The intelligencer. (Anderson, S.C.) 1915-1917, June 24, 1915, Page 1, Image 1

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m VOLUME n. ANDERSON, S. C. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, 1915. NUMBER 137. TO EV. STU. m.?i i-. .,? .... HA!? SUCCESSFULLY OCCufl PIED CITY SIKCE SEP- I TEMBER. VICTORS BIG CELEBRATION Emperor? William and Frans Jo seph Propose Meeting in Lem berg For Ceremonies London, - J June 23.-The Russians hare lost Lwnbsrg. They occupied tbe Calieian capital ?arly in Septem ber and held lt until yesterday, wherifl the combined Austro-Germ?n forces! compelled them to retreat from the city, which ls Only sixty odd miles frc in tho nearest point of tho Rus sian frontier.. Whether thc city's fall moana thal russians army operating in south-1 cart Galicia is effectively cut ojff fyom the army to tito north stretch ing across Poland! to the Baltic can not yet be said. Vicuna and Berlin newspapers ssy this ls i ho case and that Russian ' army has received a blow from which! it vannot reeovri.-. If th? stroke ls as crushing er. the Teutons predict, the effect, military observers V?re say, soon should bc felt in the trans : fer of vast German forces to tho wat??, where they'aro hard pressed by tho I French. i ; Correspondixits of Austrian newspa pers with- the ?vtctorl?/113 army RSV j the Rosslans retreated tn good or I der... Berlin and Vienna,are report-, led Joyful over'tho. victory. ? A Vienna telegram mys Emperor's j William and Francis Joseph propose I to meet soon in Lemberg for "fitting ceremonies to mark tbt-<:jid of RUB ! Bia's dominance in felicia." On the river D?tester to the squth I of Lemberg, ' the- battle ls still rag I lng . * Berlin, Wireless to Sayville. June 3* -Lemberg has *->?en conquered by t'- Teutonic allies from the Russians htu>r a very severe battle, according to official reports received here from j headquarters of Austro-tiungarlan [army. Leaberg fell beforo the ad vance ot the second army. J-emberg, capital of Galicia, was ocnplsd by tho Russians September 2, 1914, a month after war began, [and since then fea* Been continuous ly under Rust?an control - #\>r the last twenty-days Lemberg has .been the objective of a series of '/loree concentrated attack?. J lt is believed Austrn-Germaus ca? turo of Lemberg will baye an im portant political e?ect oe Berlin : bel levoB driving th* Russians from ?-Calida wfli help to maintain status Aquo in the Balkans, I After Russians captured Lemberg Ithey pushed onward! through GaMcia, l?pproached within striking distance |of Cracow, near'ihe Germ?n frontier, {stormed heights, passes cf Car?>a Ithtans .oed swept through the crown Iland of Jlukovln& to the Rumanian Sfrontii-r. Ai] this ha? been changed [hy the: staadj ?rm an victor hers ar .ns? ,ad wrg THE GOVERNOR ANNOUNCE isUARD. WILL BE MAIN TAINED SEVERAL DAYS/ LEGISLATOR^ APPROVE ACTION Frank Sefferir.g From Nervo? Strain-Enable to Begirs Work For Week. -? ' ??? ? ? * ? FKANK IN DANGEB * + . - ? \?llledgevllle, Ga., Jnno ? 33.-'Extra precautions to pro ? tact Leo H. Frank wero taken * ? at the prta$? farm'''looay. -fr 4? .a - reanit' of .rtffljors .. *. bia attack on tho pt ison. *> * * At\vnta'. June 23.-Governor Slaton announced tonight that tho, military guard at hie suburban home would bo A^ilntalnei tor several days to protect tho property. All ia quiet ht. The governor ?aid many members of the stato legislature to y expressed approval of hts action In the Frank case. Atlanta, June 23.-A guard of mili tia and county policemen still sur rounded Governor alston's country estate today and ?0 intimation waa given aa when they would be with drawn. All ls quiet there sn? in the city. Atlanta, Jone 23.-Ose of tho tinox pected features in connection wltii the thousands of editorials and letters and telegrams commending Governor John M. Slaton In his action iu commuting tho of Leo. M. Frank, is the fact that commendations hare come even from numbera .of well known people who personally believe Frank guilty, yt:t who feel that the gover nor Beted rightly. Willi*? adhering to their personal view of Frank's guilt, they commend the action of the governor in.' tho ll?hfc of the fact that the case has been shot through and through with doubt from original trial court room ail tho way through its course,. Thc trial judge doubted; the state supreme court had a dissenting'opinion; this sadie doubt sprang up In a dissenting opinion from the United States supreme court an-i even the prison commission re ?tfmmcadatJLpu was . not unanimous. Atlanta, by tho way, seems to have dismissed the Frank case aa ended. On Monday, and Monday night there WF.S a goat deal of loud talking on the Btroeia, which by"*-the way never got I any further than talk, bill by yester day everybody was. going quietly about his business. a?d today diRCUB sslon of th* euee ba? about ended. VIN?ICAtlON VB IS KNOWN I MEN OF MANY PROFESSIONS TESTIFY IN BEHALF OF WlilTE'S SLAYER. THAW ON STAND IN OWN DEFENSE Tell? Court He Left Matteawan fs35aX * ' Asylum Because Doctora-Told lib. He Waa Sane. New York, Jone 23.-Thirteen wlt deases, including Thew JiinwMf, test* tied today they believed, Harrr lil Thaw sane. They .app^V * T?Z0, proceedings before a iury to test Thew's present tneatal state, on thc outcome of which depends ; whether ?ti?n ^{h?8 ina?ne" ?-]?Ju? r?SS wUaf?t?sc?i ?ticlu?^d "flw1 ?UTOM at Thaw's former triu?H. i?ro chap lain*; a physlciAit, the keeper of the Tamps yrlson, whore Thaw waB con fined ot various timen, two newcpa jper meit wb?? :.avo been associated with him during-the ni?o years his tory of the Thaw.litigation, the law yer who met Thaw in New Hamp shire, a juror in tbe civil proceed Inge instituted hy one of .Thaw J ? former attorneys against Thaw's mother. AU agreed that Thaw show ed nd symptoms of delusion; could talk intelligently on many subjects and had never,violent to their knowl edge They described his escape, said he lott because tho physicians told him he was sane, and because hu him self believed he was sane. Ne^' York; Jane 23.-Harry Thaw was thc' witness today at his trial before a jury to determino his sanity. .-, Thaw's summons to tue s*and was followed by tho opening statement of his attorney. John S. Blanchfield who reviewed tho his tory of the case. Ho quoted ex-Dis trict Attorney Jerome as string at Tha t'a second trial for Stanford White's murder, that "no one pre tends Thaw Is insane as he now sita in court," and. the real finding of the commission which declared Ttaaw ij?sjnS during the firat trial when the Jury disagreed. Deputy Attorney General Cook de clarcd he did. prove Coat Thaw is suffering from' incurable insanity. . Replying to Stanchfield's questions that Thaw said! when ho ieft M'atte "Uen that he believed be had recov ered his sanity, bo said physicians, told bim he had. Thaw gave names, dates and places in detail without hesitation and said banks always honored hi? checks. Tho state's o tierney ann ounced he would not cross-examined Thaw at APP&OTJJ^I&teffBE WARRANT OF S??I.? ?'1A AT WIlft'NftBORO mng l m.a* pensa Shcrll steps K of ing S eera.? 23.--Gov. Man ?arrant totalling I militia and Jaae 14th, wticn ot down OR tho us?; Company paid $13.-50 be iblrty-tbrec offl awd wera from tbs and -45^9 The nm* triaua fr is put-ai Lansing Appo\ Washington, .June 2?.-~>?Tho oppoln ot atato was announced ul the white leaned aaid: Before leaving thia cvenl President Wilson announced that be state to Robert lancing, the present c that Mr. Lansing had accepted tho api ? Mr, Lansing has been acting seci signed, lie is a son-in-law ot former I counsellor to the department.jPat$tSfvj has been openly regarded as the pre?i national Jaw and on all difficult dip thrust on the Unjtcd States by the Kuri New York. Ho is fifty years of age. Mr. Lansing waa counsel for the U: arbitration and later solicitor for the he became counsel in the North Atlan He is recognised os au authority cn lo of the American Journal of Internatfoi WORKMEN MUST MAKE GOO RALLY TO AID OF MUNI STRIKE AND MUST GO Loudon. Juna 23.-David Uoyoij George,, minister of munitions, has given British tabor seven days %i which to make good fta loaders' prom Ises that tho men will rnllv to thc factories lr sufficient numbers to pro duce tho maximum sunolv of muni tions of war . mg statement tn the house of le no age tym! and they wot have to give f and will rece tb AV ?Fa. VL-rtrtr is thc most strik te minister's speech mons today. There the men enrolled ear uniforms, bm itpe to'their work i certificate the* ! or klug and coun makeB striae M MESSAGES FROM Pilli dil Nov Stationl at ?arie?, in CL Zone, One of c-argeat fci tho World. nted Secretary .?CBETAft? Ol tttienf of Robert Irnsing as secretary house early tonight. Tho statement ng for a brief rest In Kerr Hampshire, I "had offered the post of secretary of ounscllor of the stato department, and ?ointment. <etary ol' Btate since W- J. Bryan re rtecretary John Vf. Fester. He became .et tremen t of John Bassett Mooi'e and dent's mainstay on questions of inter lomatic negotiations which hos been jpean war. His homo is in Watertown, j nited States in 1892 in the Behring Sea Alaskan boundary tribunal. In ldvi) tic coast fisheries caso at Tue Hansel ternatlonal law, being associate editor aal Law. JN MAKERS D PROMISE Or LEADERS TO TI?N FACI?KiES-CAWT WHEREVER NEEDED and lockouts Illegal, provides com pulsory arbitration, limits employers' prof Its and. crea; av a volunteer army of workmen plo '?cd to go wherever they aro wanted. . Great Britain, he said, will . bb ? organised Into ten munition areas. ? Nev/ * factories bavo been equipped anu will soon be turning out prodigious : quantile* of war material. He said Iflergi??y bas, tor year? been pilli up enormous war -atores.' ' He a" plained the great Importance of Amer ican r.nd Canadian markets, and stat' ed that D. A. Thoma*, tho British "coal king", bad been sent to t United States and Canada to repre sent tho munitions oepartm e n t.. -sss* ESCUPE URHKG RESIDENCE [Fainer Awoke Jost In Time To Resews Children Fror? Flames. Tbc. second Aro within an hot s house was owned-by Real Estate & Invest- | j?v.?*d goo* i CARRANZ THEATRE WILL BE OPERATED ?EXT SEASON JUDGE FOWLER AUTHORIZES STATEMENT THAT HOUSE, WILL BE OPENED. SEASON OPENS NEXT SEPTEMBER I Tentative Pions M*?e By Direc tors to Cairo For Debts and Operate Theater. A meeting of the I'??rd of d^^H of the Anderson Development, coi nany vas hold yesterday morning,- at which'it waa decided"that arrange ments be perfected at once to open the opera bouse for thc .1915-16 road IB??, ??ul' ^al?o io ?iriieutc?i > in affairs ot tb?, company. Prea rler,; authorised- **k?! -Inte?li MIMIC the following state? iay afternoon: thn'-'-Tepbrt cur rest1 orr tte streets that a plan Iras beeg'^H? tivcly agreed upon by the directors by which we fee! sure we can arranca certain financial details of the An derson Development Co.. satisfactori ly to all parties, bopdtoldem, stock holder*, dlrcc tort and creditors, and nt the samo- time operate the house and toko eare of all obligations, is true. '? I feel euro the plan wilt be : satisfactory to nil; tfaoro ara a few yet to bo seen. I. have always taken thc potdlion that tho company would bo able ' to handle these details, andi I am absolutely confident now that j w.e will. ? do not caro.-uaw, however, to ?tato just what these plans are, Tiuy are satisfrctor yhawover to ell largely interested parties, abd should therefore 2 feel not miscar ry. " The opera house will open in Sep tember. Tho route cara aro now being mado up. Ixical orchestra will bo us cl. NEW ENTERPRISES I ARR AUTHORISED I Two Commissions und Oe? Char ter li?ve Been.Granted by * Secretary of State. ' Columbia. June 23,-rThe secretary of state has issued a commission to | tho People's S&vloga Pank ot Clifton, and Glendale, in Sparenburg county. The capitol ia $5,000. Tho petitioners aro: A. T. Sloan, T/ 8.. Bagwell and] John B. Cannon. Tti.o OroTo f.'jalty company or Charleston has been commissioned, with a capital of $5,000. -The peti tioners are J. A. .Patna-'and Nathan Pr. Vi a. . Th0 Navajo itompany of Charleston I bas been chart ?red, with a uanital of 1 $10,00? ?- The o? leers aTe: C. B. Huier, ' president and reasuror, ana' Lucy C. I H u let, vice president and secretary. QU?KE CAUSES. IRRIGATION 8 FLOOD IMP Elcentro, Jims 5?3.--Earth ?chock? aa ftfcarp* an th?M?o last night which caused ?he death ot a number of per sons and ? million dollars por pe rt y damage w?re fol* tn Imperial Valley .today. Anxiety ia felt lest the -head gates of reo. groat, irrigation system give way, flooding the valley. OF PEACE WILL CONTINU?. CAMPAIGN! IN EFFORT TO CRUSH ADVERS??BS. INSISTS VILLA MUST GOT OUT If Caught WOl Be Givei\ Military ? TrieJ~-W?*<*i Soe? Little . Hope For Peace. Washington. Juno 23.-General Vonualtaao Carrafnaa (baa lotoi&ed the United States tkat lia won't treat with Villa under any circumstan but will continue his military cant palgn to crush his adv President. Wilson, today bad1 a re port on Carran sa'? view?: aa Riven tn an Informal conversation American consalar officer at Vera Cruz. He found in It little hope for the accommodation of diff?rent tween the Mexican- factions. Carra?as reiterated that hts oppo nents aro "reactionaries." who are d?sirions of satisfy lng their persona! ambitions. He said Villa ? and his lates either munt or be tried by a o is a possibility t's o*hclnl ?martere her don't understand the tao united state* 'early settlement c Two of Carrana here leave soon tcoa?sr vritlj. Carrs oun-? ?uri.J ^lesa^.from tba unsted staten war Colorado, oft Qoaymas, Meilco. fe I states that photographs which s ! mutilated bodies ot several An ; cans reported killed by Yaqui Sa I diana were received, on tho warship ? today from tho Yaqui valley. j A military train with two- hundred , Villa soldiers was sent yesterday) from Bmpahne to attempt to res cub ? construction party of two] Americans and sixteen' Mexican? r<iA ported repairing the railroad ' brid ?oj over the Yaqui river ?car Corral. Reassuring* Advices. Washington, June 23.-^Official anxiety over the situation in Yaqui Valley, Mexico, where the indians had threatened an American belony. wan considerably relfoved today following reassuring advices concerning thc situation from Admiral Hftword, wau reported by Wireless that he had been assured by General Ley VA, Mex ican commandant at Gusymas, thal quiet, prevailed in Yaqui-'Valley.? Officials here believed-lt will not ba necessary to land United State? marinos and bluejackets to .prutcc" I sealers. CSOrK IS ?IS?SoHk?i PAMAOBP^?T SE^yaE ST?RS] Memphis, Tenn., Juno 23.-W communication was disturbed tor with lections of M'iMslsalpci ?Od Ar-J kansas, awcnl yesterday by a-'severe] wind and rain storm. Meagre roports| indicate great damage- to crops, at Parchrnan. The Mississippi state farm cell house waa bio wu down and guard killed. ! .Craitv? ???boroWHO Torpedoed. London, June 23.-An admiralty} statement tonight says the Prit cru ser Roxhhr?h was stfbck bj torpedo da tho North Sea Bundar. Thc damage was not serious sai- tho crui ser waa able to proceed under ber Own steam. There were no''casual ties. .Ti;*>'h^-'-~--^-v*-^lr--,y-rs^ 3 FEARS :r fMx : SYSTEM WILL BRI Ah VALLEE The earthquake was. a tremendous oathurs lean cavalry ia per*??, here and Villa ?oldie: MexlcaH. repCTts lodienta t waa rocked tram night's eerie*-of j Five persons wei [Mexicali, but no i from other vsjle; dist?rbennos ar? be llov? ! originated ir,