Special Bargains We have a few sets of buggy harness we want to sell quick at $8.00 i set. Lots of good home made bridles at $1.50 each. Pads 15 and 20 cen'.s each! Stage har ness, breeching, lines, etc.] cheap. We manufacture and repair harness and use nothing but the best leather.\ We are painting buggies ewry day and giving satisfaction as to prie ?ii nd quality of work. Let us make your Duggy look like a new one. Also have a ribber tiring outfit and use only the best gr\de of rub ber. \ The celebrated Tyson & Jonis buggies are arriving almost every weei If you have never used one yourself ydir neigh bor has-ask him. We have kipwn this buggy to be in actual use 15 yeajs. Also have Moyers, Babcocks, Norm?is, Rock Hill, etc.-none better. ? We guarantee every thing we sil to be as represented. Give us your bus^ess. Have you a nice pony or horse that you wanto sell; if so bring them around. We have several wi broken horses that we want to sell quick, also the nice\pony in town with perfect qualities. Call around ani let us show you what we nave* j Yours for business, I The Fretwell io. The Leading Hardware House Of The Carolin? In the selection of our large and varied stock, the first jnsidera tion is QU AL1TY Our unsurpassed warehouse facilities make it possible \ us to make deliveries PROMPTLY Our organization and experience combine to enable us to Je you the best PERSONAL SERVIC SULLIVAN HARDWARE Anderson, Belton, ' Greville. The Best of Meats, Fish Country Produce Wa ara oat here on West Market street, entirely out of High Rent District, where we can, and will gran yon aa go? or better meeta, fish, end country produce as any .one else ci -and et quite a Big Saving in price. | Oin* Delivery Service Is Very Good Indeed. ; jj Try Us Once, And Be Convinced! Suburban Markei S. C. HAYNIE end R.B. TUCKER, Props. 457 W. Market Phone 887.1 ****** ? ELECTRIC CIT ? ,_ * Items of Interest and Person) . Wireless on tho Si ????sn*???????*' Meeting County Board Tuesday. There will iit* a meeting of the county board of commissioners on Tuesday in the ofllce of Supervisor King. Tills ls regular muuthlv meet ing und the regular routine busi ness will be transacted. o II.OIH) School Children Enjoy Ins; VaeafJou. Approximately ll.ooo children were enjoying school vacation in Auderson county, tills being about the number enrolled at the various schools. An derson county has 'J'? schools. -o Appointed Summer School Sr hobt r'-hi p. Miss ("ora B. Madden of Donalds. K. P. D. No. 2. bas been appuiuted a delegate from Anderson county lo the summer school m Wlnthron Col lege. The appointment was announc ed yesterday. Tourists Registered At Hotel t !.ii;nola Mesara. J. P. Dean and Rex Dean CANNING SCHOOL GAME IO CLOSE YESTERDAY GIRLS HAVE RETURNED TO , THEIR HOMES BETTER PRE PARED FOR WORK SALE OF GOODS College to Take Tomatoes in Pay for Tuition-School Was Great Success. The three days' canning school came to a close yesterday morning at tl.e Anderson College and those in charge themselves as being highly elated with its success. The girls were dismissed early In the morning and most of them left soon after for their respective homes after having been instructed for three days In how to can tomatoes, how to care for their plants and mauy other useful things. . The school bas done nindi for them socially. Having the use of the dor mitories of the college and staying there all the time, they have been another. huVe become Imbued with a ?lew spirit for their work and have been benefitted by the ideas express ed between themselves. MISB (?arlington, wno bas had charge of the school said yesterday that she was more than pleased with this the first Behool of Us kind in th;county. She asked that thc girls be Beat and that Urey bring food with them and the mothers in the county responded to the call more eagerly than she bad hoped for. They ha vu feasted on the good thlugs furnished by the girls and there was enough left to run the school several duys longer. Mrs. Johnston, housekeeper at the college stated yesterday at the close of the school that if any of the stu dents wanted to attend -the Anderson College next season, canned tomatoes would be accepted in payment for tuition. This is a very liberal offer and no doubt will be taken advantage of. REVIVAL SERVICES WILL BEGIN TODAY At St. John's Methodist Church With Rev. Baxter McLendon Preaching. This morning at 11:30 the Rever end Baxter McLendon will preach the first of his series of sermons ii this city at the St. John's Methodist church. Ile comes to this city highly recommended and it ls hoped that the four weeks' meeting in this city will do wonderful good. The services will be conducted at St. John's Methodist church until tho tent, which has beengst St. Matthews ls erected. Every one has a cordial Invitation to these services. Engineers Convention Ends. Cleveland, Juno B.-The Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers ended its first tribunlal convention here today. It wan decided to cut the number of delegates in half at the ne> convention. NOTICE "In c. .1er to encourage nog raising in And?, non county the Farmers and Merchants Bank will be pleased to loan money to yoong fenner boys with which to boy a pair of hogs of good strain of blood and in this way euable you to make a beginning in hog raising. We will also be glad to aid you in getting cattle of good stock to raise from. We will siso sid you as far aa we can In finding and pur chasing the hogs and cattle. We will lend you this money at a very mod erate rate of Interest. - The business if properly looked si tar will be self-sustaining In a little while and will then become a source profit." ."Recpoctfully, "J. I. BROWNLEE, "Cashier." of ************** Y SPARKLETS * ri Mention Caught Oree the * treeU of Anderson * ?************* ar,, registered at tho Hotel Cbtquola from West Point, Miss. They wen; to Richmond to attend the reunion and are on their day home, having made tiie trip by automobile. Farmers Ready tn Have Grain Threshed. Mr. I.ulph Drake was In tho city yesterday and stated that all tlit* farm ers in Iiis section hail grain harvest ed and were ready to have it thresh ed, lie saya 1 hut lie expects to make tiUO bushels on Ho acres and that his brother. Mr. Wade Urake, will make about _,000 bushels on 90 acres. They expect to sell theirs through the An derson grain elevator. Anderson to Have Sew Tonrem. The Peace-Masters company. Just south of Anderson, has been commis sioned with u capital stock of $3,000. The petitioners are J. P. Peace, .1. N. Musters and A. H. Masters. They will do a general merchandise, coal and wood business, milling and buy ing and selling cattle. PAVING OFFICIALS STATE THAT WORK WILL BE GIN IN FEW DAYS AND WILL GO FORWARD ?NEED 200 GOOD MFN Have Not Yet Decided Where! Asphalt Plant Will Be Situated. Mr. S. L. Craney. general superin tendent and Mr. ll. M. Mertz. travel ing representative of the Southern Paving Construction company of I Chattanooga, Tenn., arrived in the | city yesterday from Citai lotte, N. C., | where they had been for the past few days submitting bids to the Southern Public Utilities company for the con j tract to pave the street car tracks In this city. As ls well known these repr?senta tives come to Anderson for the pur pose of getting the work started on j lev paving whicli ls to be done hore j They stated yesterday that they ex pected to break dirt within a few days and once started the work would go right on through and they thought it could be finished hy De cember 1. They expect to use almost entirely local help and will prob ably have _U0 men on the pay roll. It bas been said that tho Pine Ridge, the Charleston and Western I Carolina and the Piedmont and North ern railways will each offer locations for the asphalt plants but it will he a few days yet before a decision is made In the matter. ELKS LEAVE MONDAY FOR CHARLESTON TRIP Have Engaged Special Pullman and About 25 Expected to Take Trip. About 20 or 25 members of the local Elks lodge will leave on Monday af ternoon for Charleston where they will attend tho State convention in that city which convenes on Tues day morning. A special Pullman h is j been engaged and will be attached to the 4:43 train over the Blue Ridge Anderson Elks will be Joined at Bel ton by Elks from Greenville. All 'atong the line they will be Joined by [ members and from Columbia to Char leaton they will travel on a special I train which will arrive in Charleston I about 7 o'clock. The Charleston lodge has planned great time for the visiting Elks, In ! eluding a boat ride over the harbor, I a tri?, to the Magnolia gardens, a sea food banquet at the Isle of Palms, etc., and a. great time ls expected. IDEATHS I Death of Infant. The little three months old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rodgers] of the Anderson mill died on Friday j night. Interment was made yester day afternoon at Silver Brook ceme tery. HEW SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE Piedmont and Northern Trains Follow Hew Hoars. It will be well to remember that the new schedule, on the Piedmont and'.Northern becomes effective today. The arrival and departure of the trains will be as follows: Arrivals: titi a. m.; 9:25 a. m.. 11:40 a- m., 1:10 p. m., .1:40 p m., g. p. m., 6:50 p. m.. and T0:20 p. m. Departures: 8:25 a. m., 9:25 a. m.. 19:30 a. m., 12:01 p. m., ? 30 p. m., 1:50 p. a., 5:40 p. m., and 0:15 p. Hand Painted Salad Bowls For June Brides Th.->re is nothing handsomer, more appropriate or more appreciated as a wedding present than Leant if ul Chinu. This Special Cut Price Sale At this time is a great opportunity for those who buy wedding presents for the JUNE BRIDE Will sell any Bowl in the house at n discount of 33 1-3 per rent for 10 days beginning Sat urday, June the Sth. None charged, none delivered, norn* sohl over the phone, come and get them. A PARTIAL LIST OF SALAD BOWLS IN THIS SALE Regular This Sale Bowls.$1.50 $1.00 Bowls.$2.00 $1.34 Bowls.$2.25 $1.50 Bowls.$2.50 $1.67 Bowls. . . . .$2.75 $1.84 Regular Bowls.$3.00 Bowls.$3.25 Bowls.$3.50 Bowls.$4.00 Bowls.$4.50 Bowls.$5.00 This Sale $2.00 $2.17 $2.34 $2.67 $3.00 $3.34 Compare our selection with any other, and observe their superiority in weight, workmanship, variety and beauty. Get them from your Uncle Johnny, all the time. AUSTIN'S On the Square Under the Temple mk First Photograph of Victim of German Gas at Hil! No. 60. This photograph ls the first to ar- by the Germans near Ypres. This because neither he nor any others had rive in the United States showing a soldier waa behind hts embankment, ?j>?r,enced such a thing before, lin of the chlorine gas turned on the at Hill No. 00 when he was overcome ?^?? T? fi,"Ky i'^'mere Frene hand Hrltlsh trenches April '-'2 by the gas. Not knowing tho danger, after the Germans were driven cut. Jl" ' -:-1-? -1 JUNE Enjoy That Trip By Equipping With TODD AUTO SHOP ?xclu$iye Dealers