" jgyMy*'1 ,;~i%!i:3^'*-"~X"~ XT? gggggggga 1 i , , i i -..-.g Dry Goods in Charleston, ?. C., AT THE CHEAP CASH STOKE, " "Corner of Sing and ^Liberty Streets, opposite the Merchant's Hotel. THE subscribers would respectfully call the attention of thoir friends and the public in gonoral from tho ? ???*?' uiirl nvnminrt "UI7p? WUliiiV, Ut IWlliUIJJ iuw Viiy ? w VUU u?ut vnv.....uv their entire new stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goodly which have been purchased for cash, and will bo disposed of at a very small advance upon cost. Our stock consists in part of Ladies' Dress Goods of all kiuds, Negro Cloths, Blankets, Broadclotlis, -tCtfeiineres, Vesting*. Irish Linens, warranted all pnro 'flax, French Embroideries in every variety, Ladies'. Misses', and Gentlemen's Hosiery, Bonnet ftibbonty Ladies' and Gentlemen's Silk and Merino Vests, Domestic 'Goods of every description; togethor with every other article usually found in a well-selected stock of Dry .Goods. All articles warranted to prove as represented, and no abatement in prices. SOLOMON k POLOCK. Judah B. Polock, late of Columbia, S. C. A. L. Solomon, formerly with H. Levy & Son, of Camden S. C. Sopt 30, TV u. Rea;lv*IVade Clothing. 71 f" DRUCKER & CO. have received a largo, as^J.*X sortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, ReadyMade Shirts, Boots and Shoes, Hats and. Caps of every doecription, and invito their, friends to call and exam.ine their stock, being certain tliat tho selection ofGoods, as well as their prices, cahnot fail to givo general satisfaction. , Matting. WHITE and Colored Matting .4 and 5-4, for sale at reduced price by E. W. BONNET. Ladies' Goods. FIGURED Chameleon and black SUks, 'Rich Printed and plain. Delaines, Mantillas, Laco. Capes, Collars, 'Hfc"kfe, Gloves and Hosieries, of every description. Just received and for sale at A.M. & R. KENNEDY'S. SOLAR LAMPS. THE subscriber has just received and opened a few pairs of handsome SOLAR (Oil) LAMPS, which lie will dispose of on very reasonable terms, and -to which he invites the attention of those in want of such articles, Z. J. DeHAY. November 5. 87 tC SOLAR AND LARD OIL. THE subscriber keeps constantly on hand a full and fresh supply of SOLAR AND LARD OIL of superior quality, Which will be sOld as low as such ar' rides can be, consistently with uniformity of prices. BURNING FLUID, Lamps, Globes, Chimnios, Wicks, Matches, Tapers. Ac., Ac. Oct. 31?tf Z. J. DeHAY. :;vj 1 New Fall and Winter Goods. K subscribers have received their uSual supply of i a. DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, AND GROCERIES, the prices of which will be very much reduced, and invite their friends and the public to examine their stock. M. DRUCKER & CO. October 7. 80 tf mmmm umm, ^juaie ruinier s itioiei tamaen, s. i;.j HPEE subscriber having purchased this extensive and X well known Establishment, and having added largely to its convenience and comTort, by a new-addition of FURNITURE and thorough and complete SEP AIRS, bogs leave to inform the public that he is prepared to entertain all who may favor'him with a: ... call in a manner hitherto unknown in the town of Camden. r . . He deems it unnecessary to make any pledges, only so tor as to say that his Table will be snpplid daily as WELL AS ANo < rr*HE undersigned hogs leave to return hi* grateful X thanks to his friends, and the travelling Public, for 1he liberal support which he lias received since he has been { opened, (four months) and lias entered upon his duties for 1851, with renewed energy to endeavur to nleuse all thai may call upon him. both rich and poor. His House will be found one of the roost desirable, situated, end best furnished Hotel* in Camden, ifis servant* also will be found respectful nnd attentive, end the table will be supplied with the best the market affords. His Stable* and Carriage Houses are roomy and always fully supplied with Prweuder, and an experienced Hostler.. An Omnibus calls at the House every morning for passengers for the Railroad. (live me a call and test my motto. As you find me, So recommend me. E. G. ROBINSOX. Proprietor. , Camden, February 7th, 1851. 11 if PAVIfclSli IfOTEfc, , BY H. L. BUTTERFLELlD. CORNER OP MEETING AND HASELD STREETS AND IN THE IMMEDIATE VICDUTT OF HAYNE AND KING STREETS, CHARLESTON S. C. . CORNER or RICHARDSON AND BLANDINO STREETS COLUMBIA, S. C. I BOATWRIGHT * JANNET, I WM. D. HARRIS, PROPRIETORS, I ASSISTANT. ggfO'Hanlon's Omnibus will be ready at tlie RailRoad stations to carry Passengers to this House, (or to any point desired,) where they will find good accom^ modations and kind attention. December 3. 94 if MiLismi? earn, Darlington Court House. THE above House having been purchased and fitted up anew by John Doten, is again opened for the accommodation of the Public. Strict attention to the wants and comforts of his guests will be given, and no effort, calculated to merit the patronage of all who may lavor t&e estaonsnment witn a visit, stiau do spared. All that the market and surrounding country afford win be found upon the Table. ?2jy~Comfortable Booms, for Families or individuals, are prepared. The Stable3 will be attended by carefbl and attentive Hostlers. DROVERS can be well accommodated, as any number of Horses and Mules can be kept in the Stables and Lots expressly prepared for them. Nov. 1, 1850. 88 tf CARPETING. Printed Drugget*. Run and Ba xe, at A. M. A R. KENNEDY'S , I I | .y-r-^r?: y- r SHAW & AUSTIN. ARE now receiving and opening their Fall supplies of r Fo>eigu and Domestic Groceries* wbtuh they offer at wholesale and retail,consistingin part of the fof. lowing articles: J Sugars. Guava do. 1 Loaf, Crnsned, & Powdered,UJooeeberry,-Strawberry,and V.. 1 1 > i lllnr?L- Ki*rf*?/ Tnm I v/ianiicti iio. i, biiu ?i,vltuu_ Porto Ilico, pylia.r' j aI Co*.. j ! tech. 1 WW? and quarter buns. / Choice of all kind*. I Lob*tcrs in I and i |b. can* Molasses. , R>!??, ircah Cove Balr, j N. OrIean?.aud.W. Indie*. Cordials. j Candles. Curteos, Maritcliins Wax, white and colored Annisette. Noyau j Adamantine /dinger Brandy. Sperm and Stearin Fish. * Fruit. jSalint.n, Fig* and Raisin*, iSinokcd Herring, Almond*, Bordeaux-^ Ivica,rooked Halibat, Currants and Citron, I Dried Cod Fich, English Walnut*, Mack&rel No.>], 2,-And 3 in FilDerl* and Brazil Nut*, whole, half.and qu. bbls. ' Fig Paste, "a new article *" a,ld 'n hit*. NpitM. I , Provision*. < All*pioe, "NuUoeg Whiskey, Scotch and litan Harvy do. < <|n. Bourbon, Monongn'U John Bull do. 5 do. , Puttie'sOM Rye Warwickshire do. (Wises,-South side itodeira Worccsiershtro do. < j0. Puff Gordon Sherry Paoli Vinegar, do. Port on draugnt Essence of Anchovies, ? do. do. tor'lied-purposes, Anchovy Paste, ^p?kling Hock Potted Bloaters. do. Tenet the, and 8. M Preserves. >Kirehwas?er, Abiynlhe, 1 Citron^Oraoges, Limes, | Punch Essence. Pine Apple and Ginger. 'Heidseick, Express, Cardinal JBrandy Fruits. \ and Victoria Champagne* Peachi-s Cherries, j-Aleand Potter. j' Lines and Pine Apple. | choice Segare and Tohsm | Jellies and Jams. Also?DRESS SHIRTS of all size* and qualities, warranted Jo fit; HATS, CAPS, Merino Verts and Drawers- half Hose and Gloves. The subscriber* ore just in receipt of a large and complete assortment of the above..all of which will be disputed of as low as they can be bought in the place. A. M. & R. KENNEDY. Poniestics. BROWN and bleached Shirtings, all widths ^qualities Superior undressed family Linens; pillow Limen 13-4 to 13-4 brown and bleached Allendale Sheetings 12-4 Linen Sheetings ed, White, yellow and Green Flannels IJneeys. Marlborough Stripes and Denims Superior Bed Blankets. 11-4 to 13-4 die. die. The above will be sold low, at Sew. 23. A. M. .o -% 'or the handkerchief. Oils, Ox Marrow*, and Eaa Lusral? for the Hair. Ilair Dyes, for gentlemen who. have. ?ecomc prematurely Grey. Cologne* of all *izetrg. and restorative properties, and an Invaluable and sure remedy for DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST FORMS. Also, Liver Complaints, Jaundice, Heartburn, Costiveness, Faintness, Disorders of (he Skin and Liver, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Nervous Headache, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Sinking and Follneas of Weight at the Stomach, and all other diseases caused by an J cope re state of the blood, liver, etc., which tend to debilitate and weaken the system. FEMALES Who taffer from e morbid and unnatural condition will find thli Medicine of INESTIMABLE VALUE. In ctm of GENERAL DEBILITY, thli Medicine ACTS LIKE A CHARM ! THOUSANDS Hare tested its efficacy, and thousand* more are now an der treatment; and not one solitary case of failure ha* yet been reported. Volumes could be filled with certit sates of those who hare been permanently cured. Call on the igent, and get a P1HPHLET, Containing the Certificate* of Remarkable Cures, and the high estimation in which this Medicine is held by the Public Press?can be had of the Agents, free. Sold br all the Genuine Medicine Depots In the United Stats* tad Canada * *Price 50 Cents per Large Bottle,*** Principal Office, 15J FULTON 8T., N Y, ap stairs. For sale by THOMAS. J. WORKMAN. Camden, Oct 17, 1851. Negro Cloths and Blankete. A LL-wool and Georgia Plains and Kerseys, white and Ml colored Blankete. all sizes and prices. For sale low a. (A?U KENNEDY'S Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Jar. A SAFE and certain cum for consumption of the-Longs. t . Suittine of Blood, coughs, cold*, Asthma, Pain ill the Side, Bronchitis, Hooping Cough, and all Pulmonary affection*. EXTRACTS FROM CERTIFICATES. *, Which can be teen m full by calling on tbe Agent and ] getting a pamphlet. Mr. Adam Harris, Assistant burgeon U. S. Navy Hoe- '* pital. New Vork, saya:?Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar cured a case of the moat distressing Asthma of twenty-sis years standing. {Sigr??a3 ADAM HARRIS. j ?et-GabrielWhitehead, Esq.,of Cincinnati,says:? < I had the Consumption!! attended with the most distres- ^ sing cough, and discharged several quarts of-blood from the Lung*, and all my friend* and physician* gave-ros up to die, yet a few bottle* of Dr. Roger*' Liverwort and Tar . restored me to perfect health 1! GABRIEL WHITEHEAD. i Sworn to and subscribed this 28th day of November, 1846. HENRY E. SPENCER, Mayor tf Cincinnati. 0T~ Mrs, Child (reside* on Sixth street, two door* west 1 of Smith, Cincinnati.} says:?I had the pulmonary Con sumption, attended with a must distressing cough, which reduced me to a mere skeleton, and although under the : rate of an able physician [Prof. Harrison] I continued to grow worse, and gave up all hope* of recovery!! At this crisis I was persuaded to try Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar, which entirely healed my lungs and restored me to perfect health, by the Use of a lew bottles. I (Signed] ANN CHILD. qy Dr. William Richards, of Cincinnati, says:? Although it may seem unprofessional, I feel constrained to state that I used Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar in the case ?f Charles Wwle.-who was quite low with PULMONARY CONS UMP I ION,.with the lutppiest effect, after the usual remedies had failed. ro:?ji wu DirtunnsTiin 1 |0lgUCUj ' ? 1 ? ?W The fallowing is written from Hitaheth*own, Kf: Your Dr. Roger*' Liverwort and T?r give* great saiisfaclion in thi* place. Dr. Howard prescribes it, and pronounce* it one of the best medicines in use. IEJLvRAYCRA FT,"Druggist KT-Rev. Henrt Wisema.v, of Patriot, Gallia county,' O., writes:?Ur. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar has Been the means of snatching my' wife from a premn tnre grave!! [Signed] HENRY WISEMAN. OyMr. Merriwkatjier. of Deuoaik, Tenn .writer: ?Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar has met with great success. A young man of this place, supposed by every one to be in the last stage of Consumption!! was entirely enred by its use!! [Signed] D. MERR1 WEATHER, Druggist. Cty Mr. II. E. DRAKE, Druggist, of Xenia, O., rates: A gentleman of my acquaintance, who was apparently in. the last Mage of consumption!! was restored tn perfect health by the u*e of Dr. Roger*' Liverwort and Tor. The cur? was a most extraordinary on*. or Dr. Wilson, (an Old 8chool Physician of highstanding,} of Patriot, O., writes1 have be n the family physician of Mrs. Wiseman for twelve years, and during that time she has suffered with diseased lungs, which finally settled into Pulmonary consumption! f! A'he was entirely cured by the use of Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar! H. R. WILSON. M.L. IT IS POSITIVELY A FACT! That wherever Dr. Rogers' Syrup of Liverwort and Tar has been introduced, it-is superseding every other cough Medicine'btffore the puolic. This is wholly owing to its truly wonderful medicinal virtue t BE WARNED IN SEASON. And neglect not that cough -Which is daily weakening your constitution,-irritating your throat and lung*, and in-, viling on that dread disease, consumption, when so sooth' ing and healing a remedy ran be obtained as Dr. Rogers' 6vrnp (ST Liverwort-und 'Tor. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND BASE IMITA TIONS. The genuine article is signed Andrew (Rogers, on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. Price ft per bottle, or six 'bottle* for f5. Sold wholerale and mtaihby SCOV1L& MEAD, 113 Chartres sr., bet. Conli and St. Louis, N. Orleans Sole Agents for the Southern States to whom all-orders: and applications for Agencies ranrt he addressed. Sold by Z. J. DeHay, and at Workman's Drag Store. Camden, S, C., Hall A. Ropest, "Winreibord', S. C., A. Pitch. Columbia, S. C., Beach A Ehney, Orangeburg. S.: C-, llavdand Harrall it Co.. and P. M. Cohen's, Charleston, S."C. HAW. Jl/I AH D A*U M A T*T DIA A4A?I jew uavius ui acuicw rxasicij THE groat remedy for Rhenmatixm, Goat, Pain in the side, Hip, Back, Limbs and Joints; Scrofula, King's Evil, White swelling, Hard Tumors, stiff'Joints, and all . fixed pains-whatever. Where this Plaster is applied. Pdin cannot exist It has Seen beneficial in cases of weakness, tu?b as Pain and Weakness in the stomach, Weak Limbs, Affection of the spine, Female Weakness, die. No female, subject to pain or weakness in the back or sides, should be without It.' Married ladi>-s,in delicate situations, find great relief from constantly wearing this Plaster. The application uf the Plaster between the shoulders has been round a certain remedy for colds, coughs. Phthisic, and Affections of the Lungs in their primary stages. It destroys inflammation by perspiration. The following commendation is from an agent residing at Trenton, Tennessee: Tkemto.v, Gibson Co., Tenn., Nov. 7, '49. Messrs* Scovil '& Mead? (rentlemcn: The Hebrew Plaster is becoming popular in this section- There is a lady in this county whosavsshe would nut'he without this Phgtr for five hundred dollars n year She wm afflicted for some time with an enlargement of tins spleen, which gave her a great Heal ot pain. The welling ami pain had extended up nearly to the armpit, and occasionally she could scarcely breathe- She was confined for a considerable time, during which she was attended "by some if our best physicians, but they gave her no relief She pro cured a U of the Hebrew Piaster, and it relieved her almost immediately, and now she keeps a supply of it on hand constantly. These facts yon are at liberty to use as you think proper?they are substantially true. Kespeetfally,yours, di.. JESSE J. WELLS. Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations! CaOTto.v.-?The sUbecribars are theonly general agent* in the outhSero State* for the sale of this truly valuable Plaster, and, in order to prevent purchaser* being impo sed on by a counterfeit article, suld in tnis city and elsewhere, for the genuine, they invite particular attention to the following marks of the genuine : 1. The genuine is put up in smooth, engine turned bot tomed boxes, soldered in. S. The gennine "has the engraved head of Jew David on the directions around the box, with accompanying record nf itmtrt tn R T?L'Ini? PrtrKoefAP "also take notice Tliat the gtnuine has the signatnre of E. TAYLOR on the *tee) plate engraved label, on the top of each box?to imitate which, wilt be prosecuted a* forgery. The Counterfeit is coarsely put np.in imitation of the old labels, and I* sold by never*I dealers in medicine in this city for the genuine article. beware of it-it is worthfess 8COVIL w MEAB. 113 ChnrtressL, N. Orleans, Only Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders and applications fur agencies must invariably be adSold at Workman's Drug Store, Camden, 8. C.; Hall & Ropest, Winnsboro', 8. C.; Beach & Ehney, Orangeburg, S. C.; A. Fitch, Columbia, 8. C.; Sold at wholesale by P. M. Cohen A Co., HaviUnd, Han-all 2f * En^lis Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Filberts, Sbefl Barks anS Soft Shelled Almonds. RQBT. LATTA. 3 July'1,1851. 52 _tf_ jfl Lemoni, Lemon*. .1 A FEW boxes very superior -Lemons. Just r&efaft J at MOOBEU M SUPERIOR Hyson, Imperial and Black TVas, freak ^9 and good, for safety E. W. BONNET. Heidsick Chamnaicne. . j| -t ) BASKETS-of this superior Wine. Jost receives YL at MOORga -M Port Wlue. 3 A FEW dozen Bottles baft quality Old Port Win*. m a i_. n j ii. o n nanona - J. JL. Aiao?TQMBT gDU Ale. O. fl, J MackareL?Half barrels No. 3 MackareL For J Bale hy & E. CAPEB& J Prime OwhcB 'Batter. da Virginia and Mountain da ^ , By BOBT. LATTA. WORKMAN & BOONS, naaafactarert, Wkolewle 4t RetaO j| DEALERS IN ' BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER iH> SHOE FINDHG?. HAVE now Oil "hand and will continue to raoete > the fullest, and most complete 8tock of alt the articles usually ^kept in (heir line, that has ever been kept m this mafltdt Having purchased from the best manufacturers abroed and entirelyfer eo?ft, in addition to their own mauufec- ^ ;i tores. Thev feel well assured that 'they can supply \ any quantity or*quality of Goodain their fine, and upon as favorable terms as tho can be bought at any whole- sfle efltablishmeiitin this State. Merchants and others are respectfully invited to ex* j| amine their stock, before purchasing, under the acmr- % * ance that it shall be to their interest-to-do so. Sopt.23. MS tf_ - Hardware. fT^HE Subscribers offer to tho public, the most com- \ X plete assortment of HARDWARE in the bade country. As it has been nearly aO bought from lint _ V' hands, thoy can sell (on tho same terms) at Charleston prices. Those wanting Builders, Hardware, Carpenter's or '-j Smith's Tools, Mill Irons, Croes-cut or Mill Saws,Spo% f Iron or Steel, would do well tc give them a call McDOW ALL k COOPER. Oct 24. 84 ff SMOKED Beef, Tongues, Pickled Salmon, Kits and qr. Bhk No 1 Mackerel, Prime J Loaf; Lard in barrels and kegs, Hams, Bologna Sausage, "J,Fresh Soda, Wine, and Batter Crackera, Fine Raisins in as good order as new ones. Just received by T>ni)wp T IWi A. IfAl 1A. Aug. 8 62 tf DRIED and PicUfd Beet. For sab by & & CAPERS. Tews Taxes. I WILL open the Tax Books of the town of Cam* den on the tost day of January, 1852, (brthepurp?a of collecting the Town Taxes, and will continue to keep ^Cf open the same until the first day of February, ensuing "a at which time they will be dosed, and all di&aftm * j dealt with according to law. By order of Council, A] L. W. BALLARD, Trooa'r. A Council Chamber, Dec. 27. tf fW Office hours, from 9 o'clock: a. m. to 2, and 3 to :j 5 p. m. . notice. A LL persons having demands against toe Estate of i xjL Samuel Kirk land, dec'd, will present them proper- \ ty attested, sad those indebted, will make payment to JOHN KIRKLAND, AdmV. May 13, 1851. 88 tf Ifetfce. A LL those persons indebted to the Estate of Mta JlX. Rebecca DeLeon, will make payment to the ?ob> Bcriber, and all those who haw aay demands, will reader them in properly attested. H. LEVY, AdmV. Nov. 1. 94 tf_ Notice. ; JM. HUNTER continues to keep a Public House at his Old Stand, neat the Post Office. He ate? _. ~i acts as General Agent and having two Wagons, will haul Goods to any part of the oonntry. Oct 8. 80 tf * NOTICE. . 1 'T^HE Judgement and 8?ing creditors and afi other X creditors of W. K HUGHSON, who intend to rtorive dividends of the effects, which have come into my hands as his assignee, will take notice that the distribution of the same will be made aooording to tew, among his creditor* at the Court House in Camden, on the first Tuesday after the sale day in April next L. "W. BALLARD, Assignee. v . Pea 23. 98 3fit NOTICE. ALL persons having demands against the Estate of of John A. Nelson, deo'd will present them properly attested, and those indebted will make payment to J. F. SUTHERLAND, Admit Dec. 23 99 tf NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the subscriber either by bond, note, or bock account; will find their note* uu ?wuu? UI wxwnn a umce ror unranuiiw wucv tton. JOHN INGRAM. Jul 6, 1352 2 tf ' * _4- .. * - ,SW