DEVOTED TO SOUTHERN RIGHTS, MORALITY, AGRICULTURE, LITERATURE, AND MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. JUIES H. NORWOOD, EDITOR.] VOL. L To thine ov nsrlf bi' true ; And it must follow a* the nipht the duij ; Thou roust nol then be false to any man.—Hamlet. DARLINGTON C. H., S. C., THURSDAY MORNING JANUARY 15, 1852. [NORWOOD k DE LORRE, PUBLISHERS NO. 46* THE DARLINGTON FLAG, IS ri'BLISIIKO EVERY TUI RSDAY XOININO, AT DAULINtfTON, C. If., 8. C., 1IY NORWOOD &, DE EORTJE. terms or subscription: In advance, (j»er annum,) • ! board next to the corn, lapping the cartli perfecly around it, so that the ! grass is all covered. He then lets it “Poor McDonald!” he muttered; “ he comes but to find his ntliauced bride’s house in ruins, and her in the remain eight or ten days longer and hands of his most implacable foe.” then runs ronnd it again, taking only The rush of the steed was heard, the At the expiration of six months At the end of the year - - - $2 00 2 50 - 3 00 half slice from the old bed making the underwoml parted in twain, and with a horse walk briskly, which will throw hound a horseman bolted in front of the dirt to the corn again. He then the burning mansion, and glanced with takes cotton seed that has not been an unearthly stare around him. killed by heating and he tlrills the fur- It was McDonald, the nttiauced ot and by the time they reached the edge row at the rates of Hi hoabels per acre, .Marion Hunter! of the black forest, both riders fame (one furrow to each row,) and then His lofty brow was as pallid as that to a halt, and throwing Ins left arm covers them with a block or board and , of the dead female tiiat lay beneath around her attempted to draw her to his horse’s hoof, and his cheek as pale him. as the rose of Sharon, while every The excitement of the flight had limb of the strong men trembled like brought the warm blood to her cheek, an aspen leaf, ami his own bosom heav- but the insult he offered sent it rushing ed almost to bursting with the force of back, and for a moment she became as corn as posihlc and covering the seed, his emotion, as lie shouted forth in the pale as marble; then recovering her self, sent one wild, heart-rending shriek The corn remains in this condition “My Marion! my Marion! where . r’i o • i eight or ten days longer and the lied is art thou?” ng the past summer at Glenn fepnngs, ^ J P . , ,, - . . . P , i-.l • . finished out by runmug two more fur- . “ Im> seek the enemies of our faun, inti tbo iileasiire of tbe aemi.'iinlnne.e . . P . was such that she must inevitably Ik? from the street, filling Mrs. Partington’s The last Word.—The Inst word overtaken, yet she plied the whip, and little chamber, to its utmost capacity is the most dangerous of infernal ma- they flew like the wind toward the with “hooray,” then great element of chines. Husband and wife should no gloomy wood that loomed up toward political life. “ There they go again,” more tight to get it than they would them. Hut a hundred yards inter- cried she, with their drums and lanterns, stMiggle for the possession of a lighted ADVERTISING : Advertisements, inserted at’J5 cents a wpisre (fourteen linos or less,) for ihe first, 1 ami 374 cts. for each subsequent insertion. 1 Business Cards, note.vceoding ten lines, they remain until they have sprouted nserled at Jfjsa, a year. AGRICUItTURE. 7/ „„„ and in the act of coming up. He then takes a turning plow a si/.o larger and runs round again, still taking only half _ - slice and throwing the dirt as near the From the Farmer ami Planter. SUCCESSFUL CORY PLUTIMJ. Messrs. Editors: While I was spend- vened, when, with a demoniacal laugh, like crazy critters, and keeping folks he dashed up beside her, and seizing awake when they ought to he in the hold of her bridle rein, by a powerful arms of Murphy!” Ike pulled in his effort checked the gait of her horse, head and dropped the window, and the good old lady mended the fracture of the glass by a hat and a |Miir of pants of Ike’s w ith the threat of severe pun ishment if he did so again. lint do you suppose she would have kept it? Ike knew better. When Mr. (ireeu came in the next day to tell him the story of how it was broke, but all the blame was on the politicians she had. through the surrounding wood, and vaiulv endeavored to shake off his hold. ANSWER Til A CHALLENGE. The eccentric 11. H. Breckenridge, bomb-shell. Married people should study each other’s weak points, as skaters look out for the weak parts of the ice, in order so keep olf them.— Ladies who marry for love should re member that the union of angels with women, lias been forbidden since the flood. The wife is the sun of the so cial system. Unless she attracts, there is nothing to keep heavy bodies, like husbands, from flying into space. The wife, who should properly discharge her duties, must never have a soul above trifles. Don’t trust to^ much to good temper, when you get into an ar gument. Sugar is the substance most I had the pli.isurt 0 f *he acquaintance | . ( , wg ^ a|U j a s bovel furrow in the that human demon of Tarleton’s, C’ap- i" i am up. i i.ims o m j ( | ( || e M deep as possible, which com- tain Ellerslie, and you will find her Mr Burrell S nmders of that 1’ u i. h 1''*’^*® “ ,e plowing. He usually plants whom you seek, and the hunter strode , j , .. Ymi , ’ ' s . peas about the first of July, between to his side. had, hv his skill and attention to agn- . . ... , 4 . . . J 1 ’ , ,, P r - i i i 4 • i i ,i i . • . the hills of the com with hoes, and “barlie, my friend, how long since culture, astonished the planters m that , 4 . * « n r jj .i • i i i j/>* ... . . r . works them after he nulls the fodder, this deed happened f part of the Mate they informed me ... ... . ,, T . „ v . * . ,, . .i . • iwith (lie hoc also. .Ylr. Saunders in- “ iNot an hour since, that Mr. hnunders came to that neigh- .. . . , „ , i <• . , , run formed me that he was compelled this I hen, by the souls of my foreta- ioi u»(K ns mi oursii r rnm .unue year to break tlie middle, as lie found thers, she shall be mine!” and turning distne.t, and liy industry and economy [ t wou | d t too hart|> bu ’ t usually does his steed, he dashed rapidly from the mad a sufficiency to purchase some , Y;, .....I 8cal , s r t, follow-ed by the hunter, after ta- corks king one lingering look at the scene of 50 hands, large and small, he cidti- ruin left liehind him. But that cry of despair which then 1 went up from the lips of injured iuno- cence, was heard by ears that thrilled with pangs of mortal agony, as it vi brated upon his senses, and tearing himself from his executioners, Hunter essayed to mount the wall and fly to ral products. Let all manied people take a hint from the products of na ture. 1 could make no use of you when dead, for any culinary purpose, as 1 would a . , , , ■ * r» .M "ot plow us corn but once, and s hands and a plantation. He was told , , 1 . j . ,, ... .. , cel v ever hoes it. Mr. Saunders w by a resectable citizen that he could , not succeed in planting, as the former owner of the plantation had failed to do so, mid had to leave the place. Mr. Saunders commencfd a system of ma nuring and rest, ami soon convinced his neighbors that there was as much in the management of the man, as there is in the production of the land. His emu crop the first year or two, was from 15 to 20 bushels per acre. Af terwards it increased from 20 to 30, l,, ., » : .i his rows are 44 feet w ide, and in the vates 01 acres in corn and 30 acres in potatoes, he also plants 4 acres of : long sta|ile cotton to the hand, and some rice for market, ami has sold 1200 bushels of corn the present year, amt some Uncoil, and what is more as tonishing to me, he only runs six plows, which 1 consider is one of the most important secret* for us to learn, lie 1 rests his cotton land every other year, slimmer he hauls in leaves and lists the edge to cover them, and then in side and in a few years lie raised 10 bushels to the acre This was doubted by some of the citizens of NValterborogh, and a bet was nude unit the parties went down to Mr. Saunders’ plantation and measured bis cribs, and it was as certained that he had excelled 40 bu shels per acre. Shortly after I received this information from Col. Cam and | Capt. Williams, Mr. Saunders arrived . . ii r system, applicnplc to the up country, at the Springs, and 1 availed myself ol * 11 . 1 the opportunity to make Ids acquaint ance and enquire particularly into his mode of culture. I found him a modest. ’ unassuming gentleman, with good sound practical sense and willing to eommiiuicato his plan of planting and cultivation of corn, widen I will give in detail, but will state another fact roh- ; ted by the gentleman named above, j which will astonish many, viz: Mr. I Saunders’ present crop of coi n w ill avc- ] rage 00 bushels per acre the present year, and that acres can Ik* selected that will make 100 bushels |M?r acre. Mr. Saunders informed me that hi- * * * • • • • The beam of the morning suu gild ed the tree tops and glanced redly from hill to hill, as Captain Ellerslie and Ids party issued from the black forests, and entered upon the more ojK'n country around it. In the centre of tlie group rode the prisoners, and the eye of the officer often rested with gloating admiration upon the fair fea tures of the defenceless Marion, ns she silently nml with downcast eyes rode ; the rescue of Ids daughter. But he „ _ was rudely held back by the arms of put a hall through your body. | iron, and his pleadings fell as upon hearts of marble, until throwing him- j self upon the earth, tlie old man groan- rabit or a turkey. I am no camiibal, | ed in anguish, and heaped maledictions , to feed on the flesh of men. V\ by | upon the destroyer of happiness and . then shoot dow n a human creature, of I innocence. , whom I could make no use ? A buf- But another beside her father heard falo would make better meat. For that fearful shriek, as it went echoing though your flesh might lie delicate and along the forest, and oh, the tin ill nt , tender, yet it w ants the firmness and horror that took possession of Ids ho- consistency which takes and retains t som in that last scream of despair.— ■ salt. At any rate it would not do for The foam flew in drops from the hits a long sen voyage. Yon might make of Selim, and, as if conscious of the ur- a good barbecue, it is true, being ol gency of the occasion, he flew, rather the nature of a raccoon or opposum; than ran, through the wood, until both . but people are not in the habit of bar- lie and his rider seemed like spoils fly- ! beening any thing that is human now. ing through tlie air rather than nceu- And as for your hide, it is not worth one of the judges of the supreme court universally dillused through all iialu- of Pennsylvania, when a young man, was called to fight a duel, by an Eng- lisli officer, whom lie answered as fol lows : “ 1 have objections to this duel mat ter—the one is lest I should hurt you; the other is, lest you should hurt me. I do not see any good it would be to key.—It was the custom of Mrs. I*, to shut up a turkey previous to Christ mas, in order that he might he niro and fat for the generous season. Ono year the gobler had thus been penned, like i uia 3, sonnet, w ith reference to Christ- and anticipations were indulged them in the alley, only taking dirt from along, w ith a sturdy trooper on either pants of earth From the top of that taking ofl', being little bette ide, to prevent any sudden resolution ; slope McDonald gazed down the road, two year old colt. So mticli tko winter, lists in tlie weeds ami veg- she might form to escape. The live- and beholds Marion struggling in the As fur myself, I do liable matter and draws up with the long night the party had travelled on arms of Ellerslie, who has dismount , in the way of any thing hurtful, hoe. His average crop is three hales with unwearied vigilance, and now that ed, and is endeavoting to drag her from of long staple cotton to the hand. I the terror of the forest, known as tlie her steed. He raises aloft in his stir- propose in a future number to make a haunt of Marion and his men, were rup—his broad claymore glitters in the lew suggestions on Mr. Saunders’s passed, the ( aptatu resolved to halt to sun—ami Ids powerhd voice rings out procure some refreshments, and from like a thunderpeal upon the mo.iiiiig i the ardent glances he had so often air, as he shouts aloud his well known east upon hej, Mai ion was led to he- w ar cry upon the breeze— licve he meditated some nol of violence u Hluth to the Tories! 1 am yours, T. B. Byrd. (1 reenwood, S. C., October 15. MISCgllAygOUj. Nil RUIN AND IMS IE*. McDonald's rescue. by II. «. CIlleXAX. The lieavy tread of a horse echoed mt iijam the air, as a solitary horseman Mur ion, I come /” The countenance of Ellerslie paled as he heard the terrible sound, and re rode along the hanks of the Santee towards her, and secretly resolved, if an opportunity presented, to escape. The party halted Ik-fore the gate of a large tory farm house, and one of | leasing the form of Marion, he sprang to his horse; but when he rose in his stirrups, Ids head was clove to the chin by a descending blow from McDonald’s claymore, and he sank liteless to the earth. Seizing hold of the reins of Mai ion’s palfrey, he turned him to wards the farm-house, and galloped than a for yon. not like to stand I am under the impression that you might hit me. This In-iug the case, I think il most advisable to stay at a distance. If you want to try your pistol, take some object, a tree, or a barn door, about my dimensions. If you hit that send me word, and l shall acknowledge that if I had been in the place you might also have hit me.” of the “good time coming,” hut alas! the brightest hopes must fade. The turkey, when looked for, was not to he found. It had been stolen away!— Upon discovering her great loss, Mr . 1*. was for a moment overcome wiih surprise—disconcerted; but the suu of her benevolence soon broke the clouds away, and spread over her features like new butter upon a hot buiscuit, and with a smile, warm with the feel ing of her heart, she said—“ I hope they will find it tender—I guess wo can be thankful mi pork and cabbage!” Si-KAKixo Wkli. or Others.—If the disposition to sja-ak well of others were universally prevalent, the world would heeniuo a comparalive paradi- The opposite disposition is the I'andorn-box, which, when opened, fills even- house and every uciguhorhood with pain and sorrow. How many enmities and heartburnings flow from this source! Envy, jealousy, mid the malignant spirit of evil, w hen they find vent by tbe lips, go forth on their mission like foul fiends, to blast the reputation and peace of others. Every one has Ids imperfections, nod in the conduct of lac bert there will Ik- occasional faults, which might seem to justify animadver sions. It is a good rule, however, when there is occasion for fault find ing, to do it privately to the erring one. 'Fids may prove salutary. It is a proof of interest in the individual, w hich w ill be generally taken kindly, if the man ner of doing it is not offensive. The common and unchristian rule, on the _ contrary, is to proclaim the failing of i of Marion’s men. He rode a t;l || coa | ; woe «. inese men .uivauceo nor. . « w ... - . and capitalists to sittlc among ns.- , other. t« all hut themselves. This is the nion dismounted, threw- it open, and the cavalcade entered the enclo sure, one after another—the space not being wide enough to admit of more than one going in nt a time. Their long ride had so we.ricd the men that they hurried in as fast as possible; and by chocking the impatience of her i hastily onward, horse, Marion remained outside until j “ Do not go therr RESOURCES (IF THE SOI Til. Our country abounds with all the great elements of prosperity and wealth. Water, wood, coal and moun tains of Marble, minerals and metals of every description, a soil and climate without a parallel. Let us at once, then, cease to talk, and begin to act in r'vcr and took his wtv i-i the direc- lnl ‘ v ninrle i.. t ,,i.. arm ! bidding the other to remain behind, and as ho spoke a loud volley rang Objections may he interposed to the ' he'h »!l b 1 so ' dug "up die’ ' tump’ am - I for oflewive or defensive option, ^ he left her side, quick as thought forth upon the hlast. and thick volumes execution of these projects, the reali- lie also dug up toe «um|* ami ^ ^ edidently been belated, and sl, e turned the head ol her steed, and of smoke curled up above the roof of za t !( ,n ot these hopes, but who doubts was now time, for bis wishing to make u-i for lost uppb'ing her whip to the flanks of the the house, and a loud crash of arms the wisdom and liberality of the |k>o- is noble steed was ur-'i-il for- ! 8 l , h' t0 ^ unirnal, be sprang off in the resounded through the yard. Marion I pfi. to adopt every useful scheme to ' direction of the black forest. A deep | fixed an enquiring glance ii|K>n her lov- sustain nod support any pro|K*r plan around curM) broke from the lips of tlie re- er, who replied by simply saying, roots in bis corn land, and that he plan ted corn on the same land every year. He Is vs off his rows with stakes 4] ... - feet wide and made them as straight ns ward at a rapid gallop, and his eye wan possible and all of the same w idth, that di red anxious!) "''‘I ''- ll ‘ i maining guard, as bo wheeled his steed “ T is Marion and his men 1” his preparation commenced in Febnin- him, suddenly a bright red light r k 0f t | 10 hundred men that went forth ry by running a deep furrow in the al- the forest and far down the stream he , * ^ >. ley or between the old beds, in that saw the lurid sparks ascend into the j air, and beheld a red glow painted upon the cloud, by the conflagration below. Hastily raising in bis slirups, be gazed thousand dollars to the one who se- for an'instant upon the scene, and then cures her alive!” he shouted in phren- exclaimed: z.ied tones of madness as he hastily « My God! it is the house of Hun- mounted his own steed to pursue, ter! A wav! away!” j “Go on Marion!—God bless you Hhe struck his spurs deep into the for a noble girl! and 111 defy the vil- sides of his horse, who, giving a wild ! bans to find you again. On, on, gi unchristian, and shows a despicable heart. Female Colutshii- in Rome.—The women of Koine know nothing of those restraints which delicacy, modesty, and virtue impose upon the sex in modern Europe. A Roman lady who takes a liking to a young foreigner does not furrow he listed his corn stalks, |>ea vines and all vegetable matter, (having previously cut them up in 2 or 3 jiieces,) he then deposites his manure in the drill, after which he takes a turning plow (Freborn’s No. 10) and runs a fur row on each side, covering op the ma nure and corn stalks. It remains in this situation until he is ready for plan ting, which he begins early in March. He then opens tlie list with the comer, of the hoe, (having previously fixed them as straight rin U»c helve ns possi ble,) from one to two foot apart, accord ing to the strength of tlie land, and then drops his com In the chop, having previously rubbed it in coal tar and soot. He then takes the turning plow and runs a furrow on each side, taking the dirt from the bed to cover the com. It remains in this situation until it is sprouted about two inches long. He then rune a block that » wide enough to scrajie two rows at a time; tlie block is hollowed in tlie middle to paas over the old bed and has shafts so that the horse walks between the rows. Tkis operation leaves the list lower than tlie old bed and the com remains in this condition nntil it i* three or lour inches high. He then raus round it with tlie turning plow as close and as shallow as (Hissible, and even if it ahauld fall down, It is not injured if it only has one or two roots, the com grows equal to the other around it. It remains in this condition £ight or tt*n days, and he then ruus eloeo to !t wgh the mould which will conduct to this goal ? This is the only nation, ancient or modern, which, from the extent of her : ,, , -. ...i. .,1 ( i.„ tion of those inside, among whom was with Ellerslie, not one escaped; and seaconst—the exhaustless fertility ofl cast down her eyes when he looks at that s-iw ic r i p. Ellerslie. from the terror with which their fate her soil—the variety of her climate, her, hut fixes them upon him long and “ Mount, men, and follow her! a inspired the Tories, tho battle of that morning was called by them, “M< - Donald’s Resile.” Mbs. Partington in Pomtiis.— “ As regards those electrical matters,” said Mrs. Partington, just before elec tion—site lived on a main street, and extending through twenty degrees of with evident pleasure; nay, rite gazes latitude, in the most favored zone, and »t him alone whenever she meets him, countless physical advantages, is capa- io com|»aiiy, at church, at the theatre, Ide of perpetuity. Whether she is des- or in her walks. She will say, with- tined to it, is a problem which remains out ceremony, to a friend of the young to lie solved, and which is wisely, per- man’s: “ I’ell that gentleman I like snort, sped like an arrow from a pow There is hope before, and worse than ! ,ie cheering and noise of parties pass erful bow through tlie wilds of the death behind,” and the tear, of heart- <^ r kopt her awake ofnights forest j felt joy poured over the cheek of Hun- I I don t see the "• making so Hie ted flames of the fire cast an , ter, as he gazed upon the exciting ' n jJ ch ,!1SS alK)ut ,t - VVh >'. do " \ lh 'T unearthly glare upon the surrounding scene. f k .e nm . Um }^" r objects, and revealed with fearful dis- i “ Take that old gray headed dog to | brings, H he has., t got any of Ins own, tinctnvss the features of a strong man, j the first tree, and bang him upon the who had emerged from the depth of I first limb!” wrathfully cried Ellerslie, tlie wood nod stood leaning upon his as he spurred his horse through the d u and let him lie governor till he dies, rifle, gazing upon tbe glowiiig emliers. His lips quivered w-ith emotion, and a tear startled iuvoluntiuily to his eye— but brushing aside this evidence of bis weakness, if weakness It may be call ed, ho strolled to where the form of a female lay stretched u|»oii the earth, and stooping down bn scrutinized with one deep, long glance, those | ml I id fea- per- haps, concealed in the hnpenetraMe veil of futurity. And not only are the United .States, as a whole, thus blessed, but many of tbe individual members of the Confederacy, especially the Southern Atlantic 8titles, have this in- | dependent and self-existent life within themselves. There is scarcely a veg etable, or fruit, or cereal grain, which him.” If the man of her choice feels the like sentiments, and asks, “Are you fond of me?” she repli“s, “ Yes, dear.” In this simple and uuemhel- lishcd manner commence connections which last for years, and which, w hen they an* dissolved, plunge the men in- te despair. just as tliey do the judges, and artcr- | may na | successfully cultivated in *, (,ouu Advice. I have rarely seen wards too, as tliey sometimes do tliem, ; South Carolina and Georgia. ta!,t ** ,nan ' v "° conscientiously devo. for they might as well lie dead, a good ; But I go further and still maintain ted himself to the studies and duties of many of ’em. Oh, this confusion of j that that is undoubtedly a most injuri- i,n - v l"'"h‘ 88 io n . ft "d not admit to noise and hubbub! mv poor head aches oU „ gpocies of traffic which introduces t,,ke ! ill . r * nd honorable opportunities oiu in.vii vr.« ini-nw-.. hearing of it, and Isaac has got sick f r0 „, abroad the same articles which uf offering himself, to notice when such but so long bad |,j» | a cold looking out of tbe window at we can produce i well or hrtter. P^se"^ themtidves. has not at length limbs been confined in one position, | the possession, without nothing on his ourselves, especially if we are abun- 1 l ' e m,8 ^« nce of t, ' os « that he was unable Li walk, and bis ! bead. And then what critters they all dantlv able to make a sufficient quan- who f '* 11 b^bmd, though flung upon for- eaptors bruUlly seizing him hy the | 1 *'’. sd^!—their newspapers are ,j tv t o supply our own consumption, tmie, more fie<|ueinly anses from want grey hairs of his head, drugged him brim full of good resolutions, but ne’ern-, Better to establish cotton, woollen, <*'sb' 1 * " nd perseverance. Lite, niy forward D> an oak tree which grew in j <>♦ keep. They are always | i roUi leather, paper, and all other man- - vou "^ frll, "'. l8 • 18 llk f " b ,n "! e of card * gate, and urged him forward in quick (nirsuit. Half a dozen men sprang forward to obey, and the old man was released ! ° hearing of it, and Isaac has got stch from from hi* horse, tures, and parted the matted locks from lier gory brow, where the fal had forced its entrance and her of life; and then raising himse.1 to | fliaDonca. oraer o. me ■*—■») ".Y' .YY.YrCY Hon'. , not so; for, in the long run. the skill of I parted the matted locks trom lorwaru io an ork irec wiuco grew m , —7. «,. • T« , Y _ • - i j, alternatelv rrood or her gory brow, where the fatal missile the yard, and procuring a rope, pee-I resolving, like Whipples resolving ufaetures, in which vve can ultimately H nd the whole seems at first glance had forced its entrance J ‘ ' 1 *'' lu K » views, and one resolution fades away | mohI or surnass others, at irreat ex- D .’ T " seems ai nrsi glance .n.l d^i^l [Xired to enny iuto emution tk« U« !?*«•. ...rp.,. "tkm .t gr~l e,. d '"k,d 01. (ini S,c ‘ B.I it"'! in, to | dUbulie.l u rd„r of *. klood-tbir.., j«.t M ». „,.U«r I Wo.Wlm "r could have my way, I would — Hoo- an< f apparently even at losing rates, '' rav! here they come!” cried Ike, break- thiin fie permanently dependant on "J ing in ujmmi the old lady’s remarks, and „tl, ers f or them.-—Jaz/ge Lumpkin. his fullest height, he grasjied his rifle Ellerslie. with a spasnnKlic clutch, and breathed In the meantime the steer! which forth in fervid tones, the single word | bore the flying Marion, swept rapidly —“ Vengeance ! onward fo'r the forest,’ and soon dis'- ^"ging his stick on the floor, and n which throwing up tlie window with a vehe- the player predominates over the casu alties of the game. 'Ilien do not bo discouraged by the prospect before you, Punch ask*, if “ five and a half yards 1 but ply your studies hard, and qualify 5Si2iff^M!Jr»3a. m^Vrir «ws*»«r«|&**_!!?*?_ lug the spot, horse’* gallop fell upon his ear. soon saw that tho speed «*f hi# horto ‘ “ Hooray” came up iu a big chorus I Hugariknt cornea iu yeur way.— Wa.U'fr Soott.