SlSSi 2. "" CAMDEN, SOUTH (J AKOLIXA, FEBRUARY 28, 1851. ' NUMBER 17. the ca?hen;,joiiMal j, ' ri'KLlSlIKU BY WARREN' & PRICE. ;[ TflE SKMI-WJOEKLY JOURNAL ~ ^ T* pnbli hr?f? at.TS.r.v I)? !!nrx and Fifty Cent*. if |*iid in > advance, or F?>nr P-dlars if jiayment is delayed for three ' months. I ] THE WEEKLY JOURNAL , Is published nt Two Dollars if paid in tdvnnce. or Two ( Dollar* utal I ifiv < *<-i !-. if i.nnneiit i* d^lavwl for Six months. am! Three Doil.itx. if not jwi'l un'il the end of the 5 year. ] ADVKIJTIs; A'K N'I'S will !se inserted nt the following ( rates: |'i row- -no r - t! I or le-ri ill the semi-wveklv. one dollar for tie- lit.-;. a;.r the lir*t. Jim! thirty j ; , I a hall eon * for each subsequent in* ' jmtI'oii Simile ite- rtiuii? one dollar per square. ! 'Jin- noinner of itiM-rtioiiR desired, and the edition to , lie published in. met he noted on the margin nf all advertisement*. or tliev will h- inserted setni-weeklv until or- 1 " ' 1 -J,. deivsf to tie ;?.. Kemi-moniUlv, luuuilily anil quarterly advertisements charged the ?atri'- k for a in^rtion. fcy-All commufiioationr by mail nut*! lie post-paid oj secure aucutivn. The following gentlemen are A cuts for ihe'Jounml: IVjf. C. ('\tiTOS. CIiMieml AS"lll. Col. T. W. Hitey, .Taeksonliam. TAiirasler DiM. S. II. Horsed . iv q., I.ancast' rville, S. C. (!. C. McCiis'mm ex. Carthago. N. C. W. C. Moork. Keq.. Camden. S. C. Anil I'dMiHitilcru ar? requested t?aeta?< our Agent*. DOLCE DOMUMThe following beautiful lines, which breathe the fire oft rue poetry, were written by a young student of Eton School, England, who having been confined to the College during the vacation lor ' some fault he had committed, pitted away, and , died of sorrow at not living permitted to enjoy the , hollidays with his friends at his bclove 1 home, it is customary at Eton College for the whole establishmcnt to assemble on the top of St. Catherine's Hill the day before the summ -r vacation, when i these lines, composed !>y the unfortunate you'll, are sung by lite choristers of the chapel, accompa- , nied by a band of music, and the whole company join in the chorus. Sing a sweet melodious measute, Waft enchanting lays around; JUtihr, a theme replete with pleasure, Home, a great Ail theme resound ! CHORUS. Home! .sweet home! an ample treasure! Home 1 with every blessing crowifd ! Home! perpetual source of pleasure! ilome ! a noble strain resound ! ho ! the joyful hour advances, Happy season of delight! Festal songs, and f-sta! dances, All our tedious toils r> quite j Home, sweet home, &c. L^ave, my wearied mu.-e, thy learning; Leave thy task .so hard to bear; Leave thy labor, c ase returning; Leave, my bosom, v >: my care. llomc, sweet home, Sic. See the year, the meadows smiling ! I^et us then a smile display: Rural sports our pain beguiling, Rural pastimes iali away. Home, sweet home, Sic. ^ Now the swallow seeks her dwellii 'o? And 110 longer loxe* to roam ; Her example thus impelling, Let us seek our native home. llotiie, sweet home, &,c. . Let aur men and steeds assemble, Panting for the wide campaign: Let the ground beneath us tremble, While we scour along the plain. Home, sweet home, Sic. Oh! what raptures ! oh! what blisses, When we gain the lovely gate ! Mother's arms and sisters' kisses, There our West arrival wait. Home, sweet home, &c. Greet our household {rods with singing; l^end, O Lucifer, thy ray; - . fi'by should light so slowly springing, All our promised joys delay ? Home, sweet home, &c. CRAFT AND CRIME IN IRELAND. The following singular statement was made j to the narrator when in Ireland, not long since, j )>y one upon whose authority he can place the ! utmost reliance. He does not pretend to ac- , count for it. The circumstances are however, so far as related, strictly trite. Some three or four years ago, the reader may j recollect seeing in the papers an account of the j assassi nation in noonday of a Mr. C , aj magistrate of Clare, and a man of large fortune, j It wns in summer that Mr. (.'. was returning on j the outside jaunting-car from the sessions, at a ; place called Tulla, and was within about two j miles ot the town ot Ennis, when a man raised j. himself over the wall of a gentleman's detnense, ' < and fired with a double barrelled gun on Mr. ! i C. as he drove by, wounding him in the arm. j | , Mr. C. turned round, recognised the man, who, i < to make sure, levelled the gun again, and fired : "at him a second time, mortally wounding him ; in the body. The driver ptdled the horse up,! i and Mr. C. alighting, wpnt into the house and ' \ informed the owner that he was shot, and that t a man named Molony, a tenant of his. (Mr. i C's.) had shot him. The police and magis- i trates, with sureeon-. were soon on the spot. ! r The medical men proi..:iaced t!te case hopeless. | s Mr. C. knew it was . > and met his fate with i singular fortitude. r- > quickly, however, did | I the atlthoi ities act. tl, i in n few hours after the , i event, and before Mr. t . died, the police enter- ! r ed the parlor, on the sofa of which he was lying,; * having in their custody the alleged assassin.? h The wounded gentleman raised himself by an j s effort, and deliln rah i\ and distinctlvldentified o hiui. {li "That is i lu? man/' said he. "It was you, iolony, who shot mo. "(Ind forgive you, Mr. C.," said the man firm- , y. "This is not the first time you have tried o injure me. It was not I who shot you." "On the word and faith of a dying man, it .vas." emphatically repeated Mr. (J. 11 is depositions were tiierefore taken, and tloloay was committed for trial. The clear- ; less of the identification seemed to require in corroboration, hat there were circuiu- ! stances that further confirmed it. Molony beieved himself hardlv treated by .Mr. C. in some natter o! land, and had been heard to threaten ! rong* ance. lie was known to he a resolute i fellow, of little truth, and Mr. C. was not re- ; inarkable for much indulgence. The case then seemed clear, and when it wa? tried at the as sizes, the evidence for the prosecution and tiie I - t ! declaration of tin* dying man appeared to mane : a conviction inevitable; when the prisoner's j counsel called witnesses to prove an alibi. Of j all tire most hacknied modes of evading justice j employed lrv trie irish criminal ftie alibi is the j most frequently resorted to, tlie parlies called ! to prove it being usually their own friends. In ) tiiis instance, however, the court was startled | by hearing the names of two of the most respectable magistrates of the county called. Mr. M ascended the table and took his 1 sent on the chair, winch, io the liish courts, is i usually placed for the witnesses io this conspicuous place. " Mr. M ," asked the prisoner's counsel, j "do you know the prisoner at the bar t" i " 1 es?well." "Do you recollect seeing him on the first day of the sessions of This was the day on j which .Mr. t'. was shot. "Yes ; he came to me at T , [T was eight miles from the place where tlie assassiua,in/.npp,i,| i M,?i ?iU)ict' to me." *At what time was that f "At hnlf>past one." [This was as nearly as possible the hour when the fatal shots were tired.] "How do you know it was that hour V* "He asked me what o'clock it was. i told him. lie appeared to forget, returned in about a minute, touched his hat, and asked me again, and 1 again look out my watch and told linn." "Do you know the prisoner's brother (" "Ves> ? "You could not have mistaken his brother for him ".No. 1 am quite clear on that point. 1 could not be mistaken, for 1 spoke to llie filwiii* f!iit I'.iir." i'iic counsel for tiie crown asked some questions, Ixit the uitnesse's certaiatv oil the point could not Ik* shaken. .Mr. d was a eieariieaded, clever man; a magistrate of high res|>ectabilitv, and could not liave any object in sheltering tne prisoner. Mr. is., aiiotiier magistrate, was next called, llis account was neatly the same as that of his brother magistrate. A lew minutes, it tnu-t have been, aiter tiie prisoner accosted Mr. M., lie sjtuke to him, (.Mr. I?.J and asked him what o'clock it was, repeating the question, and making some observations on the fair. The result was, the alibi was completely proved, and in tiie face of tiie solemn dying declaration of Mr. (,' ,the prisoner was acquitted. He left the dock lor free loin, when every one believed he would only have left it lor the gallows. Soon alter .Molonvs brother K ft. the couti try, but Molnny liiniscli'ieiiiaiiied. The mystery, however, so far as men's minds were concerned, was soon unravelled, though the circumstances iijioii which tiie solution was founded wore not suiiieiently strong to constitute evidence, The prisoner did not lire the shot, and was at the fair of T when the assassina lion took place. There little or no reason to doubt that Ingot his brother to commit the deed, as lie knew from circumstances that he himself would be suspected. 11 is In other resembled him, and to make die resemblance the greater, they changed clothes, the ussas:-i:i wearing the ordinary garments of the oilier, those with the appearance of which Mr. must have been somewhat familiar. In the meantime, while he took these pains to deceive Mr. C , or whomsoever might be wifTi Mr. (' , as to the identity of the assassin, Mnlony secured his own safety by ! a very marked alibi taking care that his witness- j es should lie of that class and . character who could not be suspected of collusion. In fact, anactat once more subtle and sanguinary could not be committed. It was devised with the most deadly hate and circumstantial coolness. The authorities were morally convinced of this beinir the case, vet tliev could not. with thedv o ~ ' * - ' V ing declaration of the murdered man as to the identity of dhe prisoner, who uas acquitted, take nnv em-dual steps to vindicate justice. lint Heaven's justice vindicated itself in an awful way. The actual assassin quitted the country, hut his instigator and brother remained, blood-marked, however, in the belief of most people. He, however, appeared to be in no ivav oppressed with secret consciousness of his guilt. He went about bis business as usual; iinl so matters went on until the fair of T rai.iC round once more?the anniversary of that vhen Mr. C was shot. Molony attended his as others, but did not return to bis bouse i mtil the night was very far advanced, and then n such nn awful state that his family were tor"ilied at his appearance. His face was livid and iwollen, and lie seemed in a raging fever. In mswer to their first questions lie declared, with lideotis Iriglit in every feature, that he had been \ net by Mr. (' , (the murdered man,) when eturniug home, drawn tir.tbe spot l?y the road \ vhere tuc trees were thickest, aud there beaten \ iy the angry spirit until he was all but inscnible. He ww placed in his bed in a high stale f fever, his body swelled, and ho continued de " rious, raving about Mr. C s ghost, until death freed liim from further suffering. Coo! men attributed flit* phenomenon to fever acting on a guilty mind, and possibly that lie might have been beaten while in liijuor by j some one on his way home, and that hi ? own t fears alone invested the assailant with the form 1 of the man whose death he had compassed.? I suppose these conjectures are correct?at < least they are reasonable. Others shook their heads, however, and said Heaven had a way, when human laws failed, of vindicating eternal justice. The matter, however, was never investigated. I have my narrative lVortKa party in the neighborhood, who knew the facts to be j as I have stated, and he related them to me.? j liri&lfll Times. PAUL t. raasr FACTOR, And General Commission merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CIIARI.FSTON, M. C l iberal advances inane on ('. iiiMgnmciui- ? > induce, and prompt all en; ion given to 1 lie forward, ingot Goods, at I be lowest rates A ng. *20. ftS HOITAT & JKOOBE. AUCTION EE its w GENERAL AG l'.NTS, ' (JAlli-en, S. Jan. ft. 2_ Ji. W. i HAM HERS, Receiving and Forwarding Merchant, A NO Buyer of Cotton and other Country Produce, j I CA.tluKN, S. f. C. MATllESON," RANK AtiENT. Ax his or,11 stand oimtsitk Davis's Hotkl VV IJLJLIAM C\ 3100irE, it A NK AG K N T, * ' " ' ? ' ?A Tffarphant I , Ana itsueiviug . Vail >V * <>.. In ! ! w leli Ilit-y would trail the iilleiiliou of those who waul j , jMiWi-r- I'll- liiinimi;. Mining or Grinding. Orders l?r any j I kind of .MM.I. ilMNS or ( \s'J'i.\t,.S will he promptly I . attended i? .MclJinV. 1.1.?V. L OOi'Kit. j iky A lew .Mill t runk.- mi iiiiim, j Net. "?M. i*i if MANSlW HOUSE. 1 CA3il)H.S, JS. C. Jo - I r|MH\ tinder igtted beg* Inne in return hi* gral'dul : ' X thank* to hi- friend*, and the travelling 1'iihlir. for j j tin- liberal Nli|i|Kirt wliieli In* lias received siliee lie line lieen j ' opened. (lour month*! and line entered upon hi* dude* lor j I IH5I. w ith renewed energy to endeavor to please all thai ' may call upon him. ImIi rich and |*mr. Hi* IItmeu will J lie iinind niii' n| the 'lael de*im>)le, *ilunti'd. mid IteM lar- j i,i*iu"i IJoiid* i:i fain leu- Mi* forvuol* al*" will lie ' fniiinl re-iei'lfnl an-l attentive. ami tIn- lalile will be suje j plied Willi (lit* l>e?S ill- iiiirk"! atiord*. Hi* Sialiir.* and l 'art'tag l!mi*es are rmauy and always ' ; fullysupplied with Proven ler. and tin evperieiiret! Hustler. ' Aii Omnibus rail* at this House every morning lor pas- J J Gjiemeu culiaud test iiiynmito. A* yon litul me, t-o rei oiiiinead me. K. II. ROBINSON". I'toprielor. Oimdeii. February Tib, 1851. 11 if j j Temperance Hotel. THE undersigned wnuid ft-spcctliiiiy inform his j friends and the fravelling public in genera!, j I that lie lias again rented the above lintel lor a j short time and would respectfully solicit a portion J ot' the patronage so liberally bestowed upon him ' i heretelbre, as no pains will la; spared to make the j traveller comfortable and at h< me. 'J'he iVtages, and Omnibuses will call regularly at the House for passenger.-, going In Railroad. Also, Horses, and Buggies, van be had from him on reasonable terms, logo in the country. .1. II. F. BOONE. , Feb. 11, 12 tf 4 LI< persons having demands against tlio Estate ' i\ ol William Haiti, am hereby notified to prosent thein, duly attested, on or before the first day of February next i F()LU.MB.rS H.MLE,) , , THOS E 11A11 >10, { A,l,rp- i Dec.. 13, 1850. 101 tarpetingii nnd ISugs at Cod! \few pieces Carpeting*, at positively cost. Bv II. iiEVV &. fcJUiV, ) 7 y_ Iron and Hoes, &c, TUST RECEIVED a fu'l assortment of wide j Pf and narrow IKON?also, a full supply of n HOES. Elwoli's & tirade's make. Spades, Sho- p vels, blacksmiths' Tools, tt-c., fur sale hy A. M. tf- It. KENNEDY. Camden, Jan. 21,13oI. G 8t Jew David's or Hebrew Plaster. frll E Croat Remedy for RhonmntN'tn. Cunt. Tain in the sjiie. Hip, Rack. Limb*. ami Joint*, Scrofula, '* King'* Evil. While -Swelling*. Ilanl Tumor*, Stiir Joint*. Gl iri-l all Fixed Pains whatever .VIIKRE THIS PLASTER IS APPLIED, PAIN CANNOT EXIST. Tin- above with most of tin* va'ttahlp Patent Medicines -g if the present iluv kept constantly on liatnl by ! v., J. DRIIAV Feb. 1, 1H.11 10 . j . tf" i1 THE SOUTHERN STORE. ; 41,L who wish Bargains, are invted to call at K. S. MOFFAT'S uew Southern Stort*, * liird house above the l ank of Camden, where 1 hey will find a complete assortment of * DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND HARDWARE, . insisting in part, as follows: Fancy and mourning Prints 7-tJ and 4-4 brown Shining? Blue Denims and Marlborough Stripes ] Sallinolls and Kentucky Jeans i Cloths and fancy Cassitneres Negro Ke seys; Bed and Negro Blankets i\lous. Dis allies, Ginghams, c^c. Wrocerieji. Brown, Loaf, crashed and clarified Sugar Jt.o and Java Coffees New Orleans and West India Molasses Mackarel, N'os. 'J audB in barrels Cheese, Rice, Flour, Bacon and .Salt Raisins, Pepper, Spice Tobacco, N'egars. &c. ?tc. Hardware. Pocket Knives and Forks Britannia arid iron Spoons 'I1 1 I I ~ j race dim 11 <111*'i \yiiaui? Axes', Hammers and 11 aLchels Vpades, iihovjlb and llocs iland, mill and crosscut srws Vices, anvils arid blacksmith's bellows Nails, brads, tacks and sp igs Knob, pad closet and stock locks Iron squares, compasses and plane irons Brushes, blacking, cotton and wool cards Broadaxcs and steelyards; pots and skillets Uioad and narrow iron &lc. Keady JIade Clothing ol every description. Saddles, Bridles and Martingales (Jrockery and (ilassvvare Gunny and Dundee Bagging Kentucky Rope and Twine i Together with every other article usually lound i ina well selei led stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and llardsvare. All ol which will be sold exceedingly low lor rash. ^rfc^'i'lie highest market prices paid for cotton ami other country produce. Dec. 24, K. S, A/v FFAT. Family Groceries. SUGAR.?Loaf, Crushed, Pulverized, Clari ed light and brown ligbt N. Orleans and Mus. covai'o. COFFJEIL?Old Government Java, Rio, Laguira, Chocolate, Bruma, Cocoa. TEA.?Imperial, Gunpowder, Hyson, Silverleaf Young Hyson, Grange Pehue and Golden (.'hap. FL/UK..?Baltimore in Bbls., Extra Family Flour in Bags from selected Wheat. Buckwheat, * III I'll.?Whole, Maccaroni. Farina, Curriu Powder. fiOAP.?Chemical, Olive, Chinese Washing Fluid, Castile, Collates, Fancy. HA.7IS.?Baltimore Su^ar cured. Dried Beef, Pickied Beef, Mackerel, No. 1. in Kitts Salmon do.. Halibut, Fresh Salmon, Lob ( tors, Sardines in whoie, bull and quarter boxes. Herring, Putted Yarmouth do. PICKLE.*,? From Grouse &. Blackwell, Un derwood and Lewis. RCTC'EH'I**.?Worcestershire, 1 Iarvey, John Bull 'l'nina'or, Walnut, .Mushroom, Kmg | of Guile's, Sulio, Pepper ami Paoli Vinger, W. Wine do, Cider do-, English and French .Mustard, S(>ani>h Olives, Capers, Anciiavies Essences tor flavoring. PKE^SJiil VMS*.?Peaches, Apricots, Prunes in ll.cir own Juice. Pineapple, Limes, Prunes. West Indies do., Struwtie. ry Jam, Figs, iiiisius. Prunes. CAI?I>2jE*?.?New Bedford Sperm, Solar do. Adamantine, Wax, colored do. 11 'ceived and lor sale by SHAW & AUSTIN, j TPiXEIJtlSH POTATOES?A few Md? just received t JO by 8HAW .V Ai:.SI'J.N. ) TUase Olives stutfrd with Anchovies. Received J and for sale by SIIAW &. AUSTIN. Iliase Green Peas, (French.) Received and for wile by N//.1 II' if- A I'STIX. Il'ase Fate de Foie Gras Strusbourg. Received and for sale bv Jai?30. ' SIIAW & AUSTIN. aAViNti disposed of my^Sfir# stock of Groceries to .Mr. James I.Vijtffcue. formerly of I he firm of Fan I F. VillepigtfB^ ?S.m, 1 beg, resjoctlaliy, to solicit for him, the generous patronise of my former customers. Those indebted t-> mc "it Iter hy note or open account, arc earne-iiy requested local! mi me at the aid stand and settle, which will enable ine to meet mw own engagements. S. IJKNSON. I CASH Fruits in their own juice, assorted, received and for sale by SHAW &. AUSTIN'. BRASS Fenders, pierced Iron do.; folding iN'ur i scry do.; Fire Dogs an l Fire Irons, of every | i Jt'scrr I?on. Mrlinil Al,l,& COOPBR. - /W \i\ LI{N. li.uox ISA11S, prime, .">() hills extra Family Flour an li?xeri Adamantine Candles For sale by Jan.81. JOHN W. BRADLEY ITWtHNf'M. ' rrniau uiul English Plain ("ashmen's. for l.alies Dresses. AIm?Wlvo! awl other Trimiiiins,'*, ipeiitfd this day, "t BONNEV 'b Clothing at Cost! Vl.ot ready made Coats Pants, Vests, OverCoats, and Merino Shirts and Pants, Linen ' S'lnrts -iinl Collars. By II. LEVY ?&. SON. Jan, 'JI. 7 If Notice. VLL persons i avinsj demands against the Ks- ^ tatn ol J. C. l>ohy, dec'il will present them roperiy auesieu, ami imise mocorna win mane i avmont to l')UNLAP, Adm'r. : Jin. HO. 9 tf u wmsiis:v, rF.iiTv\d hkandy. '/ \ Btils. Rectified Whisker, )v.? 50 bbls. New Rutland Kuni ? casks Domestic Dralldy a 0 clo7.. Old .1/adcira Wine Diloz. Porter ami Ale. in quarts and pintq Received and for sale bv ^j20 j?M1N W. BRADLEY.- J ' iDBS Ix1^ Hemlock Leather. >* ) 1n~t received and for sale a' c!f ')er i L*" recen JQllN NV. BRADLEY. 1 I), by ' 1 I 1)111!) lor 199U. rlll-j subscriber earnestly calls upon all who are indebted to him for the past year to come urward and settle their bills, in order that he may neet his engagements which are, as per custom, hurt. Z J dehay;* Feb. 4 10 tf Pastilles de Paris. ^ fT^OR the alleviation and cure of Bronchitis and other diseases of the throat now so prevaent in the United States, among Ministers sod Dther public speakers For sale by sept. 20 Z. J. DeHAV. ^Cppal Varnish, Leather Varnish, JgBpttnish Brown, Vcnetiau Red, **J?pan Varnish, Red Lead, &c. &c. Kept constantly on hand at Z. J. DeHAY'S * Lei^s Bipod Fins! A LARGE and fresh supply of the genuine arti. il cle,just received at Z. J. DEHAY'S. Aug. 20 06 Notice. ?~ ??? * .L- tV J I li in? X <1A WU??IVD ucil/'l^l t.Ji v? w.w Town of Camden, on this first dayof January 1851, for the purpose of collecting Jhe taxes, and will keep open the name until the first day of March, ensuing, at which time they will be closed and all defauters dealt with according to law. By order of Council, I. VV. BALLARD, Town Treas'n December 31 * tlna FARC REDUCED TO llMFBOffl CliarleiiteutelVew York* The (ireni Mail UotttcrfVom Charleston, S. C. LEAVING the wharf attfie foot of Laurens at. daily at 3, p. m. after tlFarrival of the Southern carp, via Wilmington anVteam Saw Mill, are prepared to furnish Lumber to their friends and the public, at unusually low rates lor rash. ILF.Nn Lumber will be delivered without an order, c.vrent where a hill has been previously given. J NO. LOVE, 841. Oct. 11?S'2wtf J AS. J. LOVE. The subscriber hns just finished off a lot of Mahogany Rocking Chairs in plush. Also 8ewing Chairs in plush and hair; very neat articles and at unusually low prices. C. L. CHATTEN. 31111 (.'ll4 *'* Mmir OTTAUTI ~~ 11JJ vV OiVAfifill IK subscriber would inform his frienUs and JL I ho public generally, that lie has opened an extensive slock of (jiUtltHKIEK, at the stand formerly oreupien by Joseph W. 'Dohy, one door south of Campbell's Hakery, and opposite II. Levy &. Son, where in iy he found all articles usually kept in the Grocery line, consisting in part of the following: Fulton Market Beef No. 1 and ti Mackarel in kilts, for family use; Rio and J.tva Coflbos; crushed and brown Sugars; New Orleans Molasses, (new crop) butter, wine and soda crackers; cheese, buckwheat, raisins, currants, almonds, English mustard, filberts, pecan nuts, assorted pickles and preserves. also A few iloz. old Port Wii.e, I leidsick best Chain* pagno, London Porter and Scotch Ale in pints, to. gether a large stock of Bagging, Rope and Twine, nil of which he offers low lor cash. Jati^L S. E. CAPERS. NEW FALL GOODS. M. IJltrC'KER & CO. IRE now just their largo and new supnlu ol cnaaiinuliln ttomU- roiiKistincr in nart of Clothe, rassimeros, s;itliiicts, vesting*, linens lJIhin ami figured alpacra, mnttseliri de laities, (iingiiaiDt, vviili otlicr goods lor Ladies Dresses L*o \ a splendid variety of Caiir.ues, ami the very best ami cheapest blenched and brown Muslin lo lie I ootid in tiio town The above Goods-have been selected with llie rreaiest care, trtft'l will he sold as always, at the cry lowest prices. . t ?ct 29. ?10U.\ Sln-ller*. Patent Simw Cutters. Ploughs, Patent k,J Churn* of the nio*t approved kiml?Hooking anil niting I hairs. I'niU. Ttths, ?to., jnst Deceived by Sept. 17. [7ltf] E. W. BONKEV. Carpeting! I! Tl'ST opened nnd tor rale, common, extra fine, ?tipcrfine, and imporinl throe piy Carpet*, of now patterns. Lh?. l'rinteil 1 l