.if ' 1 < ? . .. . ' ? ; - . t Y-, v .?'O^-^V^? VOLUME IE. ANDERSON, S. C., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 191S. NUMBER 243. SMALL VILLAGES WILL BE GIVEN BETTER PRO TECTION .TWOB^DITS Carranza Agent feo Discuss Si'> :?,#^^|t??.v &ijt. 22. -In addition Sa^^^^u^??'- tho. military forces oir^itp^S^3ban. border^ by ordering the -TW^^btghth infantry from Gal veston to HarJ.ingn.iy and folding another reglmeht-ijut; readiness, ? Pres! dent Wi.son ,cohf?rrc4..^d?ry!.Jwith>Atr. torney General Gr?g?rfo^who?.is pre paring to send departute'nft W Justice ngohts to tho scene.'- . . Eliseo Arredondo, the Carranza re presentative who leaves tomorrow, to convey formal news ~of his recogni tion to-Carranza, lt is understood, -will discuss tho border situation with his chief. A detacfanioht froms Troop 17, Sixth Cavalry killed two ouppoBcd bandits lato today who were crossing thc Plo Grande nt San Pedro-ranch, twelve ; miles/from Brownsville. Mayor Iijttwn of ': Brownsville,, has ?aliod A/ meeting., of representatives cf border towns to ho hejd Saturday to consider tho situation. The meet-, lug there Thursday.' resulted in tele grams bej'ugsont to Washington urg-" lng ' ?p??l tim :;ovcn;meut t:u-. :a?ce's-': slty of coor^jatlon by. the'.?arrane?v . - government*: l? -surpressim?"outiawri , Brownsville,pct, 22 .-An active ?%r. campaign ?against tho bendita on . tho Mexican side of the Rio Grande la promised, by,; JOBO G&rz?, tho Carran ga consul;hero,' Ho said that Gen eral Eugenio Lopez had asked for more.troops in .order to handle the Mexican raids. Garza said ah. investigation was un der way of tho reported appearance at Roynosa, Mexico, ' of LOU?BO do La ; < Rosa, thc Texas bandit lepdor, a few hours after tho raid on tho Ameri cans soldiers at OJo.de Agna. Lopes said lije had . co'nf??i??ca.. In* his com mander; at : iioynosa, and netto vea lt tho bandit was .Uioro he got away be fore tho commanor heard of lt. . Quiet was reported at all points last iilght. WiRE??SS?ELEPHON? . Began - Experiments Last June ; Between Arlington and ? i < 1 i '.: Paris, Oct," 22?--Tho oxporimenta . resulting: te:$raqcra&fu.l ; wireless Vtole phony from/Arlington ?q lOiffol Tower fcer? wore .b?gUu last..iuno ot;'tho, rorr quest pf the Apicrlcap naval depart ment. LJe?t?naht Commandef W'. H. Sayles, naval attache of tho Amor ieau -embaaayy " hSBlBtqd.: ^by ,H. P. Shrcoyo ."of C tho-. American ' Tclophono add . Telegraph. company; 'conducted .'. ay; teats?'?C"*^??': Electrical Bpsclalfcis of the French army -watched tho exp?riment?; ..-.ail military'. ? ?o?i?mmioations ; ot Eiffel. Tower b??hg; "--"s??neu??ed : while tic tests "WeM'tBidei; . .. . ?; ... , ,.. HOXt>: 8W)0BOI*A V ..W?fB&Vt XATIO?fAfclTV I P^ris, Oct. ;22;^taymqnd #w?hp? da,.;arrest?d' last i?ne, charg? sotting fire x? 'tho ?r?i?c^'I?ner,j Ls T?riralno:'Aas, bo?nT ?ts?^?raod rrom prisons . The chi^ge;?f?bspibn?g??pr^?~ fjr rod a?%?r th?^La^Tpurain? charge was ^op>cd,A W also- disj^ft?c??; .?wobo??v?S, ,h&ing pertained . howv ever, by?0r?teetUre. pendibg tho BOt ,.,v tleis^me? of his Eational?ty. Swobpaa 'claims to %e an American. Two Kilted, f? Veto ?eeldent. * Selma, A?a., Oct. 22:-vfc?thorin* Cameron aged seventeen died today from injuries te ihe collision of two automobiles near 4iora yesterday. Bry an Warean ?f Montgomery; was. ln etanuy ikliied? Thre-s others iojuml . . will {recover,Frank Goode the .Chauf feur fled and btw not . been captured,' - ?rags 1W86?" ' Atlanta, CH^ 22^Mo??l balls, qui hlne and ?irto^ e??nblnatiea-4have;aU^ incri?pjRed in . .. . p?leo K?rj^^???i?i??-?Ss sr?. an i?? d*??cra ssyV i-''v . >.'.?. . r..VM:ri-i Former Vice President Says U. S. Most /Prepare to Face Com mercial As Well As Military Invasion. Louisville, Oct. 22.-Warning that tho United States must proparc for commercial invasion aa well as mili tary invasion was voiced hy Charles Warren Fairbanks, former vico presi dent, in an address at a political meeting tonight. Tho end o! the war, he said .would seed a tide of com mercial invasion which would ba paralyzing under a tariff for revenue onlly. Tho United StateB must face this, ro declared, with tho restoration of a. protectvio tariff and merchant marine and thc organization/of Amer ican wares in foreign markets. UMi?,fCa^U^ Declaring She Was Glad to Die for. HerCountry-?No Fear of Death. . London, Oct. 22;-r-l?lss Edith Cavell? tho directress orthe Brus sells nurses* school, who was .executed by 'Bhootlng ot th?'order of tito Ger man.- ?uthorities. fur aiding in the ?B Icape of French.and British soldiers, Went to her death calmlly, glad to dio for her country, according ta Rev. H. S.^T.. Gehan, .British chaplain in Brus sells. " ?; . .'-'I- .havo no rear nor shrinking. I. lia vc seen death RO often that it is not ?trango nor. fearful: to mo. But standing before, God and . eternity I real ito that patriotism is not enough . I. have, no hatred, nor bitterness to wards anyone," ehe said. - Tho Gormau military chaplain who Was with her said ?ho was brave to the last. "Sho professed Christian faith .and said she was glad to die for .her country. She died Uko a heroine," ho eald; ' , " . ! EXPECT CHARLTON Vi^ICTTUESI^ I Witnesses Give Conflicting Testi On Defendant's mony I Marital Affairs. i Comb, Italy, Oct.- 22.-Tim verdict in tito trial ot Porter Charlton* charged? with murdering -his wife 13 expected next Tuesday or Wc?nesday. .Tho trial .will ho resumed today. ?ba>Hbn'a\pbysleai..condition is good, I and ~the interruptions caused for phy elcal icasuua aro Tiot expected to oc ; cut esafn. ? Witnesses wsr? ?s?in?nei regarding the mode of lifo and,tho j quarrels:of tho Charltons. The t?aU* j.mony was conflictfag. ... Ililli i^?^We?, Took- Closing E Rational Shooting it , JfrawsonvHh, j?ctV; 2?".-*-t&e Nation al GjUard lean y w?h the United service match taSay.^Sh* ci?slr^. pVeat oi '^ae National Shooting Toora sment- which ^Mf? liert) October secondThe ma rine corps tonia oscond and TJpited ?ates' artillery third,. Koch ivkm cbn* I steted of tho sixteen hj?uf Shots in tte president's and n?tJo?al individual matches. ;Wlth a score of seven hut?virei? and adred and forlT?vL?6dteh?*n( ??. ri?ini: *rthe ?^?r?^is??in^" ? -n^ r^wr?n tho ??U^t?.^tttol match. GREEKS AT KING'S PAL Premier", Ki?'ntherlos Ven?zeloa, * who hos just resigned. TlidS. photograph, shows a Section of on enormous crowd ot Greeks In front ?f:tho National -.Palace intAtbens, just |f,bofoTe?'-tfao, order for the mohiliiutiou' of tho .army . King Constantine, who was .rearedlln Germany ~ and was tralnpd in the. German prmy, signed tho Order only, after ? ?Tong argument witb. tho premier, following tho. mobil isation of the Bulgarian army. Tho naAClO BlCC"nU/< mnrtm mnn rr??. COMMITTEE NAMED TO I AGAINST COLU Columbia, Oct. 22. -A. mass. meet": { ing pf Columbia citizens, by a vote of 84 to ,74' tonight refuBed tb adopt the : report ot thc sp?cial committee, naui ted tb investigate the charges against (Mayor Lowie.,A.. Griffith. Tho committee found that" tue may or had" abused tho power of refund-) lng fines; ' that bte conduct :. on \ tho nights of .September -. 18 in" a cortotn ?\ National ; Association for Study of j Disease-Adjourn* C?^n bia Conference. Columbia, Oct. 22.-Tho consensus of ppipi?u among, tho delegates td lhb; ! thirds'trisi?n?ai conference.or-t'.ia Na-j tlonal Association for tho Study of j Pellagra, which was = concluded here j tonight, is that the causo of-tho disease has hot been.detbrmiuod. ^Dr. C. H. Lavlnder, tho retiring-president, said he t?i?ove'd three years wifl reveal the caur . 1 Dr. 3- U ?lier, of -the United. /B?tea.oarmy, was elected president; ot tho conference . TThe -next mbb'tma place Wae not.decided. ] ? , - '' Horion Arm j, OrJeredlybrtft";i : Patis/'Oot'Hit .-erTub Serbians, army;] t Vatahdovb baa been, ordered to ""ts for-ih'h north to reinforce tfbopa rdin? to a Jorurrt?l dispatch front. ifensi.V it''M stabed that . Val?ndovo | wllfW: guarded br-the forces ol the entente allie*. ' .. . \v" f?crai??-li?ttseit in Baltic. ' WE DEMANDING WAR. action of the prflbuicr In permitting the allies to lantU troopa^at Sal?nica with only a formal protest was sus; .ta'nod by-, pari ?wwehty'tnt"tho '-king disagreed ; with ?ycnlzeles, and. . hfa resignation followed.. Lator all the members ol" the cablnot ault. Prince Nicholas' is . now in charge of the Greek troops mobilized near tho forces of tho allies ait Saloniki. lUK/FT ? REPORT OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATE CHARGES MBIA'S MAYOR .jalouse in .tho "restrlctod district" wasl entirely unbecoming pf ?J?S oiilc*_'.[ position, that thc council pron'(.rly| took away ; from tho mayor thc posi tion: of head of tho polic? department and that VWo .ure of j tho opinion tha^ our city should.ihavo a mayor, whoso standard, of diity and property ,to dur community, is of Uf? highest order." '-'.A"'recall election was not prbpos od. First Thought to Have Poisoned| Her - Sat Examinati on Showed r1: - :' Neck Was broken. I- .Abbeville, Georgia, Ott; 22.-Clark Warrnu, his brother J. D.? andj Charles Clements, lia ve &ceh accuse of ; the .^murder- here of . Mrs? Clari Warrori.on\October fifth,. .-.ynh'pae. deatt( waa ro^rtcd as suicide frompoison.' Suspicion': of- tko lour brother's of the doUd; woman caused, tho "disinterment iSf?w^hodv, and examination'; of the conten?a of the Sto.m^?hVi ^tt^ ;. th?r? was no- tmce of poisoa? i'?t is believ ed the -woman's neck was" broken. Machinist Method Wreaks Manner. . x:Denver. Oct. 22.- The death ot his ?brotfier, who was killed in tho,Euro f peaa, war ' ,t?o police say. '; cauissd [ George Fiarogrady, an .Austrian, to |.|HWt j-W?"" ...... , V"- ~ It?Stt pi-CRB and the latter was crushed to death. . , \ ???Ejpi?i MILITARY SITUATION OF SERBS ADMITTED CRITICAL MOST DANGER FROM BULGARS Movements of Bulgarians Evident ly Result of Careful Planning? London. Oct. 22,-r-Tbo Serbians' military position is critical. Ham mered by superior- forces on two sides the armies are threatened with being crushed as nono have been I crushed during thc war. The fact ia admitted in England, France and Rus sia, and ls reflected in Serbian ol li cia 1 statements. The.key to the escapo, is. the speed with which France and Engand can throw forces north from Saloniki in tho hope of rolelvlng pressure Irom the Austrians and Ger mans In the north and the Bulgarians In the east. The Bulgarians are battling under the eyes ot King Ferdinand and hot withstanding tho presumably superior artillery of the Teutons lt ls tho Bul garian flank attack which seems tho most menacing. The Teutons at a few pinces are twenty miles south of th$ Danube:' In fact the ground gained averages only ten mlies. The Buir, garlans are displaying tremendous energy, and are showing tie careful planning made before a d?claration ot war. With twenty miles" of the Nlah-Salonikl railroad in their hands they have a strategic,^.AdVj^t^/^hod. to overcome. 7. ?? - ; The movements of thc ente -Lo troops from Saloniki are still uhf known to tbe public, ir any consider* able force has been detailed to old Serbia lt must bc hoard from soon. Sofia and Saloniki deny that tho Serbians ?havo taken Struraltza. This means that Bulgaria bas not boen invaded. It is reported that the Turk ish cavalry Is. co-operating with tho I Bulgarians, and a great battle is Tag* 1 lng at Veleso In Macedonia where* tho Serbs won a victory, over tiie Turks in 1912. Unofficial reports say tho Bulgarians havqj taken ike towoi Greece still hesitates. England's [offer of Cypress and according to re port? a considerable extension Greek territory along th? Aegean sea, end u colony la Asia haft brought no but I ward chango. me Russians seem In tho ascen dency along tho most of thc eastern front. Botli Petrograd and B?rlln emphasized tho Increasing -danger. Tho Gormans aro nearing Ol ai, twelvo milos from F/ga. They aro also Increasing their hold along the.Dvina, olght miles away. Tho. Russians, as sert' that they repulsed Gorman at tacks on Olaf; but the Germans are bombarding the Rig?-DvfnSk railway, Interfering with the forwarding of-re inforcements. The Christiane reports Archangel closed by Ice, ... - .7-1 . < - . -, Bombardment Damages. Amsterdam, Oct. 22,-'-The recent bombardment ?5 by the . British warr "trips'.at Ostend) .Belgium caused much damage,'according to.tho Echo ?De Beige, the. railway station, ' light I house 1 ' Hotol pea. Thc; mes being, dc? ? Btroyed. The kursam and 'warehouses wcroVdkma{-ed. Greece Refuses. London, Oct. 22.--Tho - Times' says this -v* morning it undcrst?'iisiotffi?? Gr'ccce has fojectod the offer bf tho British to cede the island of Cypress for participation in the war by Greece oh the side of the allies. Bulgara Advance. Berlin, O?t. 22;-.(Wireless)- Bul garian troops advanced south of Stru mltsa and harp driven thc opp^Slf?' forces across the Vsrdar river? ?> -the' army headquarters announced.- ; . Unsuccessful Af tack. . .i Paris, Oct. 22".-~TbS German: trooys; I yesterday unsuccessfully attacked tho [French near Glenchy, the war.office says. . ,\VOME\ MimiTiny mmur.m . TO GET SAKE PAT AS ''Sn?K, .LorOon, Ort. 22.--David Lloyd George, minister . of . munitions, bas, announced that women doing-skilled work in munition niants will receive; the same pay-as men; Women over eighteen will receive a minimum .wage of a pound per week. .-^?fflfflH ^^.?ie^Cr?le ' Mw ^rainal?. ?. .'-i?qime, Oct, '?2.-^At tbe coualstory J to be bold November twenty-secoad, it ? SB s?t?? t^Tw?wwcaidmais will bc jeroat?d? Three ?tAtlatt dlgnitarlsa nTt??y,^'^efte'on-; ?rch soys: "The cnd...hiknot in sight.: ibfe" men., and yet moro oro wanted f.o Secure a.final victory,. I ask.yon, men of,-all classes, to come forward voluntarily , and, take . ypurj, share ot ih?8?tfights.". . '-j'.'y :- , :.;/. ^ . ? ;' Another FootbsH Yict?nt,,. . * Chicago, ; ''22 .- Tho death ot Bryan' Scott of Knox college at St. Louis yeoterday bf injuries ' In foot" baJJ game, waa the oigiuh foothall fa tallty th 1? season, according: to statis tics available today. '^'ltty?,.?ei?g^^li&s City Omaha, Get.'. 2?;*Mt wa? announced (oday that Billy Sunday would start ? ravivai in Kansas City, on April 1916 UPI i CM TH ! q IIILLLLII ILLL.? OF NEWHAVEN EXPLAINS HOW NEW YORK CENTRAL WAS BROUGHT TOTERMS FIRST EFFORTS UNSUCCESSFUL Acquisition of Other. Road* and Reduced , Rates Force-J A^reer?cnt. { .j|jF Now York, Oct. 22.-.O'Hch! nlcps tauru by tho board.ot director?nf tba ,Now Haven railroad iii pursuance with tho alleged conspiracy to con trol thc transportation . There f^?thtrtoen of these districts ?n ad dition to Honolulu; ; Panama,- and Mantis. ?j It ls prbptsed iv?.mako this organi-; {sation active' ;*ttt<^'.'^*t*tertog fall. American merchant^, vessels v timi might be used in wi jr times Includ ing power boats ?nd/jfno?er launeJies. Various . radio, atA|;.op? . ar?';. io te organised and Hst/d to roper*, all wlreloB8.convorsa.'/ohs,.Off tho, coafltB. That will- ol BO ; sake the proposed navy training camp* to correspond to the district organisation. . ..It is proposed, and :Wll| probably he pr?Bentsdrv.fn eongress tels win* ter ih?t,tf.1 pleasure, "power boats' bo rehired, to -carry ' regl'strs -, tit humber. Navy officers; ^elf?ve" that ?io . tVrg'salsa?op': s?mUor; io. :th?T power i^ivpatr?? r*p?n#d' ;t?,vbe! ?s'ed by tho &ngM*h could'i&;rorm,??.? . The. boals have co^?oewrie valu? os aids to tho coasV drehte sub?as rlne fleet,