w "" " - M V Oetiii-iUcckln Catnftctt Journal. VOLUME 2. CAMDEN, SOUTH-CAROLINA, MARCH 28,1&51. ~ NUMBER 25< THE CAMDEN JOURNAL l?t7RLI?HF.D BY WARR13N & PRICE. 1 THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL f?)iaiPi*hed at Three Dollar* nnd Fifty Cent*, if paid in or Foot Dalian if payment i* delayed for three moot nk ^ THE WEEKLY JOURNAL "Ifc pnMiahed at Two Dollar* if paid in tdvnnre. or Two Dollar* and Fifty Cent*, if payment i* delnyed for Si? month*, and Three Dollar*, if not paid until the end of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS will he inaerled at the following tate*; for one nqnare (14 line* or les*) in the *emi-w eeklv, one dollar for the flrvt, and twenty-five rent* for enrh nh*eqnent imertjon. In the weekly, *eventy-five rent* per M|tmre far the fir?t, ^ hnd thjrty-K?Ten and a hall rent* lorrncn unnocqneniin^ ?u-rtion Single in*rrtk>n* one dollar per wjunre. Tlf onmnrr of ir?*ertit?n* desired, and the edition to |lh?hed in, mtffl be noieil on the margin of nil mlverlire merit*. or they will be imerinl remi-weekly until ordered t? bo diwnniinned. an?t clinrged accordingly. Serai-monthly, monthly and quarterly advertii>ementa charged the miw an for a ringle insertion. inrAll communication* by mail tnu*t be post-paid 01 matt attention. -The following gentlemen ate Agent* for the Journal: JW*. C. CArrow, General Agent. <'oU T. W. HttRT, Jackmnham. Lancaster Di?t AJL Roau, &S-, Lancaxhrvillr, S.C. a f. C. MeCfttmMM, Carthage. N. C. "W. C. Mooa?,JB*sL CamUeti, S. C. ut?, The Bmc and tbc Grave. The tomb once asked the grave, 'tis said, .What doat thou with the tears That heaven each night on thee hath shed, ' * Through all departed years ? Since you to question me presume, Oh, grave! the rone replies, I give tbera back, in sweet perfume, ' Each morning to the skies. But what dost thou, I ask in turn, r And may an answer crave, I With all the loved we dailv mourn. Thou ever open grave 1 1 cDost thou not know, replies the tomb, ' T Sweet rose, that we are even ? ' I make of each within my womb ' An angel pure for heaven. ( THE PRUSSIAN GIRL. ' >- A Tale of Silesia. 1 ( Daring the seven year's war, the exertions | of the Prussians in that critiral moment to sup* x port the failing fortnnes of their indefatigable (l monarch were truly worthy of n luminous char* |, actor in the records of history; hut they were \ far outdone by the public sacrifices which were t voluntarily made by individuals to repel the en* attachments of the armies of France in the 0 yw?r 1S)6. Each family contributed, in differ* I (j ent ways, to the expenses of the wir; even tlie t! poorest hordes gave in their mite for the general good, though it deprived tlieir families of , many a little luxury which tl.ey had before ? been used to. j. f.fn one of the romantic vallies of Silesia,1div. ed a young girl of surpassing beauty?the pride and delight of her parents?whose only h occupation was to attend to their (locks and t bear the scant produce of their little farm to a ti neighboring town. Ella, like tlie wild flowers, n bad grown and bloomed in obscurity, adorned and beautified by the unerring hand of nature. gj She lad seen but little of the world until the 1 " *rampof war sounded over the country, and w echoed discordantly amidst the recesses of its fl i ? * soiitwie; ana wnen, in consequence ot her in- u quiries, ber father was obliged to teil her the 0 distracted state of her native laud, the indig- n oast Mash and hijdi heaving of her bosom pro- b claimod bow much she felt for her enterprising Rj - oovereign and the brave people who were nr. k raved to defend his dominion. tl " Heaven grant us die victory!" exclaimed h in die patriotic enthusiasm of her soul. "I p would, father, that nature had inade women ei strong enough td fight." u The old man only smiled a reply, and, kiss- aj ing her rosy cheeks, hade her keep out of the 8j right of the soldiers. ol Hie caution was scarcely needed. Ella u knew where to find one whom she might gaze upon, aud she gazed upon for hours ; and who, 0I though not dressed out in the trappings of the ri military, was more to her than all the world ni jberide. She was soon on the mountuin slope n watching her herds, and listening to the mellow notes as they flowed from the pipe of Adolphe o "V-a fine featured young man, who sat at her ai feet, gazing tenderly upon her smiling face. tt u That hair of yours, Ella," said he, laying I down the instrument?" I would give the world In for one little lock; and he ran his fingers through the glossy tresses as they hung luxuri- w ousiy around her finely moulded shoulders. y< ^ 44 The world is not yours to give, Mr. Adol- L pfce," said Bhe, archly ; " but do you only love ni mA for mv curls, which VAll nro olwnva nrf iu. ? / ? " icg! U! V-I l*ve yon for yourself, dear Ella; but these rich ringlets which might grace a queen, w I almost idolize them, and yet yon refuse to be- R tow upon me one little tress." M Have I not reason ? Were I to give you a lock, I might never see you again; lor then you would have your idol by you and I should g( be forgotten. No, Adolphe?first prove your- p, Self worthy of the gift, and then you shall have j, ] not only a tress, but my band, too, il you de- m serve it." w " Tell me how to become worthy ot so es- ai timable a gift," exclaimed the enraptured youth, M ** and I will follow the path which you will p) point out" w " There it is," answered the maiden, point- jg iog towards Breslau, and looking hor over fixedly in the face. ^ " And what am I to do at Breslau ?" "Join the brave men who are struggling for m our liberties, and ten-fold shall be the love of Ella." A slight blush overspread the face of Adol; phe, he bade her farewell, and was soon lost in the recesses of the vallej'. 'J here was more courtliness in th*> last speech of Adolphe than generally tails to the lot of the untutored mountaineers of Silesia; and Ella thought, as he wended his way down the narrow defile, that there was more dignity in his ; mien than she had ever before observed?she scarcely dare a-k heiseir who he was ; for he ! had been but n short time among tlie shepards, ; and no one knew aught of his birth or profes. sion ; but every one loved him for his generosity and nobleness of spirit, j " My hair,"" said Ella to herself, as the youth vanished from her sight; "I will dress it for hisi sake. They say it is ricli and beautiful: Ah how freely would I destroy each ample tress and scatter it upon the winds, did he not love to smooth it with his fingers." Months rolled away, and Ella watched her herds in sadness, for nothing was heard of Adolphe, and the demon of war continued to spread liis desolation over the land. It was proposed to raise a sum by contribution among the inhabitants of the mountain, which should he placed in the general fund, and appropriated to the use of the defenders of the King. When the father of Ella was called npon for his proportion he had nothing to give, and the nohle-hearted girl then, for the first time, felt the want of wealth. " Father, let ns sell our flocks," said she ? " we will he amply repaid in the freedom we shall enjoy ; and when peace comes again, I'm sure I can get work for you." "No, my daughter," answered the old man, i " our country requires 110 such sacrifices; we 1 must not deprive ourselves of the means of live- I lihood." 1 Ella reflected for a long while, and formed a thousand plans for raising a sum of money that was worthy of l>eing given in aid of the patriotc cause ; but all her schemes were impracticable, and she even wept in solitude for her inability to serve her country. " Would that these* locks were wires of gold," exclaimed she, running her fingers through the clustering tresses as they dhillied with the wind ; ' I might give thoin for the general good. Can J hey not be sold ? I will go to Breslau and >fler them; they may bring but a trifle, yet hfjnire all I have to bestow. But Adolphe? vfwu he returns and beholds me deprived of n?greatest beauty?what will he say ? Alas! it? v ill turn from me; he will love me no more. 1 Veil, be it a>, I will saciitice even his love in . lie cause of lilierty." hhe accordingly proceeded to Bie liu, and ffered her hair for sale to the first friseur in / lie city. The loveliness of the young girl, and lie novelty of her offer, caused the |H>rson to iquire why she robbed herself of such beautiq( tresses. Oil receiving her answer, he wns ' stonished at tlie extraordinary, disinterested atriotism displayed by one so young and interesting. * ' I will take tlie locks, my pretty gill," 6aid e, admiring the softness ot their texture, "and r urn them into bracelets. Every body will buy ^ hem when they know of whose hair they were p iade." I The delighted girl received the proffered um, and flew to add it to tlie general fund.? _ 'he friseur had predicted right; the story got rind, and ladies and gentlemen of the city ocked to his store to purchase the bracelets ^ larked Ella. Among others a young man ^ f high rank, bearing the story, endeavored to bLain one of the articles, 'lite vender had ~ ut one left, and he had nlreaav raised a coniderable sum from their sale; he intended to r eep that for himself. The officer examined ie color and the texture of the hair, and when is eyes fell upon the name of Ella, a smile of ride and gratitude curled his lip, and he utter* d, "It must be she!" He emptied his purse g| pon the counter, and told tlie man to take it II for the bracelet, who, being dazzled by the ght of so much gold, readily consented. The Ificer left the shop with the treasure pressed ) his lips. ^ " Ella," sni?l Adolphc, as he sat by the side f the mountain maid, " where are those luxu- ent locks that formerly hung around your t>ck? 1 went and fought at your bidding, and A ow I have come to claim my reward." "Adilphe," answered she, " 1 became lealU8 of my hair ; your heart became entangled _ nong its thick curls; the more I combed there, le more they webbed around n?y heart, and so H cut tliem off. Do you love me without my J icks?' l,( " Love you Ella ? Could I do less than _ orship you, 6ince you have so nobly marred our beauty for the benefit of your country T? h< ook at this bracelet?the hair is yours ?the C. ?mo is yours." aJ Thu?< caught, the generous girl thought it >eless to deny the facts here recorded. She confessed it all, and shortly afterwards as the wife of the stranger, Adolpho, Count uthand. SALE OF THE WASHINGTON UNION. Mr. Ritciiir.?The Washington Union, of iturday, contains the announcement of the ~ irenase oi uic Washington union Dy j*narew ickson ?onelson, Esq., of Tennessee, late jb inister to Germany, who announces that ho ~ ill take possession of it oil the 15th of April, ^ id that Gen. Robert Armstrong, of Tenncs- tii ie, will be associated with him as equal pro- _ "ietor of the establishment. Mr. Donelson as a warm friend of General Jackson, and he 1 a writer of great ability. The price is not A| ated; but letters from Washington stato that _ ,e sum to be paid is 830,000. o Mr. Ritchie, in connexion with this announce- ? ent, states that he will continuo at his post un til tlie time appointed by Mr. Donelsou, when lie will retire, after forty-seven years labor in the editorial department of the political press. We make the following extract troni Mr. Ritchie's statement, showing the cause of the change: " 1 repeat, I was willing to remain at my post, though 1 was more willing to retire. Rut, in fact, the last has become the only alternative which was left to me. Congress have thrown an immense quantity of work upon my hands, even in the expiring days of the last session, although 1 attempted to persuade them to assign the printing on hand to another otficc.? I had really no conception of the quantity until I looked into the budget since their adjournment. Already plunged into deb* hy an unfortunate contract?though indebted to the most liberal creditors whom man could have?T i could not command, means enough consistently with my previous obligations,^, ttirry on. both the oett-sfwpernnd'tWr^jrnGTic printing. Obliged by my contract to execute the work in spite of all denial of relief, I had to yield the paper, or not comply with the contract. I have done the former. He concludes by warmly eulogizing the character and ability of his successor, Mr. Donaldson, and adds: "With such a man I would have been willing to sell my establishment on much lower terms than to a man whose longer purse had not won the confidence of the couutrv." It has been generally thought that resolution passed by the Senate !>efore its adjournment, authorizing the printing of forty-five thousand volumes of the Patent-office report was intended for Mr. Ritchie's relief, but he states that the price stipulated for the work is such that be cannot execute it without further heavy loss, of which fact be assured members of the Senate before they adopted the resolution. ~ W7iTR~ WORKMAN," ATTORNEY AT LAW, Camden, 8. O. < (Office immediately in rear of the Court House.) will attknd tiik court* OF Darlington and Snmter Districts. Business entrusted to him win meet with prompt ' ind careful attention. July 26. t MOFFAT A MOORE. AUCTIONEERS A GENERAL AGENTS, < Cam pen, S. C. Jan. 6. 2 II. W. CHAMBERS, Receiving and Forwarding merchant, AND layer of Cotton and other Country Produce, camden. s. c. C. iWA'f lBESON, BANK AGENT. Lx HIS 01,T> STAND OI?pr?IT|t f>AVts's HuTBl WILLIAM C. MOOHE, BANK AGENT, Lnd Receiving and Forwarding merchant CAMDEN, S. C. Reffrekces?vv. E. Johnson, Esq. Maj. J. M NjSaussurp, T. J. Warren, Esq. Bogardus' Planetary Horse Power, rllK atiWriber* have received one of iho above machine* from the mnnnfnctnrv of Geo. Vail dt ' o., to y diiclt they would call the attention of those who want owr* for Ginniiip. Sawing or Grinding. Order* for any p ind of MILL IRONS or CASTINGS will be promptly w uendcd to. McDOWi LL&COOl'EiL ?K7" A few Mill Crank* on hand. Sept. 20.1850. 75 if Clothing at Cost! z A I/it ready made Coats. Pants, Vests, Over. Jl coat?, and Merino Shirts snd Pants, Linen Ihirts and Collars. By H. LEVY &. SON. J Jan, 24 7 tf_ ? Dry Goods. rHE Subscriber has just added to his stock of GROCERIES. 20 Pieces Cheap Calico. S 30 M Homespuns and Osnabnrgs, Checks, Ticking, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Tweeds, Cassiineres, Dilantins, &c., with all C rticles usually kept in a well selected assortie.it. VVM. C. MOORE. 1 Feb. 11 12 tf Carpeting ami Rags at Cost! | A lew pieces Carpeiings. at positively cost. \ Bv H. LEVY & SON. Jan. 23 7 tf j jus. bTkeksiiaw^ s .ttorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, camde.v, s. c. II Will attend the < ourts of Kershaw, Sumtar, airfield, Darlington and Lancaster Districts. To Rent. rHAT brick dwelling and store, next to the ? "M ansion House," now occupied by T. Bon>11. Apnly to J B KERSHAW, Ex'or. Oec24 101 tf The subscriber has just finished off a lot of Maigany Rocking Chairs in plush. Also Sewing hairs in plush and hair; very neat articles and : unusually low prices. C. L. CIIATTEN. Mill Gudgeons, &,c. 1 Mill Gudgeons, !()? to 'JO inch Mill Cranks, assoried sizes North Carolina, English and Norther Holloa ? Ware, assorted, from $ to55 gallons Patent Iron Axles. 1 to inch. Mill Irons of anv kind furnished to order. McDO WALL & COOPER. July 8 54 ? 1 SIDES best Ilcinlock Leather. tJ\J Just received and lor sale ai 1/ cts per .by JOHN \V. BRADLEY. ?? h 10RN Shelters. Patent Straw Cutters, Ploughs, Patent ^ J Churns of the most approved kind?Rooking anil nilig Chairs, Pail*. Tubs, &e.f just rercived by Sept. 17, [7-ttf | K. W. UON.NEV. ^ Carpeting! 11 *" rCIST o|N>ncd nnd for sale, rontmrni. extra fine, super' fine, nnd imperial three ply Carpets, of new patterns. _ so, Printed Floor Cloths, Rugs, and cotton Carpeting. ^ Sept. 17, [71 tf 1 E. W. HO.NMiy. \ )A BOXES I. E. Cheerio, small size, received PI fw and for sale, by SHAW & AUSTIN. Feb. 18 14 tf THE SOUTHERN STORE. ALL who wish Bargains, are invited to call at K. S. MOFFAT'S new Southern Store, third house above the hank of t.'auiden, where they will tind a complete assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND HARDWARE, consisting in part, as follows: Fancy mid mourning Prints 7-8 and 4-4 brown Shirtings Blue Denims and Marlhornnorh SStriru,* SSattinetTs and Kentucky Jeans Cloths and fancy Ciissimeres Negro Kcvcye; Bed and Negro B'ankets Mous. De'aines, Ginghams, h Salmon, Lob j liters, Sardines in whole, half aud quarter ? boxes, Herring, Potted Yarmouth do. 'ICKLES.?From Grouse & Blackwell, Un A derwood and Lewis. jti LETC'IHJPS.?Worcestershire, Harvey, John as Bull Toinaioe, Walnut, Mushroom, King rin of Oude's, Sahu, Popper aud Paoh Viuger, 1 W. Wine do, Cider d(x, English and French ? Mustard, Spanish Olives, Capers* Anchaviefl Essences tor flavoring. PRESERVES.?Peaches, Apricots, Prunes in their own Juice. Pineapple, Limes, Prunes. West Indies do., Strawberry Jam, ga| Figs, Raisins, Prunes. !A1?DJLE?.?New Bedford Sperm, Solar do. ? Adamantine, Wax, colored do. Received and for sale by fi SHAW & AUSTIN. Jj dIh Case Pate de Foie Gras Strasbourg. Recei- ?oj ved and for salo by p.. Jan 30. SHAW & AUSTIN. r,s ' BOXES Smoked Halibut received and for ) sale by SHAW & AUSTIN. 88 Feb. 18 14 tf_ cj^ MANSION HOUSE. CAMDEN, 8. C< <33JsxaaoD? r|"MIE undersigned hegi leave to return hi* rratrfttl ^ JL tlimikx to hi. friends, and the travelling Public, for the liberal support which he ha* received since he haa been opened, (four month.) and liaa entered upon hi. duties fol 1851, with renewed energy to endeavur to please taJl thai may call upon him, both rich and poor. Ilia liouae win be found one of the moat desirable, situated, and beat far* m nislted Hotel, in Catnden. His servants also will be fount) respectful and attentive, and the table wQl be sop* plied with the best the market afford*. His t>tables and Carriage Houses are roomy and altt?)< fully supplied with Provender, and an experienced Haakf. An Omnibus calls at the How every morning for pas* sengere for the Railroad. Give aaa a call and teat ) Matin. As you find roe, So recommend me. ?. G. ROBINSON/ rroprietor. Cum] en, February 7th, 1851. ji if Temperance HoteL mHE undersigned would respectfully inform hi* X friends and the travelling public in general^ that he has again rented the above Hotel for a short time and would respectfully solicit a portion of the patronage so liberally bestowed Upon him heretofore, as no pains will be spared to maka dfo traveller comfortable and at home. J The Stages, and Omnibuses will caA regularly it the House for passengers, going by Railroad. Also, Horses, and Buggies, can be had Rom him m reasonable terms, to go in the country. J. B. F, BOON* Feb. 11, 12 ^ IA BBLS. Planting Potatoes,, recaiaad atdMi LU sale, by SHAW * AUgTDI. Jt e ti. IV 14 *. If ?? i. . ap? ? % Boontjr Uo4 *" rnS subscriber will prosecete claims tut Laa# or Pension*, on reasonable torn*. Soldionr nd officer*, in the Mexican war, in the Wu of fl!2," the Florida war, and other Indian wmm ntitied to Boenty Land. . J. B. KERSHAW. Dec, 24, tnOl Att'y at Law. FABB KEMICBBTO ' Tu Great Moil Romte from Charleston, R. C. ' KA VING the wharf at tbe foot at Leeree* SL daily at 8, p. m. after tbe arrival rftHiwaL n care, via Wilmington and Weldon, Petttebeffe icfcmond, to Washington, Baltimore, PteladJ. lia, and to New York. The public is respectfully informed that tbe earners of this line, from Charleston to Wif. ingtoh, are in first rate condition, and apr nasi tted by well known and experienced CMnsand* e, and the Raihoads are in hoe order, thereby curing both safety and despatch. A THROUGH ICKfclT having already been in operation wiU i continued on and after the first of Oct. 1M9 a permanent arrangemeot from CksffeftonJe, ew York. Passengers availing themselves therewill have the option to eontinee without delay rough the route or otherwise, |oatop af any Hosdiate points, renewingtbefcsetts on the line te it i heiconvenience. By this route travellera ty reach XS'ew York on the third day da*taf baaisa boors. Baggage will be ticketed on board e steuitr to Weldon, as likewise on tiie cha nge cars at the intermediate points from lhence to >w York* Through Ticketi can alone be had E. WIN SLOW, Agent of the Wilmington and deigh Railroad Company, at the office of the linn ino fitAt A!" V aiiMiis ? ?. '?u prtail J y I??vi V| USUI DIIB OIICG4 W UliUlll piCMV ply. For oilier informatio inquire of L. C. DUNCAN, at the American Hotel. Ma/ 3, 34 . If FEW more of Uiom tine Beef Tonnes, re. L eeived at * MOORK'S. Feb 11 H - h; If AAA LBS. BACON HANS, prime, |Uvl' 00 bble extra Family Flour ?, il) boxes Adamantine Candles. For sale by Ian. 81. JOHN W; BRADLEY MNE1R1SH POTATOES?A few Bbh. fem Mcohsd' by SHAWAAWnH. Case Olives stuffed with Anchovies. Received and for gale by iSHAW & AU8TIN. L'ase Green Peas, (French.) Received Sfed for sale by SHAW + AU8TIW. Notice. [AVING disposed of my entire stock of Gyo. cerins to Mr. James 1. Villepigoe, formerly I he firm of Paul F. Villepigue df- Son, I beg, pecllully, to solicit for him, the generous pat. age of my former customers, riiose indebted to me either by note or epn ac* int, are earnestiy requested to call on me at the stand and settle, which will enable me to meetnurn nnmiremtnfe <3 Rt'VlKtN """"vy Notice. LL persona I aving demands against tha EaL tnte ot J. C. l>oby, dee'd will present (ben perly attested, and those indebted will make ment to J. DUNLAP, Adm'r. fan. 80. 9 tf 1%'otice. * w S I am about to leave thia State, to travel L abroad, I hereby appoint Mr. Thomas Lang my general agent, to attend to my afiaira du-. g my absence. L. C. ADAMSON,. Feb. 14 13 / awi( Hardware, Groceries, Bagging, Bop# and Twine, ? f |KADY-made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Bonnets^ L Boots and Shoes &c. Just received and ior. u at the lowest prices possible by M. DRUCKER CO; TlAmeetiA T+Atna* JUU1UC0I4V ibCUIOi >ROWN and bleached hhcetings, every widths k TickingtErgliah L^ng-cloths; t'ounterpenea,, in and figured curtain Dimity; garuuntDimity; ored Homespuns and Denims;. plaid Linmy.. t unc Is and Blanket*, at all prices. also .50 pieces of hleachedtind brown Home span# low as thev can be bought any wjiere in Aiuer " i aUlv iirti iMitiiu IIV tfniurjo nrijWf O* ItF.NCH,'ierman and English ?l*in Caolimem, for- ,j I-ndien l)re?e*. AUo?Velvet and other Trimming*, nedthwdav.at HONNKV'S French Brandy. 3itponor French Brandy, lor Medicinal purpo. i. For sale at McKAIX'S J)HUG~vSTORE. CASK Fruits in their own juice, assorted, re-. ceivcd and tor sale by SHAW &. AUSTIN. i 'I