" . ' V' f " r*" "Afc- *&& W'Jft ' spp^v* : * ** ' ^;^. f ^ .,r" '" * lllfci^ *'?>'*? H * :.^ i -". * ' 3 'I ' MWMWMWgM^M^hMMOlJLHMMMWWHMMM* ' THE CAMDHN JIiLRXAL. : ' Jgj'S11 ..i1'"1" 'qfii, L ...L -u - FKID4Y MORS IXG, J I'S C 17,1864. g, ^ - . ' XxcKAStfg or Ctawsow?Wd Ere requested to my, that the Baafc of Ca&xk?n tsrall rtwiv^ iSw ohl { issues of Trcsssunr 9btos, and have them converted j Into new currency, seeding the old to CharlesUm or j Columbia for that purpose, and bringing bark 4??o par- , eels br Kxpro#*, at the rialc and expense of the partes | toiomt^d, without further charge. _ ? We tomt ark the iodulgefltc of our rrsdrr* for *un- j dry errors of omission and commission to bo found en ; our first ?od fourtl^ptKc*. C^1" foroa j* Wrrlr sufSl | & dpni fi*r thf* work of the officer ami when ?nr rrduc- i \ tionofil takw f>laco. it beowni?* a diflkni!: matter to ' * ? yet onr paper r ' ':*? } ooortety of Mr. Hk&sqxax. of the Ow/rJrroU, wouid b?? urabk* to fwibiiah more than a half *Hcc>. ?* bofKUhis of iJftnjr* will &ot WJcb km* gor, bat, If ttawe ck*?y? <&* * t*rt take pbtv ini iU wttttber, ?r? fc?r the baJatxx of Ubr mpatit>o?A. ami < -? - - +? A - ?* ? . _ 1 1. Jt um? eouor vo oocn, arm cqvjwm*! ia xwcs ur;?c? jw v'-"' jv V ' , that erne, adrcrtiiwyM nod other* bti*:rss*s *it?? : $ thoolkw, wiaptosa^tolbedenitWbo.wearehapjsT 1 ^ .' * to my, it gull in food ocro&hoo. Ua? tm we? ** * toh* a*ncr*?i it the carVti rtlae ci IVwperty f < ?m? of corpora tioa aawctofetta* to he ust-4 asm u the property a*wji of i^fttkSaaU; si* ux to ho j < paid by the ?a^a*?yt |W?>4 a* hmk thail us , opoo depogfta. The idar k* ??iod?t'*Bs < tad *U property witfno tbfc ttogmy** Ui** its etctap:1 * addon* ttxstitML Hie per **?i. of the tot on tle WWUBt Of 4?e^ fettle of CttfcM&jrrt dfc. to fcg f*a?4 ; with iaecat or ft* stt Tmtxwy &ofcr* . an ^ 1 to*'of thirty rest is to hi- tevfctt ???a the toftcawtptprvfH on the nob of artktes te#*ttofi*d j ^ jc tS? dm two paragraph* of the Chmi3? <4 she j tu net, trt*3 Fefcrayy Utt* to J?dy 3 *1 TS* dM ** j mm i*e dottar wi&lwf'prf to he taxed a. hootlned p^r 1 f ^ fcti. T?tof J??$p?jr ~ '"immi5E'*T ' ' 31* O^*k?i&0 i^?KSf. <*f Ut<* J *t? <8*: ? fit** a !btof&ft? TfcJtkW rAoex* ttt&idfcg 8*<* } ^3t??#3a, w!? ht*^ *5tIt*4 ia list aiy, ??! art** I* j . >: % . mm- j ' n?wlri*lt iMMdteecst of grityr v* tfc* (OoM tfcuafr j 9&U Iwo by a a* **fe??tfe4i for pnb&r tMrttfotoi .n Evtief# or ?3#e?&ei* W? wj#otn cn^b tjr, oot only pc^etijy W <*?.- o*** ??J k. L^>HUJ I... j t wtfltakG. w* 8ml; |tl*ro Uw?t *?* jJmtttff assorted K> ty% WrfMw? t? b? &&&?*?, ?be?aJd K*r? h&t) prompt f'p* \ r jk tad ?#re; q?4 *mtt of ?one, or atafaa jScf?it ? ?#t*#re ):ttX aow. ?bkfeit ?a^fbfr?r Jfcut f|? foidra ZfQctteaiij RftibolKMt, tcr^kfc4 amaili hr th# Sdhjre lo dbock tU> atrocilieffof Hotter sad Mr* HoiS, vti narf* impossible bt tM depktrobb w? axiJd w? mp or do, could cowrie** the Yspkws \k*t * McXub or * Botlbii oratid bo ooMfetjfotujfhl, or tb?t th? ?( of Cotfelcrtt ifpisvi.trx tt C?i?p Cb??e> wooM be ; iaofitablj foikurotl bj tho baug$r.g of Yaokto pri#> xw-rs ?t Ricbrcorvl Beo^tatioo u tmpao*i> bJ?, #o4 oay *t woll ioooodkourtehfo to crrc*}?. ofeUKot Let as sbsteia *ct* whkis if tfcor formed |*rt <& a tjstetv, wosM be Jasiifobie, bus ?o-1 lited, tod awier existing rircut&mate?, would bo f .Jp* mere waateo craeltka, and co&aoW earfefre* with .^ ^$0 to n&ftfioa ih*t> it w? h*rt been forced so Sght * ith A fttfiaat, we bate uaed she rapitr of tbe mUeman, Aftd aottbe ksifo of the butcher. Bftker'a M?stieatl Director ptita hi* lo? in the ' fflftt %bt af Moadajr at fire tiiosaand, exclu aifft of Hecktnan'a brigade, which w reported g t *t tmHf *8 ntWag. ti ?'^ * * , % tf^fP * . * ' ?*'A ? -J * * _ NEWS SUMMABY. rKOM THE ttUS8-UlSiitSSU>rj? Mobile*, June 0.?We have advices fro Camden, Ark?n*a% dated May 27, staling lb on lite 24th ultimo Mannaduke engaged U enemy's Heel near Gaines' Landing: Capu Jacob* boatded and captured the Yank< transport Lxbanon. Trait's halter) did cxc< lent service, seriously crippling one gunboat.' The whole Yankee lleet was badly repulai and driven dow a the river. Prior i> reported at Camden, and Taylor l? low Alexandria. Steele occupies Little U*k and l'iiieill&ff. Cu*Toyt June 13.?The remnant Tank*' army is on the west side of the rive near Port Aludson, There i* constant ski wishing between them and our forces hi the rear. Poiidc Coupee PiCdi. Li- 1*v order of il * * . * t aiike? commander, ha* in?cn de&daled?tl bou^c*, rrop* ntufi ^g|TYthing berncd, 'II people Iiavc fd Leg p*??>;on% from the enem or rtanf. Tlx? ^ anker* afe demoralized, C hit ting in Urge number* and telling lire lionet and tqQtpinoQp for irliator^ they ca get. 3,000 troop* have come up *frvni No Uricsn* to reinforce llic enemy, who an? coi *lat.lly dreading an attack? .Major *x>inmani riror, except thu*o * Mt**oar?. t?er?*rai liank* lias been appoint* Mditaty Governor of Louisiana, with hn? hem ijoatton nt Net OHcati*. flavor ?v reported to have defeated i'obg::; on the tUli u.t-, on the ^ el low Itaycu. 11 CoKuhcibv a uiovii?? on *?S -,400 row?. Sit thou?^nd infantry ba?c bc? ordered K^ilt (rum 34t?*oari :?*. *i ?in. Me LcUl tiicuj br revctc iifcd galta figbliftg for tste }i2?8f\ ?lie.*} r*a!otxi *u<:< I belli in 'tie li-iivk, drs^tfs^ tWtn' fottr inde*.Oof ion 150 kii;ed nhUfrvd. Ike vi lite eucuijV force* a #CallCTr<*!, V d ? i -i. ^ (j'.r ? ** t _.,i ,U WTHITiM. TWi t "?i i*f? ?? * UI? M3MH- vr|. ? ihg iW i:*lA siin4 Unft-ftftsfetv ??r *i yowk-y I^fUCTfe. . A V Vi c. Valnf n*?nf ?ui: In? nipta^M pcJm M? Mjj.W V?*4J }5*4< r kl'* 3,00?^M^f?!'tvt ?**<) ffitQ j--.,Ihka ft' ordfcanc*- fttorc** 2*M4? tfaud of *m*ii .?iu? ni liO J*fe?Cc* *4 *{ c/i-iKi ('V. *. li^ul * as tii?- vU?U>V iJ3 ?i*4UV 5 llijC"t UMi L'i<- '*. kOtAU t*Ji-iIuv MUZ* *'\ ?.?. j:,;;%l.'. V- V? ? Jk 3/r Mi in llic ^|)l ; ?*<" ; t '< :r * I f '?r>. * TJift u{ ??ft lllC t ?j toward* U?**ri!ks $ciu?? 4ant)t?ii|pg t? on an $:?H?v?iftt?l oi h l>rca?ii?utn our works which wvnr repulsed, r-; succeeded ?n flanking about 200 militia, ran?, ir ing the latter to rctre.it, with the io*? of G killI em Gen. I Lee, dated in*! flight *?r?: MTlie cinmv L** iC * ' _ | Uccit wmisaaiH* rt.i!it hiv* occurred. Ttro division* of hi* catairv, under |g | + ' Sheridan, are reported to h.ive ciwkn! the l*a2C ' ? rtii: nStet rcitcninv, at Ncwc.i*Uq Ferry. MK. & I.es, Gt'ncn*:." 1 The Rihinrc of Shcr>hin appeared Ja*i night ll" ; n\ t *hes?:crficU..Slaiii>n, rnorir.g in the direction of A'Scnwh*. w KicttuoXn, Juno It.?Sheridan h reported ,f' moving in the direction of Cohimbla, Flnvanna *'! eofiutv. t * * * ', Accoflr.'* ffuin lli#* front r-*prv^nt Grant u} liftvv d;?j*ir.;? parallels So ice ?kirmuJiin^ took purf- \i>!efd*y nn?! today L:jV '* ha* 7 i amounted in nolliihjj, it * ^ Kiciitioxn. June 12? ?Hie repent lh.it Sher* j u<". coU j < *n the contrary il U that 5** * ! .a * . lUiuf'!*!'? 'Hvalft nUwUci! the rawer** L*i*i Ctrli't ^ tu "ir Jjoar** <\ II., am? a ' haUvHT us^I * 1.V.T-' nni*?!^ r < ! M:m\u t+. 1he r>u? ' ? ^ i* 1K? chntJtg* j? t ;C *:t'tat5on of tie* !n<* stiij < ?, n* i tin* * ol ^ * sfst}?tYr ms-i! Vth i' *?jJt| thr V"?i' Kim* !!v'r?^ ?. I'm:! 51 tcrr i.v v.:!\ fmti!;?'i! <*s? rwir front; !.;* line, in k ?*{.* !?|i i?", untiirtl'Hi 3ft V" vnt'T* of ostj ovr:*. (i* * * lit'- re ?*??. J?n?- IX ?tifAo! h.v? , eh*ifge?l 3 * !?<*>?. lie Wgarf iifcoving to oar '>logUt rinrk. ?n>! uith lu? trior* jf ?? . * ' .i't (!?<*??; .tt bihjj lattice H, th<* < j, fl.-*{irt??tnT, aho'.t twenty mi! * U low HVlmsftmS. tKare*va!r\ flight tin? enemy'* If mf IhfJliVi S||pj\ tSt'itM';' n?i!?* I t low hero, th:fl ?m ruing. hut. owing to /* the ?i5jHror tiQtnU'M o! tiic runny, were com^ tnrlh 4 t?? !?ii hack. i?j ' , ^ The elk'tuv wa? iat ?hng *nj?|il:e* a?wl reinforrcMKQt* jtmt he ion Mnhcrn Hit) 'v* night. ^ There hn* Wen tu> general engagement toA*X. Ahnut i;>0 piiwmer*. c?f?t?rc?i to-ijnr jti tlic rncqtv'* ahwulonoj bran?t*c>Tk?. hare Wen " l?rougbl in. Kun*i??\t>Jun* 14.?The following *m re||? ^ *7 \ ccivoi a". tilt War Office tin* morning: M* . * IlrvoQi' akyem Aawr ov Noumea* Ya. > J one 1.1?10 p. m. $ To ikt //o?. of War : A despatch m . , . ... 1 , I ju*t received Iron t?cn. Hampton, vlalc* that he defeated the enemy * cavalry near Trevih J liana with heavv loan, capturing 500 prisoner* bevide* thrsr wounded. The roomy retreated! ' in confusion, apparently by the ?aui4 rente he i came, leaving ht* dead and wounded on the S field. At daylight thia morning it wa* discovered ** j thaM Irani'* army had left our fruit. <>ur ** ! ftkirmudier* advanced two miles fading to di*'!> I cori?r the enemy and were withdrawn. * ' A tody of cavalry and ?ome infantry, from , I !x?ng Hrhige, advanced to Kiddle** Shop, and " were driven hack this evening nearly two j ?"j miles alter aharp ikirmtahing. mow THE TALUCT. n j , W Artfwnono', Juno 8.?Cook and A refill, e with their Yankse cavalry, joined Hunter today at StAunton. A j>or?.k?n of their foro? are | rt | on the (ireonviile and Middiebrook Koad.? | >r j Five hundred cavalry made a demonstration, j at 3 p. m. today, on Waynciburo', on the v. i Crwnville and Stannton Koad, hut were re-! e i pulsed by fien. Imboden. The enemy then j f | retired to Staunton, burning the Kuhenville! : Depot. Poore, with 4,000 Yankee*, i* moving j (j | down the Valley to reinforce Hunter, Tho ; v j hate no aupplien, but subtift on the | j country, s Lyxcmbtrg, Jnnc 13.?liomor* of the move- j - ment* of ?Jhe enemy arc plentiful, but nothing j * i * 1 . :jl , IU,,, fT >11 yaar I definite i? known outside official circles. It is reported that the force which* occupied Lex! irnr'nn it i?>. ?!.?* a? linfAr.L I i *^|VU ?oI ill UlKVU^h Ul 4MIIVI UP$ | on the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, HO i I miles west of this place. The force in Am' herst county ? reported moving townrdi BufI j falo Spring*, 20 taiie* from here. This force ? is about 2,000 strong under General Staid. ! Tficv are all cavalry, and have to subsist ofi" the country, having no snpplic* with them. J They hnvt, two piece* of artillery only. Kight j of them rioted tlie Orange Railroad, burnt the ! depot at Arrington. tore up 200 yards of tintrack, And removed several head of cattle. Our guards destroyed the telegraph; T?ic damage ' can U* repaired in thret; or four hours. The ' people here arccaUn and resolute, and will dej fend their city at all hazard*. RtCfiSOKO, Jtinc 1-1.?Telegraphic communication with Lynchburg is unbroken. * j { CO!*OR?^IOX*t.. Hiniiiosfi, June Tho Senate sustained j the President's veto of the joint resolution for I the exemption of editors and employee* on 9 j magazine* rv.id periodicals from military *cr | vice. In the Hntsc a jornt resolution o{ thanks to Gen. Slnvior, h? officer* and men, was eon* : curred in. j fccMHONP June 10.?The .Senate concur ; red in the House amendment* to the bill to , c*UhiUh a bureau f supplies. The Senate again rejected the biil to authorize the army rvjM'ficr* of the Prtv. Association to purchase rations and forage. Rtctitfoao. Juno 13?In necfcl jessTob, on Friday night. Congress pdoptod a maiufcft'G declaring nothing more ? rdeiit.'y de irrd by it* than pcaeo. The other proceeding arc of no special importance except t' o action on the tax hill which is noticed cI?cwL:i/e. ; rorttioN tfcvra^-mou TOK CMTXO stxte*. ^ Al nrijruri Lincoln,, of Illinois and Andv Juhftson, of Tennessee, werr nominate^ ou the *th inMaut, by the Kepublieaa Convention at Baltimore, for I'rejdder.t and Vice I'rtsidtut '*( the L d Slat'-*, during the term beginning ' on tne March, ISC.**. ; Frvu>?nt and Cochran* have been normnaii-d : hv the Cleveland Radiod Convention, i lien. Morgan captured*Mount Sterling Ken 1 tnekv, : ?" ! i'nri?, and dertroyspd an iwp*>r{ la*'! ir^k* Yttitli ?t thai p?*int. IiU force i* ; t^lifcsated to l< The N, V. 7V the uf i]k? ."*L h:?? tut *:>* tiV ?no*t in.,", )'rla:?t yfrlw war. and r | reafr*^ thai Gfanl *?n* ItadTvocale::. j A C*?n 'ptftwicul "f !l?* Jliun'-Hnhia Innui' ; irr admit* ? !?- ** of 4,01/0 at Cob! Harbor ?u iJjc (It! tti*taot. \ \ V* :*.? hni?t#n ?{t*h, >'. Jiij.r !, *.iv ? that .iu.uuu wr?ttnt: hi T-> the hrn*pi;al< there. 'J'be//frtr/i/claiitw a for HinUr at Slatwtmi. I h Html# * \Y uditn^trat di?pnt h ?.ir* That S - r? tan* Ch-n^r ! n? del* rmine*j t?? p it ??ti th( mai lt I frmn Sfty to one hundred lutllT ?u^ of i*r ffct. h ?? !*. ledfeniable after 1^7-i; and i :?1 u Uiat the French liotetumrtit ha* informed i Mr. I>att??n that n?? rebel ion;-clad nililtc permitted tU touched l'9f a:ul eltwKi! at 08 ana a fraction. In count ol the flM? ot goM rr. linlioti* luoc !*ra I iulnxjiUHil into the Yankee Ctngre** prohibiting *aK?* <>n time, ami wle* made elsewhere than at the place of ImMtiif-K* of tin* seller or j t!i?? purchaser. The New < >ricnr>* correipomlcnt of the Htr* j M Vaya, llutt a firr in Alexandria, Ijl, ha* dci Proved building* entente twcntv*M\ Hjuare#., j live Mb?K*ij?pt River i* blockaded. by I rebel lotteries at (irrcnrilk\ above Yicha( , t btirg. j Gold in M?iuphU i* quoted at 225. * tlOM irnopc. m Pclttoier, I hike of Matakoff, U dead* Th? j newv of lirant'* battle* in Virginia had <\au*ed j a great actuation in England. Hie Mtftm ram* built by I-air?l have been j purchai cotton market steady. Parliament Had reassembled. PaiinentQliV | health wa? ne*V>ml. There are alarming ac- * count* of the health of the Pope. tSome ero| dit ua* attached. on the Ixmdon Sfcx fc &* ! change, to the report of Grant s victoria ^vcf \ I f _ ;r& en co on Up. with