v : ? t'npt. Francis Clark Harrington. Cup lulu Francis Clark Harrington, Instructeur*'of mathematics, at West Point, and-.during the latter part of the administration of President Taft military Attache at thc White House, made ui^rnis mind long ago to romain a bachelor. His-" friends wc ru con vinced that his decision was unalter able. His association- with mathe matics, wlUch is a notrously cold scence, confirmed thor in this opinion. ?ut Captain "Pink," the name by which he ls known to the West Point cadets because ho is so carefully and fastidiously groomed, has become a victim of cupid. He will -wed Miss Eleanor Crozier Rey hurd, daughter of the ??te John E. Itoyburn, former! mayor of Philadelphia and niece ot I FriQRclship "Bipb-OLink?* Ii** the prctiicst friendship IdeaevcrJ thought of; the most popular Jewelry token eyer conceived. Wherever rlouda have riends and young folkBt live, "Bob-O-Llnks" are the rage. ?.? ' " * ?neb link ia svF^ond's remembrance. The complef^j??johr0-I4nk Iwacf?lct isl o circlet or iriond-tokens fastened around- the wrist; treasured both for| tho memoria lt holds and for the boau tv of the b>.?( ; ld it.se lt. Be th ia 8tart "Bpb:Q-Llnk8,, ?clo of Friends. :ol that lt waa found necessary to Issue 4,01)0 invita tions to tiie wedding, lt will take place atvPequot Chapel, New Ixmdon, t'o.-.n.. and will be followed by a re ception at Oak Lodge, the summer homo ot Miss Rayburn's mother, Just outside that city. Why Cows (jim More Milk Than They Used To. A contributor to the curreut lssuo of Farm and Fireside explains as fol- l lows, why cows glvo more milk than th?y used to: "Cattle UBod to be bred chiefly for work. Therefore the cows did not give j much milk. Hreeds improve the thing i for which they are selected. "In 1790 tho work cows Of Oer- 1 many gave an average of a pint and ; a half a day. Interest int milk in- : creased, and by 1800 tho average yield was a quart and a half. Breed-? i lng went on milkward, and In 18ld tho German cows averaged two ?uaj?HD of milk each per day. In 1820 HP. In 1830 four-and thore tho gain < stopped for thirty years. But In < 1860 thc production had Increased to i six quarts, and by 1870 to eight." I -r-\? - I Butter From Siberia. Farm and Firosido say?: < "Samples of . butter from Siberia" , have been Imported into Cnlif?i'ata. Few Amorlcana are aware of. tho im mensity o ftho dalry industry in that j vast region stretching from Russia I to the Pacific, and from, tho Chinese i Empire to the Arctic Ocean-a do* 1 main as large as three Canadas, The Siberian butter was pronounced 1 about second class. Soma of lt sold j cn the eastern markets last year for i ti cents a pound." I ins Peas or Cane ?rices on both, her for Oats. EU Grocery J. fl, NOKGAN SHOT AT COINTII?' H OM E| NOT BADLY lirjrr (CONTINUED* FROM FACIE ONE.) t!ou In thc United States of a 1100. Obb.Ov'J British war loan. At the court house in'GNnrove, where Morgun's assuilanl warf talen, lie at fire', refused to give his. nanto and address, but said "I'm a Chris tian gentleman." County officiate stated that the mun said he was of Ueriuan descent and willing to sucrt flce his life any time to end the war; that he believed Morgan re sponsible for thc war and fqr ship ments of ann abroud, and be could stop the conflict if be wished. The mau told the justice of peace ho had no quarrel with Morgun personally, but felt thut the time had come to end thu war. ile said he wanted to sec Morgan and reason with him. loiter the niau asserted that II?B name was F. Holt and said he was Instructor iu German at Cornell Uni versity. At the court house the two suit casca that Holt brought with him we e examined. One contained titree sticks o fdynamite, thc other a large ott le of nitroglycerine, two boxes of cart ridges for revolvers. Morgan after being shot answered thc first telephone calls himself. Holt a Cornell Instructor. Holt, in a statement gave his ad dress, as Dallas, Texas, and Ithaca X. Y. He said his motive was to try to force Morgan to use hi.s in fluence to have an embargo placed on sh) omen ta of war munitions, and also said nobody Inspired the plot against .Morgan. Ho declared he was sorry he hurt Morgan, that ho shot only to frighten him. The blow Holt received from the coal hod caused his head to bleed profuse ly; he weakened about-noon and ap peared da/'-d. It is though! possi bly his skull is'fractured. . The Cornell faculty Hst gives Frank Holt, as instructor in German. Holt was to go to thc University of Texas as professor next fall. Holt was? locked in the Glencove jail on tho charge of assault. Lator advices say Morgan was shot through the. groin.- Physicians arc optimistic for his recovery. With the Church Women | Ladles Working Society. Tlie Ladies Working 8ocfpiy,?of the Central Presbyterian chursjivj* will meet on Monday afternoon- at^ five o'clock with Mrs. M. M. Mattlson on Society street. Primary Philatbea. Tho Primary Philatbea of tho First Presbyterian church mot on Wednes day afternoon in the class room at thc church and elected officers before dis banding for tho summer. Those elected wera: Miss Katherine Ortman, president; Miss Georgia Harria, vice president; Miss Sara Evans, secre tary and treasurer;. Miss Delma Balles assistant secretary and treasurer. Senior Fhilathea. Tho Senior Philatbea class well meet on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. W. S. Itamsay on Calhoun ?treat at ftve o'clock. Thia will bc tlie timo for the election ot officers and all members are urged to attend. Y. AV. A. . Tho Y. W. A.'s of thc Firs, baptist church held their last meeting for the Bummer on Sunrlay afternoon. Juno 27th. The girls of tho Col f ;e i\ ?7. C.. as led and gove au interesting program. The Scripture lesson waa read by Miss cat lu-ri ne Sui liv? n. This waa taken Vom the chapter in Prov? arbs on tho Virtuous- Woman and Miss Bullivan gave a beautiful cxposLIon sf this paBBage. , * MISB Frances Tribblo read ? paper Mi "Tho. Good tho Y. AV. A Does a Biri While in College" and Miss Lon Mell McGee another on, "Tho (Joad Ibo Y. W. C. A\ Does a ?Irl aftor 3ho Leaves College." Botli of t cse papers, were excellent and-brought ?Ut the real value- of th0 Y. W. C. ft', to young women. MI sa Louise Henry, president of the ST. W: C. A. of Anderson Coller*, rave a review ot the work dono by their organisation. It -was indeed i splendid-showing for they were on y organised since Christmas. A vocal duct by Masses; Lydia and Sell Bewley was enjoyed.' We were ?lad to wolcvne these college girls irlth us and when through school a flacc awaits them to workjfcv.the Y. V. A. JRIC ACID IN MEAT CLOGS THE KIDNEYS Take a Giras of Sails if Yow Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers. If you must have your meat every tay. eat M. but Hush your kidneys with alts occasionally, saya a noted au thority who tells us that meat forms ?tlc acid which almost paralyses tito :ldoeys lu their efforts to expel it from he blood. They become sluggish and renken, then you suffer with a dull ntsery iii the kidney region, sharp ?Ins in the back or sick headache, Unloose, yous Momsen sours, tongue K coated, and when the weather is bad on have rheumatic twinges. The urine ;ets cloudy, full of sediment, the chan* inls often get sore and irritated, .bllhing you to seek relief two or bree times during the night. To neutralit? these Irritating aside, o cleanse the kidneys and. flush off the ody's urinons waste, get four ounce? f Jad Salts from any pharmacy aere; tko a tablespoonful in a glass ot we er before breakfast for a tow days nd your kidneys ?~*U then act fine, 'his famous salts is made from the cid of grapes and lemon juice, com ined with iithla, and baa been need ir generations to fiush and stimulate luggtsh kidneys, ?lao to nm trailer: ;ds in urine, so U oo tong Mei, thus ending bladder weakness. Phone :?7. Misa Frances "Trlbble ha? gone tx Plckens to attend a house party. Miss J.inda Thompson left yester day for Tybee to ?pcm* a mouth willi friends. $ Miss Lucia Chiles left yesterday for Asheville where she will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Leo G. Mollentan have 'moved Into the Murray hornean North Anderson. *? Mrs. Charles D. Quinn of Thomar ville, Ga., is visiting her daughter Airs. L. ?. Horton, on Woodrow Cir cle. S Miss Ethel Clayton returned to ber home at , Peirce are spending tho week end with Mr. and Mri. W. A. Chapman'. H. H.Rosenberg TAILOR FOR MSN . 134 North Main VotofAfcle Contest Returns frdnft tho motorcycle con test show. th|t#01ln Sanders ie Billi in; the lead arfdwew changes In other pwBjfljphB. Tn?^'standing bf the can didates i j?st count wa.B as fol lows: { s J , Ol.n SanUers. J. F. Goori ; CH. I.ong.i; H. W. Beweg. S. D. Jackfwo. . S- J. Nceso,, J. A. BaildV/ 8. L. McGantty. J. Recd Fowler. John ElHott. " Fitted perfectly by our corset ?oro $3.50 to $12.50 s. B. Graves lie and Color [Gingham Dresses 1-4 off, >rtunity to get an extra dress for a little price, d you to come first to get the pick of the lot. BARGAINS ?XFOfeb BARGAINS 1