^.rn iot'??*r odor: 1 i escape I Satisfied that his customer uicmt t.. get liis] music for noiliing. Jio made an-ilmr dash, j hur. it was of no use. The fury of t' e hull v..tnetwwl WuMl ?IC fil/i llltlvti* ef'.Ktl! Jlliil 1.11 S < ! #tiiuo the. poor fiddler had a narrow escape.? . JIc made another frial of the music, and actually had to play till six o'clock in the mmiing, over three hoars in all, when some of the neighbors came to his relief.?MamtchubijCn j J'liivgluii.uii. Tin? New YorkMcr.attliie Jmnul in an article on the cost of the war to the North, ) sums up the Aggregate to be? on the part of the na'-ion, State and local debts, additional j * fixation, and sanitary coiftributions, &c., and Joss of earnings??5,200,000,000., The writer says: "This total of$5,200,000,G00 does not represent the fosses to commerce by the transfer of our carrying trade to foreign nations, in consequence of the depredations of Anglo-rehci cruisers. These losses, together with other llCIHS nUb UJUtUUUU in mc uu"*c vauiaiiic^ uicij' be allowed to balance the difference between currency anil specie, and renders the sura ofj fire thousand million ot' dollars in specie a fair and approximately correct estimate of the actu^ j al loss to the Northern States by the war." | The cost to the seceding States, the same | writer estimates to bo in the aggregate ?3,025,-1 u 000,000. Exclusive of the value of slave j States, he says, was estimated at ?4-,6O0,OOO,- j 000.' Of this $3,5O0,O0O,()O0 have been anni- ( hilated, leaving only $l,000,000,000 as the j present capital of the Southern States, which ! after all losses the termination of the war finds I the North in possession of a capital of fifteen | thousand millions of dollars, the losses having bc-m six thousand millions?the whole tula! losses of both North and South being oigl'! tLousand eight hundred millions of dollars. How appalling these figures. "Well ? : y North a.oi S>utli njoicy that the. war vand that Lvuignau; peace reig' < in the laud. N * p- - PhOvekbs i, tlilU U?li t I'V- W MHVU ... liable at ennv time to be doubled, There is 1 kind of kissiti thnt, bus always bin deemed ex try hazardus ( onukownt of fire) and that iz kissin vure naber's wife, (.'. [line' f li" wife's consent don't, scorn io make the mat-. ter cnuv the less risky. ' . Tlili Co.WKNTIOK OK THE PllOTESTAXT Kt'lSool'Ao Chrricrr.?The General Convention of flic Protestant Episcopal Clmreli, whiidi meets in" October, in Philadelphia, will be called npou to note a large number of vacancies in the House of Bishops. Since the last meeting, in 1 Noli,'eleven of the bishops have died, including PUliop IJrownclJ, of Connecticut; PuLancev, New York ; Pontic, New Jersey ; Potter, Pennsylvania; Meade, Virginia; Cobb, Alabama; Otey, Tennessee; Freeman,- Arkansas; Polk, Louisiana ; Loonc,-China; and the suspended .P'diop, Oadcrdonk. of-Net? York. All , but. last w*.rc meiu L'ers~bT tin; I louse of sdiop-. " rt ..c i !.? v., V .OrXTK?J!'J5IT?. V/Uilllldivit i! ? V.-1 .?.Iticnal banks are in circnh tion. Tim color oj" the paper is a lit tic paler than tin- genuine. ! Tlicy are, however, easily detected by ohscrv* j-ing ilie position of the letter 'T" in the word j "This1' in thy line reading, "This note is scI cured by bonds of." Tho"T"in the Pennine : is over the left portion of the letter "1" in "(/cited" while in the counterfeit it is further to tlie left, over the middle of the "N" of the same word. There arc alr-o counterfeit ones. Treasury notes. \Yc huvc however, seen no dcsciiption of them its yet.? Cincinnati Enquirer. ? Army Clmplin?"My young colored fricjul, can you read ?" Contraband?"Yes, sah!" Army Chaplin?"Glad to hear it.?Shall i gpvc you a paper j" Contraband?"Snrtin, tnnssa, if yon please." | Army Chaplin?"Very good. What paper would yon choose ?" Contraband?"Well, massn, if you chews, 1 I take a paper of terbakcr/' j The ckaplin looked at the contraband, and ; the contraband looked at thc-chaplin, then the latter sighed, and passed on. A writer in Georgia describes a government | tannery, grinding bark by no power visablc at : first, or suspected. The machinery is run by an underground creek?great curiosit}-. There are several similer streams in that region, soft | limestone being favorable to sinks and subma? | vino channels i nif T.art f!r>vrcni7<;<3 Tf. has just been ascertained that t he total appropriations of the last CoDgrcss will amouDt to $820,000,000 in round numbers. Law is like a sieve; yon may see through it, but you must be considerably reduced be| fore you can get through. Government Claims and Application for Pardon. rCpHE SUBSCRIBER HAS MADE ARkANGEMENTS with one of tlie most able aud influential legal firms in Washington cily, for the prosecution .of Government claims and applications for pardon. All amJlicaffpiis for pardon under the Atniifstv Itycfaniatimj; must first be lodged with tin.-. PrdVisiortnl Governor, and from thence for ward to Wash inborn-city for final action jjjy.the Pi evident. The intervention of an attorney, both of this place and Washington city, will greatly facilitate the transaction and comple tiou of such business. ' C.-J.ELEORD, ' Attorney at Law. ' Greenville, S C. ?5TAII papers in the .State copy three times ami scflil bill to C.-d*. E?^ August 4. >: Office Provost Marshal, 3d Sub-District E. S. C. | Sumter, Aug. 4,18G5. j CIRCULAR.. . y.l.h PERSONS ARE HEREBY NOTIhi ED that the wearing of th'c so-called Confederate States Uniform is strickly forbiddo if, and any person found wearing the same on find after the Sthgduy of August, 1865, will .be immediately arrested and taken before the Sg*TiQt^l#rt J^r trial. Assistant Provost \JefcshaVs are charged with the cs.ccutm^j^jiis order. (Signed) T. B. JOHNSTON, Capt. it A. Ih-ovost Marshal, 3,1 Sub Dist. E. S. C. Otlicial: C. W. HlRuess, Capt. A. Provoxt Marshal. ; August 11 Office Provost Marshal, 3d Sli:-Djstrict E. S. C. ) ScMTF.R, S. C.. August 5, 1 SGy." \ SPECIAL ORDER RO. 4. J T HAVING COME TO THE NOTICE 1? -* the Sub-Diitriot Provost Marshal that the citizens residiiigTn the vicinity of SnitiJ,cr arc distilling liquors...id selling the same to -the soldiers of this command, it is therefore ordered that the manufacture and sale of Malt and Spirituos Liquors in this Sub-District is forbidden, except by special permission from the Sub-District Commanders or from this office. This order will be rigidly enforced. (Signed) T. B. JOHNSTON, ^ Capt. & A. Provost Marshal, 3d Sub-District E. S. 0. Official: C'. W. Burgess, Capt. & A. ProTost Marshal. August II Headq's Kershaw District. Camden, Sf C., Aug. 12, 1862. GENERAL ORDER NO. 1. STOREKEEPERS ARE DIRECTED TO ^ keep a record of the names of parties selling or trading cotton at their storesr\ And said Storekeepers or any person is forbidden to bye or recicvc cotton from parties presenting the same until said parties have obtained written permission from these Headquarters. The Provost Marshal is charged with the strict execution of this order. By command of JS. A. PisKK Capt. 30th Mass., V. Vols., Comd.g District, N. K. Used, Capt. & Asst. Provost Marshal. Aujrnsl 18 Office Pro vast MrsHal, 3d Sub-District E. S. C.)Sumter August 3, 1865. f CIRCULAR: '" r w TN ACCORDANCE WITH LySTjfc^ -? TIONS from Headquarters Military^iptfict ,E. S. C., all persons engaged in Trade 6r>Si$r- 4 cat)tile business, within the limits of this Sab? V District, will forthwith report their place or places of business to the nearest Provost Mar* sbal, stating the location -of the same and the kind in which they are engaged. Persons faiK ' ing to comply with this Circular will be ar-< rested and taken before the Superior Provost /ij? I r? A-_I_I uourt ior iriuj.. 1' . (Signed) t.b.johnston, Capt. & A. Provo8t Marshal, 3d Sub*Distnct E. S. C. Official: C. W. Burgess, Capt. & A. Pro* vosfc Marshal. .August 11 Hedq'rs Mil. Dig. E. S. C< ' Third Seperate Brigade, V Darlington, S. C.,' Aug. 9, 1865. y. GENERAL ORDER VO. 11. The military authorities throughout this' District are hereby directed to extend to the people all necessary assist- 1 v ancc in repairipg Atjd putting in . order -tho . * v * pnbl^c roads within their liriita. To, this endj'1 the former Commiasioners -of public highways are anthori?ed'to pi^rpeed, - asv heretofore in accordai?cev\y;th custom,JacalliBg. ,'\\i out and^iupcntitcbdifig i force fbr'tt9_"ac"co:niplishment of this purpose, in which the aid. of the Military authorities will be given them. It is earnestly recommended that the people unite iu causing the sneeesafnl c ovufj/iuuuil Ul i this work. - ; ' By command of 1 Brig. (Jen. GEO. L. BEAL. Okas. B. FilLebroWN, Lieut. & A. A. A. G. Official Copy : E. A. Fipke, Capt.^ 30th Mass. V. Vol's. Comd'g Kershaw Dist. | August IS MMTET unuuuuiJjiJ, PROVISIONS, Drugs, Medicines* Fancy Articles, &c., &c. TnE SUBSCRIBER BE$S;LEAVE TO INFORM the citizens of Camden," atid the surrounding country that he has now on hand and is constantly receiving VIA. CHARLESTON, a choice and vagjetl assortment of the abovo. articles which b'a^will Isell Low at Wholesale and Ke . \ taiL COT-TON taken in exchange for goods or bought MARKET TRICES as well as COUNTRY PRO. uuure. ' * MELVINM. COHEN, Assembly St.?west side?one door from Pendleton St COLUMBIA, S. C. August 11 \ ' !'. AUCTION AND COMMIT SIGN. rpHEST"; r?: XTINUES Ti: .1 above !?i s:,t Ail orders left with hiin n* notice given ir- .1. M. (l.wi.r. P. M., will hetywn >t:. attended to i/imrircs reasonable. A?i; 11. J. K. WrTf^SreuX