Albany. Columbia., Mncou.. .. Nashville.. . New Orleans BirmingTurav Atlanta:,... Chattanooga. Memphis.;.. Little J?pck... Mobile. U Southern. Cleveland,. Washington . New York;. Detroit. Boston....... mo Detroit . rj Chicago- .... .. Hi Fi., louis.... . 7 .rhitedelphia.. ,u .. ? American; ^neiUPfeM. ; 7; Phil?detphla.. I&'t. Louis.. .', 'Pittsburgh.. '; p^r^orlf, P.C. in . *M "660 " ?501 ! 500 ! ?4 420 ?3S' New ttgritfttifti-'' ; Open High Low |$tyv. ....... . .1244^2.8R. is.?s ,oet. ;...,v .-mttmw is** #r'<. ? - >UM '18.04 ??^yo>k spots. . . ?ifvcrpa?? garnet, j *****.t Ctowi flSEBfltl GA?S Hi CAROLINA AND CLEMSON TO MEET ON CATER ?THLE- i TIC FIELD BIG ATTENDANCE is Epecial?y Desired and Evente Will Pc Adverted With .?ad?i Object in View. ' Baseball fans are looking .forward: to Friday and Saturday et this week when games will ' be' played i on thai Cater, Athletic Hold between-Jplomson. and ' South 'Carolina s-friVerslty.; These games! h?ve been scheduled to bo played in Anderson for, the past; several months. They will ba callod' promptly at 4 o'clock, and admission f?e "will bo 25..cerits. ' The'gome, on Friday afternoon^ w.illj be . attended .by practically, nil: . or the cadebs at Clemson it is said. This alone adds a gjisat deal of interest to this game. . Both of theso games are under the' supervision , of the secretary of. the] chamber, of commerce^ and bo stated'.' yesterday morning , that ho was going* to have them advertised ail ovor this; Section of. .the. state. They, are play-^ r/j hero inuler - a guarantee/ is ne'cQssary.?*o ^eciiro good. attendance..1 Both Carolina ' and CJem'sdn have! many Supporters In thja secUbp of' the Bt4^t^^^^|:;. .These :two contests ought to. -boj splendid game's," oinco tho teinte are ivH'd to bo about, eijually mst^u'ed. : In "Fig" Newton .Carol I pa ;bas brie .off tho best college pitchers in Oi?^^pwftnl this sodaoUV - :Hf> has 'bean '..the pitch er when:his team d?fea'te?ls?r?e ?t\ the strongest nines'. Xhoy have been put up agratrtBt. 'It is very' prpnablo' that* Lbng : wCll pitch for Clemson on Friday and that .Newton wlil twirl' tor Carolina. : Thla; being . the doubtless there wilt bo a pitcher's battio. Sevriey; and M?f2n Defeat Green ville Latia.?Bswloy Loses j In the doubles of tho tennis match played here . yesterday afternoon bo twS'wB'f tepresentatlves ot tho Ander son h^fh school and th? Qreenviilc school, Bowloy arid Martin, a^airil Jemonstrated thr-ir suporiorit-K ;b tasUy- downing their opponents,, an in the singles Bewley l?st after put tieg up. a hard fight. Mcivcc ob bosed Bewley in the " the doubles :MnY&n jg Opposed by Mc 1 vpr an ;<**?1$ift?!r^ Anderson hoys the championship In ionht?fii while the G;reen*iltG <eara: captures hwors fa ih^ sVnglea. In th^Vmatehe*r:^layed" In :GN?itr?|?e. l??t :>f<3nday,.> Bb>ley iUd Martin won fn the doubles and, M)?wf:: defeated r: ;^*rilh tri S tho iln^?es.-: Sfelver shown wond?artfb?j j>?p; *nS inshig??s is almost ia- ' rtoc'ble... . , to?? sa*/ " * *aw*e -' _ Comfort ' considered, therof\a nothing to cqu??^B-couch ij'a?amb?k.'J1' Besides they ?ro highly.* ornamental S att'd nuito substantial. Ourcou?h h?mraocks'ar?'f?il'length and width with-?troirr iron' framtw^an? National springs aud thick. ^tfpft;mattre;sgCB?khaki, IrU*** floored^retonde;cov rrtyii'i>r!^:r~} awning striped They can be h??g from itjm. coiitiiV bt'y?i?r; po/ihV\?r 'you-- iuoy hhvb them with stand-for tmd?ll' ad Ultima i cnar?o, ; - Everything for your porch and -every item the best hjado. ' Senae fs die diamond, weighty,.; solid sruipd. / ; v.j ; \Vhea; yot by wit. it casts, a brighter. b'eV.m. ^^r?t.' wlt opart, it is a'diamond still. Young?Night;^ThOngliin. "Sense is the Diamond''?if it is purchased at March banks & Babb's. \VC\,. ; V And chance is the diamond if purchased'- in many places. If. you like friends that are unstrained^ motives that are pure, consciences, that are clear, you^wiU ?ko like the character of Diamonds that voii will lihd here. Nortt? Main Street jewelers [AttiwSlgnof the Big Waten Well, that's us. W^ye' -got now the 3EST STQGK, AND MORE OF If than ?hy of the othet^iiys, And that's not all/ we have tile best and .qitkfet . delivery systein Ip.ih?s ?nan's town When you take your tt?b thb summer be sure und l supply yourself' v/ith fC.)^. &.^ Tfe^ : Cb--:-; \ Cashed ?v?ry where^qufvStsh^urc'-?ji'yburj??n- % fjtkai?biij if lost no ,onB:?se. cafr fet them cashed; and the cost , is very sm*Hv