?r*v-?vw UKiz-zsz;-.: iv*; ?sar?iev:*-v*r? HP'qrsSd SnilJis. S S St-.VTi:uS. (A, plumber J3, l{v.;5. r.- '>;/>.< l ordr,n$ x u. ^ T/r, PARTIES THAT HAVE - *- F;ji!e<31?> mate contracts, or parties that. have nj;;i.le contracts t!??t have u?t Won approve! with the' frccdmen 0*1 thoir plantations, mast eater itilo ti tract with them, before the 1st of October, 1SC.J, or tlley will bo liable to have their crop confiscated fur the benefit of the frecdmcn. All parties having contract* at either of the Districts of Sumter," Kershaw or Clarendon, will call fur the s-itneal once. J'lii.'ed forms of contracts will be fnrlri-hcd to such p .rtics as may requite tbnn, bv applying at these iicad'qrs 1>? cot-nnaud of K. IT. WniTTlKR, Lieut. Col. Commanding. EOS to announce to the A3 peop'o nf Camden and vicinity, tli.it lie is new receiving a ho-ge and splendid STOCK OF GOODSI that will remind thorn of old times. My stock consists in part of a full assortment of D1\Y GOODS. FANCY GOODS. CLOTHING-. HATS & CAPS. FOOTS & SHOES. GROCERIES. & HARD WAKE. rfTTl.T'TRRY ~ BAGGING, HOPE, TWINE, &C. &C. the del a Us of which are too tedioiT.? to mention. I will .soil my goods as low as tliev can he bought in any city. would say to my friends that as luy capital is very limited at present. lam compelled to soil for Cash, and Cash only. H. BATTM. September 15. If. ; :.i. r::asoN"s ixs>. to ink i -i.?SKr:i i\ Ccxnixhiiam in nnv way. v.iv ?Pij;K~t.vl to irmUo |tr.'!nci:t without delay: ami lit .s lnv:i!g (loniand* ajjs'nsi fi in. r.r iii.s o.-tntc, will i'l-.siso pwnt lln-:a I. e jinvnicjtl. J ilj.Tiy lliil. Si'p'embiw la, HOn. \v. k. Joji.!r. ?. .! ClVCs 1XGS1 AM: Ks'i-r?. r y "L st t I.-Jj'r will ])lu?S2 ins tin tw iii*. Scpintnli 1 ~2r. * r 110 OLAMATION. UY Tiii: PROVISIONAL GOVERNOil OK SOUTH CAROLINA. % ^ ,c. _ iv- * <\7 ~-*^ *J,,> i: iy *rii ~s*Kx.'it'rrivE DhTAiitM ;:>:?, S. C.,) September 4, 1SG5. f WIIHRHAS, A SEEMING CON? * Filler of juris'lietion bating firi^OTi lichvfi'Mi Hir> f'ivil ?.! \I!1 itMf, Authorities of South Carolina, under the Provisional Government of the State j and whereas, M ijor General Gillmore, cointnanding the Department of South Carolina, having sought an interview with me, as Provisional Governor, in the presence of General Meade oinmandjug the Atlantic States; and whereas, all matter.-, giving rigttbo the seeming conflict were adjusted aucl arranged with the consent and approval of Major General Meade: % Now therefore; I, BENJAMIN PR AN KLIN PERRY, Provisional Governor of tho State of South Carolina, do proclaim and make known, that tho terms of this arrangement arc as follows: "That oil U'llAliA ~ ?**? - ? - \ (UIV;IW UWUUUIUII wi |/ctduus ui color are concerned, the Courts of the Provost Marshal shall have exclusive cogs lnzancc to try and adjust them, for the present; and that all other cases shall be heard and adjudicated by the Civil Courts, Municipal Authorities and Cival Otliecrs, under and according to the laws of South Carolina That the Civil Courts shall be opened under the Provisional Government and all Civil and Municipal Officers be allowed to resume their official duties and discharge them freely without intoruption on the part,of the Military Authorities. ] That it is further understood General j Gilmore will issue a military order, and ! Governor PERKY will in like manner, is* ] sue his Proclamation, making known this arrangement, which is to continue till Civil Authority is entirely restored in this State and tho Government re-constructed. And I do hereby call upon all per' j sons and o- dcr them to strictly obey and carry out the terms of this nrrangemet. . Done in the city of Columbia, the day and year above stated. B. F. PERRY. By order of Provisional Governor. W. H. Pjgury, Private Secretary. September 15?3 rj-sf.'znxrv-jcr*'y.~u Estate Notice. j jOKKMTriKS ('F TUB LATH JOHN I Kj \Y blinker, deceased, will plon^c present I their claims at once to Wit. }.f. :UI.\.\Xox. ! J\>q. ' JOHN JVlUTAKlSl, KxTr. j September 15. * -it i ' Desirable Residence for! Sale, j QTTUATSin ON LYTTLKTON STREET, j 17 Tim building, is commodious and well furj nMiod. "The Furniture in tlie house will be ! soid with the building, if desirable, l or further information apply to MRS. 0. ARTHUR. September 1"?. ' -Jt. For Sale. .4 NEAT NEW BUiI.pi NCI, WITH TWO l\ Rooms, brick chiuinies and pillars, painted. and with projecting roof. .Size of house 1Stf SO feet. To be removed immediately. ALSO. A stron?r. rOomv Carrhtre. finely suhed for a ! hark. Apply ?t tliis ofliec. I September 15. 2t. For Sale. MY II.OUSK IX KIUICWOOJD, OF lCj l.'ooui.- and J ITalls. 13 Fire-1'lacs, willi | about -:> A civs of Laud. partly wooded; 8 Booms for sctvntils. A Carriago-lio'iso. Smoke-boose. Ac. For tonus. c*ni|uirn oil the premises of 1'AUL TKAI'lKR. September 15. * tf" Merchant Tailors. j XF1K mkrcuant TAIMUMXG BUSI* .i A' 1-.SS, AS forujoriy done by C. A. MtDON AMI. will be continued in all its various I.H\ Holies, by v " MoDOXALD ^McCUlillV. August 18 if. ? Dry Goods. JUST R ItUKlVKU, A SMA LL, BUT COMlL.LTF stock of Dry Goods, consisting in part of Friuts; black," purple and colored Swiss MitsliiiS, .Jaconet.Cambrics. &C.; Long Ooll), black and brown Homespun, Linen Hd'kfs., ladies and gentlemen's wliite and colored Hose. Irish Linen Towels and Toweling, and various oilier articles too numerous to nientiou. Call and see Ibr yourself. Utie uoor -Nor;n 01 aiumc-son anu vo MCDONALD & hccit.RY August. 18. THADDEIJS STREET" FOR II -1RDIXG A XJ> COMMISSION MERCHANT, and agent of X. York aud Charleston Steamship Line, * < 51A BESTOW, S. C\, r.avs spf-ctal attention to tlm forwarding of Goods frurn abroad, with tho interior, and Cotton. Turpentine, Iiosin and other i?i*.iduce from the interior to any ports of the f*orth or Europe. ; ?3>~Cnsh advances made on produce to Ids ' consignment. Angus: - "? # St. A desirable Residence | for- Sale. 'pns suiisfmr.Kii AVfi.r, SELL HIS />. itESii'EN'. L on i.y'tl 'iun street,also i!ie house ami ml i'"i in;"-!y occupied by Mr. Henry SoIIcoj oh sc.nc street. Ear terms npvlv to W. JI. IIL'tMISOX. .iHyr.t -j . -It. t NOTICE.- " j r^vlll C OLA nTNFLSiill' HERETOFORE ! Js|_ EXISTING lielWicit J. W: McCurry A i S. fiitmnicrslo 'gii. under the Firm of MeCnrry i & I!aii!inersl.i;:j:ii is this day desolved l>v inn* J iiial consent. Tito l'oo.'.s. Kotos anu Accounts j f.r.'11 ? !'?! 'A:"* ?n lhr? l.uti. 1! A MM Jilt LUl.'uir ! . .Tul.v ". ^ House, Lot and Eurni-*: ture For Saiej\ rp "K.si"Br,c;:iiip.u vnr.L sell tier; 1 HKSIUt'.NCE. siiutiiod on-'the upper part, j of Main St not. Jl contains six upright ami! throe s.tlic rooms, v.'itli every convenience at- j inched, mid ihoroiighly furnished. Furniture i to he solil wil.i the house. ? A liberal credit allowed on good security.] Fur terms apply at the house.* Aug. IS-it' 8'iiiAll A.C. LEE. | J. N. ROBSON, I it a : ki:si:mK1> rilK # OOMMISS I OIn' 13 17S I- j In I1SS AT' IMS OLD STAND, ~m x vr.?? ri.":. ? , .v ^ i DA IliciSL UUUdlUOlUJJL, j South i'uioiiun. ??&* Particular attention given to the >;;!e niOO'iTOX, FLOUli, (JOHN, etc. To the laving in of supplies for plantations, or stock for merchants. Orders for foreign importation will be receivedFrom his long experience, he feels confident, of giviug satisfaction. Aligns: 4 :o: # T IIAVE JUST OTKNTlD IX TIIK STORK it OPt'OSJTK tin) It ranch think", an entirely new stork of D: Foreign and Domestic I'oris.'; on Cotton, I'iue. J.u?it>or, Naval Stores; tot lie Collodion uVUrafis Puri'liase and Sal*' of all Securities. Consignments or vessels solicited. KEEEliS TO: Messrs. Joint Feasor A Co., Charleston S. 0. Messrs. Geo. W. Williams .t Go , Char>stvn. S. (J. iMefsr.'. I'cuder^r.st, Tiros. .1 Go.. X ?tv York. Geo. Scltley. Ks'i-, Atigtu&i, G?. 'J'. S Mutoitil*. Ks*|.. Augusta, Ga. Messrs Clark. Dodge A Co. Xe\v York. Messrs. Murray A Nephew. Xexv York. Messrs. 11. W. Clark A Co. ritilndi'lpiuc. 1 Vn::. Messrs. Pondergust, lYnwiek X Co , Jlal* imor<\ Md. ? Messrs. Saut'l Harris .1 Sons, DaUiicoro, Mil. Sept. 8 1 sG">. At. 1??!4 SAIJJ2>. ' rVN'l'" 2 l'?r.?e "Wajp.li. Ir'm nx'e trees; wic /N'n. n'!(> iunrje v; one of Tonsil, Herring A Co's !'ir?: 1'roof.*3! vs. Af'plv* a'. Sept. 8 U YiiJS OFUv F. FO?? SALS on 211SSXT. \? Y Hiver Plantation..? miles from ranuUn, .1*1 containing 2,000 acre*. Jl. BAL'M. Sept. 8, tf J"ust Received Vlitirgc uK-iftrtinent of Boots A* SImcs. ' HUBIIAIID & YOCOif. Sept. S. tf U. P. EONNEY, ATTORNEY AT E.A*W. Ofn-f in the Court fl-iHt ?:>:!,.'ivy, Cetmeim, " * 8. C. September 3 Flour and Grist Mill and Residence for Sale. rpj]E RUESCIIIBEK OFFERS FOR oALK L THE ''Kirkwootl Flour and Grist Mill." The mill is new and in good order, situated on n never failing stream of truer. Attached to the mill is 075 acres well wooded Pine Land, adjacent to Catnden. ?ALSO? Ilis residence, at Kirkwood, recently built, containing Kiglit ltoftns, and lour unfinished basement rooms, with ten fire places to tlio house, and extensive outbuildings. jtgrFor further particulars apply on the premiscsto B. P. CULBURN. August 25?Jt Drawing Room Furniture. A HICIr SKT OF URAWINP, ROOM FORNJTURE; Two Sofas, 2 Arm Chairs and 0 small chairs: Also 2 fine Ottomans. To be sold low. Apply to S. A. BENJAMIN. September 15. ' tf. PJiOV* sios A I, GOV13RS iWKKX MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that from and after the seventh of September next, the Headquarters ?>f the Provisional Governor will be at Columbia, where all communications addressed to him must be directed. WILLIAM H. PERRY, Private Secretary. Greenville, S. C., August 28,1805. jJSTStato papers will copy three times. September 15. 3t. Notice. This'notes and accounts "of messrs KOOPMAN and sommers nro in rny hands l'or. settlement. Parties will do well to attend to them at hn early day. J. B. KERSHAW, Att'y at Law. September 15- jy. JRMflf1 ARE NOW RECEIVING THE ' YET OFFERED TN TH HAVING BEEN I IKTES'W 7 By an experienced Buyer, they We are constantly receiving fresh SUGAR, ^ tui< r Ji.&, YOUNG IIYSOj PICKLE &c> : &c-j. .&< Pifll | Hi MAn&jskJGifil w Hi ALAEGELOT JUST III 33S=8.75T C3 OF ALL I B??TS A? ALIiS. WISES,Tip :o If yon want ilie best Groceries, Go to, If you want Dry Goods. Go to, If you want Mcrrimac Prints, Go to, j If you want Hamilton Delaines, Go to, : If you want Havana Cigars, Go to, # i If you want the best Brandy, Go to,' i 1 If you want Li^uois of any kind, Go to, i If you want Confectionary, Go to, I : If you want Toilet Articles, Go to, ! If you want Fragrant Sozodoiit, Go to, j If you want Doots and Shoes, Go to, | If von want a Good Jvarguin, Go to, | If you want one, of the 615O0O worth oft I jCSTTho ahovc articles are kept coti'/.un | fi'aml of Springer, on BROAD SI j September 8 ' w \ur. Tannai . *7t.-r LOW PRICES. ! T ADTKS1 OAT.F SHOES (ALL SlZKS) $2.25 ! iJ 1'ins?full patters, 13 cents. MaSou's Hlr.cking, 10 cents. Coat's cotton (200 yards) 15 cents. For sale by P. II. MOOR K, September 1 at Mrs. Crosby's. W. L. DEPASS, ! attoksey AT LAW AND so I.IC1TOK JW EQUITY. OJfice, Broad Sheet, nearly opposite lit : Cwtl J/OliSi', C-mvi.'n, S. C.t attend to eases-before llio Superior j ami Circuit Provost Courts in the District of Kns'cm South Carolina, and especially to the collection of all claims for property against the Government. September 1 FOE SALE, My residence at kirk wood, for | CASH, or on as long time as may he tier f sired. / IV. E. JOHNSON. ! September 1?1 # m~_STORK THIS UNDER SIGNED HAS JUST RECEIVED a choice selection of j "jSlioes & Hats U&? for Ladies, Gentlemen. Boys and .Misses, which I lie odors at Charleston prices. p^?Oive me a call, at the store house of Mrs. Crosby, 011 Broad Street. My motto is? "Quick sales and small profits." P. H. MOORE. September 1 THE FALL SEASON. ' rpHETHOROUGH-BRED HORSE FILllO * 1- D/ FUTA, at Hobkirk's Hill, for fifteen* bushels L'orn Non-producers c.ui pay its equivalent in Currency. , Fillio is a beautiful dark bay, live years old, .j of tine size, style ancl action. * Lovers of fine stock will do woll to patronize hiin. Pedigree, Filhoby I ago, cfcun Zephyr by La. r layette; g. (1. imp. Iiltza (the g. d. of Albino) by Fillio da Puta g. g d Zepharina. j, (See General Stud Book: London Kditiou.) v Jago by Boston dam, the celebrated mare Bay a Maria. room foes, $1,00. September 15. If. Stock Hogs for SaleA SMALL LOT FOR SALE. AITLT AT v thisofiiee. t, September 1-5. tf. FINEST STOCK 0F.6Q0DS IS MARKET, WHICH PURCHASED IN' ** roHzs: .are prepared to offer at the OMIEB. SOAP, CANDLES, NT TEA, STARCH, ' S, SPICES. ^ n 0? CZ Co KINDS. FeT"shoes. Wi?~AM) CMJARS. HUBBARD A- YOCOM'S. IIUBBARD A: YOCOM'S. HUBBARD A- YOCOM'S. HUBBARD A YOCOM'S. HUBBARD A YOCOM'S. JJ UiXDAIiU cz 1UIAAM s. HUB-BARD & YOCOM'S. ! IIUBBARD A YOCOM'S. HUBBARD & YOCOM'S. HUBBARD & YOCOM'S. - 1JUBBARD A YOCOM'S. HUBBARD & YOCOM'S. juods now Lfinc received, Go to, HUBBARD & YOCOM'S J tly 011 liniui, by H. & Y., at the old ["BEET, CAMDEN, S. C. 11 i i?m iii Miig-in? W. H. R. WORKMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW & SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. Broad Street, Cumden, R. C. . Rep I ember 1 3mos. "WM. M. SHANNON, ATTORNEY AT LAW & SOLICITOR INEQUITY. n/1. ni nmnrb Tin?l September 1 3mos. W. Z. LEITNER, ATTORNEY A? o e?t, Cam dm, S. C. August 25 jTmTdavis, ATTOHSfEY AT LAW. Oifice, That formerly occupied by Win. Jf. Shannon August 4. J. B. KERSHAW, ATTOlftfEY AI?S> SOLICITOR, OO't'c, Br.ocd Street. Camden, S. C. limited uumber of BludeDts will be careful!}- prepared fot the Bar. August 23 WATCHES AND JEWELRY. TFln SUBSCRIBER IS PREPARED .TO REPAIR Watches and Jewelry of every description, at ilic shortest noiiee; and all work warranted. ?-3"'I bird door abovo the Market on Broad Street. . August 25?t.f.j. J. M. Lf.GRAXD. s. E. ANCKER, AUCTIONEER AND COVMIS-\ sior . MERCHANT. A M.D E If , S . C . August 2."> ON CONSIGNMENT. ; JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT i 20'J0 LKS 1XOUR. Also, 25 Bus4iels ( SALT. Ai'ijjj to ' W s. P. AKCKER. August 25 AUCTION AND COMMISSION. rHE SUBSCRIBER STILL CONTINUES the above business. All orders left with 1 lim or notice given to J. M. Gayi.k, P. 31., a vill be promptly"attended to?charges reason- t ,blc. Aug II, J. K. WIT IT E RS l\ CN. Notice. | I^HE FLAT ACROSS CHRSNUTS OLD' j . FERRY is now ready :?r travellers, \viM> j L n experienced rerryjnasj" It is t!;o most di- * cct road from Cainclen to "Winslxl'o via. Long- w j\vn. Angus' . :o. * . * A nr - I, iim>iwiiwi#wi im in a?togjgg STEAMER J. B. BELL^ Off Oil |AJQUT^nE^ draught stoa id or J". j3- BELL. . to recoivo freight of evoir description' for George, town, Charleston, Wilmington -and all inter' mediate landings. V Charges for freight made accomodating, by making application to JOHATHAN PAGE, . ' . Agent. Septomher.l, 1885. " |tf. Quick Sales and Small 7 Profits. - . HOOP S?IRT3, SOAP, COMBS, LADIES VEILS, Coat's Cotton, Pins and other notions,-cheRp for Cash, at Mr?. Crosby's . store, by, " P.H.MOORE. September 1 "Groceries. 7 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A COM- ' PLETE assortment of GROCERIES, cousistingjh part of Coffee, Sugar, brown, clar* hl.ed and crushed; Tea,'green and black; Starch, Fish, Cheese, Soap, Ginger, Pepper, . Candles, sperm and adamantine, &c., &c. MoDOJTALD k McCTTRRY. August 18. sTa. benjamin 1 AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, OFFERS AT PRIVATE SALE 1 four seat Carriage; ' 1 four seat Buggy; 3 dinner set of French China?163 pieces ; 1 Sewing Machine?Singers, 2 Kegs Nails, 2 Saddles. Iron Pols and OvenB; [ Furniture of nil descriptions; 24 Bags fine Flour?10 lbs for $1,00. Feather Beds, Mattrasses, Pillows; Fenders, Slioval and Tongs, Hand Irons; Syrup, Peas, Honey, Mackerel, tobacco; ' * Stone Jars and other articles too numerous lo mention. Apply to S. A.-BENJAMIN. September 1. > St. Notice. WE II AVE THIS DAY FOP MED A CO- PARTNERSHIP, under the firm of MoDONALD & McCURRY, for the purpostf'of earning on the general mercantile and manufacturing business. - . ?. C. A. MapONALD* J. W. acCURRY. August 13: Notice. Application will be made at the NEXT session of tho General Assembly of the State pf South Carolina, to extend the corporate limits of tho Town ol Camden, so as to include-the village of Kirk wood August .25 dicker son's Hotel. . . COLUMBIA, S. C. HPHE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING leased the large and COMMODIOUS BUILDING known'as the "Columbia Methodist Female College," will open it as n FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, on September 7. T. S. NICKERSON, Proprietor. i?5?"FaPers throughout the State . copy twice a week for five weeks, and send bills to this office. September S: lOt. c. k HOLMES. Commission Merchant, ACCOMMODATION WBARF, Charleston, S C. 1 #??* Attention given to the sale of COTTON, FLOUR, WHEAT, AND OTHER PRODUCE, AND .TO . FILLING OF ORDERS. Referees.?Gen. J. B. Kershaw, Gen. J. D. Kennedy and Capt. W. Z. Leitner. September 15. . lv. Government Claims, t AND Applications for parpon. rp HE SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY g offer3 to the citizens of the State his attention ' in all matters pertaining to GOVERNMENT CLAIMS and APPLICATIONS for PARDON. All applications for pardon, under the ess copted sections of the President's Amnesty Proclamation, must bo in.the form ofri petetion, stating the exception or exceptions, and occoms panicd uoth by the oath prescribed and with .the approval of the Provisional Governor of UlP Slate. & m The subscriber presents, at the same time, ; his card as ATTORNEY AT LAW. VTX J. GAYER, 12 Chapel street, Charleston, S. C. -j ?5jF*All papers in the State copy three times and sonr] bills 10 W. J. G. \ | September 15. . 3t. 1 Soutli Carolina?Kcnkaw DIst. Br A. L. MCDONALD, ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. WHEREAS JAS. S. GARDNER applied to roe for Letters of Administaation on all and Singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of . J T. B. Gardner late of the District afore-. ' i said, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the deceased to be anf appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holdci. at Kershaw Court House on the 2J day ^ of October proximo, to show cause jf ?.L_ .1. ;.i _J ? -i i-J - any, wny s:nu aaujiiuswaiiou suouiu not be-gran ted. v ( I Given under mv band and Sea), this j 15th day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand ei?2bl hundred and sixty-five, and of the ninetieth year Dt" the Independence and Sovereignty of A the Stale of South Carolina. ** J ALiiX. L. MdDONA ID; 0. K. D. 1 Scpbember 15. *2t. School Notice. T?1IE EXECISKS OF MTS3 n. L.'yOUXCt'S , JL. iSchoul will be resumed ou the SOth inst. Terir.p, ?U0, with the privilege of .studying frenl'h, Kuglish and Latin. $30 for Laglilsh ^ done. Half Parable duriror 'he first session? i ho balance at the end of the ?c. viast!,' % - M Septomlc-f 1 o. r2t. Notice- M LL P.-1 .AVI "> 'against the &uie oi" h'.t k . >eccasei. a e r. qu-j!iC.; i,. i r < ticsved, an2 r.:l p.'r.:oj,s ?Cv u to ;ae sauw ill make immediate payment to TJiOS. J WOllKMA>T, LYtr. ' ^ trplciubei 15. li'.