Promotkhh.?A?i army--'.coiw^bbdcat of the Kkhmcmd JZngtiirer the following japmotions wm announced ft k special order J-'. |:f from the bea&roartro oftfcqguiar,, A- S t T> ?jgor-tw?*nu A?. % 1 f to the commaad of 3?cLakV Pi vision. %^i&fr^6er?> * / rwily to Lasg*trw?i i Corp*. K-~ + iLwtiteawt Gcoaral 4. A. &ufc * / to Swdft Corp*. ? %* * Fbom Norfolk AKD Vimytrr^A ^injr , f who Mi the vicinity of Norfolk fat ia* tern the editor <*f tbc? * "'% tfat taattly mn efEdrat wilier fa* facst ^ Mel' ferns*! to Boiler. nod nil rU?en* whMi> raOitwr a^|&? bud Met* tho oa&ofak '"' : -"' f kfittK*. bid be?A po|^Mrtm a?? AhwCmMfr** .Point Lookoot fav* ^n#dse**Ho Me < tfa ?*&, / at#*, 34<*t *f$fa tege gnu* bod a?4 ifa n&* RMS were all pMH ^ ety to bear iHr of |Kp> Mm&s& 'If ^ i Lm? Beaamsroi. and OMi ts&d ftatler. onhtr pmoo, bjr Mi* Moore, o( K?rt?&? -" '" *- ths* federate *n?T. Tfor 50? g ltd!*# wow*-' tris^ ats4 bate beet? *eal t ^ ^ tL Yoolnft pojftr ?* t&tt - tKo / ?? u ? ? -?ii?jm|II?I & vl s-->: 0 0** or JoamR?*'* A W^* tans csarroipoml^ faatifcz it?* rrcret at Ofttktbety** bright < f Texam, WmnitMtm: * Jf- Tba |At it korribb- For as Iff'' * ?4 fltewwedy imn(r, wfcrtfcer l*elre Tfcn^ rifexk?oa^lijf *m jrotHkrinl Coelfc ti >3 ? ; tireae %&*t? went t? Ark, repofciog; eotire corp#in tbpN> b^ It *?*%<* eorp? of Major Qcn. Howard. ? * ^ # *f* TOalArt* abort are not exaggerated: if i aojrtbiej&llbfjr *"> StKi^taAi M 4 % Oor bx?, 300 or 400. ^ J This magnificat figbi h*> electrified the ^bok army. Throoghoal yesterday, the Woody Sold w* wH*d bf htndrtd^ wbo a?i *" ]m deebreU tmtmopled* The tmxm for Uw OQ&gM&TGty mail !om on oar lid* mar be aeWj U? the peffret aim of lk? Tmim, f1& Ckbiffac, commseding, was on the and dwpkjed hin^tanal rovdutton, grace ad ikitL "A ubmwiBS Ix?t }>wpelt?4 ter, l?rc 01* feet aide, and ^ then to dWbarge it by mean* 'ofo&eiricitv as the ksi retire* to a ?fe dhUaoee * Bos. It L ?. Ca*ry, of Alabama, has acceptj *d ttk aypoUttmeni as mWotsrj in Gen. Johnston's armr, unde r the a&spice* of the Virginia S&tda? School and Publishing Beard.- and has fatoted regnlariyos hi* wort Ba&ooB&g ifi the army hint been roted a $ * fefepe by the Yankee Governments and all the , .! ^Vv^VWr ?: -';>;\.' . I A Warrior & Death.?It was evident to the physicians that death wsa setting its clammy seal upon the brave, open brow of the Gen* ctjd and they told him so; ashed if he had any last messages to give. The General, with a mind perfect and possesed, then made dispositions of his staff and personal effects. To Mrs Gen R. E. Lee he directed that his golden spars be given as a dying memento of his lore and esteem of her husband. To tlie steff officers he Lit 1. f> - ? * 1* jpvv iiw uorscs, oo particular was ne id smais thing*, even in the dying honrf that lie emphatically exhibited and illustrated the ruling par Men strong in death. To one of his staff, who was b heavy Uuilt wan, he said, 44You had letter take the larger horn?; he will carry you better." Other mementoes he disposed of io a Muiihtr manner. Td hi# young son, he Idt hi* gloriour sword. li:w worldly matter* closed, the eternal interest o\ his wcl engaged his mind. Turning to the Hev. Mr. IVSerlun, of the Episcopal Church, and of which he an etctnplair memlier, he asked him to sing tie hymn commencing : "Keek of ages cleft for inc. Lot me hide myself in thee/' fe joining in with all the voice hU strength would permit. He then joinftl in prayer with the imoUur*. To the doctor he again said : **l am gubig now : I am resigned; God'* trill l>c flonr." Thn* died fkn. J. K, I?. SUwrl Piucttt.vr Sra or nut Ya*kkr M aiusr,?By * the Yankee Nary pnblUhrd in March of \ the prwnl year, it would appear thai the Van\ Jure naw no* conn*!* of m^'-S ve**eL? of jrU chiMejF, including; thom? building, in r at the hands of the ret*!*, now Ikwm* feer^tjgl:*, to the present t:me, at 43 testis Jbdtt&J? ? raim and iron clad*. There are .no* tm the aethe H%t of the nary, 0 Hear AdJ 8. Commodore*. 72 Cominandm ami I p.l cttSffiiC <4mnati? ler*. ? - -a- . * * * ?*. - JlfcW? ? -IE iV.+U Oj l'AT' ? rr': ?A *- >.... ! t* r^eepmf8?a t^ wa mj Wnx to! adtmtralcr lug: ?a*utr #11to cfeifcl^tt: The^jtt4&ttar of oil ?* *x>ifired icb> a *mnH earthen pan wt&r $ fte wo eqr hi it, ami '*a?l i>|? **> t& forts wmrUiin^ like 'what ; when it U done, ft Sttlf itylfedr ??r &. i?f otijige w^6rtemewtautjtl3x ?h??h! W added. iWtb* <&M ?M! e*:- ..;?Ht Wed nr%rrdiv r""^- ? !! 1 Dfei? or * Sfror*&m.~-f*?l. Andrew. J B??Wr, bfot&r of tho lk?*t. d**l M^JeoIr jo Veritjw; hb return faim New OrUfra*. He ld\*a tfty Uip penotuU pnfatv," *0 the Nw York HtmUf i*!!# ^ tA!u<-d at two tt>ii> dcdUr* ^hbbegotbjr ?t?iliijg and^ ! rvUbgj tfi New Orkata^ iff which the IWt OOfUJm hb partner; in proof of which b I ihe that ho left half of hb proper! r to the ; Re**;, on* garter to b? n widow, end on* ! quarter lt> inpt for hit own aon. Such orkUu*hmf nucaUtjr bat w* ;y been eetod in the free of ike world. ^ , .. I I^ACgvejir moii of Thar kerar, not j hefJrr in print, appcgr in * recent number of tFlsrr: Iking tdld thai an Mtquamtancd of his who It a* notorkuft for h? love of hNT, had wulcd fot Indb, he nid: t4l!e wiu a good fellow. * i>n hi* introduction to one of the llarpm in Stw York, IWkrntr had jokrd with him on the American contempt for copyright, and whets he went into the drawing f*w?m he took a | V ? I little fir!, whom he found playing there, on ; h;?knc<\ and fating at her with frigncd wonJ dcr, raid it? aolemn tone*: "And tine is a pi1 rat^'a laughter !n | Whkbe L?e Wast* Him.?A f?>rrcs{K>isdent! | of lh*' Atlanta lntriltptftfen. M* j It&ttiftii hot intrepid opponent ot the *ery poS titioc he desires, with a view to tie a#eomp!i*h i men! of hi* nlterior porpoaei?thteb include j hi* deat^isHion and that of the thole Yankee army* disproporttonain, a* it i# taid to he, in j Tiombem to his own?purpose*, fosterer, which can only be acfomplbhed by t great battle fought and wor. M;-: POST OFFICE, CAMDEN, S & MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. RICHMOND, CHARLESTON, COLUMBIA, WESTER! A NO WAT MAILS. Due?Daily. by 7 20 P. 3 | Cfo*e?Sunday, Tuesday k Thursday, at G 00 P. 1 " Tuesday,Thursday k Saturday, at 11 00 A. I LANCASTER. FLAT ROCK, JtC. Due?Monday, Wednesday k Friday by 12 00 3 CSc?e?Sauk days, at II 00 A. 3 RED HILL, Rl'SSEL PLACE, drC. Due?Thursday, by 12 00 Cl jrpirltoou* liasix**. vmc. ?&* sod viar-pir. II. \*lj?ofall Haoacbold tod kisch&t funs Umv a&rbraRonU took aod tdij-lwocou. Uwi* of sx ch*pic. mescal ittatras&cisSa ao?I tnicte* of & megtic ujto, IX Orrt?K*\ tntjgorr*. dnmt, carl*. ami etc-f tpccK* of vohsd* oo wls^k 13 All fr>H an-i warva ami platf. /(utt* jrw^fy aw! waicfc**. * 1 *. &x&*. tnaj* piielQfai. ^siaiio^K. dUtujn oitd ?H oUxw *urt* of an. IS. XamW of nharw Jo tar baak or mbva* and ?rtfcw jmnl Koric etwapoow*. )<*. Gold or jihffco ft of tallica. 17. Amount of aH adroit cnrvlit*. bonk b#ll and paprr rur^rccv. ? ooo-fotofrtt. brar :>? Cc* fr-drfaif TtWiWt mrfe* IA Valutf o! all oJbrt p??prtir jj*l rn*:nwra?< in tb? f { *SV w til tfrp due lartfev * btn ?- vi3i 1* rcmnd i j i?** |^K-?JCU * Ju*?c 3 . 31 iTATB >r *01 Til C AROLINA. AWT ASD I58P. G8XKH VL* OFFICK, ' rotjtfimn, jTtrt*^ i, i*ci GKSKXaL QHPXH& So ; 1T1IK ck.>e??0?4is>? oftntf* of ?$>* ?*r?r?] UiHu K(0mrtu of JJbe ?Mli iayasnduteif m-ijro !< U& od&c* */ Ifcc Fi*y <>&ow* rf thwr rwpncta re?-.w*&'..*> wttfc Um? d*!* of li?c4i outsa??o? or c*x tion u? V^ki fi-f: J tsr*. Siw office? ol lia** will ta?ke \l>. | kioT* yrutra. *ad kxihmiik oritt *4ectio&< fa KWIi C>ffic*r* of their project,** . guecQtA girtoff <3us cotieft, III- The coi??*wii?vj office?* of R*gi?*?6i *n> r? quired to h*v? *U recast ofioM in thcsr rropectin Rrfvaveal* *r r cmcfBtw<mxiaxv % C?pt*iM L J rau*rw?rt, .John Tbcropeon. J FilkerAery, J no B Mirkle, AiUtnTtwo. 8. D. Rough. T <*x. Ua*k? cf Paragraph 2 of thi* order. By ooauAftod of OoL Jons. J. M GAYLK, Jno# 10 2 Adjutant NOTICE WJ K- HUGinS R*}, win tci %* ray duTT t ilng rop?taM*? tb? &ai?. M?y 20 < W B TATTiOP % F " / > j '< ST. LAWRENCE. " ! HIS Celebrated troUing SJallkm. of the Morgan j J stock. will Maid the ensuing sr&son (1st March i to I ft July) at sir pla iiat' i on-1 <-anny'? Quarter * * I Creek. 9 mile? frtxn Camden. Liberty liil! road, atfofty dollars payable in advance. No insurance. 9 f Grocro fee $1,00. ZACH. CASTKY.^ March II tf " j 90? DOLLARS REWARD. ! rpHE above reward will be paid for the detection of f j 1 the rascal who nit the gin-hand of the ?uh?criber. 1 j on Saturday niiht last. Persona owning flioe *hops \ w i pkaae keep an eye on ait sole leather rent to their hop*. SITUKKLASL i LKMMOSD. * \ February 5 tf. BARE. vj | Hp HIS Bmnlifai thonroujrhbn*} rotttig Stallion. hy I ,Mf OdvK 0 to ?h@ Oroo?. March 4 tf - Dr. J- McCaa & Dr. B- H- Matheson. OFFICE?TWO POOR? A BOTE THE BRAXCXf BAKE. PI JTSO. XCCAA. OR. fc Ij. BATHfiSO*,'. f* January 29 . t? . ? ~ NOTICE. ~~ ~ ' pAFT. w R UUGHSOS wiF act ?? my A pent for I V*' Ux* Iraftttctkm of ail in to Id] serene* Aietxr, dur.n^ Bjr absent* in the service. w! Jar.uarr 22 if W. L. BrPASS. * 6 | __ ' . ; * Notice. T > BROWN ;? mt 'ntfacrfcrd apro! dnrfaj snr i !) jSjwifv fioas Ixxw. **. & MYKRS. J Ychrvjirj l i tf NEOfCAI. NOTICE. j 'PHK baw kmtv * ct?partr?mkip far t X tiw- prsdkn of aedfcise, to Canute* atid ha riI c'tuty. p, J. M. PxSAUfcl'UK. Si. Dm D L PnSAVSSCEX, SL D. d Ayril 1 tf ILTCIIfcK il W a* **i? ,s*fck ** *** lb# ** ? ewrattrnda;: lb* finu of ila.trb. *" T?*rra>?f;Rtr PoHar* 0* Jvgmhs, psayaVc in jmI 5 r kaw fey opcfced an *?*ncy for the bdft? r fei d f?W. cn ft>?ioa?io?, flf grrpn% dry Jtoodt, a&d j ir*icof w*d Ji ortrtaradbwf of otorr tk^rripsit ?o?i b prej?fy! tc t* rooritt iKi t*f tof ?tonurr. AUeo&t'Oit " U5 ft *o 'w t;**m to ?I* al? oa*>*i?T;*!5ritf* I f19)(vabM?iai tUtvl tiro doofl fckvr the T(M i* ock*v p. r> uocorr. Apfrt U U WA\Ti:i> TO SURi: ! 4 XK5U0 (Hr| (tan 10 10 13 year* of ?sr. For > / V tvPhvc p.*n#ruh?t* ftjvf Jy it Uve IVat Otlxv. April 29 * It "* ' . _ .. ? ' WASTED. J? AA BCSBKI^ of ryhtoa fM, bit *Wb ti* ?)' 'U Utybtt* prk* *UI 1* jjitrn. *P*U ? P. D. HOCOTT. FOR # %!,? OR 8 4RTrR. fPWO?lk?f*aU>v? 5!# IV*t (%?, CmU&. C?rt\p< I Bfcw, Uvrrpaol *:?i C<_vM ^ Xfiit* TcWnu, Cm toft V*ra, Pludfe, ?*?*. end Lard, hr Ayrt n n iiocott. nx:\ix>i%nri:i:s x:.\. office. Cant**, A C, April ISKh. 1S04. 1)A5lA^R.\rH 1. T1 * C*f>tfii*n* rtf R,??t Cct?p?f*K* jo Arf?Ki?r IHrtnrt, tt til furnt& aw, 41 or**, # trith a 5**2 of oil it* iWr n?4* ordered tcr report foe ettfQ&fltaL Br order of W. Z. LRKT9KR> April IS If Cspt *cd & 0. ?. D. NOTICE. VI" Jv UCGH?0K. will vt ?s ?? agt??t dcrii# ' ' ?r *bwww3P town boa*. IVrsotts iedtbled to tsse will c?ko pajterst to htm. ? f - \ ; y?;57 * 3m D.KMMWRE. * NOTICE. 1 I fpHRKR fcoTith* after iM# data, appiieatrcn will bt |j> I m?d? to the Batik of Ctmn^n go. Ou to imm ? ; duplicate ?Tt:6o?|r lor two shares oT atook of ?aid I Bank, So. H00. Juh* 1, 1*5?, ataodisg ia tbo .c*r*h CipWw?tbe origi&k) being kwrt JXO. M- DESAUSgCBB, Mir 13 2*< Kn?t?. ?& '* jfc 11 * " .?? *r _ i Sfttick. |. jL, : DR T. W. SJtUfoSD, h?* rwBiwd the praettwef " , *>; ? >mGmmism m T.?*n nf Camden aiwi its riciciniy.* Offtoe oa 3Uin tiretti. Mar 13 it \% RAGS! RAGS?! 'rni? hiasm prrem paid for tmrn I j i H?n or cotton rag*, delivered iff tetrg* ox cowl j attfcfa ^jj