LIVER COMPLAINT, fwandice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Ifer* TMs^Dsbllilr, Diseases of the Kidneys, AND ALL diseases arising from a disordered Lit r or .Stomach. such u Constipation, inward Pilot, fulnest or liloud to the Head, acidity af the Stomach. Nausea. Heartburn, disgust for Food, fullimm or weight in the Stomach, soar eructations, sinking or fluttering at lha Pit of the Stomach, swimming of the Head, hurried and difficult Breathing, fluttering at'he Heart, clinking or suflocaiing Sensation* when in a Lying Pntrnre, dimness of vision, dots or webt before the Sight, Feter a.iJ dull pain in the head, deficiency of Perspiration, yellowness of ihe skin and eyes, pain in ibe side, back hest and limbs, sudden flushes of the Heart, burning iu flash, imagining of evil and great depression of spirits, CAN BK ZrrXCTCADLT CORED BT DR. HOOFLAN1V8 CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, niFiiM BT DR. C. JACKS OX, 4T TH^GERXAN MEDICINE STORE, 130 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases ia not excelled. J tqnllrd, by any other preparation in the United State* a* the care* attest, in many caaee after akilful phy nun*' had failed. Theee Hitter* are worthy the attention of invalid*. Possessing great virtoes in the rectification of diseases of the Li*?r aod lesser gland*. exercising the mutt searching power* tn weakness and affection* of the digestive organ*, they are, withal, safe, certain and pleasant. READ AND BK CONVINCED. Chaa. Robinson, Esq . Ea*ton, Md., in a letter to I'r. Jackson, Jan. 9. 1950, said? " My wife and myself have received more benefit from ?fcnr medicine than anv other we have ever taken fur the Dyspepsia and Liver di*en*e." "The Truth l/gion," published at Woodstock, Va., Jan. 10,18W, said? 44 A OK RAT MEDICINE" "We have uniformly refrained fnvn recommending to the public any of the various Patent Medicine* of the day, unices thoroughly convinced pf tlieir value. Among those We consider worthy of notice is the l.eriuun Bitiers, invented by Df. Hoofland. and prepared by Dr. Jack*on,in Philadelphia. One instance in particular, in which the superior virtues of this medicine have been tested, ha* fallen under our observation. During the last summer, a son of t. . -mJuun Kmbill. of this country, wo* very seriously affli .i*J with l.lver Complaint, arid aficr trying in vain various remedies he pureliased a hottl*- of the Bitters and after using it, was so much relieved of his distressing malady that he procured another bottle, and is restored entirely to health. ? SKAT) FCRTHRR A FRHT F4CT*. The "Philadelphia Democrat," the lead inc Germ an journal of Philadelphia. The editor said, Nov 24th? "We again call attantion to tlie removal of the German Medicine store, tlte principal depot for the sale ul Dr lloofland's German Bitters, from 378 Race to 120 Arch street, one dour below Sixth. Owing to the increased demand for this medicine, and for the accommodation of his numerous patients. Dr. Jackson lias been compelled to occupy a larger sp>re. We wish him sneers* in Ins new quarters; be if deserving of it. The Hitters Mixture ?s wit hoot donlit the greatest medicine extant for diseases of the Liver nnd Bowels. A stubborn case of Chronic Diarrhoea lias erne under onr notice, wherein the patient had exhausted tl.e Materia Medicas of the different schools of medicine with noapparent benefit. He was induced to use these bitters, and a few bottles of them have entirely cored Inrn: Many oeh rases we could refer to. We hope our readers wi I recollect this great restorative, should they be so uufbrtunaleas to require its use Dr. Jackson possesses the original unpublisned receipt of Dr. Hoofland. a?d he prepares this medicine with this care. Those purchasing should -L? im wnli... ni?n ills a!) attn* store, or we u? ? ?? ? wrapper outside, and blown in lite bottle, as imitations of all good articles axe common." Judge M. M.N<*h,ageiileman with great scientificand literary attainments.taia in his "New York Weekly Messenger, Jan. 6. 1850, "Da Hoofund's GaaMsa Rimtaa?Here is a preparation which the leftdhw presses in lite Union appear to Be unaniiaoos in recommending, and the reason is obvious, h is made after a prescription furnislied by one of tbe m r.mi|w Tbe " Fhilaneipnia oaiuruny ...v. , M ?r? pa per published in tbe United States, the editor nays of DR. IIOOFLAND'g UKKMA.X BITTKHS. "ft it seldom tint we recommend what are termed Pat nt Medicines tn the ennfideiice and patronage four readers. and therefore, when we recommend Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, we wish it to he distinctly understood that Me are not speaking of the nostrum* of the day, that are Mfc1. JACKSON upoajbe wrapper. and the name blown in the bottle, with Hit wfitch they are wpurion*. For rale, wholesale anJ retail, at the GKttJff \ N MP.IUCINK ?T/| 7 uaiw riVJGOiV! Ill I/IIU Ula>?n iura.v> College Mr. A. L Scovill; However reluctant I have been to permit my name to be attache! to patent medicine, I consider it a dutr to the community to ?t>.te that in three cases of incipient consumption, vis: Misn Bell, Mies Harger, and Mr. R II. Cox, oneofutirCity ? ouncil, that Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar operated more like a specific than like any other remedy, that I ever used. One o; the cases, viz: Miss Bell, pronounced by several Physicians to be laboring under the last stage ot Scrofulous Consumption. She is now in good health, from the use of a lew bottles ol the above syrup. HIRAM COX, if. D. Cincinnati. Jan. 2-"#, 1847. FROM THE HON. HENRY MORSE. Mr. A. Scovill: I am well acquainted with Dr. iliram Cox and his practice, he taving been my physician for many years, and can cheerfully say that I have as much confidence in his skill as any man living. HENRY MORSE. Cincinnnt', Nov. 8th, 1847. Despair not though your Physicians and Friends give you up to die I! I Your condition cannot to more helplejs than that ol Mrs. Roue. TIiim is to certify that I was taken with a pain in my side aud breast, attended with a distressing cough, and lor the space of one year grew rapidly worse. Although 1 had in attendance three physicians. one of whom was considered very skillful, all of their efforts pioml alike unavailing. At last one of the physi< ians came in, and decided that I could not live more than one day longer! All of my friends believed that a few days at inost would end my earthly career. My brother at crisis, hearing of the astonish, ing cures made by Dr. Rodger*' Liverwort and Tar, went to Chillicolhc, distan' thirty miles, to procure the above medicine; and, strange to tell, before I had used half a bottle my cough was en. tire y cured, and when Iliad used two bottles I was able to attend to my family vocations 11 \RRIET ROYVE. Mr. Msrriweathsr writes as Follows: Mr. A. L.Scuvill, Dear .Sir?Dr. Rogers'Liver wort and Tar came sate to hand. 1 have sold a number of bottles. 1 has met v/ith great success A young man of this place, supposed to have the consumption, lias been entirely cured. P. M ISRHI\V BATHER. Denmark, Tenn., J imp 30, 1848. 03f?The following certificate from one of the most distin. guished pliysirians in Cincinnati, i* entitled in great credit: I feel constrained from a sense of duty to make toe fol lowing statement conscious that it may ap|tear unprofessional. M Charles Wade, of city. was quite low witt Pulmonary Consumption, for which 1 had been treating willi less than usual success. At his request, and that of Ins friends,! permitted him to try I)r Rogers's Liverwort and Tur; anu I must confess that its effects were really surprising. After u*ing toe second boltle my \i*iu were discontinued. and lie nas soon restorou to penlrh. I docomcieiitiottsly recommend my brother prncttionem to prescribe this remedy in all pulmonary cumiloints which baffle the ordinary in?de of treatment. WILLIAM J. RU WARDS, M. D. Cincinnati, Oct. Is?t 1844 Extract from a letter dated Jackson, Tenn. Oct. 2G, 1848. Mr. \. L. A'covill, Cincinnati: Dear Sir?I want you to send me one gross of Dr. Rogem' Liverwort and Tar. I am entirely out of it, and ave constant calls for it. The remarkable cures that it has made here, lias made a g."eat demand fur it. Your*, 4"c., It- W. HITTINGTON, Druggist. IXT-Bew are of Connierfeiis and base Imitation*..?3 N.B.?The genuine articles is signed, "Andrew Rogers," on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. K^Price?$1 per bottle, or sit Bottles for A'old wholesale and retail by SCOVIL ?* MEAD. 13 Chitrtcs at. New Orleans. Aole General Agents fur the (Southern Males. Sold by J. R. McKain, Camden ; A. titch, Columbia; Haviland, Harrull At Co., and I*. M. Coken, Charleston ! Mannsel Hall, Winnsboro. SJ't.'alloii the Agent for a pamphlet, and see the above < ertilicates in full, and a vast number id others. March 26, 24 wfira A RESCUE TO THE AFFLICTED. THE CELEBRATED A certain remedy. f?r all fixed pain* in the Side, Chwt I/>i??, Bark, Bowl*. Mu-de*. Rheumatism in all it* varied forms. Nervon* fT-ciiou*. Lung and Liver Complaints. Spinal Affection*. Female Weaknesses. rtr. etc. For ilie above romplaini* this planter lias no kqual? Tlie great celebrity which it lint) already acquired, not only in the old, hot in the new world?the extraordinary cure* it ha* performed in the most extreme rose* of suffer, injr. have acquired for it such a reputation, that the pro prietorluv* not? uiuil recently?been able to supply lial* medehiand. The sales throughout every city, town and village in the Ibiited States, are without n parallel! A circumstance not surprising, w hen the vast amount of human suffering relieved liy its use is consiilered. Ill spinal defects, the benefit usually is of the most decided character. In Nervous Complaints, nineteen cases out of twenty read-ly yield to tin- penetrating slitnuht combined in this valuaole preparation. In Rheumatism, either acute or chronic, the claims of the Hebrew Plaster have long since I?ecn universally acknowledged. Those who are laboring under weak backs, no matter from what cause the weakness may have originated?even if sncli person* have la-en misguided in previous application*?in the use ?f the Hebrew Plaster they will find the affected part suddenly restored to its origi*011 lid lies*. A* a supporter in cose* of constitutional wvaknes it will he found ot great advantage. It is particularly rucommended to females who are suffering from suddc weak general ?l>'bilitv. In short. ii ombrace* all the virlues which the ui<*-t scientific mind was cn|mble of* compounding from valuable substances fuuml iu the old world and will be found entirely free from there objection* which are a source of cmnp aim tvith the numerous spreadplasters now before the public. Wherr this Plaster is applied, pain cannot exist. These Plasters posses* the advantage of being put up in dir-tighl boxes, hence they retain their full virtue* in ull vlimates. We have just received the following lestimo-j nial from C C Sellers, an eminent lawyer in successful practice in Wilcoi county, Alalwnta. He is a gentleman in high standing, and one whose inllitence has great weight: Camden, Ala., Nov. 21, 1818. Messrs. Scovil d" Meadt Gentlemen?Having lieen requested to slate what ha* been the result of my experience by the use of your Hebrew Plaster, I cheerfully comply, by bsaying that I have found it to be as heretofore recommended,an invaluable medicine. Indifferent <-a*e*of my family I have applied the Plaster to chronic mire*, tumors, and pains, and it Im* never failed to afford instant relief. 1 have also used it with good effect upon my ow n person, in tne cure of ulcers, with which 1 have been severely afflicted. Respectfully, etc. C. C. SELLRRS. Beware of Counterfeit* awl Base Imitations. CAUTION?The subscribers are the only General Agent* in the 'Southern -Slates for the sale of this truly valuable Pho>ter; and in order to prevent purchaser* being imposed jqnui hy a ctiuitterfcil article, sold in this city and elsewhere^ir the genuine, they invite particular attention to the following mnrk* of the genuine : 1 The genuine ix pnl up in xinooth, engine-turned hotlomed boxe*. not xoldoreil in. U. The genuine li.i* the engraved head of Jew David on the diroetinn* nmund the box. ith aeeonipanying Re eonlof Court, to IS- Taylor, Roebrxter. SCOVIL u the subject tome of which is very strong. The Cordial it not a quack nostrum, but a carefully prepared medicine, and perfectly free from any thing injurious. From the Daily Pennsylvauian, .Sept. 16th 1847. We ans constrained to say that the '? 'arrainative''.of Dr. Heeler's now ejteusively used in this City, is rapidly making its way to public favor, lis ingredients are o Course unknown, but it is mild in its opentiiun, pleasantto i lie taste, and a remedy quite as good at any now used for the same complaints. From the Daily Newt, July lath, 1850. Summer Complaint?The season when this complaint exists is now here. If persons having it in their families would only purchase a bottle of Dr. Heeler's Carminative Cordial, they would save much expense and trouble. e peak of the virtues of this medicine knowinglyFrom the Spirit ol the Times, Kutxlown, July 18,1848. We w?h to direct the attention of the readers of tht* paper to Dr. Heeler's cordial und Curniinative, advernised in another ml until. It in a medicine highly esteemed by every|oiietlialli)t* used it in Diurrlnra. Dysentery. Cholera infantum, eet, which at this season is so frequent. It is a perfect innocent medicine and gives immediate relief. Prepared and Mild 25)4 Market street Philadelphia? where tn;iy also be hod Dr. Heeler's Cough Syrup, Vermifuge Syrup, Rheumatic Lotion. Liver and Sanative Pills, Medicinei" of unsurpassed efficacy. (OT Also Dr. Heeler's SARA'AP ARILLA, a eelebraied remedy in all Scrofula and Constitutional Disorders. It is, without doubt, the cheapest and best remedy for Chronic Disease of the Chest Strmach. Liver, and skin known?and admirably adapted for all derangements arriving from Impurities of the blood, female* suffering from the Loss of Aupetite, Nervous D- I bility, Irregularities, Pains, Pimples. Blntchs. Sallow Complexion. Costiveness. etc.. Will find the SarsapariNa de1 cidcdly the best remedy in r e for their removal. No one | should be without Dr. Heeler's Fanunilv Medicines, so beneficial in many disease*. Prion $1 per boltK?6 bottles for $jFor wile by Z. J. Dili AY. Camden 8. C..and by Drug uini outcb Liin'ii^noui wi* i-miiiiry. rrire ceiil* per bottle?we circulars &c., ill hands of llie agents. July a. I SCO- 31 Alfl?Al> UF ALL OTIIEKS. The envy of all Pill manufacturers, Because they are safer, better and more efficacious than any other* ; and becaure the public will take no other* if they can obtain them. 900,000 Boxes have been.sold annually for the last five yenrs. YOUNG AND OLD, MALE AND FEMALE, can always take them with equal safety, without fear. IF PILLS RE NECESSARY for purlin? arid cleansing the Stomach and Rowels, and purifying the Blood and fluid* of the body, take no others ?for no other pills produce those coinbined?effeclip or contains Smrsarwtrilla in them Eat, Drink and live as nsual, and pursue your nsual occupation whilst taking them without fear of taking cold, during all kinds of weather. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS are waeered that more genuine certificates (from physi cians. Clergymen, Member* of Congress and respectable I \ ?,n L. nMntinJ of itini, offifH/'V i hnn tnv other. ' ~ Forty Pills iiV a Box!! and *nld at twenty-five cents a box, with direction* and much wholesome advice accompanying each box. They no taste <>r unpleaoant smell. Free from d?*t or powder of any kind, I)o not gripe the -Stomach or llowel*. Produce nosicknes*. vomiting or bad feeling*, Ti.kt ark coon at am,Tims, And adapted to mo?t disease* common to mankind. No one having one taken them will be willing afterward* to take nny others, because thev always do good, and if they do not then no others will. i)r. N. B. LKIDY Propriety nnct,Manufacturer, I i* a regular Druggist, Chemist and Physician, of lifteett | years experience in Philadelphia ; Graduate of the Uni verity of Pennsylvania; .Member of different Medical In| stitutioiis of Philadelphia. New ^ i.rk, Boston, Baltimore &c..Hnd associate and corresponding member of several Medical Institutions of Isuidon and Paris?hence the reason of the greater confidence placed in his pills, and their heing recommended in the practice of most respectable physicians throughout the United State*. {XT' Principal ltenot. Dr. I.Etnr's Dispensary, No. 114 North Fourth st". rhiladeaphia?and sold wholesale and retail HtMcKAlN'S Drug Store, Camden ;TOLAND& . ...,. > 0 ..1 L;_ llll l Pll J. IttlUVAlMl * I It i 10, i iniinimu ; 4un.? ^ m?i,u.v, ville ; Pr. MAI.LOY.Chemw; PUATT&JAMKS, NewInrry ; IM'FKA- KEKPY.Cii-stervilln ; J. L. YONGUK. Wiiiohorn; IT. II. WEST, Pnionville; Dr. P. M. COHEN ami (CLEVELAND, Charleston; ainl by moat Druggi*t? ?feSier*iiitho United States. Aug. 20, 18.10. EG 12m Fresh Garden Seeds. TIIE subscriber has just received a fresh and full supply of every variety of GARDEIT SEEDS, which can he depended upon, consisting in part of early Mohawk, French, speckled, vellow six weeks, early white and cranberry BEANS, Bishop's early prolific, early charlton, d warf strawberry and tall marrowfat PEAS; early May, early York, early Dutch, early large York, sugar-loaf, drumhead, Battersoa, green ' glazed and mountain CABBAGES; long blood, white sugar and turnip BEETS; Brocoli, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Collnrds, Cucumber. Squash, Egg Plant, Lettuce, Kale, Sugar Corn, Parsley, Parsnip, white and brown Mustard, Okra, Onion Butnns, Bell IV| jer, -weet Spanish Pepper, Radish, tarly spring ? u nip, Vegetable Oyster, Spincge, eomato, Hemp and Canary Sepd?also, an asTrtnient ol choice FLOWER SEEDS. For sale ao F. L ZEMP. Dec. 10 M tf For the Remoral and Permanent Cure of ill j NERVOUS DISEASES, And of tliof# Complaint* * hich ere enured lip an impair*! i weakened or unhealthy condition ol the 19 BR V OC 8 SYSTEM. Thi* beautiful and convenient application of the myaterioui I power* of GALVANISM and MAGNETISM, ha? been pronounced bp diitinguUhed phj aiciant. both in Europe and the ! United States, to bathe moil culuublt medicinal dursrriy tf . ' Dr! CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC BELT j ami MAGNETIC FLUID, it uitd with the moat perfect and certain auccaa* in all ! ca?e? of 1 GENKRAh DEBILITY, Strengthening the weakened bodp, giving tone to the varimu [ organ*, and in vigor alio* the entire evitam. Alao in FITS, { CRAMP, PARALY8I9 end 1AL3V, DYSPEPSIA or INDL GE8TION, RHEUMATISM, i CUTE and CHRONIC, GOUT, I EPILEPSY, LUMBAGO, Di AFNES6, NERVOUS TRE- ; MORS, PALPITATION OF THE HEART, APOPLEXY, NEURALGIA, PAINS in th SIDE and CHEST. LIVER COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, and CURVATURE of the 8PJNE, HIP COMPLA NT, DI8EA3KS of the KIDNEY8, DEFICIENCY OF NERVOU6 and PHYSICAL EN- I ERGY, and all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complainta ariee j from one aimple cautc?namely i A Dorancament of tl NurVOtlfl Syithia. (a- In KKRVOUS COMPL/INT8. Dmge snd Medicim* incremtt the disease, tar they we ken the rital energise of the ! already proetreted system; wb'le under tbe strengthening, ! lifegirinjr. ritalining influence of Oelreniim, ee applied by tbie beatftful and wonderful die orery, the exhausted patient end weakened sufferer i? renter* d to former health, strength, elasticity and rigor. The great peculiarity and a ace ience nf Dr. Christ!*'! Oslt anic Ourattvaa, consists, in the fact that they arrest and core disease by out ward application, in place of the nana] mode of dragging and physicking the pntient, till exliau ted Nature sinks hopelessly under the infliction. They itrcnfthrn the whale syifrtt, equolitt the circulation of the hlood, promote the ttcreliom, an ' never do the eli/hteet injury imder any circumttancet. Since their introduction in the United States, only three years sii ce. more than 60,000 F erson 9 including all ages, classes and enrditions, emong which were a large nnmber of ladies, who ere peculiarly subject to Nerv ?? - f'Aawnleinia havp hppn ENTIRELY AND PERMANENTLY CURED, when *11 hope of reliof hid beer given up, and every thing Ue been tried in vain ! To iUuetrete the uee of the QA1 VANIC BRI.T, reppoee the cue of a.' ersno afflicted wit that bene of civiliaetkm, DV8PF.P8IA, or any other f.hroni or Nervous Disorder. la erdinnrv rv*n. lent. t.k.f which, by their action on the nervea and mueclu of the atom ch, artnrJ temporary relief bat which Leave the patient in I lower elate, and with injured facultiee, titer the aotion thue exc 'ted bu ceued. Now compare this with the effect resulting from the application ol the GALVANIC BELT. Take a Dyipeptie sufferer, even in the woree symptoms of an attack, and limply tie the Belt around the body, using the Magnetic hie d u directed. In a abort period the ineeneible |>erspiretioi will act on the poaitire element of the Belt, thoreby can ing a Galvanic circulation which will pan on to the negativi and thence back again to the poeitive, thna keeping up a c< ntinuouv Galvanic circulation throughout the ayatem. Th+ the moat severe cases of DYSPEPSIA are PKRMANENTL', CURED, A rEW DAYS 18 OFTEN AM PL V SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THE DISEASE OF YEARS. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS Of the most I'ndoal ted Character, From all parts of the Country cou I be given, sufficient to IB every column in this paper AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE, which conclusively proves that " Truth is stranger than Fiction." CURB OP RHEUMATISM, BRUNCH1T 8 AND DYSPEPSIA. Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman of New Jersey, if distinguiahe, attainments end eailted reputation Sidvkv,! ew Jersey, July ltl, 1848. Da. A. H. Ctian ia?Dear Sir You wi?h to know of me what ha* been the . Wult in mv o\ n ease, o( the application m THE GALVANIC BELT AND N KCKLACE. My reply is a* follow*: For ahont twenty yean I had I ren in/Taring from Dyspep. ia. Every year the symptoms became worse, nor could I obtain permanent relief from any coune of medical treatment whatever. About fourteen yeai aince, in consequence of frequent expoeure to the weather in the discharge of my pa*tori duties, I became lubject t< a aevere Chronic Rheumatiam, which for year after yea , caused me indescribable anguish. Farther: intbe winter ji'dfi and '40, in consequence of preaching a great deal in my own and various other churches in this region, I was attacked by the Bronchitis, which soon became so severe as to require an immediate suspension of my pastoral labors. My nerrsu* system was now tkoreurkly frettretei, and as my Bronchitis became worse, so also did my Dy anopsia and Rheui atic affection?thus evincing that these disorders were connet *ed with each other through the medium of the Nervous Syst m. In the whole pbannacoI aria there seemed to be no i'medial agent which could reach and recuperate my Nervou . Syitrm ; every thing that 1 had tried for thie purpose had ompletely failed. At last I was led by my friends to examine your inventions, and (though With no very sanguine hopes of t%eir efficiency,) ( determined Jo try the effect of the applicatio . of the GALVANIC BELT I AND NECKLACE, with the MAGNETIC FLUID. This waa in June, 1946. To my oreat a?i oniaiiment, in two day* my OYercriii had oonc; in edii t day* I ?ai uuilu to REIUME MY PASTORAL LAIOM ; nOR MATE I AinCE OMITTED A linaLE IEEYICE On ACCOUNT ( THE BkOnCHITIR J AND MT Rheumatic ArrccTion hai enti elt ceaaed to trouble me. 8uch ii the wonderful End hippy reeult* of the experiment I hiY# recommended the BEIT -vnd fLUID to meny who here been likewiee lufferiif froi. I mralgic Rffectionx. They have tried them, with ha'p* lie lti, 1 believe, in eyebi ABE. I am, dear ilr, vet reipectfuliy youra, j ROBERT W. LANDIB. Tic Dolorenx aid Neuralgia. Theee dreadfnl and agonizing complaint* are fmaudfaleflg rtlievrd by the application of th< Oalyanic Belt, Necslace Ann Klvid. The Beit diffuse* the Electricity through the ayatem ; the Necklace ha* a local effect, and the FlnTd acta directly anon the affected nerve*. In the** ?t extraordinary character can be given, if required. ()ry- No trouble or inconvanierce attende the uee of UK. CHRISTIE'S QJiLVJNIC Jil TICLES. and they may be worn by the moat feeble aad delicate with perfect eaae and eafaty. In many caeee the eeneation attending their nee b highly fleaiaut and agrctahlc. T1 ey can be Mot to any part of the country. Price*: The Galvanic Belt, Three Dollars, The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollars, The Galvanic Bracelets, One Dollar Bach. The Magnetic Fluid, One Dollar. .. 09- The articlee are eccompenitd by Aill and plain direoMnna Pamnhlalf with full ViirtlCl Ian (TilV bl Dftd of the tathorixed Agent. PARTICULAR < AUTION. K}> Brwut / Counter/tilt ani H'orlMm Imilntitni. D. O. MOR3JHEAD, M. D., OENERAf, AGENT EOK THE UNITED STATE*. in Browlwur. New York. For sale in Camden by the aiutohized Agents JAMES R. McKAIN. F. L. ZEMP In Charleston by Dr. P. M. COHEN. InColumbia by BOATRIGHT & MIOT. Domestic Items. BROWN and bleached {sheetings, everyjpjdih, Ticking; Erglish Long-cloths; Countermines, plain and figured curtain Dimity; gHrmantDimity; colored Homespuns and Denims; plaid Linsey. Flannels and Blankets, at all prices. A lso 1 lft?pieces of bleached and brown Homespuns*" as low as they can bo bought any win rt in Amer ca: At J?\MKS Wll SON'S. iv nre tiate nfth? Itlfuwt nr hahit M th* Sfstcm* viz: Scrofula or King'* Evil, Rhoaniatiwu. Olvtinate otit Eruption*, (.'hrmiic Sore By??, RIngTViJrin ?rTetter, Srstld liens), Ktilurgufueiuiutd Pain of tJi- IW? mhT Joint*. Stubborn L'lc-;rif Syphilitic Symptom*. Sriaiamor lauobagu ; air I l>iWM=? arising from an Inju Mew (Irgmda. cons, incuds iiself to the attention oi all. ' ? i New Yrrk, January 7,1848. \ Messrs. A. B. &. D. Sands?Ocd lenient May* ing used and witnessed tht effects of your va a a* ble preparation of Sarsapariila ou different per* sons iu different parts of the southern country, viz?Viginia, Louisian, Texas and Mexico, i jm much pleasure in staring lite limn opinion e/ilertainod ot its inedicinol value. In tuy own case, it acted almost like a charm, removing sjieedily, the enervated slate of the system, aud exciting in most agree tble manner, a tome and invigorating influence. Your JSarsaparilla is highly appron t and exten-, sively used by thn army m .Mexico, and my cousti^ Gen. Zacliary Tavior, lias lor tnfe past live year* been in the habit of using tr, and reewntnendathe^ same* lie aud myself adopted rhewiele at lhk> same time, and it is now considered an utmost dispensable article in the army. In conclusion*! would say that the better it. is known, the umm Highly it will he prized, and trust that its ltes% restoring virtues will make it generally Iiiiom ? throughout the length and brcadih of our wiUrT extended country. >on * very respectfully, 5. u. r.\I I.UK, l. J?. 10UMH til A. < >r\IVUM rkmakkabli: < thk of i??o:*cm rn. Now York, Feb. 17, 16 IS.?Messrs S-ouIr: ving suffered lu uiv yearn with a disease of mv throat, affecting the laryr x, during which time! was treated by the hi *t eminent physician* m Knro|>e and th* United .Stale, without rerwirfnf any permanent benefit, but all the time my geoe*. ai health and strength declining, and the disease making leartul progress; caustic applications were used, and what' ver else was t bought most efficient lor producing a cure; hut I am confident the de? plorahle situation I w a? in, the laryngitis b* ingaev companied with phthisis and great difficulty in breathing, would 6oon linve terminated my life, ha#e ?i... ;..?a nim ;..t.?t?fil.lo Hm. I livt uuimiicu innvi ! i_ sanarilla. I must nay, gentkinen, when f tom inei:ce petite. &c., receiving no benefit fruin the vartoof remedies prescribed, I concluded, about three months since, to make use of your Ssrsagprtlla, f now have the pleasure of informing you that if# effects have been attended with the happiest results in restoring my health, and I am indocedte add my testimony to the many others yon alreato possess, and those desiring further, information, Ipersanally give the'particulars of my ease, and the. offsets of this invaluab'e medicine, by celling '285 Bowerv. New York. Yours respect/uJIj.^ JANET McJi\ i uan.ia This certifies (hat M:m Janet Mcintosh it knoivn tc? me a member of the church in pod standing, and worthy of confidence. J. 8. SPENCRK, ; I'm tor Second Preabyterian Church, Brooklyn, ^ Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, IfejjjjL*. B. St 1). SANDS, Druggist* and Cheiniet^liA n Fu'ton at, corner ?f William, New York, Sold also bv Druggist* generally throughout the United Slates and Canadas. Price 01 per bottle; tig bottles lor 85. Sold at James R. McKain's, Camden, by Oft A* ? A w;..k fhwu ??^ lurtan