BETTER COOKING NO MORE DRUDGERY NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstoves have made c ook - ing easier and kitchens cleaner tor 2,000,000 housewives. No more dru?jgcry-no more wood-boxes, coal-scuttles, and ash pans. The NEW PERFECTION lights instantly like gas, and regulates high or low by merely raising or lowering the wick. You can do all your cocking on the NEW PERFECTION-just as cheaply anjl twice as conveniently as on your coal range. Ask your dealer to show you the .NEW PERFECTION No. 7 with the new oven that becomes a tire less cooker merely by pulling a damper. Also che PERFECTION WATER H EATER. It makes you independent of your Coal range - gives you plenty, of'hot running water. Ute Aladdin Security Oil ot Diamond White Oil to obtain the bc gt results tn oil i Stove?, Heaters and ;Lamps. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Walkington, D. C. (New Jersey) Charlotte, N. C. Norfolk, Va. (BALTIMORE) Charlton, W. Va. RichooP'j. ?"a. Charlenton, S. C. ? * ? STANDING OF THE (LIBS. ? ? + ?+++++?+?+*?++++?+??++ South Atlantic. Won. I .ont. P. C. f'liar J?-stt>n. 31 22 r.h.'i Macon. au 22 577 Albany. 2h 23 549 Columbus. 29 25 637 Jacksonville .. .. 25 28 472 Bavaunah. 24 2K 402 Columbia. 23 30 434 AiiKUHta. 20 32 385 Southern Won. Lost. P. CV New Orleans.. .. 34 22 007 Birmingham .. .. 29 22 ."?09 Memphis. 30 24 666 Nashville. 30 25 54; Chattanooga. 27 25 Ria Atlanta. 24 30 444 Mobile. 2] au 390 Little Hoi k. 19 23 205 American. Won. Lost. P. C. Chicago. 31 17 040 Detroit. 31 i? 020 Boston. 22 18 660 Washington .... 21 it? 525 New York. 20 23 405 Cleveland. 19 25 432 St. lillis. 18 28 391 Philadelphia .... 17 29 370 National. Wou. Lost. P. C. Philadelphia _ 25 19 508 Chicago. 24 19 668 Urooklyn. 23 21 f.23 Boston.21 20 ali St. Louis. 21 24 ?.O0 Hitt?burgh. 22 22 500 Now York.17 23 42.' Cincinnati. 17 24 41! Federal. Won. LoBt. P. C. Kansas City .... 29 19 604 Pittsburgh. 25 19 f?68 Brooklyn. 26 22 542 Newark. 24 21 533 St. Louis. 22 21 512 Chicago. 24 23 511 Buffalo. 18 31 3C7 Baltimore. 17 CO 36? + ? + ?+ + * + * + + ?. + *?+ + + *? + ? * ? * YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. * * American League. At New York 4; Chicago 5. At Washington il; Cleveland 1. At Whittington 8; St. Louis 2. At Boston 6; Detroit 5. Federal League. At Brooklyn 7; Newark 9. At Baltimore 3; Buffalo 6. At Baltimore 13; Buffalo 5. At Kansas City 5; Chicago 3. Pittsburgh-St. Louis not scheduled. National League. At Pittsburgh 2; Boston 1. At St. Louis 13; New York 2. At Cincinnati 2; Brooklyn 2; four teen innings, darkness. At Chicago-Philadelphia postponed on account of rain. South Atlantic League. At Albany 3; Savannah 6. At Jacksonville 0; Charleston 6. At Columbus 3; Columbia -. At Macon 0; Augusta 10. Southern. At Chattanooga 3; Birmingham 2; fourteen Innings. At Memphie 1; Atlanta 5; eleven in nings. At Little Rock 1; New Orleans 1; (teven Innings to allow New Orleans to catch train. M Vnabvlllf? 6: M?hlin 44 TAKE SALTS FOR THE KIDNEYS IF YOUR BACK HURTS tte ShouM Drink Lots cf Water and Eat Less ^Meat, Says Noted Authority on Kidney Disorders ^ . --.-. Recommends a Spoonful of Jad Salts In Glass of Water Before Breakfast to Stimulate Kidneys and Eliminate\ ^-J the Uric Acid ._ tjrio acid In meat excites the kidneys, they |. u become overworked, get sluggish, ache, and feel i ?. Uko lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy,. 1 the bladder is irritated, and you* may be obliged 1 io seek relief two or three times during the night: r* when the kidneys clog you must help them flush eJjU'the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick pwson shortly. At first you. fefel a dull ,-i tekery Sa the kidney region, you st^Uer from ^che, s?-ik headache, dizziness., stomach gets tongue coated and you feel rheumatic when the weather is bad. less meat, drink lots of water; also get ffifrllU lunjr pliarms?jst four ounces of Jad Snits: fake a tAbWj^>aful ia ? glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidney? wilt then act fine. Thia famous salts is mad? from 'the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lit hin, ana has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal, activity, also to neutralice tho acids in urine,* so it no longer is s source of irritation* thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot injure, makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active. Druggists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while ii ie only 'trouble*/ * ? MARKETS LOCAL QUOTATIONS Urala and Seedy. Ear corn, per bushel ....90c to $1.00 Mixed peas.$1.60 to $1.60 ('ann aced, per Soy beans, per bushel.$2.60 California black eye peas, per bushel.$2.76 to $3.00 Dwurf Essex Rape, per pouud. ..lie Poultry. Hens, each.36c to 60c Friers, each.30c to 46c Fresh Meats Porkers dressed, per lb. 12c to 12 1-2c Hogs dressed, per lb.ile Mutton dressed, per Ju. H's to ll l-2e Lire Stock. Bett cattle, per lb. 4 to 4 12c Veal calf, per lb.4 to 6 12. Hogs, per lb.8 to Dc Sheep, per .lb.4 1-2 to 6 l-2c Provisions Eggs, per doz.17 l-2c Butter, per lb.20 to 26c Sweet potatoes, per bu. ..$1.00 to $1.10 Turnips, pur bu.?Oe to 86c Turnip Greens, per bu... 60c to 76c Spring onions, per bunch 3c to 3 l-2c COTTON ! New York Markets. Open high low close 9.49 9.34 9.48 Oct.9.72 9.84 9.72 9.84 Dec.10.02 10.11 10.02 10.11 Jan.10.07 10.15 10.07 10.15 Spots 9.70. Liverpool Cotton. Open Close July-Aug.^.f.. 24 5.27 Oct-Nov.5.44 5.49 Jan-Feb... ... .5.58 5.63 Spots 5.35. Spots 5.35. Sales 10,000. Receipts 49,000. New York, June 10.-Trading was quiet on cotton market today, but prices scored a net advance of 10 to ll points in the morning dealings, af ter which there was sufficient realiz ing to cause some slight recessions, in the afternoon, 'however, the market was within a point or two o the best. SUSS MARY ELIZABETH SMITH This elect lady was born lu Daw son county. Ga., May 17, 18S0, and sweetly feel asleen In Jesus March 31, 1915. in Belton. S. C. Her father, Wilbur P. Smith, a gal I lant Confederate soldier, a native ot North Carolina, but a resident of Georgia, found a wife in South Caro lina. Miss* Susan Williams. She was a daughter of ' McCajal and Mrs. Matilda Tarrant Williams of An derson county. It was from this fam ily that Williamston. S. C., gets its j name. This connection accounts for the removal of the family from Geor gia to Carolina. After attending Belton school, MiBs Bessie entered Winthrop college, and graduated In 1900. She was ela .:; historian. For five years she gavu herself to teaching In the public schools, hilt thc call of a hlg'.ier duty took her. id 1905. to Scai-rltt Bible and Training school, taking a two year's course, and graduating as pres ident of her class. Later she was sot apart as u deaconess by Bishop Hen drix, at Houston. Tex. In the fall of 1907 aha went to Louisville, Ky., as bead resident of the Wesley bouse, remaining three years. A nervoua breakdown rendered a year's rest Im perative.1 In January. 1912, she be came assistant to Rev. Dr. Lee, pastor of St. John's church, St. Louis. This was her last engagement. Com in home in the spring of 1913 to rest and recuperate, she' was never able to take up her special work* again. But her spirit Was unconquered and her seal flamed out as before. She en rolled In 1914 as a- correspondent student in the University of Chicago, though unable even to begin the work. This was to prepare her more fully for the work of a Bible teacher.- She was also for the most ot her last years on earth diligent and successful in all Christian work that she could find to do, making ad dresses, 'writing articles, and organ izing "a* splendid 'Wesley class lu our Sunday school'in Belton. She work ed costinuafly"' "as*urifler" the great Taskmaster's eye; . and whib hoping; to be re*\fcree?;?yet?n'o*doubV. under the spur * of -the- 'hreVlty"?of ther span or opportunit?- 1 . -In 1912 Miss Smith published "In Bethany House." a storv that was both a delightful piece ot fiction, ai a study tn borne mission work. It ls Indeed of distinct literary value, and deserves, and has had, a large sale. To us, her loved ones, her brother Claud In Brasil, to her pastor, her friends-to us all words fall to tell of the beauty of her mind and heart. Her life Was comparatively abort, but filled to thc brim with strenous en deavor, a victorious faith, and a gen tleness of love that won her'troops of friends. She slipped away that spring day, hat she only went to a more lovely land than ours. J. LE MAC KS STOKES. TEXTILE MAGAZINE. June Number Very Interesting and Shows Progress. - We are in receipt of the June num ber of Ute monthly magasine published by the Southern Utilities company. In looking over lt we see the picture ot our mayor. Mr. J. H. Godfrey, and also an' article written about him. There also appears an article by Mr. Thomas F. Hill, superintendent of the street car system In .Ulla city. The magasine as a whole shows that lt is Improving and ia better ' serving the purpose for which it was started. FOLEYlmw?Y par i rn* BACKACKt KIDNEYS ANO 6LAO Cfc WHEN you tee an arrow, what do you thing ol? Of Courae! WHY Because it goes straight to the spot! Wear*' * (joss?rd Th?yLacQ In Front $2.00 to $10.00 Fitted bj our Coraetlere. D. GEISBERG ?PROFESSIONAL I CARDS J DR. J. E. WATSON General Practice Office in Ligon & Ledbetter Building. North Main Street. Offlce Pbone 210. Residence Phone 386. C. GADSDEN SAYRE Architect 405-406 Bleckley Building \ Anderson, S. C. Chisholm, Trowbridge & Suggs DENTISTS New Theatre Building W. Whitner St : HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD ' 3ays Cream Applied In Nostrils Opens Air Passages Right Up. *. ^ ^ ^ ?a A a. A * a a a. e. a . A a_ a> o. a ?? * m Instant relief-no v/aitiug. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your bead* clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffing, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for bfeath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, bealing cream in your nostrils. It pen- I etratea through every air passage ot I the bead, soothes the Inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief] [cornea instantly. It'a Just fine. Don't stay stuffed I up with a cold or nai,cy catarrh. IIP ECZEMA AND STOPS ITCHING This old time skin healer wed just IT*? any cold cream. Sulphur, says a renowned' dermatol ogist, just, common bold-sulphur made into a thick cream will soothe and beal the skia when irritated and broken ont with Ec terns or any form of eruption. The moment it ia applied- all itching ceases and after two or three applica tion*! the Ecaema disappears, leaving the skin clear and ?mooth. He tells Ecaema sufferers ?to get from any good pharmacy an ounce of bold* sulphur and apply it to th? irritated parta the same aa you would any cold For many yeera common bold-sulphur baa occupied a aecuns position ia the praoUce of dermatology a&d - cutaneous affections by reason of* ita parasite-de Htroying property. It ia not only para siticida], but also antipruritio, anti septic and remarkably heating in all Irritable amt inflammatory conditions of thc akin. ? While not always effecting a permanent CUM it never fails to in stantly subdue the a nw ry itching MMA . irritation and heal the Ecaema rte** I ap sad lt is often.yean later b?fete I any ?ruption again appears oaf tbs sala, " terday is gone. Tomorrow does not ex? 1st. TODAY is the day of Opportunity. This is the coloumn of opportunities. Read it. Use it-if you seek a broader opening for yourself, if you seek men, if you want to buy or sell machinery, fixtures, equip-ment. __________ Classified Columns Want Advertising Rates Twenty-nve words or less, On? Tims 26 cen's. Three Tinas? 6? ?eat?, 8lx Tun ? 11.00. ?ll advertisement over twenty-live words prorata for each additional word. Katee on 1,000 words to be uied In a fonth mads on appli Oon. No advertisement taken for lee? than It cen ta. cash la ad vanee. If your name appears In the ule phone directory ye? can telephone ?our want ad to 821 and a bUl wi H bs malled attar ita Insertion tor prompt payment. WANTS WANTED-? reliable representative In every community to act as agent for Tb? Intelligencer. Liberal com missions paid. Apply Tbe Anderson Intelligencer. 2-28tf. WANTED-You to know that I am dill on the Job with the best wood und coal' on the market, if you don't believe lt try me. W. O. Ulmer, Phone 649. Successor to Pledmor.t Coal and Wood Co. 4-15-tf. FOR SALE FOB SALE-Nice rubber-tire car riage; would exchange for good buggy horse. Phone 484. 6-8-3t FOB SALE-Cane Seed 11.00. Peas, any variety, 11.76. Corn fl.OO. Al! in new sacks. C. W. & J. E. BAUK NIGHT, Walhalla, S. C. 6-10-6tp FOB SALE-One good buggy and farm horse; one good rubber Ure buggy. Will trade for Ford car. Phone 2tt. J. H. DANN ER, Pelzar, S. C. . 6-ll-3tp WANTED-A position by experienced stenographer. Address Stenograph er, care Intelligencer. 6-30-33t. NOTICE Pure seed Nancy Hall sweet potato plants in any quantity at $1.75 per 1,000. We guarantee our plants to be pure seed plants and to give entire satisfaction. Phone Us Your Reservation. Very truly, C. F. POWER & SON Phone 117 201 McDuffie St. MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LEND-Few hundred dollars, to be placed at once ou good real estate paper. Qreene * Earle, Attys. C-8-3t SOWING SEASON-June 1B lae prop er month for sowing of Rutabaga Turnips. Prepare thorough seed bed and sow in the dust for best results. We have the right seed stock, at fifty cents per pound de livered by parcel post. FURMAN SMITH, Se3dsman. EXPERT KODAK FINISHING . ?j Developing and printing done by artista. Moat Iteautiful work guaranteed at all times. EUitinfaction Or No Charge. Developing, 10c Frr Film. I Printing: Prints 2 1.4x3 1.4, Sc; 2 1.1x4 1.4, Ile; S 1-4x5 1.2, Sc. Quick delivery. Bend one ti Un to test our ?enrice. AOENTS WANTED LIGON DRUG C" Si>.