AGkRX QT7X#XTTRAJk. rBQST-PLsyTlSG -CHINESE SUQAH CAN! ' J ?G8QUXDXUT& fc-JSditen Courier?We had a severe frost re eenUy, wbieb I am fearful b*a injtired tenons!} H ; > oar peach wop. % Since then fresh blossorai bare put forth a?d we may yet reap a limits harvest. Nothing could exceed the taloo o the pe^cb aa a summer fruit, if there was i certainty in the crop. Any one who cook OAMjui th dltc Ktl) M niAhHiMiinf oli mi tboagbt that by engrafting the peach on pbat ta called the hog plan?, the peach im po#j not btoora ontil April; of this, however I ?H? neither a&rm nor dear?0?r planter-awe now truly bo*v. Too ^icai no noise?no socad of the hammer or of Un asm J?no rambling noise of cam or drays, ? upon the pared streets of est ie*; bnt yon *e< pZi f the moasored tread of the jwfwcw, yoong am ?4 nkst to ftroid thb iotoov* > ?*?*,.. \ By the -side of th? I planted one ncre ? jp^twbtmu> Tfeft yiehi wo# fifteen Mm ftp?t U?t *ber* CnUpfftt, ?I , nfcgr ayp^nendare l% W M*mt E 1rf^*itb **He^ or Vn jpflfl s&ftizfsm. So J gpl*, ttni Ik #l5'f*i ?o4 ? htff*jwr ,?#?! t?? or tk?* I&dta? *f*n in to**. Bo* jfc *?d he* l8& &Um> keeping wmd* *xtd p%* . b!^.^WI??i in fefoomfajafr, c?t U*? ?? -P?m? ?ko wUh ra?Ik t? Of* Off CSW**!, ?? AMr?*i*JW. *** on otw*. tb?mW h?v? ?kc mil It wrnk Ift ts&xmhz* trmer *Uen *n< WfiSf dbr?y^ Black ff?#? or pott oak h U?? * . M W091L ^Hic rolion can Ik? put wp i*> tri * . - .> j.-^J fa? . .. Sit? l? ? *? ? HwJgWULF imiMpPHfUK, HR? ITOW MRU 61 mat* jtfice than if on u itrsigbl lira*, aw Saw handling of th* turn wbrtc f**w^ thro^gl H iteq*m*L The key* which pftm against th< . axlea of tha relleni ?ho?Id Ik- of eotwr wood, a are fla*Sf rai^acesi when worn. The *?? of the fp&ift in (be wotxi of (ho kev, rmiit no >* iwartlfe? It will w<*f the axle f*M*i m* $0m $f the grain, A #x*i w?*>d*! Miff "*18 grim! ffcref or fattr #f^rt If tu^ii wOrlt he5 rwiir * rrukr- f?-r M-rer* tei&i caa ba prepared at th^ time, fktrnw*tl SmtiwL 5*-' * v -;?m -V-xr" . .1 mtmm1 mm me&s^ m sxnsTOA-Tsr x^s^iDxisra-8 J p( , CtTklOSJTlMS OF THE BXBLS, The following curious calculations were Mcertained by an English gentleman residing at RICHid , Amsterdam, A. D. 1772; also, by another genp tleroan, who made similar calculations A. D. Due? i! 1818; and tbev are said to have taken each f * * " 1 j gecUemao nearly three years in the intentsJk-#tion: j DtK._ \ The Old Testament contains 39 books. 929 1 Ck?v , \ chapters, 23,514 verses, 502,439 word*, 2,728, s S100 letter*. Ibc middle book of the Old Tea- Doe?' i laments is Proverbs ; tbc middle chapter is the Cloeos 20th of Job; the middle vene is the 11 Cbroni, clc*, 20th chapter, between the 17th and 18lh Dae r j verses. The longest book of tbc Old Testa- Cfaso* s 1 meat is Isaiah, having 66 chapters; shortest^ j book, Obadmb, having one chapter ; lougwt { JFm IJ chapiSr, Psalms, 119, having 179 verses; ?bor* tiase a: fi test chapter, Psalms 117, having two vetsea ; , I longest verse, Esther, 8th chapter and 9th verse, " having 90 word* and 427 letters: shortest verse J j 1st Chronicles and 25t!^ vcrw, having 3 words To and 12 letter*. -.0^" . . * ' * j The word "and* occurs in the Did Testa* j ment 35,543 times; the word *rcvcrendw Occam i rpjjj j | hnt once in the Bible, name^r, Pe&lms 111th 1 ? ] | and Ptb r?w. The first record of a banal in caahn \ \ a coffin wa? Joseph, in Gem-sis, 5th chapter and **l*?' ' | 26lb verse. The 10tb chapter of 2d book of * | King* and 3Tib of Isaiah are alike. The 21*1 br the trcne of the 7 th chapter of Ezra contains the panr c alphabet, 1 and J being a* one and the same. **9^ The book of Esther has ten chapters and nci' lb or Lord nor God it to be (band therein. The * r 8th, 15lh, 2ist and dlftt temca of the lOTth \ IVutra are alike p each terse of the 130th A f I l\?!re ends alike. There are no words or W * name* in the Bible of more than te% syllable*. [ The two finest chapters in4be Bible i& read * are the 2d ebapScf of Job and tire 26th of & g% r Acts * - % 4 -S- ' Sr*; The Apocrypha (not inspired) contain* 183 taae*y chapters, 6,081 vems ami 152,185 wofdn ?o?Sfcii I 1 be Kew Testament contain* 2& books, 250 Tax " f chapter** 7^59 rets**, 181,258 wotd*,88M$0 * letters The middle book of the New Tr?u- a# - tjnefct *?the 2d Eptttta to Thmalopiam; the j #*pu* t middle chapter &? ic tweets the 13lh and 14th j j*feg' oi Bontans Tl?e tosddle jtcjm? is Acta 11 lb chap- j J* , fc wr itUK renw, ot uicf ' New i* Matthew. awtog 2$ chap- j Set*; lifer aHttwit book, 2d Ephil* of <2oh&, hue* j * i?g 2 chapter;soagewichapter,laktthe Stt,h** j kg 80 cf??; eboniat chapter, lat Bptttle ?Cj l John,]** shiver* Lavmg JO rem*;longrfti ttr*c j I Berebikm^ 'iOlis chapter and 4th wtw, har- j f. log 270 1?U?H afcd words *!?ort?*t *cf?e, i? ? Kx f John, i Hh chapter *?n<5 SAth ****?, hating 0 j C?k * fogies* and 2 words The word "and* occw* j * is the New Teatesmmt 10,684 time*. Nowhere, f except *a the 2d Timothy, i* the mm grnnd-j ewthtr mojUkitud m :he Bibt*. 'lie eosirc) jj^ l&ide conttii** 66 booki, 1,189 chapters 31,178 j ^ ^ ??***, 773,692 words atsd 2,366,489 Jotters ttut. I The middle chafer or dirtdon of the Bible j w the t 17*1* i'ft*lm,lbe middle veisfc to ifee; ' jlibie i* Paahn, 118th, rerw 18: the middle * liM a 34 Ckronkk*, 4?h chapter and 18th ,p*., * *e?e. The 8m dinwou of the dim* omelet j J "sl isio chapter* and verww it attributed to Stt*. c?ttH^. P phea Langdot*. Arebbtabop of Canterbury, m j 1 the rrigu of K;eg Joho, in the latter pait of? twdilh century, or the beginnrng of the thtr> \ ^Af>? s toealb* Canimal Huge, in the middle <& the j * >| 19th century, dinded the Old T??*j*mei?l into j ) ] chapter* k? they *Ut?4 in the pre&ent Irani* ~ A Um, Id 1881, Atb:tt, a Jew of A mrterdam, I J* ^ * j dirfekd dm eectiom of lingo into cor**, * we j ^ ^ 5 ww HUH tuvNM wv^nrini, h ,H ?V? ; CTWHs, | fciifttfcfi had previotwlj (t$?!)d?rid?d the New j Uftar* i IVtamcm into m** m tbty now are. A i ***** | Bsbte ici the Coivmity of Gouingen it written | t ot M id plus tettm. % . 'wr*a> * ?? | and ?** i Ta* Goaftfta or Rauorois.? Oh, the won- \ dcr? it will accomplish! [l wipe* guilt from \ die eonwttfcteMt, roll* the world out of the heart j ^ #ji awl darkne* from the nritid. h will brighten * the tm**t gloomy acetic. *rovrf?U< the mo*t rug- j T HA ged path, and cheer the most despairing mind, j 1 rf< * It will pal honey into the bitterest cup, ami I Jn 1 henhh into the meat dUt-atcd aouh It will j * gtte hope to the heart, health to the face, oil j * to the headlight to lift* eye, strength to the ; pprect 1 Mod, *?? iwiftocw to the foot ll will make j ?**r. life pleasant ialx>r tweet, and death triumph- j ant." It giro* faith to the fearful, courage to > > the timid. And strength to the weak. It rob* j ! the gt**w of it* terror*, and death of iu sting. j y?n * It wibduoa fin, acrw* from w>!ft mak?-s faith J A~~ I atttmg, lore attire, hope lirelv, and goal inviu* ciWe. Itgirca aooaliip for tlarerT, roix?* for . j j II rap, make* the Cram laght, and reproach plea- j\ j r> 1 uht? i? will ir*nif<)rrn a daiiffp'ja itito m twine*. ttnt* t, * j and snake the 6 ret of martyrdom refreshing We. *? | at the cool treble of summer. It ?u?p* legal j I j bunds h*en? the Kml, darific* the mind, puii- M<|rJ i I tie* the aflVclieiis and oftett lift* the taint to l. ft\ the very gatea of hearen. * * * * ft ' Ko man can ever de*i?rre it; money cannot \\J] i buv ii^ or good deed* procure iU grace rcigw ! f \ t;h?e! tarn pi! ....... jwaaea * I fUL| i Hsxoais or Oo**cnrjrr?.~ Remorse of con- ... - wenre ? hke an old around?a man it io no [ !j condition io fight under such circumstances j r_ j The pain abate* hit vigor ami tak? irp tool | ,* much of hit attention. . .. j # 1 1M t * f >ST OFFICE, CAMDEN, S- C j MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. 'j ; w ^ (!i (Awn fiiint r?tnv rmruitti trruiruv v" ?v." n I44W?*V v*?? ? *?>? ? *?..< ASL> WAV MAILS. * Daily, by * 7 20 P. II -Sunday. Tu**d*y A Thursday, &t G 00 P. W Tuesday, Thursday A Saturday, till 00 *A. M LAffCAftTlgm "-AT ROCK, i'C. j / Monday. Wednesday A Friday by J 2 00 M -Same days, at 11 00 A. M. RED HILL, RU5SRL PLACE, &T. ! u, rbtcaday. by 11 $ M ! ** ?Sam? "day, at 11 00 A. M TILLER S FERRT, JKFFKRSOS, dec. Monday, br 12 00 XT 1 ?Friday, at 10 <0 AMI OFFICE 1I0DES. j T d 8 00 A. If. lo 3 00 P. M? and Erf a .fcrfl Iter cpcaui; tfca mau at mabL * * T. W. PEG UFA P.M. I , CIRCULAR. a ,. n 1 e 11. ? 1HC BOX i inv "?*?* j nj Co*rptn!lgr GturraTi Ofic*. j j? Cdurxpu. R C, Msrrh I, l$M. ! * 5 T*x ODerfcr* of if*? several Districts or4 j acaftbea of Usto Stow *r?* tarebr notified that, in 1 ttlrjr with the 2&ttro*i2oM, ih*r viU ! i wired U> taak* a ?iedurtk#n of Thirty-ibme *o4* j ?i tat per omjL. on a!! {Xdjfede**** Treasury W * bmittff dgt* p'tar to iff. April. I9?*t. rrwrrd ? m fr?? oaCsftor Use l?
afro j w .d, after the Uiof April txrtt^ to f*v*i their C9f* ! h> * to this oflk* of Ua? amount of Tajuss received j fr< m raspeetirrlv Ufcrtt that rfjito. * j JAHK3 A Bt.ACK. # Cooiptrolk-r Oeocnri. prill * ?v * Ali ib? papers ia the State wiiLpabibh twkt. j OfOrr of Aitornvj Crnerah CoUTfCiJt. Sfarrh I. i#C? | M I jEsosSMK-V Gotrfit&r /t>^Aarn<; | ?il?d j WT 55 |*S ttof cipot. lhs*e tsoitstL i?*!*ad ctf*1 At c*ii? fo th* &v|!ar. FJNM&S te \ J it iterate# at csmacy &it?Z if lav, crouoo tte <&?!kr I tSB, T9I5T * J ** YoarbfcS *rr"t * 11? . I W. fl,\YS? AuVti^i r ?? I ** MS i 2?i>*i, ?*?? CN?j>dvl%r ??*?* ?t. Yotj wtQ f**u* Sf*$ftici|gb? to tte Y*x Cdk*. couSaatBJijp vttii tte atef* of u* At- \ &*o#r?J. 3dL I* PONHAM, 1 tcront DWitr^m, ) ! i" imbfe, I, 1?$*. [ j ? omcr. 4. 4. Q. 1. !9KWf 1 CAKPtjf, i> CL March ??? I8$l ofdft* from Ct|4. Aawtase I ?*19T. Mr Pwi^l M<*04bett. b? tercbr ?ppr>^pt? ^ HaBtftg*}?, A. Q M> Ifepftrtmnrt fte %hit D>?- * H MARION THOMPSON, j ** A, . A. 0? M. l^ uutBWtt' | ^ II : , *? X EDIfA L *s OTICT:., ? omd9fi%t*i* ?!|I te trilb fraction* rf ?lOAr Tter hal telle 4 fwtbm* cx, & C, Mar*b IOth. ISftl VF beoa ap|*>?fttw! IVpalurjr. w?vd#r iJw uri ? ? U>o ITth F^hnaarjr A.-.- fvir.d* || Mtsinr Noto*. aa^ aril te ro?4v a> \o V KMnorirow. at wr o#&n> to i^o Utoii dt Oa?* f Proaip* actioo vrMimnuv?doJ ? iJrmw arising ? atc? wr ibotr cnwy, awl a ripM to 4 it Boo It, vhkph krv r^oeiraUi' to lax?^ 5^? ih* ou PttMti hfirntfKxnr for pre rt? M:] U? hfttfe Ibf Nlit l*> w i *B4 oocjjwej fa^itckAf** of klfcv $ tn*- $5fw, *1 W R J0KK80& C .?. IVpooiUrr. All If NOTICE. \ penon# having rlaima **?!&*? th be at hit ?UbI? at ll*? Fle'crnt*^ ih* en 1 ssitf^f 9r+t*m. crxnmencjcs U?e foal r*f Miirb 1 fc*?PifW IV>IUr> \h* iW?^ n. parable in a? r* onifc-n r&jr* *%? ?r 5 IS?* >i tht? Hf}"* % * "J} ^ V>.. .. -g # T^TTJlJi-t, 1 II III. I. )> 1 H.T fr ' ST. LAWRENCE." rHIS Ceiobfsted trotting Stt'lioo. of ti?o Morgan jr'vKt:. will sund the ensuing season (1st Ma rob laiJaly)*t sny jH3j;'.iitjoii on Granny's Quarter reek. 3 n.ile* frora Cat&dea, Liberty Hill road, a; rtjr dollars payable in adrance. No insurance. Groom fee,$1,00 ZACU. CANTKY. M*rr!i II' if LOST, ~ \X tho car* U?turcer> Cam den and CUrenWt, r V r ? l?. ?! ??*: ?* . < - _/ ri ivr.. cvnuunsug a not^for ?G7 ?k?. a J. D. Diokins. drawn pavab-i^ t*? J W. Iiuekaercr Mtrer. The puU'C b warned again*'. trad .njr forbad ote, bearing date. Dtoettbcr 0, ISC1, as peroevtis orpod on the same. J. ? *. iilX&NKRJonuarv 8 if " "X " XiGiiO?? FO!l KfRE. ?? [70R lb# m.V? ;ike;v fe'.iow. a' gardener. P ?ALSO? * J vo women?A Wsaber. lroru?rvatid Fcmpstirs*. i Februarys If W M. M SHAK50H. tWO DOLLAJJS HiwABoT rrfk above trward wiK be paid for ihe detection of 1 the rareii who rot tl* gin-band oCshe st-WMae^ a SMtifdaj night us*. !>r* : ? ownlcj 4?w 'hop* , ill pW*e ke?rp a* on *?> toother sent to their sop*,* SCTilKKLAXb ? XJSMUQXD. ??rr & if. TAXLl [JMRTIISK W:vo hare trnnb* rr^imaof Iw-tn* T*x L trLemfJfrtto.* on pro?.ian? frs >??d hi : Ux-parar) # id rval e#b?u\ torn v^fj r !srr. c*J! ax thi* C9?cfw and bv ?;r.<' r< riwrl ?nd | urrtcted, in conform;!*- *?;th sr-.?tr?nb r.s from k? Cw?m.fc*3?f^r of Tmc*. Tbu**? *?U> hs*t? ntsda > fvlJiio;* of Irv%x-ay? or |i?^t?srr Tat. igdiriit^ ftaWw f Lua r<*ar. ?r ! lite Sptd&C Tax for thit vi^. ? *r3J t*ailroSj n to ; xj, ?.', ! i 4 r 4r $&&&*) rt^urM of rn;,#!** enlniiM to ihrm JKJcnin;jtr?lwr? 1-%-^cXftorK trill ? t"*f U*s ?:?r of KcLnufr. 1*64. as ihr rdiiyi?r'a OSSc* trill tai b? oj*o aJlwr ih?t Cai J>bri*rr 13 if sTa.u i n on *toi,i * J1 ROM 5? * *? -'?rH;>r. n;>* *k$v*^>?3 ilgw* 7 ia th? . *vr *z4 a rwaUo* &*k ?j 4 ?;? lb* i*A. fei feaU*m?6 tittf ifc* ?Vwh? <*<*!* kpur ftotdi, t&* lAikrls itii t^eir aJtvs?t kw4. A hlw>I w*r4 wfl? to for1r>&rmaJ#fc lb*t will k-s-1 h ? i-? it*-1 of th*? tl. -f .*' && * * . -"JAUm hOVK Y&rxz? v i ^ if WAHTm i COMFtT^ tram, to a* sat ocwt \ tae tW Di*tr& cS &*??h?u\ not jjiibfo to lr\!> rr \ A Q. M Jfordi 4 if. -llMfcE?* & f. NOTICE TO TAZ PAYERS. JW!<-'fc U l^rrl** cfiifc iJttl CW^L-rrittt !?#< *. Of 1 al! dM|i^tKluttiotK will bo wsvfiO. "In **r> *nt of &*Ur >*?#. ubiB th& 3!?f *&*:, t^ist #** m*i ?*?**. w i:cXAlV, t. a k. p. , &*ni? -t tf * HARK. PHiS A-% tVn,?r.-^Hfdi toitn,: StaHisw. bjr I J?f !?vrU S n br r-itfcw "'*U s?U!U4 ?t >i4tirtt II *$ ifrf? t?r*#*urs? jHWKBi (III V?nrb lo l*t i?t.< ?i TiAr ^l'a * in ?'in?o?. Ko its* rw?** ?..' o t *.'-v U.*m Sjfc^ Hatch i If r J- McCa^ & Dr. E- tJ- MatKcsoi^ \rricx~fvo kjoss ab -v k tuu b&axch f bank ML J%i\ iter**. ?tt. R- TJ XATIIfcKTV. inn^irv *3 . tf * ? ? KGTTnV.. x\rr w r m: ;?isoN wm ?<*** wy a?*** fo.y U? tantfr!i?>;t s-H bttAw* in rrOffww W lc ?*<*5r* AfcWV*. 4aT-?vjf Its* abawy ?n iht^ ivnri?. J*mwry *2 ' tr ' . W. k.JbO'ASS. aiOTKB. > m. ano^N ?i_v uiiwHto*! **?! -tvr;t? wr lUeti^ friWB fe$an?T * ?. XYKKii F?kMArr tf " ,___?? ' R tXrii BA.1K ST ITT, OFhO. CA. mm Hftsk V'.r : ?* f> . n |V|* ?;ury L Uttkf &** "A^i J.> ? i? V-&n*" tb* subrtbcr I# {nrr^if*4 tvt x**w tutrt :\&UP* 4 ?t a (H'i?* :Uy vt\\ }*? prepojwi to ^ :ch*jQ?c ibf fc*?r u. w+ (i*r t'<* ?M * ? WM. M HJANXOX. ??? if IWvHt . NOTICE. CAUDRX DEPOT. H*rK8.lTK STATKS W?Vi&ST >l?\ f 'AVTiKS SOjlth OtoStoa, U*fc!: 1 ith, im pilF *.* SI ?>Ai. v ri r?. . - - 'tj -,} b?niii. ' ? r ? *10 a r. w -s I I ?ckx>k. y . ?gc?"iii;rJ*y* i'ijAv? ? ; W- -j^vMaJ UJBrflfC up fH* v re?t;rn* nwuired Mc&f& U - tf r^ryfvnVVt* a '^fe- || * j* .