J?V f"!"'1!" r? 1 i'.r f " '.itS t >; ?. L ? : lh* ? '? II'VI.I'I 1. | i!l ' ! t-r-j ; ! rI'- >r t)i~!V.- \<>n ' (><.*nern.l Debility. Th.*y haw h -? t'ij.ii ?1i i n*>t on!" by th?* m'^t re-wts'hli* funiJ'^K a:i i oh in the Sw.h. who 'iiv? f'liriMi?i u-tviV te-'in.o; v r>> "> . th?*ir leci Icil ev silence. htu a!rn:>rie??if. who j for 'en y?ar? ?ii!T-r-1 .i'1 tin: il ein inci h*:i: to th-il smb | b ?rn nn i lisirfC'-int; i-<~ ! r..- .1.. ,,r win. i>nv "'h -rivisc feel , dispose' in try th s vth-,r> < ran u I. r f p- i* i-n-le bv p.-nui^ioi:, to the !;hjh y r-spci table go:itl-meu ; Rev THO< .1. VOLWG. "1 \VM V \ : K <. . D, J DT.aN.3M). y ALEX. U?>ltlN>ON. Esq.. I f.'oL. F. LAWK J Dr. T. M ' I'H 1*1 *>. Johns Uland. Gov. \V. 1*. SEA BROOK, , . , II. F. BAILEY. Esq.. i u,!:,0 wandCHAs. G- CAPEKN. Esq . Beaufort. Rev. J. B-SKABKOoK, Blufpon. Sole agents for ihe South. IIAVILAM). HAKKW.A- ' O.. N'o 2 Uayne-st.. and "5 Ki -fst.. Charleston. Retail price, " vlr* per hoti'e * Wlere the article can be had bv th" trr'r" dnjt'n. or i sinw.e bottle. E A. JENKINS March 15 22 If C TIE TESTITSOW OF THE COLLETON RITTEKS. ' purely a vecctH* ; hie Compound, and. which from !.< cnfidciice i have in the eharact-r and integrity of the maker and p-nprie'or | thereof. I verily believe t<> be 'rue, I entertain the mo-.t | favorah'e opinicn Several of mv per>er.al fii.tul* and j aeqnairitanee?. lontr afflicted with Dspepsta. have as- i sored me tl at tle-y have found there Riiiei* Utter than any other medicine tbev ever ired for that ili?-t,e? ins i disease. Anil I take pleasure fur her to s*ote'Ita* I lit v. j witnessed th" excellen *v of there Hitters tit Nans a. Sick Heal V lte. and B 'Weil Coin-hints, in tlm latter. J have seen th" fNi'letntt 'e eatc '!> and *nores?fnllv tested am?n?j ihe rhildivn of ?nv ?rvii l;oi "eliol-l. .No family I tn he wiih-mt tins inva'n- hie nvnli'-'w Affiled. JiF.V. A. \V0Ol)\V\R!i, Pa-lnr "f Sj. I.nheV Chorrh. IYi!t >ti Until. S. <*. vr sale by 1!A VJJ.A \!>. IfAKRM. iV CO. if Kins nin! -5 Hnyn?-st.. Wliolcm'c ati-J Ritail Agents. Z.J. USflAV, Agi-ni (darn !en S March 15 (Lnt? Planter's Hotel Caiiideic, S. C.) r|->HE subscriber having purchased this extensive and JL well known Establishment, and having added largely to its convenience and comfort, by a new addition of FURNITURE. and thorough and complete REPAIRS, begs leave to inform the public that he is prepared to entertain all who may favor him with a ;all in a manner hitherto unknown in the town of Cainden. He deems it unnecessary to make any pledges, only o tar as to say that his Table will l>e snpplid dailv as WELL AS ANY IX TIIE STATE; attended by polite and attentive servants. His Stables will be bountifully supplied with Provender. and attended by the YEN1' BEST Hostlers. >'o pains will l>e spared to '-".op a quiet and orderly HSuse. . II. UOLLEVilAN. Carndon. June-1. lSa\. -13 tf SSI OlHxbU 8E.~ "r J W. SMI si rjPMF. uniter>ilf. nislicd Hotel*" in <"nniricri- t:i> s?-rvnu?s aNo will bifound respectful :m ! af-ntive. end the table will he supplied with tlie befttlic market aflhrds. His Stables am! t'arna:;e Hoti-c?" ar- roomy and always fully supplied v\ith 1'rovet.iJer.aui! an experemvd lio?t!er An Omnibus (tills at the I louse every uiriun:; for fiaspengers for the Railroad. Dive tne a rai. and lest my mono. As you find r.ie, So recommend me. iv vi. [{OHIXSOV C; -den, February 7th. 131 1! f AMiKtC A Pi H.CT a: COKN'EU OF III CHARD SOX AXD BLASDIXG S TRUSTS, COhl'djitl \ , S. I . BOATWPJGHT A JAXXKY. I \VM. D. i!Ai!o^. PIWPUIEIORS. I ?S>I,. jyO'iiatiltuiV ?>?.!.il-us v.;!i !? ready .it tin' KailRoad stations to cany i'av- tij.e.s to t!ii? i! tor to j atiy pi lint desired.) wl.. :v tb-.-i will I.ml -pnid .leoxtn- ) niodations and kind attention. December 3. 9-i tf 7> VI /W TiUSOn/niL XljlliliAiSU A U-4 A.t J A D;tr.i:t;'luit Cnttri 25<>rs r|"MIK above House liavinjr been; un iui.-ed Alt. ' j J up anew by Joltx Do t.s, is a^t.ti up.: -i . ! iiie t accounnoilnuuu 01 me niuix, r: i .1 e-.i."n > . .1- : vrants and comforts of Ins guoats w.il i> iiiveu. 1. I 1,1. ' etVort, calculated to merit the j?atroii:?^:e ?-i' r the McUlie Cases. ANo, Cloth. Mahogany, Waliu.i. and | yuj;i jiui.u ill ui'iv? in uiv aui;, ?? nn muuiuijjgo, aim vu* graved, if (loiri'd March 22. C. L. (MAI TKN. FOKSALL. "?1T AGON Bridles, ef tnv own manufacture, one T T warranted to lust as lon^' as two of Northern fliak". Also, . l'ruco chain* of various qualities for sal? low for F; J OAK? ":T5'V.V3S, wTISISCW GLASS, &c. ' 'td-crilvr i* receiving ami keeps constantly on J l-aml.n lurje assortment of the Purest .Medicines, i '.hetnn n!s, ami Dye-Mulls. v|?o. an extensive varit-a of t!ie very best hair. Tooth. and Paint Brushes, raiuers and Blenders. Always on hand Window Glass of ail sizes. Paint Oil. Lamp (.its. Turpentine, Trusses. Sorsrica! Instruments, Patent Medicines of every kind. IP-re ma*' be had. all the OA G \ LI ON> in Lamp (>i! at SS cents pergallon 1 ivt l -h'* gallons Hnriiinvr Fluid, at 3d cents per gallon Just received and for sa e by F. I. ZE.M1 spices (.'eiiiiiiip, LACK Pepper. Red Pepp'-r. Cinnamon. Nutmegs. > Mrce. MSfice. Ginper M l-ist Ginger. Cooper's Gelaliiie. French Gelrtinc. H'tieVi .. (.lack Mtis'ard Seed, VVIiitr Mtet ird Sevtl. Ck iter Nodn. Washing Sodn. |o?i re. r i r long life. < Let all who wish to purge the blood from the. impurities contracted from t le tree indulgence of i the appetite during the winter, and to prepare the system to resist summer epidemics, resort now to "Guvsott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla," which is proving itself en antidote for ma ny ol the most malignant diseases tliat tleen is heir to. and th"y will rvver br disappointed, for in this remedy the public laitli has never wavered? never can waver; for it is founded on experience, just as their want of faith in o'her and spurious compounds is also founded m experience. They fly from mineral nostrums to seek hop -, life, and vigor from this purely vegetable remedy. Therefore, however broken down in health and spirits, however loathesome to himself and others, let n? one despair of recovery; let the patient only understand that this hope ot physical restoration ' lies only in " Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla," and persuade him for his life's sake to try it, and we have no hesitation in predicting his speedy restoration to health. As a means of regulating all the functions ot woman's delicate organization, it has no equal in materia medica.and at that ciitical period of life when the flrst stage of her decline commences, its cordial and invigorating properties will enable her to pass the crisis safe y. O None genuine unless put up in large bottles containing a quart, and name of the Syrup Mown n the glass, with the written signature S. F. Ben nftt on the outside wrapper. Price Si per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sold by SG0V1L &. .MEAD, 113 Chartres street, New Orleans. Sole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must be addressed. Soli! l>y ft. J. lieijsiy. anti ai vrnrKiunn ? I'rug ?iurr. Ca mien, S. (!., Hnll ?.*k. Rrfpest, Winnsboro', S. C., A. Fitch. Columbia. S. (*.. Beach & Ehoey. Orancehurg. S. (' , llaviliind Ilarrull 4: Co.. ami P. 31. Cohen's, Charleston, -S. C. Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar, V SAFE and certain cure for Coughs, Colds, ('roup, Asthma, Consumption of the Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Brom hilts, Hooping Cough, and ad Pulmonary Affections. A Lovely Young Lady cured of Consumption. ID" The following is from the pen of Wm. 11. L"vison, Esij., the distinguished editor of the U S. Mi itarv and Naval Argus, under date New York. January -6, 18oU. H-'liat could be more conclusive ? ' It is seldom we permit ourselves to occup* a space in these columns to speak in praise of am article in the patent un-bicine way: hut when \u m, yi t in- woiiii give no encouragement as to a ciirf. A' this crisis her mother was persua l.-tl to makf use "i" a bottle ot l)f. Roger*' CoinP'niml Syrup of Liverwort and 'I'ar, and we are happy In slate she was perfectly cured in less than hree months < \ this medicine alone, alter even hope was destroyed. It is useless to comment on -tilth a case as this, for the simple truth will reach w here polished fiction never can. If any doubt the authenticity of this statement, let them call at this office.? U. S. Military and :\acul Argus, No. !!) ('halhttm slree/, .V. 1'. Testimonies of the N. Y. Press. From the New York < ourier, Aug. 13, 1850. Dii. Rogers' SvKt;r?f Liverwort and Tar.? A'e have heard of several important cures recently effected by this excellent medicinal preparation, < 'lid in one instance that came under our obsei vntinn. we can sneak confid.nitK. One p. 2. 1 -50. Livkrwort and Tar.?Ol the virtues of Dr. i R ger.V < ough Medicines prepared irom the above i articles, tt is needless now tospoak ; itsefficacy in speedily curing Coughs, Colds, and other lung ] complaints, which too frequently, if neglected, re. suit in ( cnsiimption. is tod well establislied in public confidence to need enlogv now. O'Tlie genuine is signed Andrew Rogers, on the steel plate engraved wrapper around each bot- ( tie, and is sold wholesale and retail by SCOVIL &. MEAD, j 113 Cljartresht., Now Urleans, * Sole g-neral agents for the States, to whom all ! orders and applications for agencies must be addressed. Sold nt Workman's Drug Store. Camden, S. C.; Hall & i Ropest, Winnsboro'. S. Dea<*h & Klinev. Orangeburg. R P.; A. Filch, ? oluinbiu 5j. C.; *old at wholesale bv P. M. Cohen & Co . Havilnnd. Harrall PEP>IN is the chief element, or Great Digest- C iug Principle of the Gastric Juice?the Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Stimula- ^ ting Agent of the Stomach and Intestines. It is extractej from the Digestive Stomach of the O.x, w ihus forming an ARTIFICIAL DIGESTIVE r FLUID, precisely like the natural Gastric Juice in H its Chemical powers, and furnishing a COM- J' PLETE and PERFECT SUBSTITUTE for it. J By the aid of this preprration, the pains and evils p of INDIGESTION and DYSPEPSIA are remov- E ed, just as they would be by a healthy Sto i.ach. A It is doing wonders for Dyspeptics, curing cases ** of DEBILITY, EMACIATION, NERVOUS DECLINE, and DYSPEPTIC CON.-UMPTION, ? supposed to bp on the verge of the eravp. The Scientific. Evidence upon which it is based, is in p the highest degree CURIOUS and REMARKA- L BLE. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! R B.\R()N LIE BIG in his celebrated work on Animal Chemistry, says: "An Artificial Digestive Fluid, analogous to tlip Gastric Juice, may be readily prepared from the mucous membrane of T the stomach of the Ox, in which various articles t~ ot food, as meat and eggs, will be softened changed, and digested, jwt in the same manner as they would be in the human stomach." gngT'Call on the Agent, and get a Descriptive Circular, eratis, giving a large amount of SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, similar to the above, together with Reports of REMARKABLE CURES, from all parts of the United States. Agent?Z. J. DeIIAY, Camden, Wholesale and Retail Agpnt, CHARLES S. WEST, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, camden, 8. c. FarOffice in the rear of the Court House. H7I. ? SHANNON, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, CAJIDEN, SC. Til lit LOW CASTOn! J Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity. ti camden, s. c. Office on Broad-Street near the Court House. CLINTON & PRICE, 3 Attorneys at Law. M, Clinton, Lancaster. | C. A. I'kice, Camden Office in in Camden?that formerly occupied by J M. DeSaussure, Esq.?Will attend to legal business in this and the adjoining Districts. j AlAuI&TKATE. J ti A. G. BAiiklA, k 4 TTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN I\. EQUITY. Camden, S. C. Will practice in Ker- a slmw and adjoining Districts. Office iu rear of the n Court House. May 18. a a: JUsLFII a;. KERSHAW, ? 4 TTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN iY. EQUITY. Camden. S. C. Will attend the Courts a; of Kershaw. Sumter. Fairtield. Darlington and Lancaster Districts. Office on Broad Street. XV. II. It. WORK.HAAI, ( VTTORNEY AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. Camden. S. C Will attend the Courts " of Darlington and Sumter Districts. Office iu the Court House. E. W. BOAAEV, T Bank Agent and 0?t3ral Merchant, CAHD^IT. S. C. CIIARV..ES A. FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Camden, S. C. F WILLIAM M. WATSON, C FASHIONABLE TAJI.OR, UAAIDEN, S. C. a D TIIiHAS WlLSi>.\, BOOT MAKER, CAMDEN, S. C. d! ii>nitr?rr ni\ ai - -("lOACH-MAKER, on Broad Street near the Post J J Oflice. Camden, S. C. Builds und repairs Vehi? clos of all descriptions. Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, 0 Wheelbarrows, Ac. May 18. gl BtOUEKT J. McCREIGHT, L CtOTTON GIN MAKER. Rutledge Street, on ) door East of M. Drucker & Co., Camden, S. C. BERXADOTTL D. BRONSOIV. opposite the post office, c( Camden, S. C. CONTINUES the manufacture of TIN-WARE, ? ) Roast Beef, Anchovies M Msrovado and Porto RicoW*". Fresh Cove Bait. _ M . Orleans and W. Indies. ( Cordials. I ra?jip, '.Curacoa, Marischinc H ?2?- I jerra and Stearin j Fish. H Prnit (Salmon, , i>-;s;n?* 'Smoked Herring, fnn.ds 'K""' & Ivica Smoked Halibat, fl Imonds, Bordeaux & ,vlca Dried Cod Fishf nXh'Watnuu Mackarel No. 1, 2, and 3 In fl a2Si2fs& No*., j ^df-1bM*- I Ig Paste, "a new "article " and in Kiu- H smces. Provision*. - a& Si adjK&sHam,,nd J urne Powder Goshen, English and Pine Pickles. J Apple Cheese. . nglish and Domestic of all> Wil|M aiwl T KII1U8. , Ketchups and Suuces. ftftSftSSSftS Walnut.Munhroom,Tomato,? do Pa|levoisin'? e a tl t ii g Sauce, Whiskey, Scotch and Irish ?rv?. ii i' do. Bourbon, Mnnonga'U din Bull do. do Funk'. Old Rve farwirkshirt do. sWinet, South Aide Madeira ' orwHicndure do. do Huff Gordon Sherry aoli Vinegar, } do. Port on draugnt Mt-nce of Anchovies, do do. for MeTptrmMe* nohovy Paste, do> Sparkling hock otted Kloater*. do. fr.nenfte, and S. M. Preserves. iKirehwawer, Abiynthc, itron, Oranges. Limes, Punch Essence, ine Apple and Ginger. Heidseick, Express, Cardina Brandy Fruits. and Victoria Champagnes eacln-s Cherries, Ale and Poiter. . imes and Pine Apple. Choice Sepirg and T,lh;l<, Jellies and Jams, tco of all kinds, all of which ed uc 111l ii II iviiuq tu eau at men oiuiu, itvuu^ rtain to be able to satisfy them in every way, as ell in the price as in the assortment of the Goods. April 1852. M. DRUCKER A CO. il?P For the Fall and Winter. \ fresh Invoice of LANDRETHS SUPERIOR X GARDEN SEEDS. Just received at July 13. Z. J. DeHAY'S. Tarrants Seltzer Aperient, ? j\u normal iiiiAiroi iursey i^neuoaro; noiacn s \ Diarrhoea and Dysentery Cordial; Murray's luid Magnesia, large and small bottles; fresh and geni0. Just received at > Z. J. DeHAY'S. Juno 29. 7* RENCH China Tea Setts, China and Glass Fru. Disliea, Tureens, 4c, Also, Housekeeping Arti es in great variety. For sale by. March 2, 1852. ' E. W. BOXNEY. Cigars! Cigars!! 4 Lot of the most choice Brands. For sale by W. C. MOORE. Mav 1. 38 ? PACKAGES (40 lbs. each) Jenny Lind TOBA CC' ) Just received by P. W. A3B0TT.