1 ' " ' ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ I|J , I ? f-t-L Mil -- - >^.|M.i:i 'j'B?'.ny.'i|'.r"r--?7??.-r~~r ". '-rnn.i.ii? I -[- - TT'TT '"II ^ T1' . .! ? r-j-.-rw iM'iii'iiillMMM) VOLUME 2. CAMDEN, SOUTH-CAROLINA, JULY 8,1851. NUMBER 53* ??j i^va.^r.'rrv M-A* kUT"" J SLL?LJJ?jaz&:~- Z -.-f.?iiiiJMi?iiii rtm?l^f"!T ^ TliCT .w-w. k.J7V-i ? i?7BI fREBBBO THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. I'tisLiynKD nv THOXHA* J, WASRS!V. tllE SEMI-WEEK I A' JOURNAL Is published at I'nliars r.:i-l Fifty (.'cuts, if pai-J in advance, orjflpnr Dollars if par men I is delstved for three month*. THE WEE a I A'- JOURNAL Is published at Two i>?.'hirs if nr. id hi tdvttnre, cr Two Dollars ami Filly ("nils, i;' j-nyi. mm i- delayed for Six months, sud T!:r - rV'h.r-. if i paid until slie eml (if the ^ADVKUTIS lOl !1 Yi'S wiil -rird at the following rams: For one " I ?i::c< ? *!>. in the ?mi-weekly. on<* dollar for lb' fit sr. and ltV'"''y-five re:it? for each subsequent insertion. In the weekly. sev? ntv-fivr c-vits per -tn-' re for the first, and thirty-seven and a half ream for each subsequent insertion. Singh- it:v rti ssoned- il.tr per square. The nnmtmr (>!' insertion* desired. and the edition to be publish*") in. ill":*-: . noo-.l ' die 'earvSu of nil advertisements. or tie v will he inserted s-rini-v. l.ly until ordered to he diseoiitiuu >:. ami ehnryfil necordingly. Setni-niojitiity. moiiihiv nn.i eu.irterly advertisements charged the sat.".* a* for u tie iu*t-! ;i"i:. Kf-AH cntii:atir.i? ::*ior.i by i:-ti! inn-.: bo jiont-paiti to rerun* attention. Tlte followiru; gentlemen r.-e Agents for the Journal: VM. r. C.VS'-IIV. (otters! Agor.t. Cot- 'J'. At". Hi i v. Jaeksoiiitae.!. I.:i' i aster P'-t. k. S. II. UossfcK. lv-q.. I .illie i-t' rvtlle, .* ". *^C. C. McCri\mvk\\ Carthage. N. t'. W.Q. Mooek, Esq., Camden, s. C. Aim IVsintrf tors are requested to net as our Agents. C. A^A?5?BSO^T is I T - e c r* \T T i > .'4 . 1 iV. .1 v > / . > 4 * At his om> stv?.!) ojt-siti: Davis's UottA 13. W. CIlAAEKESiS, Receiving and Forwarding merchant, and Uuycr of Cotton nrn! other Country Produce, CAMDEN. S. C. WILLIAM C. MOOIiE,^ RANK AGK.NT, Ana Receiving and Forwarding Iilercliant CA !M O E X. S. O. Reffrkncks?W. B. Jolir^oti, Esq. Maj. J. M DeSaussure, T. J. Warren, Esq. "multTviiaepiguT FACTOR. And General Commission Korchant, ACCOM MOP.t 'HON WIIA Ft F, CHARLESTON, S. CLiberal advances made on consignments of Pro. duce, and prompt attention {riven to the forwarding of Goods, at tlie lowest rate*. Aug. 26. 63 JOS. B. KERSHAW, Attorney at Lav/ and Solicitor in Equity, CAMDEN, S. C. Will attend the Courts o:' Kershaw, Sumter, Fairfield.Darlington and Lancaster Districts. * W. II. K. W0I1 KM AX, Attorney at Law, and Solicitor in Equity, ('AMDEN, S. C. (Office immediately in rear of 'he Court House.) WI I.I. ATTKXH TUB CdrKTS OK Darlington and MtimTor l)i>tilcts. 'iitrastcil to hint wiu incut with nroinnt and cari'fut attpiitian. July -0. F. iiOOT, cAMBsri, 2. o. P&V2&IC 2Zi (RY II. L . 11 r TT 11 K V I r] [, !), ) Corner of and I! !! a,.' in t So immediate t:o::?11y of 1 'iiyiu; and :r?vj-. (' -arh'Mon. S. KICK 1)1" LI X, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT CENTRAL WHARF, ^ ? * i? i i% c "p/> v* v' r? U 11 -\ IV Lj I J O I \ > j k.' . v May '2. tl j ? :*7IF. j: ss. A L c. Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity. WINsIJOKolCII, s. c. (Office in the rear of the Court iiuiise.) may 6. 30 -im COURTENAY & WiENGES,~ BOO'WKLLKKS, STATIONKKS F \n!? .Lf.it- !'. CHZ3A1-' PUBLICATIONS. c!!a*:i.::sto.\, ?. c. 0]'jiJ0,000, ALL PAID IK. OFFICE, No. ! I'KOAO-STi'.Fi.T. vis s:si i>kn v. vvili i\:i i:. nr.;::oT. ^ nir :'i Tors. I JAMF.S K. KO!!i.Nsu\. j IiKNilA* T. sTIJKKT I ?EO. A. TKKNUOI/tl. | \ni. U\K\ ' ' T KOBKKT <" W.IAViil.l.. | J. M. HI! WVi.KV ' A. 11. TUT, I I.. \\ l- vt;o, A. V.. T. I*. I,. TF.SSIn, jiorior. J'. 0. I'll ESS!.KV. Sniii iiur. K. A. KIN I.OCJI, AJul Examiner, i Tlie sii'iscrilwr laving Imvii n[?|???iii'?"?I f?r tlii* b CiHH|miy, if- now preparer! i" receive 1'iopisiilii for Fire ft Bisks, and will cfleel Insurance mi fair mill liberal f trrnix. \V,M. I). .McDOWAI.I.. P Camdi ii .S C. ..5lav H'JI. ",*1 "" f CHARLES A. PRICE, ; ATTORNEY AT LAW, I k. i\ | Will Practici: in Kershaw and tins adjoining I Districts. | F?:aple <*??? Crois. t'eri" itico. n::?i jVcw Orleans do ,\u Oi.'ear.s. h'l.^cevr.t!'-. -ii:.! Cuba Mnlasscs ,'nva. : .n ?uir:i : :j.i ,i;c ( tllipr>* V?!l ;? i ::: } iti.icK Tea* r:>i. A n:i'! V>. J! .Mii'-'r >ti I?::rr*?!-. t!:i!f ami (luarterx Vi mo. !<' t iiiMiiii- ami i ovcne .11 j? i Nnioo. ('! r. Nii!rn"rc, and Cloven J'- viler. SiV-i ami 1 i aj'cr . "V:t% : "I.| OwjMV* i'ainti". Linsred Oil. r?;-?-rti;. Oil ami V.m %, ( :<, AJ.Sn r: >': r' :;vs il.aii .-iirriiay" L'!;1.::1 ?V A;;r>ni < "lna-!;?. i*?l <)?nn!iiir^i T. ; li.e.' v.i'"t a :t>wrliiiej:l of J!:irr:r:iy? d2'.;pv :>r?i5 Tiviuo. J. W. BRADLEY. cs. c. s -|>i. vn. C^rCavh j*:;id i?;r\ a ad overproduce* " mwrnm J fyJIE subr-crioer would inform iiis friends ar.d i A the pui?i;c ;re!:ns, are invited to call at j | 2m. K. S. .MOFFAT'S new Sacithcni Store, ! third house above the l ank of Camden, where j j tliev will lind a complete assortment of Dry Gauds, Groceries and Hardware, : consisting in part, as follows: Fancy and mourning Prints 7-8 and 4-4 brown Shirtings Blue Denims and .Marlborough Stripes Snttinetts and Kentucky Jeans Cloths and fancy Cassnneres Negro Ke-seys; Bed and Negro Blankets Mous. Dc'aiiie.-, Ginghams, ?V'r(i rocci'ir'ti. Brown, Loaf, crashed and clarified Sugar { Rio and Java Polices \?*u Orleans and Wa?:! India .Molasses Mackarcl, Nos. 2 ami Ji in barrels Ciicese, llice. Flour, Bacon and .Salt I! i. Ac. &.O. iuartiivaiv. IVi l?''i K.iiv " ar:<: 1'Wks I'ri'.annia and I:<>it .^i.i.niis Trace -iikI llaiN-r Cnu:.s ,A\'v. I! winners and ilalci.cts Spades, S.'mjv *ls an.I lines I l.i!' i. i'.:.I .it'll Cio-sCU? sri.vs Vice . ar.\a in! ! ' ksm bellows Nai . naii.-. tacks ami sj? ies Km' i. (i.'nl < :?*c; : ! stock locks Iron -.,?!< i* . i.-sc s and plane irons I'rti.-l.i-.s i>l!:. :..:i^, .'ion a::ci wi.nl cards lima.live- > i! .-teolv.in!-: pc!.- and skillets Uroad t' 'I n-irr i.v iron iAc. itl'iicly "ii2fiS?r ol every description. Sat'dies, Dridles and .Mai iiu^r.lco < 'rockery d! ssware (>tii)Ry and I >11 ad-.-r* I'* "!' Kentucky Hope :r.d Twine T'cciher Willi eterv other arlicle usually frniM l ' j ina rtf'i M'lci led c i. ?i I*rv (ioods, (Jruceries j and Hardware. Al! : which \?:!i he sold exceed-; | injyly low for rash. I it*?' To? !ii^!:e.-l market ju ices paid for cotton I and otherruunlrc prudt.ee. Dec 2!, ' K. .S. ;I/: |T.\T. j V-\ s __j_ _,, _ i noisi, i)a ki.i \?rr? < < >: K'i'-Mot s:r*A 11 j-; s,!,. \< Iio: tie want* and condor!* of guests i will hp given, am! no odor I, calculated to merit the patronage of a!! wic may favor tho o.stahlisli! meet u*;;h a visit, s:::i!I be spared. Ail that tiie market ami surrounding country a .lord vviii be foutu! upon thr; table. Comfortable rooms, for l.iiuilies or individuals, are prcparr d. Tlie Stables will be attended by careful and j attentive hostlers. Drover?, can be o 11 accommodated, as any number of horses ami unties ran be ' opt in tlie sinliles i>ml ha* expressly prepared lorliiem. Nov. I. I'toil. Si tf 1 EABTSIOH HOUSE. CA.VSOKX, S. C. r -?.i \ - ?: i- ? rpni: !!. Ir:t\e ! < r i-irn liw ".-al?f I < '! !-. ami llu! Ir.i wllini! I'uiilir. I'or I lite lilvrvi whirli li:i- ivri-iu-d since In* lias lnj?*n j ri'irnr.l, Hour months) anil has nil'-roil upon liis iliilirs lor ?illi ri'iii'Wi'ili'JU'Riy I" CiKloiiVi'r to ^:ill that inuy ('ail tijtoii iiitn, l>oili rirli ami poor. Hi* House will I*' ioiinil uriM of |lu> luo-l ilesiralili-, siliiolnl,mill lx**t lurt.ishi-il 11.til* in Caimli'ti. His srrvHiils al>? will be loiiuil ri'sti.M Hul mnl attentive, am! the table >\ ill bo supplied wiiii i|>H U-si ill.- market nlfiirtl*. Hi* Si;,t,:..s and I'arrinee Homes ap- roonw ami always fully stijij.ii..,| v\ i:!i |'r!i<"< llresw. A Ik'*?Velvet ami oilier Tnnnnini; opcni' l tliitt ?li>Vi I'O.NM A S, HE'S NONE THE tVORSE FOR THAT. What though the homespun suit he wears? Best suited to the sons of toil: What though on coarsest food he fares, And tends the !oom or ti!!s the soil; What though no gold-leaf gilds the tongue, Devoted to congenial chat? . If right prevails, ant! not the trron-r. The ma!) is none the worse for that. ' What though within the humble cot N\> costlj ornament is seen: i Wii. t though tiie wii'vpossess.-s not 3 hw satin gowns of black ai:?I gri en ; What though the merry household band f Iiuii-iiakt-d iiy to ba!i and bat.' [ it con. ck-iic" guides tJie heart ailii hand, i 'i hi man is none the v.vive lor that. True worth is not a thing of dross? Of splendor, woaiiii, or classic lore! Would that these trappings we loved less. And citing to honest worth the more! Though pride may spuiii the toiling crowd, Tins tatti. red garb, the crownless hat, Vet Clod atid Mature cry aloud, The man is none the wo me for that! CiiEYi.NG OltDKilS. 'The oldest inhabitant' perfectly remembers j the Widow Trotter, who used, many years ago, j to occupy a small woouen house away down J iii Hanover street, in somewhat close proximity ' tt> Salutation Alley. Well, this widow was | blessed with a son, who like Goldsmith and ? ?.on /1i/oh seriously ..Ruined his mother. V iiignt passed,and the town crier was called into re- j rpiisilion, a week, when she gave, liim up. had i a note read for her in meeting, and went into j mourning. .fast four years after the occurrences, the " ship got back to port, and lh>!> and Ins friend were paid oil". The wages of the widow's son amounted to just four liuudred.and eighty dollars, and lie found on sipiariug his accounts . with tho cnjitniii, t!i;i! his advances nan aiiimini- j od to tint odd toils, and lour hundred dollars j clear were the frails of his long cruise. As lie walked in the direction of his mother's : Iioiim', in company with Joe, he scanned with a curious eye lite houses, the shops, and the people that lie passed. Nothing appeared changed ; the same signs indicated an michangit g jhospitalit v on the part of the same landlord, the same loafers wore standing at the same corners?it seemed as if lie had heengone only a day. With the old sights and sounds, Boll's old feelings revived, he almost dreaded to see, debouching from some alley, a detateh- i meat of hoys sent hv his ancient enemy, the schoolmaster, to know why he had been playing truant, and to carry him to receive the customary walloping. When lie was near home, lie said to himself: 'Joe, I wonder if anybody's I omul Hint oki pitcher ?' lie stooped down, thrust his arm under the stone steps and withdrew the identical piece of earthen-ware he had deposited there just four ; years a go. Having rinsed and tilled it at the J pump, he walked into his mother's house, and : found tier seated in her accustomed arm-chair. &he looked at him for a minute, recognized ; him, screamed and exclaimed ; *\\ hy, IJoh ! where have von been? What have you been doing V 'Ciettin tlin! pitcher of water,' aimVered Dob setting it 0:1 the table ; 'i always obey orders? j ! von told me to bo four jears about it; and I ; |?s.' THE XOJITii AND THE SOUT II. a In 1iro:ifiluitn. Thoro is a great. J'uvs up about South- i em-rights and Northern aggressions, and* ail 1 lliat sort of tiling, wo privntne it. will do much j to quiet matters and subside the troubled poiiti- : ! eal waves, if we can demonstrate, as we hold | | ourselves prepare-! to do, that there .is no such j | a thing as thy Sot ,'.i. We do not deny that j j there is a point of the compass called, for the sake of convenience, "the South.'* and thai there j is one portion of the Confederacy farther re- j moved from t : North I'ole than another. Ail J this is very cheerfully conceded, but does not j j in the least aii'ect onr proposition. It can be I j shown that every thing in the place we desig- j ! nate "the South," has a Northern origin, except perhaps the soil and sunshine, then the case shall have been clearly made out. The farmer cultivates his land with Northern I tool;, lceds ami clothes Ins lamtiv n un .\ona- i | crn products; he employs a Northern govern- j ess, who teaches his daughters to perform j Northern music 011 a Northern piano, and to , read Northern novels, and follow Northern fashions. He learns his 3on to ride a Northern horse, with a Northern bridle and saddle, and ' | urge him on with a Northern whip or North- i ! era spurs fastened to Northern bouts; he sends 1 him to .school to a Northern teacher, to be j ; J taught i.t Northern books, and finishes his men- i ' j tal provision by sending him to a Northern I College. The I; on so wile sees her Northern | | furniture and Northern piate through her North- i j em spectacles; she prepares her Northern dour ; | with Northern yeast, and imi.es it in a North- j ( ! ern oven, cuts it with a Northern knife, puts it j j in a Northern dish, and places it before her j ! guests who are sealed on Northern chairs a- | i round a Northern table covered with a North- , em cloth ; she doses her children with Northern medicine, dresses in Northern prints, and ( every tiling about her is Northern Irom the nut- ] ; meg she grates to the carriage1 in which she ( I rides. It is the same with her liege lord, he j drinks his Northern brandy front a Northern tumbler, Ighls bis Northern cigar with a No' tii- j i 7 rt # c j , ern match, stretches ids feet on a Northern fell- ' der or lounges on a Northern sofa, and reads ( !n< northern newspaper: lie finally takes sick, ' throws himself upon a Northern bed, sends fur ! a Northern physician, who fundles him with j N - * - ? *? *n \: ___..i , Noriiiern i::*ij_ri writes nis ??m 011 ^oriuvrii j| | paper, dies, is |rriij f - ** i *? ? 1 "Kccclp! Sua!. > Site.? A subscriber wri- | * ; ns Iron .ae liver, say? that one of his cliil- ( dren. a small lad. was bitten a lew days since j by a poisonous snake, and in fifteen minutes at- I terwards liis arm was swollen almost to bursting. but bv a very simple remedy lie ws\a entirely relieved in a short lime. lie sends us the foii iV. i:ig receipt, widcli may not be goner- ; ally known, and as it may he of importance | | we irive it a place in our columns: I ('otti.n wood leaves, beaten up or bruised, to | , wiiicli a?!d swi-et v.iii:. Let the person bitten | ' drink of this, and at the same time apply it ex- j j f v In I-I,> ?/';/ // -?! t Jihlga iii Virginia.? (n the Virgina Con-j ] wsilion ii has lies;i! decided that tin* judges of I ' the curt ui" apnea! snail imid their uiiicers fur ; the ten ii of twelve years. i'he age ol tiie judge to lie limited to 10 \eais, after which he (| shall he ineligible. . Pctinxi/Jranii Whig Conrrntwn.?The Whig Convention of Pennsylvania have nominated * (Jov. Johnston for re-election, and Gen. Scott . !' for the i'n-ideiioy. and have approved t!ie ! " compromise uieasmv; in Congress. " I />.'v.'/r?;> Capers.?'I'he 1 iendsof litis vonor- i li iililf divine wilt lit- gratified to barn that ho lias j o so lap recovered his honitii a> to enable liiiu I v again lo occupy iho pidpit. !lo preached at i: this placo voMonlay, being ids first sermon <1 since his rcconI -vere fihicss, {pom which ho is slow iy rocovei ieg.?Curviinian: * Death htf flighttn^.?We loarti that a negro ^ boy belonging to C'aptaiu .James Douglass, p residing about ten miles from Columbia, was j, killed by lightning on Saturday afternoon, p Three hoys were ploughing in the field at the r time, two of them ran into an adjoining house, t. the hoy who was killed sought shelter under a : |, tree, which was -truck. Masters should can- I ^ (ion their hands to avoid the shelter of trees ! .... ill during :i thunder storm.? Ion!. J 0 OCrMow often do we sigh for opportunities I" of doing good, wlii'st we neglect tlio openings of Providence in little tilings, which would tie* \ (pieutl)' letnl to the accomplishment of most im* i d portaiit usutuiness! i o M'A LISTER THE MAGICIAN AND THE MARKET WOMAN. McAlister the famous magician, was passing through one of our markets the other morning, accompanied by a friend when they suddenly paused before an old woman who had a few doren eggs to sell. "Arc these eggs?" enquired Mac. "Yaw, (ley ish very fresh." was the reply. "I mav try a few of them I suddosc. to Drove tiiem if 1 pay you for nil I break. ' Yaw said the vender of eggs and McAliater immediately proceeded to break one. ' Good gracious!" he exclaimed with feigned astonishment, "What is this?" and he picked out of it a gold piece. The woman started in surprise. McAlister broke another egg ?the woun.'i eyeing him closely?when tf> lier increasing surprise, out dropped a ?10gnlu piece. Tiio magician took up another egg, which he broke, when out fell a $5 gold piece upon the stand. "I rather like these eggs,' he quietly remarked breaking another, and picking up a quarter eagle piece from the ruins. By this time the Dutch woman ! gnu to get excited, and taking her basket exclaimed: 1 "I doesii ant like to see mine eggs all proke on te ground. I 41 Oli, nonsense, my good woman what i? that to you so you get your pay returned Mac. "At all events, let nie have one more egg," and so saying he took another egg, which he Iroke and extracted another gold piece. The woman now refused to sell another egg at any price. Whereupon the magician and Ins companion, paying for the damage they had done continued their walk through the market. After some little time they returned ; tojthe scene of egg exploit, when to their astonishment, behold! the Dutch wcnrratimttTacrowd around her, and was smashing her eggs as fast is she could but looking in vain for the gold nieces. Why what is the matter good woman?" said Ale A lister. , "Vere ish do eggs mit golt?" shreeked the woman. "Why you dont know how to sort them? now let me see?I'll take this one.? "No you shant," exclaimed the vender snatching the egg and breaking it herself, but with the same mortifying result. "I guess the good ones are all gone," said the magician but as you haven't many I'll tako the lot at vour regular price. With a sign the woman consented, and ha?ileu over the basket McAlister at once began to examine the eggs closely, and presently began to break them?one?two?three?four ?onrli time nrndtifMiifr n trnld ninr? o i Dutch woman could stand it no longer, but seizing one side of the basket dashed her fist in among them to the utter demolition of the ?iK?re stock. I5ut alas! not a single gold piece ;ouId .'die find. McAllister threw her one tojoiuponsate her for the disappointment and :hen slipped away?but not before the crowd Kgan to get an "inkling of who he was and whisper audibly the name McAhsler the. Great Musician!?Si. Louis Rep.. Drrp Sk.v Sounpixos.?Captain Baum of he I". S. Navy, has communicated to Com. tVarringlmi the result of a line of deep sea 'oundings across the Atlantic, giving the shape >f trie great Atlantic basin between the Capes >f \ irgini.i ami atid the Island of Madeira, 'ho'ving it to ho at least five miles and a half ! . "* \ line of deep sea sounding across the Jui-'nf Mexico, from Tampico to the Straits if i .i.-ida, shows the basin which holds the vat' -,.f the Gulf to be about A mile deep, and he Gulf stream ia the Florida Pass about 3,000 oet deep. -<.<*>.> ? Od7~"Onc' dav when the fiatr ship of an Atner; ran Commodore was lying in die bay of Nailea, she was honored by a visit from the King aid royal family, with suit, who came out in fihleil barges and the full parade of royalty. I'he ship was dressed from deck to truck in lolvdav ..tiiro; ~idc?hoys were mustered at the ope.", t!ie marines presented arms, the guns hindered forth a royal salute, and the comntolore welcomed his guests to the quarter-deck villi the politeness benefitting an officer of auk. One of the siuto,. a spindle shanked and gaulily attired Neapolitans, strayed away from he party, and, cruising about midships, espied wiudsail, an object lie had never seen before. U it was full expanded by the air, he took it era pillar, and folding Ins arms leaned against t, when it yielded to his weight, and ho disapieared below, beds over head, with a velocity hat was actually marvellous, as was bis escape rom any inj ;ry. The mishap chanced to havo nlv one w ite ? >. This was a veteran tar, .Iio,.:ij'j?roac!iiiig the quarter-deck, and, touchlgiiis h it, said, respectfully. "I beg your par* * ? I I . - A J# ? * on, commotion.-, mil one oj mem are mugs ax fell