SWEETS FOR THE SWEET She would appreciate a box of these assorted Chocolates to day much more than the ones you sent her before yon married her. If you don't believe it-try it once! We have an excellent line of absolutely pore Chocolates, as sorted nicely, made by one of the very best candy makers in the United States and our price is a one that will please yow purse almost as much aa the candy will tickle, your palate. Asid include with your next order for Groceries an order for some of Austin Nichol's "Broadway Blend" coffee; ifs the beat coffee in the state. ?V?'?Y-?VV-: -fi'ff" v*.^V". . ' v'j * * Thia new grocery ia stocked with fresh groceries of the very boat kinda, and your orders will be attended to correctly. Heese let us hear from you! "BOB" and "BILL" ROBINSON Next Door to Peoples Bank Phone 574 Patton's Sun-Proof Paint The Complete Paint There's nothing left out that would make a better paint. Nothing has been put in ex cept that which h?s bfe?n proven to make The BEST Paint Guest Paint Co. irnone 48. Guest Sells the Best. Beautiful Cut Glass For Wedding Presents . We have a wonderful assortment of :>eautiful, rich patterns in the highest quality of c tit-gloss on thc market. The pattrens shapes and styles are just what is in vogue now. No bride, but what will be delighted to receive a present of this'cut-glass* Each piece ? beautifully cut and highly polished. Marchhanks & Babb Reliable Jewelers. SOCIETY demands ?Hat invitations for fashionable weddings shall be artistically engraved in the latest style of letters and after forms that are ap proved by highest authorities. Don't run the risk of having your invitations un favorably criticised-send to the best authority in the Southern States--J. P. Stevens Engraving Co., 47 Whitehall St.. Atlanta, Ga. Samples and "prices will be sent you free of charge-send now. 'V. - ' v-^ . - -AA-y ??J^.^U^-.-TV--^- ,-: ..yr..: More Chari?iing FTven if you were a daily visitor last showing holds much of new interest Wear departmc.it is repfete with eve crees this Fall. Suits $10.00 to./. ...... . Dresses j&S.OO to... ? Skirts $2.50 to.. Crepe de Chine Waistsjn al Georgette Crepe Waists in at. R U SE M Minors SOC Mr. and Mrs. William 3. Todd and Mrs. BctseU of Union are spend ing the week-end with Mrs. Janie P. Todd. Mm. 8. H. Byron of Alkea is -here for a week visit on her way home from Baltimore. Mrs. John E. Sadler and Miss Mary Sadler leave tomorrow for a weeks visit in Atlanta. Runnymede Club. T?;e Runnymede duh will meet on Tuesday morning at half past ten. "Baby Wedding." 1875 191? The following Invitation have been Issued: 'Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Allen wish you to Join them in the celebra tion of their Ruby Wedding, at home. North Anderson, ? South Carolina. Tuesday, October 12th from four to/ ?ix.1 Mr. and' Mrs. Mae Bruce, Mrs. Tom Joe Mauldin and Mrs. L. C. Thornley of Picken*.: were here yes terday. Senior l'hllathea Class. i The Senior Phllathea class will meet on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Clarence Tolly on West Market street. Frl'.y Afternoon. Beginning again next Friday the Elks Home will be turned over to the ladies on Friday afternoon and ti cy will resume their littio ini. T E ? ?Fi Stand ??-*>?.?*****?*****?*???*? IETY I \ f Mrs. J. Irving Brownlee has re turned from a week's visit to Atlan ta. Beautiful Reception for Miss Tribble. After a week of beautiful enter tainments given in honor af Miss Anna Tribble, tho largest and o'ne of the handsomest was given yester day afternoon by Mrs. H. O. An derson, at her lovely home on Uiver street. Pink was the chosen color and as ters the pretty flowers used for dec orating, and these were found all over t.:e house. At the door Mrs. B. B. Gossett, and Mrs. Ward Thompson welcomed the guests. In the receiving Hue besides the hostess and her pretty honor guests were the members of the bridal party, which included, the following ladles: Mrs. W. H.'Powell. Miss Willie Per kins, Miss Marguerite Henry, Miss Catherine Sullivan, Miss Nelle Hin ly, Miss Elizabet.? Fretwelk MIBP. Anna Warren Clarke, Mrs. Q. Prank Johnson, Miss Lou Nelle McGee. Miss Nina Carpenter and Miss Frances Tribble. Misses Louise Henry and Julia Ledbetter served nectar from an at tractive nook on the side of tho piazza. After greeting (heir hostess and her puestn. the ladies were invited into the dining room by Mrs. Dave Gray. Atrs. H. il. Watkins and Miss Lucia Chiles. Hero tr;( . Ah Miss Thelma Smith of Iva spent yesterday In rae city. . Mr, Paul Norris of Robeits was a business visitor yesterday. 'Mrs. Clarence Dean of Starr was in Anderson shopping yesterday. Mrs. Chas. English of Belton spent yesterday in the city shopping. Mr. B. L. Bouda ot Clemson was a business visitor yesterday. Mr. Arlington Pant ls in the city (on a short visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Font. Mr. J. F. Allgood of Liberty was a business visitor in the city yester day. * Mr. J. M. Maxwell of Anderson ville spent yesterday in -the etty. Messrs. J. F. Deal of Syracuse N. T., and A. Wallenstein of. Cin cinnati, Hilo, wero in Anderson call lng on tine Jewelry trade yesterday Of filterest toWomen BY s. M. T. ??*+??*+***#**.*?**+*++ CIVIC WORK Women have, taken a great step for ward In tho last ten or twelce years they have dona much good in many ways. One of tho best thlngB they Ciave taken up la civic work. There baa esen a crying heed of just such work for many years, particularly in small towns, where, town councils are generally ons extreme or the other, f either "dressed" In a little brief au thority" they uso that authority to destroy very often what others have done, notably to out dewe* trees. Mos councils seem to Clare a mania for that particular form of destruc tion, to obliterate in a few minutes, ene ot the greatest gifts God hs* ft setow od on nss, qr on the other hand they neglect many needed im provements for fear of offending. Right here ls where the civic league cottee in, with ? woman of tact and discretion aa president, gr?ai good can be accomplished, but tact and Judgment tfo president must have. She most also he a worker, not a talker, unices she has such a beguil ing tongue that ?he can gel the oth er* to fio the work, ?nd test, but not feast, she must he a woman ot In finite patience, end have absolute ttptaneud of her Jameer. lt ever a woman needs the qnailMcs ? Cave mentioned If Is onie who presides }(o^r a gathering of women, tn all NEW C( Opened np a brand new sh colors-from. NEW The new Sweaters are he from .. NEW CH A dainty line of children C NEW Opened np a 'jig shipment see them. NEW GOS Our Corsetiere fitted eight you phone vour appointment 670. ALL THE I The new ruffs at. New Collars and Cuffs Sets al New Ltaen'w^ar Silk Hose at New Feather Ostrich, Boats al New Crepe Wsits at. lubs nnd associations t'aey aro will ig workers, and they are generally orkc-d to death, while the others omplacently sit by, end pleasantly at ch the work. In my opinion no ne should Join club or association f any kind unless they sro going to e active workers. I do not mean by sat to neglect home duties, that al .ayB come first, but every Woman .can ive a few hours a week to help in nproving, and beautifying the town lie lives in! That rvcry lack of nubile spirit is .hut kills tho growth of small towns, 'hreo or four determined, and on huslastic workers can do a groat eal, but think what a wonderful rork could he done if every woman i every league and association would sally take an Interest in, and do hor cst for, the work in hand, but they o not.do not. Half of tile members eldom com? to the meetings, many iiat come show but little concern for. ny project or scheme for betterment tat remus up. Others Seem to como rlnc'pally to object to everything, o the work falls as usual on the houlders of the few who are not only rilling but glad to Cielp in anything a their power, to Improve in anyway hey' cab the town in which their orno le. { THUSLY y OTES OX FASHIONS With flaring coats and skirts, kipped in waist lin e.and high collars, oking tbs place, of the UgUt straight kirt, . waistless figure, end open leeks a very decided change ia the rorld of fashion is upon os. In erne respects lt ls a very sensible hange. The street costuras are par* icularty BO, the strictly tailored suits, re very smart, to the style of tact hat can wear the plain shirt waist, tlgfa collar and tie, they are extrem e y becoming, other faces need the soft er stock and frilly Jabot t'. carry off he stylo successfully, bat everyone hould have a tailored suit If possl Jle. They are so fetchingly' trim, io smartlly up to the moment and ret so delightfully expressive of shaft* ilicity. For afternoon wear the Priscilla Fashion department shows t daarming little frock, to be made of toit blue or very dark green velvet, ho onlly trimming being collar and suffs of fur, with a chic toque to natch, or a velvet hat with drooping irira. What could be more prettily ml table ipr a pretty debutante? Hand embroidery ls to be much used, it ls o bo seen on everything, Just a 'dain ty touch of it, collar and cuffs, s belt or bands, a rlcblly worked hand Jag, a vestee or vest. On corset c?v irs are the most graceful of designs, ill underwear should have a blt of |t. Aha October Priscilla has some fascinating aprons that could make the most attractive o? Christmas presents, one In blue linen, embroid ered in w'aite and pink, apd made ta -?Hp over tho head, would delight any roung ' housekeeper, and a charming ly pretty one. -wliii tiny .scollops, leaves sad- flowers, with bewitching blue ribbon rosettes, and a cu.;? tc roatch would enchant a bride. FOT rhore practical uses comes the bunga low aproas, made with short sleeves, sud buttoned at the back, in gingham li* chambry, with a band of watte,' OT *ome cohU'uttlng color, ?rotmd the neck, and at bottom of sleeves. 11 icy ?re not only becomingly ,prettv but really indispensable tn housekeeping. The sport coats In corduroy that come in white, tah darksr shales, arc ?he very thing for fall days, not toe heavy, tu wavm enough to be thor oughly comfortable', they are verj satisfactory.. For crae wno likes '?n gwMkfl ?res? pleasant autumn foy* ead does not want to be ctmv tiered with a weighty wrap, these light coats will bo a groat conven ience, and you can tuck them tn. a mr, or ? trap, and never know they i>re there, until yeti vant them. Men tioning cars makes one thing of the nany women you meet with hair wRdly Btreamin&r, and whipped tn iver* way, or ??f:tly clutching ? Flapping hst. Very few women loos pretty under such conditions, and to judge by the anguish expression of their countenances, they know it, thon why not wear a veil that can tie. securely ? wi apped around the bead and tied? Or an automobile cap! rheir nomo ls legion, and they aro ss(UHy dainty and generally becom ing. Iii tan pongee ' wfttf aft em broidered han across the front work ed in pink? blue, or lavender, with rosettes on either ear ot ribbon tc natch the flows, they are particular ly charming. DAT SUITS ipment of Coat Suits Saturday, in ail the . .$10 to $30 SWEATERS ire-in ladies,' misses and children-* . .50c to $5.00 ILDREN COATS oats from .. .$1.00 to $10.00 MILLINERY of new Hats-be sure and come in and 5SARD CORSETS Corsets Saturday-we will suggest if , it will keep you from waiting-Phone -. ft 4J**ii *EW NECKWEAR v.'..50c . .25&S0c .r?.60c t.$2.48 .\ , ,.$2.50 D. Geisberg ! Heaters These Heaters have many improvements this season. They require the least oil and give the most heat. No, smoke. No odor. A sim ple twist of the wrist locks the wick. ' There is nothing more comfortable and convenient for these cool mornings. Can be tnoved from room to room, giving you heat just where you want it.. Sullivan Hardware Company The Change of the Season Calls for Something Nc^y to Eat Fresh shipment of Concord and Deleware Grapes, OA basket 25c and.OUC New York State Celery, stalk. Fresh Lettuce, head .... . . 10c 50c ile Extra Fine Northern Apples, peck .. New Prunes, pound. New Crop Self Rising Buckwheat Flour, pack age 10c and. ?3C Log Cabin Maple Syrup, quart. . Norway Mackerel, Fat.and Juicy, 2 for '.. Simon Pure Lard, ? 00 per cent Pure Len/ Fat. If you will buy one you will buy another. 40c 25c 25 lb Best Granulated Sugar for. $1.50 We want your trade and will give you the very best of service. Liet us add you to our list of satisfied customers. CO, "Sellers of Good Things to Eat"